Module – 7
Prepared BY:
Based on Urgency
Tissues have different requirements for suture support (to heal )
for only a few days - muscle, subcutaneous tissue, skin
for weeks - fascia
for months - tendon
Suture classification
based on :
Absorbable Non-absorbable
These sutures get absorbed in the tissues These sutures remain in the tissues for
either by enzymatic digestion or by indefinite period (>60 days)
phagocytosis (<60 days)
Natural/Organic Natural/Organic
Catgut (90% Collagen) Silk
Collagen Silkworm gut
Kangaroo tendon (collagen) Cotton
Fascia lata Linen
Cargile membrane Horse Hair
Synthetic Synthetic
Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) Poly Amide (Nylon)
Poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl) Ethilon ,Nurolon ,Dermalon ,Surgilon
Polyglycolic acid (PGA/Dexon) PolyButester (Novafil)
Polydioxanone (PDS II) Poly Caprolactam
Supramid, Vetafil
Poly Ester
Mersilene (uncoated),Ethibond (coated)
Dacron (uncoated) , Ticron (coated)
Poly Propylene
Prolene , Surgilene ,Fluorofil
Stainless steel wire , Aluminium wire
Umbilical tape
1. Size
2. Absorbability
3. Absorption rate
4. Capillarity [LDO-2014]
5. Tensile strength
6. Flexibility
7. Relative knot security
8. Memory
9. Surface characteristics
Size : The most commonly used standard for suture size is the USP, 12-0 the smallest & 7 the
USP 12-0 11-0 10-0 9-0 8-0 7-0 6-0 5-0 4-0 3-0 2-0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
As the size increases, the strength of the suture increases
Size of the suture must match the strength of the tissue that you have to appose
ABSORBABILITY- ability of a suture to be broken down by the body and how quickly it is absorbed
Tensile Strength
Relative knot security is the holding capacity of a suture expressed as a percentage of its tensile strength
Inherent capability to maintain or return to its original shape after manipulation or deformation
Suture Removal
Usually within 10 to 14 days after surgery
Previous Year Questions (SUTURE MATERIAL & TECHNIQUES)
Commonly used Knot for temporary fastening for Over hand Knot, Square knot, Surgeon's Knot
surgical restraint (MPPSC VAS2018)
Lock stich suture (Mz PSC VO-2018) Hernial ring
Suture material is used to repair hernias or Surgical mesh
reinforce traumatized or devitalized tissue
Organic non-absorbable suture(TNPSC AHVS2019) Silk
Most widely used absorbable suture Chromic catgut
material in veterinary practice (GMC VO-
Suture size used for closure of skin in cow(PPSC No 2
Double row of lambert suture(OPSC VAS2018) Czerny suture
Q. What is surgical knot recommended for suture material that are likely to slip
a) Square knot
b) Granny knot
c) Nylon knot
d) Half hitch knot
Incision Hematoma
Incisional wounds
Full thickness wounds caused by clean, sharp-edged instrument like a scalpel blade running parallel to
the skin
“graze or scratch”
Wound wherein structures (skin/muscles) are traumatically detached from its normal attachments.
Punctured wounds
Wounds caused by an object or instrument puncturing the skin (Nail, glass, needle, splinters)
Closed wounds caused by demage to blood vessels which causes accumulation of blood on the
subcutaneous space. Ex: Aural hematomas, skin bruises after blunt force trauma
Primary intention
- Healing of a clean wound with no tissue loss wherein wound edges are apposed with sutures,
staples or tissue adhesive. Ex : healing of surgical wounds
- Faster healing, Less scarring
Secondary intention
- Wound is left open when primary intention is impossible (wound edges too far, tissue
loss/demage) .
- We leave it open , we leave the wound to granulate, it will heal on its own
- Usually it leads to a bigger scar it will take a longer time
we usually do wound packing to facilitate healing
Tertiary intention
Intrinsic Extrinsic
1 (Fibrinogen) Fibrin
Hemostatic techniques
Electrocautery Coagulates small vessels or cuts tissue by using heat generated by direct
electric current into a metal wire or probe.
Electrical current does not enter the patient’s body.
Electrosurgery Generate heat inside the tissue using an alternating electric current that
passes through the tissue creating a circuit.
used for hemostasis for vessels less than 1.5 to 2 mm diameter
Monopolar Electrosurgery, Bipolar Electrosurgery
Monopolar electrosurgery = the most commonly used method
Bipolar is used when precise coagulation is necessary and to prevent
damage to adjacent structures(spinal surgery, thyroidectomy, or ophthalmic
Tissue Adhesives Tissue adhesives rapidly polymerize in the presence of moisture and
(Tissue Glue) produce a strong, flexible bond.
Only indicated for Superficial, Clean wounds(<5cm)
cause an intense inflammatory reaction within subcutaneous tissue
(Granuloma formation)
Adhesives should not be used on bite wounds, severely contaminated
wounds, ulcers, deep wounds, puncture wounds
Cyanoacrylates are commonly used.
2. Chemical
- Solutions : Alcohol and Aldehyde
- Gases (Ethylene oxide) [ICAR
Cold Sterilization
- Use of liquid chemicals for sterilization of equipment which are heat-sensitive
- 2% Glutaraldehyde : a high-level disinfectant and chemical sterilant. It is noncorrosive
to metals, rubbers, and plastics and provides a means of sterilizing delicate lensed
instruments (e.g., endoscopes, cystoscopes, bronchoscopes).
Q. In poor surgical risk the chances of complication or death are [HPPSC VO-2021]
a) Less
b) More
c) Both
d) None
- Kill all bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, tubercle bacilli, and spores
- Be hypoallergenic
- Be nontoxic
- Have residual activity
- Not be absorbed
- Be nontoxic and be able to be used repeatedly safely
- Be safe to use on all parts of the body and in all body systems
Preparation of the Surgical Team
- Most surgical site infections (SSIs) are caused by the patient’s endogenous flora but
operating room (OR) personnel are also an important source of bacterial contamination.
Over the past 3 decades, scrubs have gradually been reduced from 10 minutes to 2
A 5- to 7-minute scrub for the first case of the day, followed by a 2- to 3-minute scrub
between subsequent operations, generally is adequate.
Surgical Instrumentation
- Reusable scalpel handles (No. 3 and 4) with detachable blades are most commonly used
in veterinary medicine
- No. 10 blade is most commonly used in small animal surgery for incision and excision of
- No. 11 blade is ideal for stab incisions into fluid-filled structures or organs
- No. 12 blade most often used in cats for elective dissection onychectomy (declawing)
- Metzenbaum (also called Metz, Nelson, delicate, or tissue scissors) or Mayo scissors are
most commonly used in small animal surgery
- Mayo scissors are used for cutting dense, heavy tissue, such as fascia
Hemostat Forceps
Surgical Needles
- Three-eighths(3/8) and one-half(1/2) circle needles are the most commonly used
surgical needles in veterinary medicine
- Straight (Keith) needles : placement of purse-string sutures in the anus
- One-fourth (1/4)circle needles : primarily used in ophthalmic procedures
- Cutting needles : used for SKIN
- Side cutting needles (spatula needles) : used for ophthalmic procedures
- Taper needles (round needles) : used in easily penetrated tissues ( intestine,
subcutaneous tissue, or fascia)
- Tapercut needles: used for suturing dense, tough fibrous tissue( tendon) and for some
cardiovascular procedures, such as vascular grafts.
- Blunt point needles : occasionally used for suturing soft, parenchymal organs, such as
the liver or kidney.
Cleaning of instruments
- For instrument cleaning, use detergents with neutral or near-neutral pH (b/w 7 and 8)
- Low-pH detergents : corrode the protective surface of stainless steel if not fully rinsed
- High-pH detergents: corrode or cause “browning” of instruments and may impair
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below
17. During and after surgery, the bleeding from larger artery is mainly controlled by[LDO-
a) Transfixation ligation
b) Electrocoagulation
c) Digital compression
d) Application of styptics
18. The wounds of more than 6 to 8 hours duration are designated as [LDO-2012]
e) Contaminated wound
f) Infected wound
g) Maggoted wound
h) Surgical wound
19. The wound is known as infected if the bacterial count exceeds
e) 10 bacteria/gm
f) 106 bacteria/gm
g) 108 bacteria/gm
h) 107 bacteria/gm
20. Which phase of wound healing extends upto months or years [HPPSC VO-2017]
e) Hemostasis
f) Proliferative phase
g) Remodeling phase
h) None of these
21. In which stage of wound healing, centripetal movement of the whole thickness of the
surrounding skin appears[TNPSC AHVS-2019]
e) Inflammatory
f) Wound contraction
g) Wound maturation
h) Epithelialization
22. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) liberates nascent oxygen by which one of the following present
at the surface of a wound or mucous membrane [ICAR VASIII -2020]
e) Catalase
f) Hyaluronidase
g) Peroxidase
h) Glucuronidase
23. Indicate which of the following is /are absorbable suture material/s [LDO-2019]
1. Linen
2. Terelene
3. Collagen
4. Vetafil
Answer options
a) Only 1 and 4
b) Only 2
c) Only 3
d) Only 4
24. A closed wound which is produced by blunt objects results in demage to subcutaneous
tissues without break in continuity of the skin surface is [TNPSC VAS-2020]
a) Bruise
b) Contusion
c) Haematoma
d) Seroma
25. Which of the following describes a wound healing achieved by secondary sutures
a) First intention healing
b) Second intention healing
c) Mixed intention healing
d) Third intention healing
26. The type of wound healing in which granulation tissue forms, filling the defect, is known
as [PPSC VO-2019]
e) First intention
f) Second intention
g) Third intention
h) Fourth intention
27. Wound that is showing tendancy to heal is [ICAR VAS-III 2018]
e) Healing wound
f) Proud flesh
g) Granulating wound
h) Aseptic wound
28. Wound which does not heal is known as [MzPSC VO-2019]
e) Maggot wound
f) Ulcer
g) Infected wound
h) Contaminated wound
29. Last stage of wound healing is [MzPSC VO-2019]
e) Wound contraction
f) Epithelization
g) Fibroplasia
h) Vasodilatation
30. The enzyme used for debridement of a wound [PPSC VO-2019]
e) Bacterial collagenase
f) Bacterial protease
g) Bacterial lipase
h) Reverse transcriptase
31. A typical granulation tissue at the early stages of development exhibits following
features [OPSC VAS-2019/20]
e) Presence of giant cells
f) Presence of mature connective tissue
g) Marked angiogenesis and fibroblasts
h) Presence of collagen
32. Abnormal large amount of granulation tissue is known as [RPSC VO-2019]
e) Callus
f) Adenoma
g) Proud flesh
h) Sarcoma
33. An example of tendon suture is [ICAR VS-2020]
a) Parker-kerr
b) Bunnel
c) Far-Far-Near-Near
d) Far-Near-Near-Far
34. Non-absorbable suture used for internal organ is [ICAR VAS-III 2018]
a) Silk
b) Nylon
c) Catgut
d) Cargile membrane
35. Which of the following is not a non absorbable suture material [RPSC LSA-2016]
a) Silk worm gut
b) Catgut
c) Linen
d) Silk thread
36. Recurrence of rectal prolapsed is prevented by applying [ICAR VAS-III 2018]
a) Mattress suture
b) Overlapping suture
c) Purse string suture
d) Interrupted suture
37. The closed cavity filled with blood is known as [ICAR VS-2018]
e) Cyst
f) Haematoma
g) Abscess
h) sarcoma
38. Complete elimination of microorganism including both vegetative and spore form of
bacteria is called [HPPSC VO-2021]
a) Sterilization
b) Asepsis
c) Antiseptic disinfectant
39. The sterilization of the surgical instrument is carried out by [ICAR VS-2018]
a) Boiling water
b) Radiation
c) Autoclave
d) Chemicals
40. Autoclaving cannot be used for
a) Oily injections
b) Aqueous inject ions
c) Large volume paren terals
d) Plastic and rubber closures
41. For the ideal qualities of a sutures, which is not correct[LDO-2014]
i) Cause minimum tissue reaction
ii) More capillary in action
iii) Be knotable
iv) Have sufficient functional strength
a) ii b) iv c) iii d) i
42. Which of the following suture pattern comes under eversion suture pattern [TNPSC
i) horizontal mattress
ii) lembert pattern
iii) cushing pattern
iv) vertical mattress
a) i only b) ii and iii c)I and iii d) i and iv
43. Catgut is prepared from the submucosal layer of the intestine(ileum) of [OPSC VAS-
a) Sheep
b) Rabbit
c) Cattle
d) Horse
44. Which suture material is absorbed most rapidly from an infected wound through
increased local phagocytic activity [ICAR VS-2018]
a) Vicryl (Polyglactin910)
b) PDS (Polydioxanone)
c) Catgut
d) Nylon
45. Suture pattern used to close a stump is [ICAR VS-2018]
a) Cushings
b) Lamberts
c) Parker kaer
d) Continuous lock stitch
46. Parker-kerr suturing pattern is associated with [MPPSC VAS-2018]
a) Small intestine anastomosis
b) Herniorrhaphy
c) Hernioplasty
d) None of these
47. Which suture pattern is considered in rumen suturing [PPSC VO-2019]
a) Cushing
b) Vertical mattress
c) Simple continuous
d) Cross mattress
48. A Buhner suture is applied for [RPSC VO-2019]
a) Ovariectomy in a bitch
b) Vaginal prolapse in a cow
c) Perineal laceration in a mare
d) Vulval hematoma in a sow
49. Bunnell suture technique is used for [RPSC VO-2019]
a) Muscle repair
b) Tendon repair
c) Ligament repair
d) Skin repair
50. Lock stich suture is used in [Mz PSC VO-2018]
a) Horned cancer
b) Laryngeal hemiplegia
c) Pollevil
d) Tracheostomy
51. The most accepted way of suturing a uterus during caesarean operation is to start
suturing from [ICAR VASIII-2017]
a) Cervical end
b) Ovarian end
c) Can start from any end
d) To start from middle of the uterus
52. Overlapping mattress sutures are applied on [RPSC VO-2019]
a) Hernia ring
b) Hernia sac
c) Hernia contents
d) All of these
53. Suture size used for closure of skin in cow is[PPSC VO-2019]
a) No.2
b) No.3-0
c) No. 1-0
d) No.2-0
54. A double row of lambert suture is called [OPSC VAS-2018]
a) Cushing suture
b) Czerny suture
c) Connel suture
d) Reinforced suture
55. The following suture is used to narrow and constrict lumen of hollow organ [MPPSC
a) Eversion suture
b) Inversion suture
c) Purse-String suture
d) Apposition suture
56. Purse string sutures are applied in case of[MPPSC AHVS-2016]
a) Intestinal anastomosis
b) Rectal prolapse
c) Anal fistula
d) Anal acuilectomy
57. The most widely used absorbable suture material in veterinary
practice[GPSC V0-2016/17]
a) Linen
b) Plain catgut
c) Chromic catgut
d) Fish gut
58. What suture material is used to repair hernias or reinforce traumatized or devitalized
tissue[TNPSC AHVS-2019]
e) Staples
f) Autologous fibrin glue
g) Surgical mesh
h) Tissue adhesives
59. Which one of the following suture material belongs to organic non-absorbable
a) Polyester
b) Silk
c) Nylon
d) Polypropylene
60. Extra chromic catgut gets absorbed in approximately [OPSC VAS-2018]
a) 10 days
b) 15 days
c) 20 days
d) 40 days
61. The following is an example of synthetic absorbable suture material [OPSC VAS-
a) Cotton
b) Cargile
c) Vicryl
d) Chromic catgut
62. Pervious urachus is [HPPSC VO-2017]
a) Prulent fistula
b) Congenital fistula
c) Incomplete fistula
d) Pathological fistula
63. The best treatment of fistula is [MzPSC VO-2019]
a) Antibiotics
b) Antibiotics and corticosteroids
c) Surgical removal
d) Counter irritants
64. Regarding surgical knots the correct statement is [GMC V0-2018]
e) Surgeon’s knot is more secure than square knot
f) Square knot is more secure than surgeon’s knot
g) Granny knot is more secure than square knot
h) Granny knot is more secure than surgeon’s knot
65. What is surgical knot recommended for suture material that are likely to slip[TNPSC
e) Square knot
f) Granny knot
g) Nylon knot
h) Half hitch knot
66. Vesicle formation is seen in this kind of burn injuries[OPSC VAS-2018]
a) First degree
b) Second degree
c) Third degree
d) Charring
67. Temponade plugging can be employed to control bleeding from[ICAR VASIII-2017]
a) Cavities
b) Surface wounds
c) Nostril
d) Mouth
68. Cauterization of vessels by mono-polar and bipolar coagulation is called [MzPSC VO-
a) Tourniquet
b) Ligation
c) Diathermy
d) All of these
69. Pervious urachus seen as a congenital condition is a [ICAR VASIII-2017]
a) Fistula
b) Sinus
c) Cyst
d) Hernia
70. Abscess should be open by Syme’s abscess knife at [MzPSC VO-2019]
a) Lateral part
b) Place of pointing
c) Medial part
d) All of these
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below
80. In which degree of burn injury the blisters are formed by exudation of plasma
a) 1 degree
b) 2nd degree
c) 3rd degree
d) 4th degree
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below
a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
b) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
82. Each of the following may be present in acute inflammation EXCEPT [OPSC VAS-
a) Hyperemia
b) Eosinophils
c) Edema
d) Lymphocytes
83. Daily observation and evaluation are necessary after surgery, for a period of [ICAR VS-
a) 1—3 days
b) 5—7 days
c) 7—14 days
d) 3 weeks
84. Concentration of KMnO4 used for cleaning a wound is [ICAR VS-2019]
a) 10%
b) 5%
c) 3%
d) 1%
85. For gas sterilization, which of the following gas can be used[ICAR VS-2019]
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrous oxide
c) Ethylene oxide
d) Carbon dioxide
86. Sterilization of operation theatre is done by [KPSC VS-2017]
a) Nitrous oxide gas
b) Steaming
c) Ethylene oxide gas
d) UV irradiation