Unit 2 BHS Inggris Group 2-1

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Unit 2 : Patient

English For Nursing
Nama Kelompok 2 :

1. Nike safira 0918000005

2. Laili masruroh 09180000026
3. Dian Susiana 09180000104
4. Yesi permata sari 09180000110
welcome a new patient

Ahmed has gotten fever for two days. His temperature increases. His parents finally decide to bring him to the hospital.
After arriving in the hospitals, his mother is in the admission room to register ahmed. After that Ahmed is being
examined by a doctor helped by a nurse.
Front Officer : Welcome to commonwealth Hospital. Can I help you, mom?
Mrs. Ali : Yes, I like to register my son. He has gotten fever for two days. And his temperature gets higher today.
Front Officer : Has he ever been hospitalized or visited a doctor here?
Mrs. Ali : Never.
Front Officer : Okay, so we need to fill in the admission form for the patient’s medical record.
Mrs. Ali : Sure
Front Officer : What’s your son’s name?
Mrs. Ali : Ahmed
Front Officer : When was he born?
Mrs. Ali : June 15, 2000
Front Officer : Where is your address?
Mrs. Ali : Saint Avenue street, number 4
Front Officer : May I have your phone number as a parent?
Mrs. Ali : Sure. 08786992
Front Officer : Okay then, so please wait while your son is being examined by our doctor.
Mrs. Ali : Okay.
Word Meaning Translation

Abasia Inability Ketidakmampuan untuk berjalan

Abatement A reduction or elimination of public health nuisances such as Pengurangan atau penghapusan gangguan kesehatan masyarakat
smoke, loud noise etc. seperti asap, suara keras, dll.

Abaxial Lying outside the axis of anybody or part Berbaring di luar sumbu siapa pun atau sebagian
Abdomen The part of body between the chest and hip region (the front or Bagian tubuh antara daerah dada dan pinggul (bagian depan atau
anterior portion) anterior)

Abdominogenital Relating to abdomen and genital organs Berkaitan dengan perut dan organ genital

Abdominopelvic Relating to the abdomen and pelvis Berkaitan dengan perut dan organ pelvis
Abdominoplasty An operation performed on the abdominal wall for cosmetic Operasi yang dilakukan pada dinding perut untuk tujuan kosmetik

Abduction Movement of a body part away from the median plane of the Gerakan bagian tubuh menjauh dari bidang median tubuh
Aberrant Differing from the normal Beda dari biasanya
Aberration Deviation from the normal pattern Penyimpangan dari pola normal
Abeta- A disorder characterised by absence of acanthocytes in blood, Gangguan yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya acanthocytes dalam
lipoproteinanemia degeneration of renital pigments, malabsorption, and darah, degenerasi pigmen retinal, malabsorpsi, dan kelainan
neuromuscular abnormalities neuromuskuler
Abeyance A state of temporary abolition of fuction Keadaan penghapusan fungsi sementara

Ability The physical, mental,or legal competence to fuction Kompetensi fisik, mental, atau hukum untuk berfungsi

Abiotic Incompatibility with life, without life Ketidakcocokan dengan kehidupan, tanpa kehidupan

Abiotrophy An age- dependent manifestation of genetically determined trait Manifestasi yang bergantung pada usia dari sifat yang ditentukan
secara genetic

Ablastin An antibody that seems to inhibit reproduction of trypanosome; Antibodi yang tampaknya menghambat reproduksi tripanosom;
found in rats ditemukan pada tikus

Ablate To remove, or to destroy the fuction of Untuk menghapus, atau menghancurkan fungsi

Ablution An act of washing or bathing Tindakan mencuci atau mandi

Abnormal Not normal tidak normal

Abort To remove the embryo or foetus from the mother’s womb before it is Untuk mengeluarkan embrio atau janin dari rahim ibu sebelum layak

Abortifacient An agent that produces abortion Agen yang menghasilkan aborsi

Abortigenic Producing abortion Memproduksi aborsi

Abortion Removal (spontaneous or induced) of an embryo or foetus from the Pengangkatan (secara spontan atau diinduksi) embrio atau janin dari
uterus before it reaches the stage when it can survive outside the rahim sebelum mencapai tahap saat ia dapat bertahan hidup di luar
womb Rahim

Abrachia Congenital absence of arms Tidak adanya lengan bawaan

Abrachiocephaly Congenital absence of arms and head Tidak adanya lengan dan kepala bawaan

Abscess A collection of pus, usually associated with redness, swelling Kumpulan nanah, biasanya berhubungan dengan kemerahan, bengkak,
and pain dan nyeri

Absorption The incorporation or soaking in of substances (solids, liquids, Penggabungan atau perendaman zat (padat, cair, gas, cahaya atau panas)
gases, light or heat) by a system oleh suatu sistem

Abstinence To refrain from the use of certain components of diet, alcohol, Menghindari penggunaan komponen makanan, alkohol, obat-obatan
drugs or from sexual intercourse tertentu atau dari hubungan seksual

Abrasion Removal of the superficial layers of skin or mucous Pengangkatan lapisan superfisial kulit atau selaput lendir, biasanya terlihat
membrane, usually seen as a skin wound sebagai luka kulit

Abuse Misuse or excessive use of anything. And Harmful or offensive Penyalahgunaan atau penggunaan apapun secara berlebihan. Dan Pengkhianatan
trearment (physical or sexual) of an individual yang merugikan atau menyinggung (fisik atau seksual) seseorang

Anterior Toward the front of the body Menjelang tubuh bagian depan

Bacillus A family of rod-like bacteria causing diseases in man Keluarga bakteri seperti batang yang menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia

Bacterid An eruption of pus filled cavities on the palms and soles, as an allergic Letusan rongga berisi nanah di telapak tangan dan telapak kaki, sebagai reaksi
reaction to bacterial infection at a distant site alergi terhadap infeksi bakteri di tempat yang jauh

Bacteriolyze To cause the digestion or dissolution of bacteria Untuk menyebabkan pencernaan atau pembubaran bakteri
Sebuah mikroorganisme disebut tunggal yang berkembang biak dengan
Bacterium A single called microorganism that multiplies by cell division pembelahan sel

Balanoplasty Surgical reconstruction of glans penis Rekonstruksi bedah untuk glans penis

Balanoposthitis Inflammation of the glas penis and prepuce Peradangan pada glas penis dan preputium

Balantidiasis A disease caused by Balantidium coli; with symptoms of diarrhea, Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Balantidium coli; dengan gejala diare, disentri,
dysentery, abdominal pain, and weight loss sakit perut, dan penurunan berat badan

Banding The process of differential staining of chromosomes of chells to reveal Proses pewarnaan diferensial kromosom kromosom untuk mengungkapkan
the characteristic patterns of bands that permit identification of pola karakteristik pita yang memungkinkan identifikasi kromosom individu
individual chromosomes and recognition of missing segments dan pengenalan segmen yang hilang

Brain stem The entire unpaired subdivision of the brain, that forms a stalk like Seluruh bagian otak yang tidak berpasangan, yang membentuk koneksi
connection seperti tangkai

Brain washing Making changes in attitudes and behavior of a person through various Melakukan perubahan sikap dan perilaku seseorang melalui berbagai bentuk
forms of psychological pressure tekanan psikologis

Bran A by-product of milling of wheat, containing approximately 20% of Produk sampingan dari penggilingan gandum, mengandung sekitar 20% gula
complex sugars; usually taken in the form of cereal or special bran kompleks; biasanya diambil dalam bentuk sereal atau produk dedak khusus.
products. Adds fibre to diet Menambahkan serat ke dalam makanan
1. Organ wanita dari sekresi susu,
Breast 1. The female organ of milk secretion 2. Permukaan dan dada di dada
2. The pectoral surface of the thorax

Breathing The process of taking air into and out of the lung through the nose Proses mengeluarkan udara masuk dan keluar paru-paru melalui

Bronchiectasis Dilation of bronchioles (the internal structures of the lungs) Pelebaran bronkiolus (struktur internal paru-paru) berhubungan
dengan produksi sputum yang kental
associated with production of thick sputum

Peradangan dan menelan pada bronkiolus

Bronchiolitis Inflammation and swalling of the bronchioles
X-ray khusus untuk memvisualisasikan saluran udara paru-paru
Bronchogram A special X-ray to visualize the lung airways Diperoleh dengan menggosok permukaan area yang terkena
dengan kuas untuk mendapatkan sel untuk diperiksa

Brush biopsy Obtained by rubbing the surface of the affected area with a brush
Cedera yang disebabkan oleh panas atau api, atau bahan kimia
to obtain cells for examination seperti asam atau alkali

Burn An injury caused by heat or fire, or any chemical agent like acid Untuk membuat aliran baru dari satu struktur ke struktur lainnya
or alkali melalui saluran

Operasi untuk melahirkan anak dengan memotong dinding perut

Bypass To create new flow from one structure to the other through dan Rahim
a channel
Zat yang diperoleh dari teh atau kopi, digunakan sebagai
Caesarean An operation for delivering a child by cutting through the wall stimulant
of the abdomen and the uterus

Caffeine A substance obtained from tea or coffee, used as a stimulant

Useful Expressions

The following are some useful expressions used for asking patient’s information
To Ask Name What is your name?
What is your complete name?
What is your surname?
May I know your name?

To Ask Age How old are you?

When were you born?
To Ask Address What is your address?
Where do you live?
Your address, please.

To Ask Phone Your phone number, please.

May I know your phone number?
Can I have your phone number?
What is your phone number?
Do you have a mobile phone number?
To Ask Occupation, Title, & Education What is your occupation?
Your occupation, please.
Do you have any academic title?
What do you do?
Where do you work?
What is your title?
What is your last education?

To Ask Marital Status Are you married?

May I know your marital status?
To Ask Health Insurance Do you have any health insurance?
Will you use health insurance?
To Ask Next Of Kin Who is your next of kin?
May I know your next of kin?
To Ask Reason For Contact What brings you in this hospital?
Who sends you to this hospital?
What makes you coma to this hospital?
Why do you come to the hospital?
What are you suffering for?
What seems to be the trouble?
Practive: Playing a role as a nurse


Patient Details
• Full name • Citizenship
• DOB • Religion
• Address • Reason for Admission
• M/ F • Past Medical History
• Martital Status • Past Surgical History
• Phone number • Medication
• Occupation • Allergies
• Next of Kin
Language Focus: Yes/No Questions, WH Questions

1. Yes/No Questions
A question in which the answer is yes/no. yes/no question uses to be, modal, or
auxiliary before a sucject of sentence. Look at the following formula!

Positive sentence To be/ modal/ auxiliary + subject +

verb + (object)
Negative sentence To be/ modal/ auxiliary + not +
sucject + verb + (object)
1) Examples with to be:
a. For nominal sentence
To be + S + Adjective/ noun/ adverb/

 Your book?
Answer: yes it is/ no, it is not.
 Are you hungry?
Answer: yes, I am/no, I am not.
b. For continuous tenses
To be + S + ving
 Are you reading a book?
Answer: yes, I’m/ no, I’m not.
 Was she studying last night at 8?
Answer: yes, she was/ no, she wasn’t.
c. For passive voice
To be + S + V3 + O
 Is the prescription given to you?
Answer: yes, it is/ no, it isn’t.
 Are the dishes washed?
Answer: yes, they are/ no, they are not.

2. Examples with do/ does/ did:

 Doesn’t he live in London?
Answer: yes, he dose/ no, he doesn’t
 Do you like coffe?
Answer: yes, I do/ no, I don’t
 Did eat any spicy food?
Answer: yes she did/ no, she didn’t
3. Examples with modals:

Can you open your mounth, please?

Answer: yes, I can/ no, I can’t.
Will you attend the seminar?
Answer: yes, I will/ no, won’t.
May I have your phone number?
Answer: yes, you may/ no, you may not.
Must I take all the medicine?
Answer: yes you must/ no, you mustn’t
Chould you please take a glass of water for me?
Answer: yes, I could/ no, I couldn’t
h ave/ h as / h ad
4. Examples wit

/ h as/ h a d + S + V3
e d t h e p atie n ?
Have you exa o , I h a ve n ’ t.
e r : ye s, I h ave / n
An sw
s he b e en w e el?
Ha n o , h e h a s n ’t
e r : y e s, he has /
A n sw
2. WH Quesstions
Is a question initiated with wh-question and the answer is more
informative and clear.
• What : apa
• Who : siapa (menanyakan subyek)
• Whom : siapa (menanyakan subyek)
• Where : dimana/ ke mana
• When : kapan
• Why : kenapa
• How : bagaimana
1. Asking a subject
Examples :
Who/ what + verb + (object)
 Who accompanies you?
 Who wrote this letter?
 What happens?

2. Asking object/ complement/ adverb

QW + auxiliary + subject + VT Examples :
 What do you feel?
 Why are you so pale?
 When will the exhibition end?
 Where is theemergency room?
 Which one do you want?
 Whom did you call?
Practice: Grammar Focus

Translate the following sentences into English!

1. Apa yang Anda rasakan?

2. Apakah Anda pernah dating kemari?

3. Dimana apotek terdekat?

4. Siapa yang memeriksamu?

5. Bisakah kau menunjukkan lukanya?

6. Sudah berapa lama kamu batuk?

7. Apakah kamu merasa pusing?

8. Berapa jenis obat yang dokter beri?

9. Apakah aku harus kembali lagi menemui dokter lagi?

10.Kenapa kamu sedih?

Reading Exercise

Physician Referral Letter In Indonesia is know as Surat Rujukan. A

patient with physician referral letter comes to a hospital with
various reason. Read the following example of the letter.

s g e t
e d ! ! !
Answer the following question!
1. Why is this letter issued?
2. Who issues the letter?
3. Why is he letter addressed to dr. Joko Pranata?
The Present Perfect Tense is used to denote
a situation or situation that has started in
the past and is still present or has been
completed at a certain point in time in the
past, but the effect is still ongoing. We use
the Present Perfect Tense to denote an event
which has occurred in an unspecified time.
This tense is formed by the auxiliary verb
have or has and the past participle (V3).

Subject Auxiliary Verb

I Have
He Has
We can distinguish the present perfect tense into two types, including verbal
tenses (using verbs) and nominal tenses, which describe people, objects, or

1. Present Perfect Tense Verbal

This is a tense used in explaining an action or event that has been completed.
However, in this case, it is not emphasized on the information on the time held.
In addition, the present perfect tense can also be used to tell a life experience
and activities or what has been done or has occurred in the past and is still
ongoing today.

2. Present Perfect Tense Nominal

The nominal present perfect tense is a tense that cannot use a verb, but
instead uses a noun, adjective and adverb.
Verbal Present Perfect Tense Formula
Past Perfect formulas for positive, negative, and interrogative sentences:
 Positive Sentences
S + have / has + V3
Example : She has worked in the hospital for six years
I have fixed my computer

 Negative Sentences
S + have / has + not + V3
Example : She hasn't worked in the hospital.
I have not fixed my computer.

 Question Sentence
have / has + S + V3
Example : Has she worked in the hospital for six years?
Have I fixed my computer?
Nominal Present Perfect Tense Formula
Past Perfect formulas for positive, negative, and interrogative sentences
 Positive Sentences
S + has / have + been + O

Example: Brandon has been recovered from illness

We have been back from office

 Negative Sentences
S + has / have + not + been + O

Example: Brandon has not been recovered from illness

We have not been back from office

 Question Sentence
Has / have + S + been + O

Example: Has Brandon been recovered from illness?

Have we been back from office?
Time Signal Present Perfect Tense
• Already
• Since
• Still
• Before
• ever
• Just
• Recently/lately
• Ever
• Yet
• For + keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan masa lalu hingga sekarang
• Since + keterangan waktu yang menujukkan pertama kali kejadian atau kegiatan dimulai
1. …… a noise just then?
a. Did you hear?
b. Do you hear?
c. Have you heard?
d. Have you been hearing?
2. They are singing and dancing because their uncle…
e. is arriving
f. has arrived
g. arrives
h. arrived
3. You’ve finished the test. The negative form of this sentence is….
i. You don’t finish the test.
j. You aren’t finishing the test.
k. You haven’t finished the test yet.
l. You didn’t finish the test yet.
4. The children have……eaten their breakfast.
m. since
n. been
o. yet
p. just
5. Mr. Efendi…. in Bali for a week.

a. been

b. having

c. has

d. has been.

6. A: What have you just done?

B: I’ve just ….. a letter.

e. written

f. is writing

g. writing

h. am writing

7. i have a new shirt now, my mother has …… it.

i. to sew

j. sewn

k. sewing

l. sews
8. Andy : …… the new Walt Disney movie yet?
Rully : Yes, i have. I watched it yesterday.
a. Has you watched
b. Were you watched
c. have you watched
d. Do you watch

9. Mr. Hasan has….

e. already polished his shoes.
f. not to do at home.
g. doing something the whole day.
h. be here since ten o’clock

10. miss rina…….. us english since 2004.

i. was teaching
j. has taught
k. is going to teach
l. taught
11. We have …… this major since last night
a. Learned
b. Learn
c. Learning
d. Learns
12. Denis has ….. To the school for 3 hours
e. Go
f. Goes
g. Gone
h. Went
13. We …. Cooked this delicious food special for you
i. Had
j. Has
k. Have
l. Having
14. We have ….. This new novel together since yesterday
m. Read
n. Reads
o. Reading
p. Readed
15. I have ….. A letter for 2 hours
a. Write
b. Wrote
c. Written
d. Writing
16. They have ….. Me about this story
e. Tell
f. Told
g. Telling
h. Tells
17. Sofwa …. Sung this song
i. Had
j. Has
k. Have
l. Having
18. I have … music for 10 minutes, it’s very good
m. Listen
n. Listening
o. Listened
p. Listens
19. We have … in Bandung since 2004
a. Live
b. Lives
c. Living
d. Lived
20. We ….. here since yesterday
e. Has been
f. Have been
g. Had been
h. Has
Thank you for

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