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V alue education may seem a vague term to many of us even though we may be hearing
about it frequently. While beginning this foundation course in value education, let us
understand what we are talking about and what its need is, particularly in the context of
professional education. In this course, we are going to clarify certain fundamental issues
which are important to all of us in our life - issues which directly relate to our happiness,
our welfare, our aspirations, goals and success in life. In a sense, value education deals with
what is universally valuable to all of us, what is conducive to our individual and collective
happiness and prosperity in a sustainable way. It enables us to be in harmony within
ourselves, with other human beings and with rest of nature at large. Such an understanding
will be vital for the successful conduct of our profession as well. Let us appreciate the need
for such an input more elaborately in the following section.
l Correct identification of our aspirations: All human beings have aspirations. You may
aspire to become a doctor or engineer or a lawyer, or a film star or something else. You
must have made various plans for your future, be it immediate or long term. The
planning may include your personal life, your family, your profession, your participation
in the society and other such domains. But before you invest your energies to actualize
your plans, it is important that you find out what you basically aspire for. Thus you
4 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
need to identify your basic aspiration. Based on the correct identification of this basic
aspiration, you can frame your goals and sub-goals appropriately and working for
these, you may hope to fulfil your basic aspiration.
Basically all of us are aspiring to be happy and whatever appears conducive to our
happiness becomes valuable to us. Values form the basis for all our thoughts, behaviour
and actions. Once we have known what is valuable to us, these values become the
basis, the anchor for our actions. We know what we are doing is right and will lead to
the fulfilment of our basic aspirations. Values thus become the source for our happiness,
our success, our fulfilment. Without an appropriate value framework, we will not be
able to decide whether a chosen action is desirable or undesirable, right or wrong.
Hence there is a prime need for correct understanding of the value domain.- Value
Education is the input necessary to fulfil this need. When we live with the correct
understanding of values, we are happy in continuity, otherwise we feel deprived,
frustrated and unhappy. What are the values that you hold worthy in your life? Have
you verified them to be conducive to your happiness? It is important to explore the
value domain in sufficient detail through value education. We also need to understand
the universality of various human values, because only then we can have a definite and
common program for value education. Then only we can be assured of a happy and
harmonious human society.
l Complementarity of values and skills: In the endeavour to fulfil our aspirations, two
things are essential:
(a) First and foremost, one has to know what really is conducive to human happiness
- i.e. happiness for one and for all, and happiness at all times. This is what
becomes universally valuable to human beings. This is the ‘value’ domain, the
domain of wisdom. This helps us to identify and set the right goals and to
proceed in the right direction.
(b) Secondly, it becomes essential to learn methods and practices to actualize this
goal, to develop the techniques to make this happen in real life, in various
dimensions of human endeavour. This is the domain of ‘skills’.
Understanding Value Education 5
Thus values and skills have to go hand in hand. There is an essential complementarity
between values and skills for the success of any human endeavour. For example, I want
to lead a healthy life. I understand that health is the basic requirement for a human
being. I then learn skills to judge what food will keep my body healthy, what physical
practices will keep the body functioning properly, what would be the possible ways to
do certain kinds of work with the body. All these fall under the domain of skills. Thus,
both (values and skills) are important and these are complementary. Only wishing for
good health will not help me keep my body fit and healthy and without having
understood the meaning of health, I will not be able to choose things correctly to
keep my body fit and healthy.
Another thing about beliefs is that they are usually not the same for everybody. Beliefs
could be held by a small group or a large group of people but they are not universal.
For example: getting good grades may be important to you, but being able to earn
money may be important for your friends. You may think being environmentally -
friendly is important, your friend may think that it is okay to pollute the environment.
This is not only true for ourselves, but largely true for most people around us: the
beliefs keep changing from person to person. What I may believe to be of ‘value’ to me
may not be of ‘value’ to your belief-system so when we interact, it may lead to conflicts
and unhappiness. We face this problem today because the conditioned beliefs and
6 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
values we hold today are usually contradictory, conflicting and unstable and not based
upon the right understanding of values we are not very sure of their correctness.
Living our lives based only on beliefs can not ensure happiness for us. This is very
important for us to understand. Do we want to live with such shaky beliefs? Or do we
want to know things for sure, for ourselves? We can either blindly follow our beliefs
and assumed values, towards making our choices or we can base our choices upon
values which are based on understanding of reality and we can ourselves validate them
as well. What would you prefer?
l Technology and Human Values: Technology is only a means to achieve what is considered
“‘valuable” ’ for a human beings in an effective and efficient manner. It is not within
the scope of technology to decide what is valuable. This decision lies outside its scope.
It thus becomes primarily important to know correctly what is ‘valuable’. Without
this decision, technology can be aimless, directionless and can therefore be put to any
use, either constructive or destructive.
It is thus with the understanding of values that we can decide on the appropriateness
of technology and its application. Both the structure and use of technology is are
decided by values. For example: if we value the relationship with the environment, we
will work to create environment-friendly technologies (the structure of technology)
and also put it to right use (use of technology), say, for the enrichment of environment,
replenishment of natural resources etc. Conversely, if the relationship with the
environment is something we do not value, things could be the other way round.
Thus, there is a need to supplement technical education with value education. This
will enable a human being to decide and pursue what is really ‘valuable’ i.e. conducive to
human happiness, human welfare, what is of ‘value’ to him.
To conclude, Value Education enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals
correctly, and also indicate the direction for their fulfilment. It also helps remove our confusions
and contradictions and enables us to rightly utilize the technological innovations.
Value Education is a crucial missing link in the present education system which must
be adequately replenished. It must be remembered that to become an excellent professional,
the excellence of values along with the excellence of requisite professional skills is required.
The present course is an effort in this direction.
Basic Guidelines for Value Education
Now that we have identified the need for value education, let us also visualize certain
effective and widely acceptable guidelines which will enable the introduction of value
education in the present system. Given below are broad guidelines to decide on what
would qualify as an appropriate input in value education:
Whatever we study as value education has to be universally applicable to all human beings
and be true at all times and all places. In addition, it need not restrict itself to a certain sect,
creed, gender or nationality etc. So it has to deal with universal human values.
It has to be amenable to reasoning and not based on dogmas or blind beliefs. It cannot be
a set of sermons or Do’s and Don’ts.
All Encompassing
Value education is not merely an academic exercise. It is aimed at transforming our
consciousness and living. Hence, it has to permeate into all dimensions of our living, namely,
thought, behaviour, work and understanding/realization; as well as all levels, namely,
individual, family, society and nature.
Leading to Harmony
Finally, value education has to enable us to be in harmony within and in harmony with
others. Hence, when we live on the basis of these values, we start understanding that it will
W e saw in the previous chapter that the process used here for value education is self-
exploration. As the name suggests, the process is to find out what is valuable to me by
investigating within myself. Since it is me who feels happy or unhappy, successful or
unsuccessful, therefore whatever is right for me, true for me, has to be judged within myself.
We discussed previously that the value of an entity is its participation in the larger
order. In the case of the human being, to understand what is valuable, we need to study
ourselves and the “larger order” around us, which is, everything around us. When we look
around, we find other human beings; we find animals, plants, birds, insects etc. and then
things like air, water, soil, stones, metals, etc. All these are things we live with and there is
a need for us to understand our relationship with all of these things.
P articipation
We live with this entirety – we live with our family, our friends, air, soil, water, trees -
the nature around us and we want to understand our relationship with all these.
Understanding of all these is to be done by me - the ‘self ’. To understand my relationship
with all these, I need to start observing inside.
me while I am observing outside”. Thus, it remains only external observation. When we say
we want to self-explore, it means we have to now start observing within ourselves too and
not observing just outside.
Let’s take the example that we are seeing a tree. When I see a tree, here is what is
happening: the image of the tree is available on my eyes. From there, the information is
passed on to me, and then I say: “I can see a big tree, and it is about 100 meters away and
so on”. This is an example of observing outside. But when I start to observe what relation I
have with the tree or, how does the tree relate to me, it is observing inside.
Now let’s take another example. When I get angry, I ‘know’ I am getting angry. In
other words ‘I’, can ‘see’ the anger, in ‘myself ’. I am no longer using my ‘eyes’ to see the
anger, but I am observing this anger inside my own self.
1. It is a process of dialogue between “what you are” and “what you really want to be”.
3. It is a process of knowing oneself and through that, knowing the entire existence.
4. It is a process of recognizing one’s relationship with every unit in existence and fulfilling
1. It is a process of dialogue between “what you are” and “what you really want to be”: We
will look into ourselves and find out what we are today, and how this contrasts from
what we really want to be. If these two are the same, then there is no problem. If on
investigation we find that these two are not the same, then it means we are living with
this contradiction (of not being what we really want to be) and hence, we need to
resolve this contradiction, this conflict within us.
When we look into this, we find that mostly we are not what we really want to be.
These two are different and each one of us is faced with this contradiction. We are
something and we want to be something else. This basic dichotomy, this basic
contradiction has to be resolved. This dichotomy creates a conflict in us, which is a
continuous cause for our unhappiness. What we are today- is the result of our pre-
conditionings, our predispositions, our impressions and our beliefs. What we really
want to be- comes from deep within us, that is naturally acceptable to us. This is
something intact in us. It needs to be explored and found out.
This dialogue needs to be started - between what you are and what you really want to
be. On investigating into it, you will find that the contradictions are not outside of
you. These contradictions are inside you. In fact, the contradictions that you see
outside are mostly a reflection of the contradictions within. For example, we end up
believing many things that are instilled in us since childhood – like “living is basically
a struggle for survival”. And based on this belief, we plan our whole life. But have we
even asked ourselves the question of whether this is the way in which I really want to
live? We find that most of the time, we don’t even care to know whether the things we
have assumed are really true. We are defining our entire lives, all our desires, based on
such assumptions, without even knowing whether these assumptions are naturally
acceptable to us! This is a serious matter worthy of our attention.
All our unhappiness, all our discomfort, all our unease is because of this contradiction
within – between what we are and what we really want to be. Each one of us lives with
this feeling of discomfort, the unease within that keeps telling us “something is missing”.
Each one of us is faced with contradictions and problems in various aspects of life –
contradictions within ourselves, in our behaviour with people, in our interactions and
thoughts about society, and in our interactions and notions about nature. And
irrespective of where you are placed: in a nice school, in a great college, having a good
job, having a lot of money etc., this discomfort is continuously present.
Many times, you will find, we want something, we think something else, we say something
else, we do something else, and the results of our actions do not match with the expected
outcomes! This kind of dichotomy continues to exist in us, resulting in a state of
unhappiness and as of today we don’t seem to be doing anything at all in order to
address these contradictions, whereas it is the basic issue that needs to be resolved.
to our own improvement, our own self-evolution – we will become qualitatively better.
We can be more in harmony within ourselves.
We saw in the earlier point that it is necessary to find out the contradictions in
ourselves, to see that we are in contradiction. Where would we do this? Since the
contradictions are in ourselves, it becomes necessary that we investigate into ourselves
to find this out! Hence, it is necessary that we do self-exploration. It is not about
exploring outside us, but inside us, in us. We have to start exploring ourselves. Through
this process of self-exploration we can achieve self-evolution. This process of self-
investigation needs to be started. It needs to start in each one of us. Once this dialogue
within ourselves has been established, and we start evolving – we become comfortable
within ourselves. The very process of being in this dialogue starts facilitating this self-
3. It is a process of knowing oneself and through that, knowing the entire existence: Thus,
self-exploration leads to us knowing ourselves better. Today, we are largely unaware of
our own characteristics, our own assumptions, beliefs and pre-conditionings. We will
go beyond these beliefs to know ourselves. Once we have known ourselves, and we are
sure of it, we can then also know all the things around us correctly. This way, we can
be sure of these things in our own right, we can be authentic about them. We don’t
have to continue to live merely with assumptions about these things.
As we know ourselves correctly, we are also able to relate ourselves correctly to the
things around us. We can then understand the people we live with, the family we are
born in, the people in society we interact with, in fact all the entities in nature/
existence. Ask yourself this question: Are you satisfied with just knowing the immediate
things around you, or do you also get curious about the larger reality around you?
Each human being wants to know everything. Once we have known ourselves, we can
also know the entire existence. This process starts with the self, and once we are sure
of ourselves, we can, through that, also know the entire existence.
If we look at the basic fallacy in our current approach of understanding things around
us, it is that we try to understand things around us without first being sure of ourselves.
Since we don’t know ourselves correctly, and it is we who understand the world, hence,
all the pre-conditionings we have within, the contradictions we have within, reflect in
Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education 15
our perception of the world, and we start interacting with the external world, with
the things around us based on these assumptions, based on these pre-conditionings.
Therefore, it is important to know myself first, and when I am sure about myself and
that there is no ‘colouring’ there then, I can know about other things properly. Then,
I can be sure about the things I know, since I am sure of myself.
4. It is a process of recognizing one’s relationship with every unit in existence and fulfilling
it: Once we start knowing ourselves and everything beside us, we shall understand
our relationship with them i.e. we shall understand our relationship with other humans,
animals, plants and matter etc. We shall then know how we have to live in harmony
with all these things.
What are the things we live with today? We live in our families – with out parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, we live in society – we interact with our teachers, with
various people engaged in making available goods and services in the society. We live
with nature – with animals, birds, plants, insects, materials, etc, and of course, the
larger existence – all that space, and all those planets, stars and other entities that are
suspended in it.
Do we know our relationship with each one of these entities? Do we know and
understand our relationship with our parents? With our teachers? With the person
next door? What happens when we do not understand this relationship? You would
find that this lack of understanding leads to problems. For example: if you wrongly
assume that animals may breathe away all the air, and hence all animals need to be
killed so that there is enough oxygen left for human beings, it would be disastrous!
We need to start seeing various interactions in which we face problems: for example,
the problem of misunderstanding in relationships, the problem of wars and crime in
society, the problem of pollution in nature, etc. Are these not due to the lack of right
understanding of our relationship at various levels? We find that our problems in our
relationship with various entities around us are due to our assuming certain things
about these relationships which are not really true. For example: if we assume that
mistrust is basic to a human relationship, we shall have problems, since all the time
we shall mistrust people we come across, and mistrust is not acceptable to us, not
acceptable to any human being!
The fact that we are related to all these entities can easily be observed in our day to
day life. We don’t have to create these relationships. These relationships are already
there. We have assumed something else about these relationships. What is needed for us
is to correctly understand our relationship with each of these entities. When we are able
to understand this, we are able to fulfil our relationship with them. For example,
when we understand that trust is basic to a relationship, that it is trust which is
naturally acceptable to every human being, we become at ease and are able to orient
ourselves correctly and our relationships becomes mutually fulfilling. Similarly, once
16 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
we see that we want to be in harmony with nature, that nature itself is in harmony,
our interactions with nature lead to mutual prosperity. On the other hand, if we
continue to assume that human beings and nature are at loggerheads, then we shall
continue to have problems in multiple ways.
Thus, we start with understanding ourselves, and then through ourselves, we understand
the rest of existence, and also our relationship with all entities in existence and then
fulfil this relationship.
All the entities in the existence are characterised by their innateness, by their specific
characteristics which are invariant. We recognize any entity by this innateness. What
is then the innateness of a human being? Is a human being expected to exhibit different
characteristics at different times and with different people?
If you ask yourself, whether you want a definite character or indefinite character –
what is the answer? The answer is, we all want to have a definite character, a definite
conduct. We are not satisfied with having an indefinite conduct, though we are living
with indefiniteness. Example: We can’t be sure of how we are going to be this very
evening! We are not sure what our mood will be tomorrow morning. Sometimes, we
are not sure about what mindset we are going to have the next moment! Are we
comfortable with this state of affairs? Or do we want a definitiveness in our conduct?
There is a need to understand this definite conduct in a human being and how it can
be ensured.
Once we know, through self-exploration, our own true nature and the things around
us, we shall also know what our relationship and participation is with the other things
we live with, all the things around us – then we will be able to rightly understand
ethical human conduct or the humane conduct. Thus, the process of Self-exploration
will enable us to identify the definitiveness of human conduct and to live accordingly.
to realize (and we will keep talking about this in the entire book) that there is an
innate harmony in the existence. I only need to discover this. And once I do this, I can
learn to live in harmony with the entire existence. Thus the process of Self-exploration
helps me live in harmony within myself and in all my interactions with the world
around. Would you desire to be in such a state? Well, we need to work for it.
Ask yourself this question: Are you self-organized right now? Are you able to be in
harmony with others?
If you are living in contradiction, then it means you are not self-organized. If you are
living with pre-conditionings, wherein you have assumed certain things, have
accumulated desires without having first evaluated them, then it means you are
partantra (enslaved). If you ask this question: whether we are swatantra or partantra,
what is the answer? Till there is a difference between what we are and what we really
want to be, we are not swatantra, because we will always be in conflict. Hence, since
we ourselves are not in self-organization, our expression in living: be it in behaviour
with other humans or in our interaction in the form of work - the outcome is going to
be one of conflict.
Content of Self-exploration
In the light of what we have discussed so far, the content of Self-exploration can be visualized
in terms of finding answers to the following fundamental questions of all human beings:
We will try to find answers to these questions by exploring within. These are very
important questions since everything we do is related to some desire or the other we are
trying to fulfil.
This is what any human being would like to know and work towards its actualization in
And if you have the answers to these two questions, is there any other question that
remains to be answered?
We are going to observe and explore ourselves, our lives, what we do, why we do and
how we do. We will study what human beings want, we will study what we really want. We
also want to know how to fulfil what we want. We want to explore into what is valuable for
us. Each one of us can explore this within ourselves.
Process of Self-exploration
In the sections above, we saw the need and content of Self-exploration. We will now move
on, and find out how we will carry this out.
You need to rigorously verify all the statements and proposals being made here in your
own right. No one else can do this for you; you have to do it yourself. It has to be self
investigated by you. Verifying in your own right implies the following;
Note: By the above proposal, we are not trying to undermine the importance of scriptures,
instruments or the guidance obtainable from wise persons. Not at all! We are only suggesting that
one should take all these as valuable proposals worthy of your own serious exploration and then
By this we mean, let’s not compare what is being proposed here with what is written in
some book, something that you have read or are reading i.e. we think we know certain
things, because we have read about it somewhere, and remember it now. However, we are not
talking about a comparative study between what we have read and what is being proposed
here. Rather, we are talking about verification of these proposals directly within yourself.
Don’t assume these proposals as being true or false based on the conclusions somebody
might have given after conducting experiments with physical instruments. The instruments
only give information about some physical phenomena, but the conclusions we make are
based on our own perception about the phenomena. Such perceptions also need to be
subjected to self-verification.
Again, you may have heard something that some great person has said. You may believe
what this person says to be true, and hence end up comparing what is being proposed here
with what you remember as being stated by that personality. This would not mean verifying in
your own right; it would mean accepting on those great personalities’ right!
Natural acceptance is a faculty that is present in each one of us. It is intact and invariant.
We only have to start paying attention to it, to start “seeing” it. For example, ask yourself
this question:
Similarly, ask yourself another question: “Do I want to live in relationship with others or
do I want to live in opposition with others?” The answer is - live in relationship with others.
20 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
We find that we get the answers from within ourselves and it is spontaneous. The answers
are there in us, naturally. We only need to trace them. We call this faculty the natural acceptance.
For every proposal being put forth here, we shall pass it through our own natural acceptance.
If it passes through our own natural acceptance, i.e. if it is naturally acceptable to us, it is true for
us. If it does not, then it is not true for us and we can drop the proposal. Let’s not assume what is
being stated here to be true! You need to ensure that you pass every proposal through your own
natural acceptance!
Let’s ask ourselves another very basic question: Do I want to be happy? The answer is a
very quick yes! How did you get this answer? Of course, through your natural acceptance.
This may seem very simple to begin with, but we shall see that this becomes a very powerful way for
us to know what is ultimately right!
Once you start asking the question deep within yourself, you will be able to start
accessing these answers yourself. This natural acceptance is there in each one of us, it is
what we most spontaneously, most naturally desire. You don’t have to import this natural
acceptance from outside; you don’t have to learn it from somewhere! For example, when
you asked the question “whether trust is most acceptable to me in relationship”, did you
ask anyone else for the answer? Did you read or learn the answer from somewhere? Did you
have to refer to some instrument? The answer is NO. This answer came from within you.
Similarly, about the answer to- “Is living in relationship with others is naturally acceptable
to me”. Did you have to learn this from others? Again NO!
Thus, as first part of the self-verification, every proposal being put forth here, is passed
through our own natural acceptance.
To verify the proposals, I need to live accordingly in my interactions with the world
around. This involves two things: behaviour and work. If the proposal is true,
I desire mutual fulfilment in my relations with other humans and mutual prosperity
with the rest of nature. This way, I validate the truthfulness of the proposal.
Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education 21
– It is a pro p osal
D on 't a ss um e it to be true P roc e s s o f S e lf
Verify it in you r o w n rig ht E x p lo ra tio n
– N ot o n the bas is of s criptures
– N ot o n the bas is of read ing s from ins trum e nt
– N ot o n the bas is of others
– S e lf ve rification
P roposal
L ive a cco rd in g to
Natural Acceptance
At this point, we can make the following observations about natural acceptance:
(a) Natural acceptance does not change with time: The natural acceptance does not change
with time. It remains invariant with time. This can be easily verified. For example, our
acceptance for trust or respect does not change with age. People hundred years ago also
had the same natural acceptance. We can try to verify this within our span of observation.
(b) It does not depend on the place: Whether we are in New Delhi, New York or Abu
Dhabi, if we address our natural acceptance, the answer would still be the same!
(c) It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings: We may be told frequently not
to trust people of other religions or castes, but is it naturally acceptable to us? No
matter how deep our belief or past conditioning, as long as we ask ourselves the
question sincerely, as long as we refer deep within ourselves, the answer will always be
the same.
(d) This natural acceptance is ‘constantly there’, something we can refer to: Try this yourself:
think of cheating or exploiting someone. The moment you think of this, you sense a
contradiction within and feel unhappy that very instant! It happens very quickly, and
we may not notice it, but it does happen! Similarly, the moment we think of
22 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
(e) Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: it is part and parcel of every human being,
it is part of human-ness: Let’s start exploring into this. We will find that no human
being finds disrespect acceptable in relationship. No matter who the person, however
bad or good, one always expects respect in relationship. For example, let us say a
person ‘A’ disrespects ‘B’. This man ‘B’ may bear a grudge against ‘A’ and set out to
“teach him a lesson”. This is because ‘B’ does not find disrespect acceptable and when
he does not get respect, it offends him. This may actually end up leading to a large
scale conflict!
We can start checking and verifying this for ourselves. All of us have acceptance which
are same, at a very deep and basic level. Our assumptions and choices, our likes and dislikes
may be different, but on some very basic and common issues like need for happiness, trust,
respect, prosperity, we are all the same, all of us have the same basic acceptance.
Natural acceptance is there in all of us. It is within us, all the time and we can refer to
it, access it to know what is right for us. We only have to start referring to it. Each proposal
in this book needs to be evaluated on the basis of your natural acceptance.
24 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
– It is a pro po sal
• Don't just assume it to be true
• Verify it in your ow n right P rocess of
– Not on the basis of scriptures
S elf-exploration
– Not on the basis of readings from instruments
– Not on the basis of others
– S elf-verifica tion
P ro po sal
Live according to it
R e su lts in
R e alization & Assurance
U n de rstan ding
Test Satisfaction
Keep asking again and again: w hat is
m y natural acceptance? Universality
al es
to pli
(b) Satisfying: “I am satisfied that the answers are fulfilling for me.
(c) Universal: “I know or realize that the answers I have got are the same for everyone.
They are invariant with respect to:
(i) Time: These answers are the same at all times: past, present and future
(ii) Space: These answers are the same at all places or locations
(iii) Individual: The answers are the same for every human being
If the answers we get do not fulfil any of the criteria of being assuring, satisfying and
universal; it means the answer is most likely coming from your past beliefs/conditioning
and not from your natural acceptance. Hence, you need to re-verify the answer!
Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education 25
Let us not accept the proposals stated here because they are being repeated all the time!
Far from it! Each one of us needs to start asking ourselves these questions and see what is
acceptable to us! You have to start asking these questions yourself!
[This process of repeated self-verification of the proposals on the basis of my own natural
acceptance and validating it experientially, and also testing the answers for assurance, satisfaction
and universality ultimately results in what is called “Realization” and “Understanding”. When
we have this realization and understanding, when we have this knowledge, it remains intact i.e.
it stays with us at all times and is not moved or disturbed by external circumstances. In fact, it also
starts expressing itself, in the most natural manner and starts impacting the environment and
since it is true, it is readily acceptable to others too.]
For the remainder of this book, we will explore into these two basic questions
1. Self-exploration is a process of dialogue between what you are and what you really want to be. Explain
and illustrate.
2. I want to become a doctor
I want to do research in astronomy
I want to serve the society
I want to be a film star
I want to earn a lot of money and fame
In the above cases, what is the basic aspiration? Justify your answer.
3. What is the content of self-exploration?
4. Explain the process of self-exploration with the help of a diagram.
5. What do you mean by your natural acceptance? Illustrate with examples. Is it invariant with time and
6. What do you understand by the terms Swatva, Swatantratã and Swarãjya?
7. What are pre-conditionings? What is their source?
8. Do you feel that you have some pre-conditionings? How do you evaluate them?
1. What is the need for value education in technical and other professional institutions?
2. What do you mean by values? How do they differ from skills? How are values and skills complementary?
3. What are the basic guidelines for value education?
4. How do you presently decide what is valuable to you? How do you ensure that your decision is right?
5. What is the difference between belief and understanding?
Let us say, you want to be the first ranker in the class. Now, behind this desire to get
the first rank, is there a more basic desire? Why do you want to get the first rank? If you
keep asking this question, you will find that there is a basic desire. What is this desire, is it
to be happy? Yes, it is! Take any other want or desire and you will find the same thing. You
will find that each of your wants emerges from the basic aspiration to be happy. This can be
verified by each one of you. This also implies that every human being is continuously
trying to do things to make him/her happy, and every human being is capable of feeling
this happiness in himself/herself spontaneously. It is intrinsic to all of us. We are all working
for it continuously in different ways as per the level of our understanding. Sometimes, we
succeed, many times we don’t. But we still keep trying throughout our life for happiness.
You will also find that we want the continuity of this feeling of happiness as well. We do
not want happiness in spurts, in intervals, but we want it continuously. We do not want
unhappiness even for a moment. How successful we are today in achieving this, is a matter
28 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
for serious exploration. But one thing is clear, that happiness is a basic aspiration of all
human beings, and therefore, it becomes our prime purpose to gain the correct understanding
about it. Going a little further in our exploration, we can also appreciate that being happy
implies being free from contradictions, being in consonance with our natural acceptance,
being in harmony.
In addition to happiness, we also aspire for adequate fulfilment of our bodily needs, i.e.
the need for physical facilities. Physical facilities are the material things we use to fulfil the
needs of the body. When we have enough of physical facilities, it gives us the feeling of
prosperity. We want to have a continuity of this feeling too. Nobody wants to feel deprived,
even for a single moment.
Thus there are two basic aspirations of every human being: continuous happiness and
prosperity. These are at the root of all our aspirations and the efforts that go towards achieving
these. We will understand the correct meaning of these two terms now.
We have spoken about happiness so far. Let us now look into prosperity and whether it is
essential. It is easy to see that prosperity is related to material things or what we call as
‘physical facilities’. Think of all the things we need today. We use a brush to clean our teeth,
clothes to wear, food to eat, vessels to cook and eat the food in, a pair of spectacles, a two
wheeler or a four wheeler vehicle, a radio set, a mobile phone etc. So we need physical
things to take care of our body and these need to be catered to. When we are able to cater
to the needs of the body adequately, we feel prosperous.
Prosperity: is the feeling of having or making available more than required physical facilities.
To ascertain prosperity, two things are essential:
(a) Correct assessment of need for physical facilities, and
(b) The competence of making available more than required physical facilities (through
30 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
We need physical facilities as we saw in our earlier discussions. Do you think we can
quantify the need for physical facilities? Is there a limit to the need for physical facilities?
We will discuss about these issues in the succeeding chapters. At this point, one thing can
be clearly stated that we can be prosperous only if there is a limit to the need for physical
facilities. If there is no limit, whatsoever be the availability with us, the feeling of prosperity
cannot be assured. A little exploration in this direction, which we will carry out more
elaborately in chapter 5, will show that physical facilities are the needs of the body and
their need is limited in time and quantity. Thus we can identify a limit to these needs and
evaluate whether we have enough.
Secondly, just assessing the need is not enough. We need to be able to produce or make
available more than the perceived need.
Thus, prosperity can be clearly understood and evaluated. Evaluate it for yourself. See
if there is a limit to the need for physical facilities that you have listed for yourself. See
whether you feel prosperous at the moment. This is an important thing to understand!
While understanding prosperity, let us also look at another point - the difference between
wealth and prosperity. Is there a difference? For example, let’s assume I have a lot of wealth;
a lot of money. You come to my house, but I get worried that you may stay back longer
than expected and I might have to feed you, tea, snacks or even a meal. It is a funny
situation, but it may happen. What would we call this state? A person has a lot of money,
but does not want to share even a bit of it. The person has wealth, but feels “deprived”; in
other words the person does not have a feeling of being prosperous. If one felt prosperous,
he/she would have shared what one has, since there is more than enough wealth anyway.
On the other hand someone who does not have a lot of wealth may welcome you into his/
her house and ask you to stay back for a few days and help you out. This is an indication of
feeling prosperous. Thus, we can see that:
Wealth is a physical thing. It means having money, or having a lot of physical facilities,
or both.
This is a very important distinction. We mostly fail to make this distinction today. We
keep working for wealth, without realizing that the basic desire is for the feeling of prosperity,
to have a feeling of having enough. Let’s ask ourselves, “What is naturally acceptable to
We find the latter naturally acceptable. Not only do we want wealth, but we want to
feel prosperous too. In other words, our basic desire is to feel prosperous, and wealth is a
means to that end. In order to feel prosperous, we need to first decide how much wealth/
physical things is needed, else it is like trying to fill water in a glass that has no bottom; the
glass will never be filled, howsoever, one may try.
We see that today, we are generally unable to do this. We are busy accumulating wealth,
but we don’t feel prosperous! This is because, we do not identify our needs, and hence, no
matter how much we have, it is always less, and we feel deprived!
It is also important to point out that since for all our physical facilities, we are directly
or indirectly dependent on nature, the continuity of prosperity can be ensured only if our
production systems are in harmony with the nature. This implies that we use natural
resources in a renewable manner and utilize appropriate technologies so that the human
needs are satisfied and nature is also enriched. For example, we need food for the body. We
grow grains in our fields. If the farming method is such that it retains/enhances the fertility
of the soil, we can continue growing grains on the same piece of land and keep feeding our
body. Otherwise, the land may turn barren after sometime and we may have to go without
l At the level of the family – breaking of joint families, mistrust, conflict between older
and younger generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry tortures, family
feuds, wasteful expenditure in family functions etc.
32 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
l At the level of the Society – growing incidences of terrorism and naxalism, rising
communalism, spreading casteism, racial and ethnic struggle, wars between nations,
attempts of genocide, fear of nuclear and genetic warfare, etc.
l At the level of nature – global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution, resource
depletion of minerals and mineral oils, sizeable deforestations, loss of fertility of soil.
It therefore, calls for an urgent need for human beings to correctly understand happiness
and prosperity as well as the sustainable way to achieve these. This theme will be gradually
unfolded in the following chapters.
1. "To be in a state of harmony is happiness." Examine this statement and illustrate with two examples from
your day-to-day life.
2. What do you understand by prosperity? What is the difference between prosperity and wealth? How are
the two related?
3. What is your present vision of a happy and prosperous life?
4. Critically examine the prevailing notions of happiness and prosperity and their consequences.
5. "I will learn and improve only if I am unhappy. If I become happy, my learning will stop"- Explore the
validity of this viewpoint.
W e saw in the previous chapter that the basic human aspirations are happiness and
prosperity in continuity. In this chapter, we will explore how this happiness and
prosperity can be ensured.
Below is a sample list. Now, you should go ahead and make your own list! Yours might
be longer or shorter, it may have different things than the one we have below:
List of Wants
Now let us underline the items that are to do with something physical. For example: a
guitar is a physical thing, while happiness is not a physical thing. Similarly, a big house is
a physical thing, while the need to do social work is not something physical in nature.
List of Wants
We see that some of our desires or wants are to do with physical things. We call these
‘physical facilities’. We have desires which are other than physical facilities too. We will
discuss about them subsequently and put them into other two categories.
The Program to Fulfil Basic Human Aspirations 37
3) Physical
“Physical facilities are necessary for human beings and they are necessary for animals.”
“Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but
not complete for humans”
3) Physical
hum ans
hum ans anim als
Necessary Necessary
but not and
com plete com plete
For animals: We see that animals need physical things to survive, mainly to take care of
their body. Take a cow for example. A cow will look for food when it is hungry. Once it gets
the grass or fodder, it eats it, sits around to chew at leisure. Hence, we can see that as long
as animals have physical things, they are largely fine. They don’t desire other things like
knowledge, or a peaceful animal society or getting a good MBA! This is the case with
humans, so let us look into how we humans fare.
For humans: Now let’s take the human being. Let’s take you. Let’s say you are hungry.
What do you do? You would look for some food, perhaps, some tasty food. Once you have
had your fill, do you just sit around and relax? The answer is an emphatic “No”! We all have
38 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
other needs, other plans, perhaps we think of going to a movie, or reading a book, or go to
college, or watch some TV, or spend time with family and friends... the list is endless. Thus,
it is easy to see that while physical facilities are necessary for us human beings, they are not
complete by themselves to fulfil our needs. Our needs are more than just physical facilities; we
need physical facilities, but the need does not end there.
Hence, we can say for animals – “Physical facilities are necessary and complete”;
By relationship, we mean the relationship we have with other people, or human beings:
father, mother, brothers and sisters, our friends, our teachers; we desire good relationships
with all of them. When we have a problem in these relationships, it troubles us, we are
bothered by it. So let’s write down relationship as well:
2) Relationship 3) Physical
– Relationship and
– Physical facilities.
Now let us see how we want to be in relationship and what we want from physical
In Relationship
Mutual fulfilment: We want to have mutually fulfilling relationships. [You can verify this
for yourself ]. If there is a problem in relationship, we feel uneasy, it bothers us. Even if we
The Program to Fulfil Basic Human Aspirations 39
are interacting with someone, and something we said or did offends them, it makes us
uneasy; i.e. we want mutual fulfilment in relationship. Both us and the person we interact
with, need to feel fulfilled, need to feel satisfied from the interaction. You can check this in
your daily life as well. For example, let’s say you had an argument with a friend in the
morning. You find that the uneasy feeling stays with you for a long time, even after you
have stopped speaking to your friend and have physically moved away from him/her. You
may keep thinking about it, may get angry or frustrated, perhaps you wonder what may
have gone wrong and how it could have been avoided or perhaps you wonder how you
should not commit the same mistake the next time, but, it stays with you. On the other
hand, had there been no such problem with your friend, you are fine, you don’t have any
issues, and if you had a great time with him, then too it stays with you, as a good feeling or
a good memory. Thus, mutual fulfilment in human relationships is something we want, we
aspire for.
As we interact with nature for our various physical needs, we can either exploit nature
or enrich it. Let us ask ourselves “What is naturally acceptable to me? Do I want to protect
and enrich nature, or do I want to exploit it?” The answer is the same for each one of us - we
have a spontaneous expectation to enrich nature. We may not know how to go about it, but
if we ask ourselves this question, if we ask it deep within, the answer is, given the choice, we
want to live in harmony with nature.
2) Relationship 3) Physical
W ith hum ans facilities
In Relationships
Ask yourself this question:
“Am I able to have such fulfilling relationships all the time today”?
We can see this in our interactions with our family and even outside the family.
Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it does not. We can see this at the level of society as well.
There are also larger issues like wars, fights and killing, which are extreme forms of problems
in human relationships.
“Do I feel prosperous? Do I find that I have a feeling to share what I have?
Am I satisfied with my wealth today? Or do I want more? How much is this “more”?
From thinking over these questions and our response to them, it becomes clear, and
increasingly so, that while we may have wealth, we are not able to feel prosperous.
2) Relationship 3) Physical
W ith hum ans facilities
We thus seem to have quite a problem in our hands on both these fronts:
v We are unable to have fulfilling relationships all the time: in family, outside
family, and as a society – in the world at large
l Physical Facilities:
v We want to feel prosperous, but end up working only for accumulation of wealth.
Let us look into the reasons for these problems we seem to have in the next section.
42 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
2) Relationship 3) Physical
W ith hum ans facilities
Look at the figure above. Can you see the difference between what we really want to be
and what we actually are? Isn’t it an irony? We want something, but we have ended up
having something totally different. Let us investigate into this and see how we can resolve
this issue. This is a significant point for us, since our basic desire is happiness and prosperity
and its continuity, but on investigation, we find that our current state is quite unlike it!
This has to be dealt with utmost seriousness! Let us look into this.
In Relationships
What could be the possible reason for the issues we have in relationships?
“Do I understand human relationships? Do I know what the other person’s expectations
from me are”?
“I mostly don’t”, OR
The Program to Fulfil Basic Human Aspirations 43
This seems to be our problem. We seem to be interacting with a lot of people, we keep
getting ourselves into trouble in our relationships, but we don’t seem to understand the
first thing about relationships- the expectations! It may seem like a trivial thing, but it is
very important. Problems in relationships can really disturb a person’s state of mind to a
very large extent. We live a significant portion of our lives in relationships. For example: If
you had a tiff with your father or your brother, it can stay with you and bother you for a
very long time, so much so, that till the issue is resolved, you may not be able to do
anything else! This issue is basically because we assume something about relationships, and
then we go on to live them on the basis of this assumption. But if our assumption is false,
then we end up in problems. For example, we may assume, that we can become close to
someone by being authoritative with them or taking decisions for them. While we may try
and boss over the person, it is not going to lead to mutual fulfilment.
We have also made numerous assumptions about our interactions with nature, that we
can exploit nature, that nature is present solely for our consumption and so on and so forth.
It is easy to see today, with the widespread havoc we are causing in nature, that this
assumption is incorrect.
Question 1: “Is the unhappiness in my family today more due to lack of [3] Physical
facilities, or due to lack of [2] Relationship”?
l Each one of us can explore into this. This exercise is worth doing. Find this out. We
generally start thinking about physical facilities and assume that if we have physical
facilities, life will be completely ok. But just think, that if we have physical facilities
but lack relationship, what will happen in the family? And if we have relationship in
the family but lack physical facilities, what would be the state of the family? If we
have relationship, we can earn together for the family, but if the relationship is not
there, we will think of taking away the share of the other. Think, why the families are
breaking today- due to lack of physical facilities or fulfilment in relationship?
When you explore on these issues you will get the answer as : [2] Relationship. It is
clear that when we are talking of a ‘rich’ person, the problems are certainly more due
44 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
to lack of relationship than due to physical facilities. If we ponder over this for some
time, it will also become clear that even for a ‘poor’ person, the problems are more due
to lack of relationship than due to physical facilities.
Question 2: “How much time am I spending today working to ensure [2] Relationship,
and how much time do I spend working for, or preparing to get [3] Physical facilities”?
l The likely answer is: we spend more time for [3] Physical facilities than for [2]
Relationship! It becomes clear that we are not spending enough time in trying to
ensure relationship, whereas the problems are more due to lack of fulfilment in
relationship than due to lack of physical facilities! In other words, most of the problems
are elsewhere, and we are trying to work at some other place in the hope that the
problem will be solved!
l We largely operate on the basis of assumptions today. These assumptions can be right,
or they can be wrong, and we are mostly unaware of our own assumptions!
l Since we are not even aware that we have assumptions, we have obviously not verified
these assumptions for ourselves. We haven’t checked if our own assumptions are naturally
acceptable to us. As a result most of our interactions with people and with physical
facilities lead to problems.
The Program to Fulfil Basic Human Aspirations 47
In order to find out what this right understanding is, we need to find out the various
situations or states we live in, on which our happiness depends. Why is this needed? The
answer is simple. If we ignore any of these states or situations, if we have incomplete
understanding of any state or situation we live in, then we risk becoming unhappy and
uncertain in that state or level. In order to ensure happiness and its continuity, we need to
make sure we cover all states and situations we live in.
As humans there are several situations we live in. There are many aspects or levels to our
living. It is an increasing expanse that starts with ourselves and expands to include things
around us; namely, the people we live with on a daily basis i.e. our family, the larger society
we live in, the nature we are dependent on, and then everything else, which we can call as
‘existence’ (existence means all that exists). Some of these we are aware of and of some we are
not. Some of these we give significance to and to some we do not. But regardless of our
attitude and awareness, we are in this ‘totality’ and live with this ‘totality’.
Let us see if we can find out the expanse of our living from the point we discussed
earlier, which is, our need for
1. Right Understanding
2. Relationship
3. Physical Facilities
It becomes clear to us that our state of happiness or unhappiness depends on the above
three aspects. If we have the ‘right understanding’, then we can be happy in ourselves and
work to, have fulfilling relationships with humans and mutual prosperity with nature. If
we do not have the right understanding, then we have problems. Thus, our happiness
depends on the fulfilment of these three basic requirements.
48 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
2) Relationship 3) Physical
W e are in relationships w ith people, P hysical facilities, the things w e use, com e from
other hum an beings. T hese com prise w hat w e call as nature.
of our fam ily, and all other people,
w hich w e call as society
2. In order to ensure Relationship, we have to study and understand people and our
relationship with them, i.e. we have to understand family and society.
3. In order to ensure right use of physical facilities, we have to study nature, and our
relationship with it.
These can be called as the ‘levels of our living’. We live in all these ‘levels’. Let us list
them down and explore them:
1. living in myself
2. living in family
3. living in society
4. living in nature/existence
The Program to Fulfil Basic Human Aspirations 49
Thus, we can see that there are four ‘levels’ in which we live. At this juncture, you can
ask yourself this question:
– “Do I live at all these levels, or can one of them be dismissed or ignored?”
We find that as humans we live at these four levels and none of them can be dismissed
or taken away. Also, nothing more can be added to these and together they comprise of
everything we live with.
1. Living in Myself : We all have desires, thoughts, beliefs, imaginations and choices.
This is the first level of our living. Before expressing ourselves in relations, we think,
and whatever we receive from the other, it again passes through our internal processes.
We refer to this as (our) Self. This inner world (or ‘myself ’) co-exists with the body
and together we refer to this as a ‘human being’.
Most of the time, we see that we are busy in ourselves – making some plans, thinking
about doing something, etc. We have to start with ourselves and study ourselves. This
means to put effort to understand our own desires, our wants, and our behaviour. So
far, we have ended up assuming things without really investigating into ourselves. We
have read a lot of books, we have gone through years of silent and subtle conditioning
about who we are, what we want and how we should behave, what work we should
do, in short, ‘how to live!’ We have to begin ‘knowing’ ourselves and test our beliefs
by passing them through our own natural acceptance.
2. Living in Family: All of us are born to our parents and this is the family we are born to.
This is the first web of relationships for each one of us and subsequently we live in
more relationships that include our siblings, our friends and classmates, teachers and
others. These are the people we live with on a daily basis, and we call this ‘family’.
How I see myself, decides how I see the other and my relationship with another
human, another person. If I can understand myself better and clearer, I am able to see
the other clearer and better. And this understanding becomes the basis of my
relationship with the other. When we understand ourselves, we can understand the
other and this forms the basis of the relationship, harmony with the other. In order to
ensure harmony in family and society, we need to understand the expectations in
human relationships and whether they can be fulfilled.
3. Living in Society: Our family is part of a larger group of people we live with where
there are interdependencies around food, clothing, housing, services, health, education,
justice etc. We live as a part of this human system. This is our society.
50 A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics
4. Living in Nature/Existence: We are on this earth: with the grass, plants and trees,
birds, animals and other humans surrounding us and we live in this large eco-system
that we call nature. Regardless of where we are, our village, town or city, is within this
eco-system or natural habitat. Our planet is surrounded by a larger system of planetary
bodies and that includes the moon, the sun and the infinite stars and planetary systems
that surround us. Our earth is a part of the solar system that co-exists with all that
there is in this entire ‘existence’. And then there is space between planets, even between
you and the book right now! All these things present in space are together called as
existence. ‘Existence’ means all that exists.
When we understand nature, we are able to engage with it in a relationship that leads
to mutual fulfilment.
1. What are the basic requirements to fulfil human aspirations? Indicate their correct priority.
2. "Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but not complete for
humans." Comment.
3. Critically examine our state today in terms of fulfilment of relationships and physical facilities. What has
gone wrong according to you? What is the solution?
4. What do the abbreviations given as SVDD, SSDD and SSSS signify? Explain the reason for the state SSDD?
5. "Right understanding + Relationship = Mutual fulfilment;
Right understanding + Physical facilities = Mutual prosperity."
Illustrate the above with two examples for each.
6. What is the program to fulfil the basic human aspirations? Name the different levels of human living?
7. What is the difference between 'animal consciousness' and 'human consciousness'? Explain with the
help of a diagram.