MARK SCHEME For The June 2005 Question Paper: University of Cambridge International Examinations

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GCE Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

MARK SCHEME for the June 2005 question paper

9702/02 Paper 2 (Structured), maximum raw mark 60

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. This shows the basis on which Examiners were initially instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began. Any
substantial changes to the mark scheme that arose from these discussions will be recorded in the published
Report on the Examination.

All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’
scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the Report on the Examination.

• CIE will not enter into discussion or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the June 2005 question papers for most IGCSE and GCE Advanced
Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses.

Grade thresholds for Syllabus 9702 (Physics) in the June 2005 examination.

maximum minimum mark required for grade:

Component 2 60 43 39 26

The thresholds (minimum marks) for Grades C and D are normally set by dividing the mark
range between the B and the E thresholds into three. For example, if the difference between
the B and the E threshold is 24 marks, the C threshold is set 8 marks below the B threshold
and the D threshold is set another 8 marks down. If dividing the interval by three results in a
fraction of a mark, then the threshold is normally rounded down.

June 2005




Paper 2 (Structured)
Page 1 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
A and AS LEVEL – June 2005 9702 2

1 (a) allow 100 m s-1 → 900 m s-1 B1 [1]

(b) allow 0.5 kg m-3 → 1.5 kg m-3 B1 [1]

(c) allow 5 g → 50 g B1 [1]

(d) allow 2 × 103 cm3 → 9 × 103 cm3 B1 [1]

2 (a) speck of light B1

that moves haphazardly/randomly/jerkily/etc. B1 [2]

(b) randomness of collisions would be ‘averaged out’ B1

so less (haphazard) movement B1 [2]
(do not allow ‘more massive so less movement’)

3 (a) (i) ∆Ep = mg∆h C1

= 0.602 × 9.8 × 0.086
= 0.51 J A1 [2]
(do not allow g = 10, m = 0.600 or answer 0.50 J)

(ii) v2 = (2gh =) 2 × 9.8 × 0.086 or (2 x 0.51)/0.602 M1

v = 1.3 (m s-1) A0 [1]

(b) 2 × V = 602 × 1.3 (allow 600) C1

V = 390 m s-1 A1 [2]

(c) (i) Ek = ½mv2 C1

= ½ × 0.002 × 3902
= 152 J or 153 J or 150 J A1 [2]

(ii) Ek not the same/changes

or Ek before impact>Ek after/Ep after M1
so must be inelastic collision A1 [2]
(allow 1 mark for ‘bullet embeds itself in block’ etc.)

4 (a) brittle B1 [1]

(b) (i) stress = force/area C1

= 60/(7.9 × 10-7)
= 7.6 × 107 Pa A1 [2]

(ii) Young modulus = stress/strain C1

limiting strain = 0.03/24 (= 1.25 × 10-3) C1
Young modulus = (7.6 × 107)/(1.25 × 10-3) = 6.1 × 1010 Pa A1 [3]

(iii) energy = ½ × 60 × 3.0 × 10-4 C1

= 9.0 × 10-3 J A1 [2]

(c) If hard, ball does not deform (much) B1

and either (all) kinetic energy converted to strain energy B1
If soft, Ek becomes strain energy of ball and window B1
(no mention of strain energy, max 2 marks)
or impulse for hard ball takes place over shorter time (B1)
larger force/greater stress (B1) [3]

© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
A and AS LEVEL – June 2005 9702 2

5 (a) When a wave (front) is incident on an edge

or an obstacle/slit/gap M1
Wave ‘bends’ into the geometrical
shadow/changes direction/spreads A1 [2]

(b) (i) d = 1/(750 × 103) C1

= 1.33 × 10-6 m A1 [2]

(ii) 1.33 × 10-6 × sin90° = n × 590 × 10-9 C1

n = 2 (must be an integer) A1 [2]

(iii) formula assumes no path difference of light before

entering grating or
there is a path difference before the grating B1 [1]

(c) e.g. lines further apart in second order

lines fainter in second order
(allow any sensible difference: 1 each, max 2) B2 [2]
(if differences stated but without reference to the orders, max 1 mark)

6 (a) (i) lines normal to plate and equal spacing (at least 4 lines) B1
direction from (+) to earthed plate B1 [2]

(ii) E = 160/0.08 M1
= 2.0 × 103 V m-1 A0 [1]

(b) (i) correct directions with line of action of arrows

passing through charges B1 [1]

(ii) force = Eq C1
= 2.0 × 103 × 1.2 × 10-15
= 2.4 × 10-12 N A1 [2]

(iii) couple = force × perpendicular separation M1

= 2.4 × 10-12 × 2.5 × 10-3 × sin35°
= 3.4(4) × 10-15 N m A1 [2]

(iv) either rotates to align with the field

or oscillates (about a position) M1
with the positive charge nearer
to the earthed plate/clockwise A1 [2]

7 (a) potential difference/current B1 [1]

(b) (i) 1) 1.13 W

2) 1.50 V B1 [1]

(ii) power = V2 / R or power = VI and V = IR C1

R = 1.502/1.13
= 1.99 Ω A1 [2]

© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005
Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
A and AS LEVEL – June 2005 9702 2

(iii) either E = IR + Ir or voltage divided between R and r C1

I = 1.5 / 2.0 (=0.75 A) p.d. across R = p.d. Across r = 1.5 C1
3.0 = 1.5 + 0.75r
r = 2.0 Ω so R = r = 1.99 Ω A1 [3]

(c) larger p.d. across R means smaller p.d. across r M1

smaller power dissipation at larger value of V A1
since power is VI and I is same for R and r A1 [3]

8 (a) position shown as A = 227, Z = 91 B1 [1]

(b) Pu shown as A = 243, Z = 94 B1

D shown with A = APu and with Z = (ZPu + 1) B1 [2]

© University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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