Overview of European Trade Mark Law
Overview of European Trade Mark Law
Overview of European Trade Mark Law
Overview of European Trade Mark Law Reforms
Following the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual marks” (“EU TMs”). The “Office for Harmonisation in the
Property and Competition Law’s “Study on the Overall Internal Market” (“OHIM”) has also changed name and
Functioning of the European Trade Mark System” and will now be known as the “European Union Intellectual
the adoption of its recommendation by the European Property Office” (“EU IPO”) (Article 1 EUTMR).
Commission (see our Commentary from August 2013),
the European Parliament approved a package of
reforms to European trade mark law in December 2015.
Tightening the Rules for Trade
Mark Applications
This constitutes the most significant change to European Non-Graphical Representation. Trade marks will no
trade mark law since the introduction of the Community longer need to fulfil the requirement for graphical rep-
trade mark in 1996. The reforms are set out in the EU resentation (Article 4 EUTMR, Article 3 EUTMD). Instead,
Trade Mark Regulation 2015/2424 (the “EUTMR”), which under the new regime, trade marks must be capable of
came into force on 23 March 2016, and the EU Trade “being represented on the register in a manner which
Mark Directive 2015/2436 (the “EUTMD”), which came enables the competent authorities and the public to
into force on 13 January 2016 and must be transposed determine the clear and precise subject matter of the
into national law by Member States by 14 January 2019. protection afforded to its proprietor”. The recitals to
the EUTMR and EUTMD further state that trade marks
This Commentary highlights some of the most sig- should be permitted to be represented in any appropri-
nificant changes that will be made to the European ate form using generally available technology as long
trade marks regime as a result of the EUTMR and as the representation is “clear, precise, self-contained,
EUTMD which we believe are most relevant to our cli- easily-accessible, intelligible, durable and objective”.
ents and friends.
This is an important change in European trade mark
law and will likely make it easier to register nontradi-
New Terminology tional marks, such as sounds or colours. The change
All references to “Community” have been changed also marks a welcome step forward in terms of EU
to “European Union”, which means that “Community trade mark law meeting the needs of a technologically
trade marks” are now called “European Union trade evolving world.
Owners of EU TMs filed before 22 June 2012 will be able to Change of Computing the Grace Period Before Use in
declare, within six months of entry into force of the EUTMR, Commerce Is Required. The relevant five-year period is now
that they intended to file their marks in respect of goods and calculated by reference to an earlier starting point. It no lon-
services other than those covered under the literal meaning ger commences with the publication of the younger mark but
of the relevant class heading. The additional goods and ser- rather its application or priority date (Article 42 (2) EUTMR,
vices must have been included in the Nice Classification at Article 44 (1) EUTMD). This change adheres to the expedited
the time of application. Trade mark owners who registered processing at the Office, with the result that new trade mark
trade marks before this date should therefore review their applications appear in the online databases long before their
trade marks to ensure that all necessary goods and services official publication date.
headings were included in their registrations.
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Edouard Fortunet
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