Serial 4
Serial 4
Serial 4
Though, Indian gooseberry (aonla) plantation in the Indian sub-continent is wide spread but its systematic cultivation is
sparse. To have a considerable increase in the area under aonla cultivation, a lot of awareness is still required to be created
among the farmers regarding the importance of this fruit in enhancement of nutrition among the population as well as a good
source of income. Many NGOs are working to motivate the farmers to adopt the scientific plantation of aonla. Since BAIF,
Udaipur had launched a European Union project in three tribal Panchayat Samities of Udaipur district, they wanted to know
how far their advice, demonstrations and campaigns have been effective in terms of reception by the farmers towards
knowledge enhancement and adoption. A total of 80 respondents were randomly selected from the identified villages. The
results revealed that the majority of respondents (61.67%) had medium knowledge, and only 20 per cent of the respondents
fell in low knowledge category. Further, majority of the respondents (63.33%) were in the medium adoption level regarding
improved technology of aonla cultivation, while 20 per cent and 16.67 per cent respondents possessed poor and high
adoption level respectively. It is recommended that intensive skill based training programmes should be organized by NGOs
in collaboration with agricultural university in the jurisdiction of district Udaipur to minimize the adoption gap.
Subject Matter Specialist (Agricultural Extension), ICAR – CAZRI, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), 2. Dean, College of Agriculture, Agricultural University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Principal Scientist (Extension Information Systems), ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad – 500030 (TS)
conditions, lack of water and adverse climate. In view of holders, they were grouped into (i) low (ii) medium and
good returns of aonla, its cultivation is becoming (iii) high knowledge levels on the basis of calculated
increasingly popular in north India, especially in Uttar mean and standard deviation of the obtained knowledge
Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan. Aonla is an ideal fruit scores by the respondents.
tree for Rajasthan climate and is suitable for cultivation in
arid and semi-arid regions with hill as well as plain Measurement of knowledge: To measure the knowledge
topography. of respondents, a knowledge test developed by
Chaturvedi (2000) was adopted with slight modification
Although, aonla plantations in the country is widely for the study. Package of major improved practices of
spread but its systematic cultivation is sporadic. For that aonla plantation were included in knowledge test. One
purpose, Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF), score was assigned to each correct answer and zero score
Udaipur had launched a European Union project in three to each incorrect answer. The responses obtained from the
tribal Panchayat Samities of Udaipur districts viz., respondents were counted and converted into Mean
Jhadol,Sarada and Kotra. These districts have an Percentage Score (MPS). The Knowledge Index (KI) for
undulating topography. Western part of the district has each respondent was calculated by using the following
high hills which are part of Aravalli ranges with formula:
intervening valleys, while the eastern part has relatively KI=K/P*100
low hills and broader plains. The study has been Where,
conducted to examine reception of the farmers regarding
scientitific aonla plantation practices in the study area. KI= Knowledge Index
The word reception in this study refers to as audience K= Knowledge score obtained
response in terms of knowledge gain and then response in P= Possible maximum score
terms of application of the same i.e. adoption.
The Knowledge gap was measured in terms of
Also, an attempt has been made to find out the gap in percentage by subtracting percentage mean of each
knowledge and adoption. Many a times, farmers have practice from 100. To measure the extent of adoption, a
knowledge but in spite of that they don't adopt the three-point continuum scale developed by Chaturvedi
technology. With this consideration, the present study was (2000) was adopted with slight modification. Package of
conducted on reception of farmers towards scientific practices of scientific cultivation of aonla were used for
aonla plantation in Udaipur district of Rajasthan with an development of the scale. Some of the practices were
objective to measure the knowledge level of farmers further divided into sub categories. The adoption index
about improved practices of aonla cultivation and study was calculated by using the following formula:
the extent of adoption of improved aonla cultivation Total adoption score obtained by respondents
technology among the farmers. Adoption index = *100
Maximum attainable score
adoption level group. So, it is here by concluded that Intercropping 70.43 2 29.57
majority of the farmers were having medium level of Training and pruning 47.90 11 52.1
adoption followed by low and high adoption level Using control measures of insect pests 55.33 9 44.67