P - Block Elements

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PROBLEMS BASED ON GIVEN TOPICS • Tetrahydridoborates (Borohydries)

The group 13 elements • Halides
• Oxidation state of types of bonds ¾ Trihalides
¾ The (+III) oxidation state ¾ Dihalides
¾ The (+I) oxidation state - the ‘inert pair effect’ ¾ Monohalides
• General properties • Complexes
¾ Melting points, boiling poinds an structurs • Differences between boron and the other elements
¾ Size of atoms and ions • Boron hydrides
¾ Electropositive characters ¾ Compounds known
¾ Ionization energy ¾ Preparation
• Reaction of boron • Reaction of the boranes
• Reaction of the other elements ¾ Hydroboration
¾ Reation with water and air ¾ Reaction with ammonia
¾ Reaction with acids and alkalis ¾ Some other reactions of boranes
¾ Reaction with dioxygen • Structures of the boranes
¾ Reaction with the halogens and sulphate • Organometallic compounds
¾ Alums The group 14 elements

¾ Cement • Structure and allotropy of the elements

• Compounds of boron and oxygen • Differences between carbon , Silicon and the
remaining elements
¾ Boron sesquioxide and the borates
¾ Carbon dating
¾ Acidic properties of H3BO3 or B(OH)3
• Physical properties
¾ Structures of borates
¾ Covalent radii
¾ Borax
¾ Ionization energy
¾ Sodium peroxoborate
¾ Melting points
¾ Isopolyacids of B, Si and P
¾ Metallic and non metallic character
¾ Qualitative analysis of boron compounds
¾ Four - covalent compounds
¾ Fluoboric acid
• Chemical reactivity
¾ Borides
¾ Insert pair effect
• The other group 13 oxides
¾ Standard reduction potentials (volts)
¾ Amphoteric behaviour - aluminates
• Graphite compounds
• Carbides • Halides
¾ Salt - like carbides ¾ Tetrahalides
¾ Interstitial carbides ¾ Catenated halides
¾ Covalent carbides ¾ Dihalides
• Oxygen compounds of carbon • Cluster compounds

¾ Carbon monooxide CO • Reaction mechanisms

• Organic derivaties
¾ Carbon dioxide CO2
The group 15 elements
¾ Carbon suboxides
• General properties and structures of the elements
• Carbonates
¾ Nitrogen
• The carbon cycle
¾ Phosphorus
• Sulphides of carbon
¾ Bond type
• Oxides of silicon
¾ Metallic and non - metallic character
• Oxides of germanium, Tin and Lead
• Silicates
¾ Reactivity
• Hydrides
¾ Occurrence in the earth crust
¾ Ammonia NH3
¾ Soluble silicates
¾ Phosphine PH3
¾ Principles of silicate structures
¾ Arsine AsH3 , stibind SbH3 and bismuthin BiH3
• Classification of silicates
¾ Structure of the hydrides
¾ Orthosilicates (neso - silicates)
¾ Donor properties
¾ Pyrosilicates (soro-silicates , disilicates)
¾ Hydrazine N2H4
¾ Cyclic silicates
¾ Hydroxylamine NH2OH
¾ Chain silicates
• Liquid ammonia as a solvent
¾ Sheet silicates (Phyllo - silicates)
• Hydrogen azide and the azides
¾ Three - dimensional silicates • Nitrogen fixation
• Glass ¾ Cyanamide process
• Organosilicon compounds and the silicones ¾ Haber-Bosch process
¾ Organosilicon compounds • Fertilizers
¾ Preparation of organosilicon compounds ¾ Urea
¾ Silicons ¾ Phosphate fertilizers
• Hydrides of silicon • Halides
• Complexes ¾ Trihalides
• Internal π bonding using d-orbitals ¾ Pentahalides

• Oxides of nitrogen ¾ Bond lengths and pπ-dπ bonding

¾ Nitrous oxide N2O ¾ Differences between oxygen and the othe
¾ Nitric oxide NO elements

¾ Nitrogen sesquioxide N2O3 • Gemneral properties of oxides

¾ Nitrogen dioxide NO2 and dinitrogen tetroxide ¾ Normal oxides

N 2O 4 ¾ Peroxides
¾ Dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 ¾ suboxides
• Oxoacids of nitrogen ¾ Basic oxides
¾ Nitrous acid HNO2 ¾ Amphoteric oxides
¾ Nitric acid HNO3 ¾ Acid oxides
• Oxides of phosphorus, Arsenic and Bismuth ¾ Neutral oxides
¾ Trioxides • Oxides of sulphur
¾ Pentoxides ¾ Dioxides SO2
¾ Other oxides ¾ Trioxides SO3
• Oxoacid of phosphorus ¾ Other oxides
¾ The phosphoric acid series ¾ Detergents
¾ Thhe phosphorous acid series • Oxoacid of sulphur
• Major uses of phosphate ¾ Sulphurous acid series
The group 16 elements - Chalcogens ¾ Sulphuric acid series
• General properties ¾ Thionic acid series
¾ Electronic structure and oxidation state ¾ Peroxoacid series
¾ Acid rain and SO2 • Oxohalides
¾ Uses of sulphur ¾ Thionyl compounds
• Structures and allotropy of elements ¾ Sulphuryl compounds
¾ Oxygen • Hydrides
¾ Ozone ¾ Water
¾ Sulphur ¾ Other hydrides
• Physical properties ¾ Peroxides and polysulphides
• Chemical reactivity
¾ Hydrogen peroxides
¾ Standard reduction potentials (volts) • Halides
¾ Oxidation state (+II), (+IV), (+VI) • Organo derivaties
The group 17 elements - The haloges • Oxoacids
• Extraction and uses of the elements ¾ Hypohalous acids HOX
¾ Fluorine ¾ Halous acids HXO2
¾ Chlorine ¾ Halic acid HXO3
¾ Bromine ¾ Perhalic acid HXO4
¾ Iodine ¾ Strength of the oxoacids
• General properties • Interhalogen compounds
¾ Size of atoms and ions ¾ AX compounds
¾ Ionization energy
¾ AX3 compounds
¾ Types of bonds formed and oxidation staes
¾ AX5 compounds
¾ Melting and boiling point
¾ AX7 compounds
¾ Bond energy in X2 molecules
• Polyhalides
¾ Oxidizing power
• Basic properties of the halogens
• Reaction with water
• Pseudohalogens and Pseudohalides
• Reactivity of the element
The group 18 elements - Noble gases
• Hydrogen halides HX
• Occurence and recovery of the elements
¾ HF
• Use of the elements
¾ HCl
• Physical properties
¾ HBr and HI • Chemical properties of Helium
• Halides
• Chemical propterties of the noble gases
¾ Ionic halides
¾ Molecular ions formed under excited conditions
¾ Molecular covalent halides
¾ Clathrate compounds
¾ Bridging halides
• Chemistry of Xenon
¾ Preparation of anhydrous halides
¾ Xenon fluoride complexes
• Halogen oxides
• Structures and bonding in xenon compound
¾ Oxygen difluoride OF2
¾ XeF2
¾ Dioxygen difluoride O2F2
¾ XeF4
¾ Dichlorine monoxide Cl2O
¾ XeF6
¾ Chlorine dioxide ClO2
• Valediction
¾ Chlorine perchlorate Cl.ClO4
¾ Dichlorine hexoxide Cl2O6
¾ Dichlorine heptoxide Cl2O7

The p-Block Elements and
Their Compounds
‰ Only one correct answer : 6. The correct boiling point order of stannic halides
1. The two main allotropes of tin are :- is :-
(a) SnF4 > SnCl4 > SnBr4 > SnI4
(a) grey tin, black tin (b) white tin, red tin
(b) SnI4 > SnBr4 > SnCl4 > SnF4
(c) white tin, black tin (d) white tin, grey tin
(c) SnCl4 > SnI4 > SnF4 > SnBr4
2. The colour of SnS and SnS2 are respectively :- (d) SnF4 > SnI4 > SnBr4 > SnCl4
(a) Black and White 7. Solution of SnCl2 and SnCl4 can be differentiated
(b) Brown and Yellow by different reagents, because they behave in
(c) Black and Colourless different way with different reagents. With HgCl2
which of the following option is correct :-
(d) Brown and Red
(a) SnCl2 react with HgCl2 to give white ppt. of
3. Tin particles crumble to powder during severe Hg2Cl2 which is further reduced by SnCl2 to
winters which is said “Tin plague”. It is due to :- give black precipitate
(a) at low temperature, transformation of white tin (b) SnCl4 react with HgCl2 to give white ppt. of
into grey tin which is accompanied by volume Hg2Cl2
expansion (c) SnCl4 does not react with HgCl2
(b) at low temperature, transformation of grey tin (d) both (a) and (c) are correct
into black tin which is accompanied by volume 8. Which of the following statement is correct ?
expansion (a) SnCl2 does not react with FeCl3
(c) Consuming grey tin causes disease (b) SnCl4 does react with FeCl3 to give FeCl62–
(d) None (c) SnCl2 reduces FeCl3 to FeCl2 & then when
K3[Fe(CN)6] is added, then blue colour is
4. SnO is example of amphoteric oxide, supported
by which of the following reaction :-
(d) None of these
(a) SnO + 2HCl → SnCl2 + H2O
9. A mass of arborescent crystals (lead tree) slowly
(b) SnO + 2NaOH → Na2SnO2 + H2O deposits when :-
(c) Both (a) & (b) (a) Zinc rod is hung in a solution of lead carbonate
(d) SnO + H2 → Sn + H2O (b) Iron rod is hung in a solution of lead nitrate
5. Concentrated nitric acid when reacts with tin, a (c) Copper rod is hung in a solution of lead acetate
white precipitate is formed. The precipitate is :- (d) Zinc rod is hung in a solution of lead acetate
(a) H2SnO3 10. Lead is soluble in :-
(b) H2SnO2 (a) dilute HCl
(c) H2Sn5O11.4H2O (b) dilute H2SO4
(c) cold concentrated HCl
(d) SnO2.6H2O
(d) warm dilute HNO3
11. Plumbo solvency - a serious menace where lead 17. H2O2 converts black precipitate PbS into :-
piping is used for water supply. It is caused by. (a) Elemental Pb
(a) Water soluble PbCO3 (b) Red colour Pb3O4
(b) Water insoluble PbCO3 (c) Grey colour PbO
(c) Slightly water soluble Pb(OH)2 (d) White coloured precipitate PbSO4
(d) Water soluble Pb(OH)2.PbCO3 18. The colour of PbO2 (lead dioxide) :-
12. Pb3O4 when reacts with HCl, the products formed (a) Yellow (b) Scarlet red
are :-
(c) Chocolate brown (d) Black
(a) PbCl2 , H2O , Cl2
19. The colour of Pb3O4 :-
(b) PbCl2 , H2O
(a) Yellow (b) Scarlet red
(c) PbCl2 , H2O , Cl2 , O2
(c) Chocolate brown (d) Black
(d) PbO2 , Cl2 , H2O
20. When lead is heated in air, a yellow powder A is
13. Pb3O4 when reacts with HNO3, the products formed. When A is fused, cooled and powdered,
formed are :- a reddish yellow crystalline varity B is formed, A
(a) Pb(NO3)2 , H2O , NO2 and B are respectivley :-
(b) Pb(NO3)2 , H2O (a) Massicot & Litharge
(c) Pb(NO3)2 , O2 , H2O (b) Red lead & lead dioxide
(d) Pb(NO3)2 , PbO2 , H2O (c) Litharge & Massicot
14. TEL (tetraethyl lead) is a colourless liquid which (d) Lead dioxide & Red lead
has boiling point 82°C. It is prepared by action
21. When litharge is calcinated for about 48 hrs in a
of :-
current of air at a temperature almost equal to
(a) ethyl alcohol with lead chloride 340°C, then the product formed is :-
(b) ethyl chloride vapour on sodilum lead alloy (a) PbO2 (b) Pb2O3
(c) ethyl ether vapour with lead metal (c) Pb3O4 (d) PbO
(d) ethyl benzene with lead chloride 22. The correct formula of white lead which is used
15. The correct melting point order of plumbous halide:- as pigment is :-
(a) PbF2 > PbCl2 > PbI2 > PbBr2 (a) PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (b) PbCO3.2Pb(OH)2
(b) PbI2 > PbBr2 > PbCl2 > PbF2 (c) 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (d) 3PbCO3.Pb(OH)2
(c) PbCl2 > PbF2 > PbBr2 > PbI2 23. Lithium aluminium hydride when reacts with
(d) PbF2 < PbCl2 < PbBr2 < PbI2 stannic chloride in ether medium at very low
16. CH3CH–OH ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → H2O + Product(P). temperature, the product formed :-
lead tetraacetate
(a) Sn2H6 (b) SnH2
(c) SnH4 (d) Sn3H8
P is:- 24. PbO2 (Pb in +4 oxidation state) oxidises MnSO4
(a) CH3CO2H (b) CH3 – C – CH3 solution in acidic medium into :-
(a) pink solution of HMnO4
O (b) black MnO2 ppt.
(c) CH3 – CH = O (d) CH3 – C O
(c) reddish brown solution of MnO(OH)2
H3C – C O (d) Mn3O8
25. Na2[SnO2] (Sn in +2 oxidation state) reduces 32. Anhydrous aluminium chloride is obtained by :-
Bi(NO3)3 into :- (a) strongly heating to 1000°C a mixture of alumina
(a) Black colour precipitate of Bi and coke in a current of chlorine
(b) Red colour precipitate of Bi (b) by passing dry chlorine or hydrogen chloride
(c) Brown colour precipitate of Bi over heated aluminium turnings
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
(d) None
26. The lewis acidic strength order among bromo
halides :- 33. Zinc and copper reacts with concentrated nitric
acid to given
(a) BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 > BI3
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(b) BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(c) BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3 > BI3
34. B2H6 is :-
(d) BF3 > BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3
(a) electron rich molecule and paramagnetic
27. Orthoborates are :-
(b) electron rich molecule and paramagnetic
(a) planar unit (b) pyramidal unit
(c) electron defficient molecule and paramagnetic
(c) tetrahedral unit (d) angular unit
(d) electron defficient molecule and diamagnetic
B2 H 6 (THF) 35. Zinc reacts with dilute nitric acid to give
28. H O + OH −
2 2
Product(P). P is
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(a) (b) 36. Aluminium triethyl in conjuction with titanium
chloride TiCl4 is called:-
(c) OH (d) OH (a) Al-titanium alloy (b) Alum
(c) Goldsmith mixture (d) Zeigler natta catalyst
29. Which of the following reaction, product are
correctly predicted :- 37. Copper reacts with dilute nitric acid to give
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(a) B3N3H6 + HCl ⎯→ (XS)
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(b) B3N3H3Cl3 + NaBH4 ⎯→ B3N3H6 + NaCl +
B2H6 38. Alums containing thallium one of the types :-
(c) B3N3H6 + 9H2O ⎯→ H3BO3 + NH3 + H2 (a) K2SO4 .Tl(SO4)3.24H2O
(b) Tl2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
(d) All
(c) K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
30. The oxidation stae of B, N in B 3N3H6 are
respectively :- (d) Tl(SO4).K2SO4.24H2O
(a) +3, –3 (b) +1, –1 39. A silvery white metal liquefies on a hot summer
day but is solid an cold days. It is readily attacked
(c) –3, +3 (d) –1, +1
by dilute acid liberating hydrogen. A is :-
31. B2H6 can not be methylated beyond :- (a) B (b) Ag
(a) Me2B2H4 (c) Al (d) Mg
(b) Me3B2H3 40. Which of the following is orange coloured solid :-
(c) Me4B2H2 (a) CCl4 (b) SiBr4
(d) Me5B2H (c) SnI4 (d) SbCl3
41. A gas at low temperature does not react of the 48. A gas exists in three allotropic forms α, β, γ is:-
compounds. It is inert in nature. The combustion (a) SO 2 (b) SO3
of this gas is exceptionally an endothermic reaction. (c) CO2 (d) NH3
The gas is :-
49. KOCN + (NH4)2SO4 ⎯⎯ Δ

(a) O 2 (b) N 2
In the following reaction one of the product is :-
(c) CO (d) H2
(a) NH4NO2 (b) NH4NO3
42. An explosive compound (a) when reacts with
(c) NH2CONH2 (d) both N2 & O2
water, it give NH4OH and HCl. A is :-
50. Which element become passive due to protective
(a) TNG (b) TNT layer of oxide formation, when reacts with
(c) NCl3 (d) HNO3 concentrated nitric acid
43. Three allotropes A , B and C of phosphorus are (a) Fe (b) Cr
transfered into each other in the following (c) Al (d) all of these
reaction :- 51. The ratio of 2C–2e and 3C–2e bonds in diborane
→ B ⎯⎯⎯→ is :-
A ⎯⎯⎯
⎯ CO 2atm C
(a) white, black, red (b) black, white, red (a) 0 (b) 1
(c) red, black, white (d) red, white, black (c) 2 (d) 3
44. Which is incorrectly matched :- 52. Sulphur dioxide reacts with hydrogen sulphide to
give sulphur precipitate. Here SO2 and H2S acts
ZZX Cs+ + Br –
(a) CsBr 3 YZZ as:-

ZZX Ag+ + BrO –

(b) AgBrO3 YZZ (a) oxidising and reducing reagent respectively
(b) reducing and oxidising reagent respectively
ZZX I3+ + (IO3–)3
(c) I4O9 YZZ
(c) base and acid respectively
ZZX IO – + IO +
(d) I2O4 YZZ (d) acid and base respectively
2 2
45. Copper reacts with concentrated nitric acid to give 53. SO2 and Cl2 bleaches coloured substance :-
(a) NO 2 (b) NO (a) by reduction and oxidation respectively
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2 (b) by reduction and reduction respectively
46. C(OH)4 is unstable but Si(OH) 4 is a stable (c) by oxidation and reduction respectively
compound because :- (d) by oxidation and oxidation respectively
(a) C = O bond energy is very low 54. Zeolite which is hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
(b) C = O bond energy is very high is used as water softner because :-
(c) Si = O bond energy is very high (a) the potassium ions of zeolite are exchanged
with barium and strontium ions when hard
(d) All of these water is passed through it
47. When a salt X reacts with ozone in aqueous (b) the sodium ion of zeolite are exchanged with
medium, a compound Y is produced ozone also barium and strontium ions when hard water is
reacts with Y and produces compound Z. Z acts passed through it
as an oxidising reagent.Then X,Y, Z can be :- (c) the potassium ions of zeolite are exchanged
(a) X = HI ; Y = I2 ; Z = HIO3 with barium and strontium ions when hard
(b) X = KI ; Y = I2 ; Z = HIO3 water is passed through it
(d) the sodium ions of zeolite are exchanged with
(c) X = KI ; Y = I2 ; Z = HOI
calcium and magnesium ions when hard water
(d) X = KI ; Y = I2 ; Z = HIO4 is passed through it
55. Sulphur dioxide acts as more powerful reducing 62. Among F–, Cl–, Br–, I– :-
agent in :- (a) I– is the least stable base
(a) acidic medium (b) neutral medium (b) I– is the weakest reducing reagent
(c) alkaline medium (d) None (c) I– is the most basic
56. The number of moles of H2O2 required to convert (d) I– is the strongest reducing reagent
1 mole of PbS into PbSO4. 63. Which of the following product is formed when
(a) 1 (b) 2 sulphur dioxide gas is passed through sodium
(c) 3 (d) 4 chlorate in strongly acidic solution :-
+ N 2 gas (a) NaClO4 (b) ClO2
57. Metal (M) ⎯⎯⎯→ Solids(S)
(c) NaSO3 (d) SO3
S+ H2O ⎯→ G(gas)
64. The oxide of chlorine which has odd number
G + CuSO4 solution ⎯→ Blue colour solution(X)
electrons and paramagnetic in nature is :-
Blue colour solution is :- (a) Cl2O7 (b) Cl2O
(a) [Cu(NH3)6]SO4 (b) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 (c) ClO2 (d) Cl2O6
(c) [Cu(NH3)2]SO4 (d) [Cu(NO3)4]SO4 65. The colour of vapour obtained when an iodide
58. Xe + F2 ⎯⎯⎯→ P1Xe + F2 ⎯⎯⎯→ P2 Xe salt is heated with concentrated H2SO4 is :-
+ F2 ⎯⎯⎯→ P3 (a) pale yellow (b) violet
(2:1 volume ratio)(1:5 volume ratio)(1:20 volume (c) reddish brown (d) greenish yellow
ratio) 66. HI can be prepared by which of the following
P1 , P2 , P3 are respectively :- methods :-
(a) XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 (b) XeF2 , XeF6 , XeF4 (a) PI3 + H2O ⎯→ (b) H2 + I2 ⎯⎯ Pt

(c) XeF6 , XeF4 , XeF2 (d) XeF4 , XeF2 , XeF6 (c) KI + H2SO4 ⎯→ (d) I2 + H2S ⎯→
59. XeO3 in strong alkaline medium (above pH 10.5) 67. What is the maximum coordination number of
forms :- iodine in the mixture of IF7 and CsF :
(a) HXeO4– (perxenate ion) (a) 2 (b) 4
(b) XeO64– (xenate ion) (c) 6 (d) 8
(c) HXeO4– (xenate ion) 68. For which halogen, reaction with water will be
(d) XeO64– (perxenate ion) most exothermic :-
(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine
60. Among all noble gases, only Xe reacts with F2 to
give many Xenon fluoride because Xenon :- (c) Bromine (d) Iodine
(a) has largest size among all noble gases 69. A greenish yellow gas reacts with KOH to give
potassium halide which can be used in fire works
(b) has the lowest ionisation enthalpy among all and safety matches. The gas and half Fe
noble gases respectively are :-
(c) has highest heat of vaporisation among all noble (a) Br2 ; KBrO3 (b) Cl2 ; KClO3
gases (c) I2 ; NaIO3 (d) None
(d) is the most readily available among all noble 70. How many statements are correct regarding neon:-
gases (a) Neon is diatomic in nature
61. ClO3 is the mixed anhydride of :- (b) Neon does not form clathrate with quinol
(a) HClO2 and HClO3 (b) HClO2 and HClO4 (c) Neon lights are visible even in fog and moist
(c) HOCl and HClO3 (d) HClO3 and HClO4 (d) All of these
71. XeF6 when reacts with cesium fluoride it acts as:- 78. A given silicate is amphibole :
(a) Bronsted acid (b) Bronsted base II III
Na 2 Fe x Fe y [Si8O22] (OH)2
(c) Lewis acid (d) Lewis base
The value of x + y is
72. A black solid X reacts with NH3 to form a mild
explosive which decomposes to give violet (a) 5 (b) 7
coloured gas. X also reacts with H2 to give an acid (c) 3 (d) 9
Y. Y can also be prepared by heating its salt with 79. On contact process, one of the step is
H2PO4. X and Y are :- 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g)
(a) Cl2 , HCl (b) F2 , HF This reaction is carried out :-
(c) Br2, HBr (d) I2, KI (a) at 500 K and 9 bar pressure with Pt/Rh as
73. Fluorine is obtained by the interaction of K2MnF6 catalyst
with Lewis acid SbF5 because :- (b) at 1200 K and 5 bar pressure with Pt/Rh as
(a) In the first step, K2MnF6 is converted into MnF4 catalyst
(b) In the second step, MnF4 is dissociated into (c) at 500 K and 7 bar pressure with V2O5 as
MnF2 and F2 catalyst
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) at 720 K and 2 bar pressure with V2O5 as
(d) None of these catalyst
74. Which of the following product is formed when 80. In ostwald’s process , one of the step is
one mole periodate ion (IO4–) reacts with excess 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) ⎯→ 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
of iodide ions followed by the acidification of This reaction is carried out :-
solution ? (a) at 500 K and 9 bar pressure with Pt/Rh as
(a) IO– (b) IO3– catalyst
(c) I2 (d) I2O5 (b) at 1200 K and 5 bar pressure with Pt/Rh as
75. Which of the following options is incorrect ? catalyst
(a) Sodium hypochlorite is used as bleaching and (c) at 500 K and 7 bar pressure with V2O5 as
sterilising agent. catalyst
(b) All halogens except F2 are more reactive than (d) at 720 K and 2 bar pressure with V2O5 as
interhalogens. catalyst
(c) Finely divided iron can not form ferric chloride 81. 2MX + H2SO4 ⎯→ 2HX + M2SO4
with hydrochloric acid. MX can be :-
(d) HNO3 oxidises sulphur to H2SO4 but only (a) MI (b) MCl
oxidises selenium to H2SeO3. (c) MBr (d) MI
76. Ester of boric acid B(OC2H5)3 imparts :- 82. In a mixture of HNO3 and H2SO4, HNO3 acts
(a) Blue colour to the burner flame as:-
(b) Green colour to the burner flame (a) base (b) acid
(c) Red colour to the burner flame (c) oxidising reagent (d) reducing agent
(d) Brown colour to the burner flame 83. Br2 + 2X–(aq) ⎯→ X2 + 2Br–(aq)
77. The repeating structural units in silicone is :- above reacation is correct when X– is :-
(a) R2SiO– (b) SiO2 (a) F– , Cl– (b) I– only
(c) ROSiOR (d) –SiR2OOR (c) F– , Cl– , I– (d) Cl– , I–
84. Which acid on heating produces phosphoric acid 92. H2O2 when reacts with KIO 4 and NH 2OH
by disproportionation reaction ? respectively, it acts as :-
(a) Phosphoric acid H3PO4 (a) reducing reagent & oxidising reagent
(b) Phosphorus acid H3PO3 (b) reducing reagent & reducing reagent
(c) Peroxy monophosphoric acid (c) oxidising reagent & oxidising reagent
(d) Metaphosphoric acid (d) oxidising reagent & reducing reagent
85. In copper sulphate pentahydrate how many anion 93. When titanium oxide reacts with H2O2 , it gives :-
water is present. (a) red colour due to formation of titanium oxide
(a) 0 (b) 1 (b) yellow orange colour due to formation of
(c) 2 (d) 3 titanium oxide/ titanium sulphate
86. Temporary hardness of water is caused by (c) black colour due to formation of titanium oxide
presence of (d) violet colour due to formation of titanium oxide
(a) Soulble nitrate 94. Chemical reagent added to remove temporary
(b) Soulble nitrite hardness of water is -
(c) Insoulble carbonate (a) Na2CO3 (b) Ca(OH)2
(d) Soulble bicarbonate of Ca and Mg (c) MgSO4 (d) CaSO4
87. The method which is not applicable for 95. Ozonolysis is a reaction when O3 gas is passed
manufacturing ammonia? through :-
(a) NH2 – C – NH2 + H2O (a) saturated hydrocarbon
O (b) unsaturated hydrocarbon
(b) NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 ⎯→ (c) cyclohexane ring
(c) ZnSO4 + NH4OH ⎯→ (d) cyclopentane ring
(d) (NH4)2SO4 + NaOH ⎯→ 96. Ozone oxidises moist sulphur to :-
X NaOH / Δ
⎯⎯⎯⎯ → Y ⎯⎯→
White fume (a) SO2 (b) SO3
88. ( Colourlesssolid )
(c) H2SO4 (d) H2SO3
X ⎯⎯⎯
→ Z Z ⎯⎯⎯→
KMnO 4
Colourless solution 97. On heating ozone, its volume :-
( White ppt.)

Salt X is :- (a) decreases to half

(a) BaC2O4 (b) (NH4)2CO3 (b) becomes double
(c) CaC2On (d) (NH4)2C2O4 (c) increases to 3/2 times
89. Ammonia can be dried by :- (d) remain unchanged
(a) concentrated H2SO4 98. The laboratory test “trailing of mercury” is
(b) P4O10 applicable to identify :-
(c) CaO (a) O 2 (b) H2O
(d) anhydrous CaCl2 (c) H2O2 (d) O 3
90. HNO3 when reacts with P4O10 it gives :- 99. Which is responsible for depleting ozone layer
(a) NO 2 (b) N2O 3 which protects from ultraviolet light ?
(c) N2O 4 (d) N2O 5 (a) Chloroform
91. H2O2 is not an example of :- (b) Chlorofluoro carbon
(a) reducing reagent (b) oxidising reagent (c) Carbon tetrachloride
(c) dehydrating reagent (d) Bleaching reagent (d) Methyl chloride
100. Aqueous solution of bleaching powder is source 108. O-O bond length :-
of :- (a) O2 < O3 < H2O2 (b) O3 < O2 < H2O2
(a) O2 + Cl– (b) OH– + Cl2 (c) H2O2 < O3 < O2 (d) O2 < H2O2 < O3
(c) OH– + Cl– (d) O3 + Cl– 109. The permutit process is based on
101. CH3COCH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Ca (OCl)Cl
→ CHCl3 + Product (a) exchange of basic radical or metal ion. e.g.
aqueous solution
Ca2+ and Mg2+ by Na+
(P). P is :-
(b) exchange of acidic radical like HCO3– / CO32–
(a) CH3CH3 (b) CH3CHOHCH3
by SO42– , NO3–
(c) (CH3CO2)2Ca (d) (HCO2)2Ca
(c) exchange of both acidic and basic radical
102. The incorrect statements are :-
(d) None
(a) Bleaching powder is strong oxidising reagent
110. Pair of metals does not dissolve in nitric acid :-
due to evolution of nascent oxygen.
(a) Cr, Al (b) Ag, Au
(b) Bleaching powder is strong oxidising reagent
due to evolution of nascent chlorine. (c) Al, Ag (d) Pt, Hg
(c) Bleaching powder reacts with methanol to give 111. Ammonia on reaction with sodium hypochlorite
calcium formate gives :-
(d) Bleaching powder oxidises NH3 into NCl3 (a) NO (b) NH4Cl
103. A pale yellow solid (A) having crown shape is (c) NH2–NH2 (d) HNO2
heated with concentrated H 2SO4 , it gives 112. NH4Cl(s) is heated in test tube. Vapours are
suffocating smell of gas B, which is passed through brought in contact with red litmus paper, which
moistened with starch iodide paper and turn it into
changes to blue and then red. It is because of :-
blue. The gas B and solid A are respectively.
(a) formation of NH4OH and HCl
(a) SO3 & S8 (b) SO2 & S8
(c) SO2 & S2N2 (d) SO3 & SO2 (b) formation of NH3 and HOCl
104. H2O2 acts as oxidising reagent when it reacts with:- (c) greater diffusion of NH3 than HCl
(a) Potassium ferrocyanide in acidic medium (d) greater diffusion of HCl from NH3
(b) Potassium ferrocyanide in basic medium 113. Which of the following gives mixture of SO2 and
(c) Potassium ferricyanide in acidic medium SO3 on heating :-
(d) Potassium ferricyanide in basic medium (a) ZnSO4 (b) CuSO4
105. H2O2 acts as reducing reagent when it reacts with:- (c) Fe(SO4)3 (d) FeSO4
(a) Potassium ferrocyanide in acidic medium 114. ZSM–5–A type of zeolite is used :-
(b) Potassium ferrocyanide in basic medium (a) to convert starch into alcohol
(c) Potassium ferricyanide in acidic medium (b) to convert alcohols into gasoline
(d) Potassium ferricyanide in basic medium. (c) to convert petroleum products into branched
106. Ca(OCl)Cl when reacts with FeSO4 solution, hydrocarbon
Ca(OCl)Cl is converted into :- (d) to convert hydrocarbon into alcohol
(a) Cl2 (b) CaCl2 115. In alumino silicates
(c) Ca(OCl)2 (d) Ca(OH)2 (a) Aluminium atom replaces few silicon atoms in
107. Calgon is used for water treatment. Calgon is:- three dimensional network of silicon dioxide
(a) Na2[Na4(PO3)6] (b) Na4[Ca(PO3)6] (b) Silicon atoms replaces few aluminium atom in
(c) Na2[Ca2(PO3)6] (d) Na4[Na2(PO3)6] three dimensional network of silicon dioxide
(c) Aluminium atom replaces few silicon atoms in 124. A certain salt X, gives the following results
three dimensional network of alumina (i) Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus
(d) Silicon atoms replaces few aluminium atom in (ii) It swells up to a glassy mateiral Y on strong
three dimensional network of alumina heating
116. Concentrated HNO3 reacts with iodine to give :- (iii) When concentrated H2SO4 is added to a hot
(a) HI (b) HOI solution od X, white crystal of an acid Z
(c) HIO4 (d) HIO3 separates out.
117. Blood pH is maintained between 7.26 to 7.42. It X is -
is due to - (a) Na2B4O7 (b) Ca2B6O11
(a) H2SO3 / HSO3– buffer system (c) B2O3.TiO2 (d) NaBH4
(b) H2SO4 / HSO4– buffer system
125. Z is
(c) H2CO3 / HCO3– buffer system
(a) HBO2 (b) H3BO3
(d) HF / F– buffer system
(c) H4B2O7 (d) None
118. 2E(s) + N2(g) ⎯⎯ Δ
→ 2ΕΝ(s)
126. When metal X is treated with sodium hydroxide,
2E(s) + 3X2(g) ⎯⎯Δ
→ 2EX3(s) a white precipitate (a) is obtained, which is soluble
E belongs to :- in excess of NaOH to give soluble complex (b).
(a) Group 13 element (b) Group 14 element Compound (a) is soluble in dilute HCl to form
(c) Group 15 element (d) Group 16 element compound (c). The compound (a) when heated
strongly gives (d) , which is used to extract metal.
119. S2O32– + Pb2+ ⎯⎯ → PbS2O3 (Precipitate P1) X is :-
+ 2–
PbS 2O 3 + H 2 O ⎯⎯→ 2H + SO 4 + PbS (a) B (b) Al
(Precipitate P2)
(c) Tl (d) Zn
PbS + H2O2 ⎯⎯ → H2O + PbSO4 (Precipitate P3)
Correct option - 127. B and D are respectively -
(a) P1 is black colour precipitate (a) Tl(OH)2 ; Tl2O (b) Zn(OH)2 ; ZnO
(b) P2 is white colour precipitate (c) Al(OH)3 ; Al2O3 (d) B(OH)3 ; B2O3
128. Cl Cl Cl
(c) Precipitate P1 is soluble in excess thiosulphate Al β α Al γ
(d) P3 is black colour precipitate Cl Cl Cl
120. Strongest acid is (a) α > β > γ
(a) HI (b) HBr (b) β > γ > α
(c) HCl (d) HF + SbF5 (c) β > α > γ
121. The least atomic radius is observed in (d) γ > β > α
(a) Al (b) Ga 129. In alum like M I M III ( SO 4 ) 2 .12H 2O :-
(c) In (d) Tl
(a) Six water molecule are octahedrally
122. The highest electronegativity is observed in
coordinated around MI
(a) Al (b) Ga
(b) Six water molecule are octahedrally
(c) In (d) Tl
coordinated around MIII
123. The highest and least oxidation state of element in
group 16 will be - (c) These water molecule are characterised as
lattice water
(a) +6, +2 (b) +4, –2
(d) All
(c) +5, –3 (d) +6, –2
130. BF3 + 3LiAlH4 ⎯→ 2B2H6 + 3LiF + 3AlF3 137. X ⎯⎯ Δ
→ Na2SO4 + Na2S5
Correct option for this reaction :- X is formed as one of the product when sulphur is
(a) This reaction is example of redox reaction boiled with caustic alkali. X is -
where LiAlH4 acts as reducing agent. (a) Na2SO3 (b) Na2S4O6
(b) This reaction is example of redox reaction (c) Na2S2O3 (d) Na2S
where BF3 acts as reducing agent. 138. Roasting salt cake with coke results -
(c) This reaction is example of non redox reaction (a) formation of mixture of CO2 & S
(d) Oxidation state of hydrogen atom in reactant (b) formation of mixture of CO2 & Na2S
side is different w.r.t. oxidation state of (c) formation of mixture of CO & Na2S
hydrogen atom in product side.
(d) formation of mixture of CS2 & Na2O
131. NH3 → N2 , This conversion is carried out in
139. FeCl3 when reacts with sodium thiosulphate , it
presence of -
gives intense purple colour complex X and then
(a) Bleaching powder (b) CuO on standing the purple colour disappears. What is
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) O2 (air) X and colour is disappeared because of -
132. N2H4 → N2 , This conversion is carried out in (a) X = [Fe(S2O3)3]3– ; colour is disappeared due
presence of - to formation of Fe2+
(a) I2 (b) KIO3 (b) X = [Fe(S2O3)2]–1 ; colour is disappeared due
(c) Fe 3+
(d) All to formation of Fe2+
133. The bond order of S–O bond in SO2 is - (c) X = [Fe(S2O3)2]–1 ; colour is disappeared due
(a) 2 (b) 1.5 to formation of [Fe(S2O3)2]
(c) 1 (d) 2.5 (d) X = [Fe(S2O3)3]3– ; colour is disappeared due
to formation of [Fe(S2O3)2]4–
134. Which compound when reacts with SO2 , non-
redox reaction takes place ? 140. Cl2 + F2 ⎯⎯⎯437K
→ X1
(a) Cl2 (g) (b) Fe3+ solution (equal volume)
(c) KMnO4, H+ (d) Na2CO3 solution Cl2 + 3F2 ⎯⎯⎯→ X2
135. Which oxy acid of sulphur is not possible ? (excess)
(a) H2S2O7 I2 + Cl2 ⎯⎯ → X3
(b) H2SO5 (excess)
(c) H2SO6 Which of the following statements are correct -
(d) H2S2O6 (a) X2 is colourless gas (b) X3 is orange solid
136. For the following reaction, (c) X1 is colourless gas (d) All
C12H22O11(s) + H2SO4 + 1/2 O2(g) → 11C(s) 141. Pb3O4 can not oxidise :-
+ CO2(g) + 12H2O + SO2(g) (a) HCl (b) H2SO4
which of the following statement is correct - (c) HNO3 (d) All
(a) Here H2SO4 acts as dehydrating as well as 142. A scarlet red powder when reacts with HNO3 , it
oxidising reagent gives chocolate brown precipitate. Scarlet red
(b) The reaction is endothermic in nature powder is :-
(c) The solution turns colourless (a) PbO2 (b) PbO
(d) Colourless and odourless gas is evolved (c) Pb3O4 (d) Pb2O3
143. A scarlet red powder when reacts with HNO3 , it 2. Which of the following reactions are correctly
gives chocolate brown precipitate. Chocolate given ?
brown precipitate is :- (a) SnO2 + 2H2SO4 → Sn(SO4)2 + 2H2O
(a) PbO2 (b) PbO (b) SnO2 + 2NaOH → Na2SnO2 + H2O
(c) Pb3O4 (d) Pb2O3 (c) SnCl4 + Hg → Hg2Cl2 + SnCl2
144. The number of lone pair on Cl in HOCl, HClO2, (d) SnCl2 + Zn → ZnCl2 + Sn
HClO3, HClO4 are respectively :-
3. Which of the following names are correct :-
(a) 1,2,3,4 (b) 0,1,2,3
(a) Crystalline SnS2 : Mosaic Gold
(c) 4,3,2,1 (d) 3,2,1,0
(b) SnCl4.5H2O : Butter of tin
145. Number of Cl = O bonds present in HOCl,
(c) SnO2 : Cassiterite
HClO2, HClO3, HClO4 are respectively :- :-
(d) SnH4 : Stannane
(a) 1,2,3,4 (b) 0,1,2,3
(c) 4,3,2,1 (d) 3,2,1,0 4. SnS2 is soluble in :-
146. Boric acid can act as strong acid by addition of :- (a) concentrated HCl (b) YAS
(a) Cis-1, 2-diol (b) Borax (c) H2O (d) NH3
(c) Trans-1,2-diol (d) Na2HPO4 5. Which of the following are example of mixed
147. In aqueous solution, orthoboric acid acts as :-
(a) Proton donor acid (b) Lewis acid (a) PbO (b) Pb2O3
(c) Triprotic acid (d) Strong acid (c) Pb3O4 (d) Pb2O2
148. The transition temperature for rhombic sulphur to 6. Which of the following reaction are correct ?
monoclinic sulphur is :- (a) PbO2 + 4HCl → PbCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(a) 95.5°C (b) 112°C (b) 2PbO2 + 4H2SO4 → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O + O2
(c) 160.5°C (d) 190°C (c) PbO2 + 2NaOH → Na2PbO3 + H2O
149. Correct bond dissociation energy order :- (d) 2PbO2 ⎯⎯⎯
730° C
→ 2PbO + O2
(a) N ≡N > P≡P (b) N–N > P–P
7. Which can be formed as yellow precipitate ?
(c) O–O < S–S (d) All
(a) PbSO4 (b) PbI2
150. Chlorofluoro carbon (freons) is represented as
(c) PbCrO4 (d) Pb(OH)2 . PbCO3
CFmCln. It can be :-
8. Which of the following options are correct ?
(a) CF2Cl2 (b) CFCl3
(a) PbS is insoluble in hot concentrated HCl
(c) CClF3 (d) All
(b) PbS is insoluble in boiling dilute HNO3
EXERCISE # II (c) White lead is used as pigment
‰ One or More Than One Correct Answer : (d) Pb(OH)2 is dissolved in acid as well as in base
1. Which of the following statements are correct 9. Which of the following reaction give NH3 gas :-
regarding SnCl2 ? (a) Boron nitride is fused with potassium
(a) SnCl2 conducts electricity hydroxide
(b) SnCl2 is dissolved in water to form turbidity of (b) Boron nitride reacts with F2 gas
stannous oxychloride (c) Boron nitride undergoes hydrolysis
(c) SnCl2 is ionic solid (d) Boron imide undergoes decomposition
(d) SnCl2 is covalent angular molecule
10. Which of the following compound forms chelating 15. The pair that yield same gaseous product on
oxy derivative with B(OH)4– :- reaction with water are :-
OH (a) AlN, CaCN2 (b) Ca & CaH2
(a) Catechol ; (c) F2 & XeF4 (d) K & KO2
CO2H 16. HNO3 :-
(b) ; Salicylic acid (a) oxidises S to H2SO4
OH (b) oxidises P4 to H3PO4
(c) oxidises Se to H2SeO3
(c) Quinol ;
HO (d) oxidises I2 to HIO3
CO2H 17. Which of the following options are correct ?
(d) ; p-hydroxy benzoic acid (a) HF is the only hydra acid of halogen which
does not form any precipitate with AgNO3.
11. The oxidation state of hydrogen atom in B3N3H6:-
(b) Oxidising property of halogens F2 > Cl2 >
(a) All hydrogens have same oxidation state of +1
Br2 > I2
(b) All hydrogens have same oxidation state of –1
(c) The bond dissociation energy of halogen Cl2 >
(c) Hydrogens attached with boron have oxidation
Br2 > F2 > I2
state of –1
(d) Hydrogens attached with nitrogen have (d) The bond dissociation energy of hydrogen
oxidation state of +1 halide HF > HCl > HBr > HI
12. Which of the following statements are incorrect ? 18. Astatin is the element below iodine in the group
(a) B–F bond length in BF3 is less than B–F bond VII A of the priodic table. Which of the following
length in NOBF4 statements are not true for astatine ?
(b) N–O bond length in NO is more than N–O (a) It is more electronegatives than iodine
bond length in NOClO4 (b) It will exhibit only – 1 oxidation state
(c) The terminal B–H bond length in B2H6 is more (c) Intermolecular forces between the astatine
than C–H bond length in C2H6 molecules will be more than that between
(d) The terminal B–H bond length in B2H6 is more iodine molecules.
than C–H bond length in C2H4 (d) It is less electronegatives than iodine
13. I2 is soluble in KI solution but is insoluble in water
19. Which statements are correct about halogens ?
because :-
(a) They are all diatomic and form univalent ions
(a) I2 is soft lewis acid and I– is hard lewis base
(b) I2 is hard lewis acid and H2O is hard lewis base (b) Halogens have the smallest atomic radii in their
respective periods
(c) I2 is soft lewis acid and I– is soft lewis base
(d) I2 is soft lewis acid and H2O is hard lewis base (c) They are all diatomic and form divalent ions
14. Select correct statements :- (d) They are all reducing agent
(a) Borax is used as buffer 20. Which of the following reactions are feasible ?
(b) 1(M) borax solution reacts with equal volume (a) 2KCl + I2 ⎯→ 2KI + Cl2
of 2(M) HCl solution (b) 2KI + Cl2 ⎯→ 2KCl + I2
(c) Titration of borax can be made using methyl (c) MnO2 + 4HCl ⎯→ MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
orange as the indicator (d) MnO2 + 2NaBr + 2H2SO4 ⎯→ Br2 + 2Na+
(d) Coloured bead is obtained in borax bead test
+ Mn2+ + 2 SO42– + 2H2O
contains metaborate
21. Which of the following statements are correct ? 27. Which of the following reactions give NH3 gas ?
(a) At ordinary temperature, the rate of disproport- (a) Zn + NaOH + NaNO3 ⎯⎯ Δ

ionation of hypohalites of chlorine , bromine (b) (NH4)2CO3 ⎯⎯Δ

and iodine follows the order IO– > BrO– > ClO–.
(c) NH4ClO4 ⎯⎯Δ

(b) Fluorine can not be prepared in aqueous
medium by electrolysis, since it decomposes (d) Al + NaOH + NaNO3 ⎯⎯ Δ

water with liberation of ozonised oxygen. 28. Which compound is not known ?
(c) HI is a stronger acid than HBr because of the (a) NX5 (b) BF63– (c) HPO2 (d) NOBr3
low dissociation energy of HI. 29. Which of the following statements are correct -
(d) In aqueous solution chlorine is a stronger (a) In ammonium nitrate, anionic part is sp2
oxidising agent than fluorine. hybridised
22. The products formed when potassium chlorate (b) In ammonium nitrate, cationic part is sp3
reacts with iodine. hybridised
(a) KIO4 (b) KOI (c) KIO3 (d) Cl2 (c) In ammonium nitrite , cationic part is sp2
23. Correct order regarding HNO3 and H2SO4 :-
(d) In ammonium nitrite , anionic part is sp2
(a) acidic strength HNO3 > H2SO4
(b) boiling point H2SO4 > HNO3 30. Which of the following can not coexist with solution?
(c) oxidising power HNO3 > H2SO4 (a) H2S + SO2 (b) Fe2S3 + HCl
(d) Volatility HNO3 > H2SO4 (c) HNO2 + KI (d) Na2CO3 + NaHCO3
24. Which of the following option are correct :- 31. Which of the reaction produces PH3 as one of the
(a) Zn when reacts with very dilute HNO3 , it gives product?
Zn(NO3)2 and NH4NO3 (a) Ca3P2 + H2O ⎯⎯ →
(b) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⎯⎯⎯→ 2SO3(g) , it is an (b) P4(white) + NaOH + H2O ⎯⎯

example of endothrmic reaction
(c) PH4I + KOH ⎯⎯→
(c) I2 produces HIO3 and NO2 with concentrated
(d) H3PO2 ⎯⎯ Δ

+ H 2O
(d) Ag when reacts with concentrated HNO3 , it 32. A (Calcium imide) ⎯⎯⎯ → B + C(gas)
gives AgNO3 and NO2 C (gas ) ⎯⎯⎯⎯
Ca (OCl)Cl
→ D(gas)
25. Bronze when treated with hot concentrated HNO3:- D (gas) ⎯⎯→ Mg + H 2O
E ⎯⎯⎯ → C(gas)
(a) Cu and Zn both readily dissolves Correct option :-
(b) Copper is dissolved to give blue solution (a) C gas is N2O (b) D gas is N2O3
(c) Sn is dissolved to give colourless solution (c) C gas is N2O4 (d) D gas is N2
Sn(NO2)2 33. F2 reacts with H2O to give :-
(d) Tin is oxidised to metastannic acid in the form (a) HOF (b) HF
of white precipitate (c) O 2 (d) O 3
26. Which of the following statements are incorrect ? 34. Which of the following statements are correct ?
(a) To carry out brown ring test for nitrate ion, (a) The hydride of group 15 elements act as
dilute H2SO4 should be used. oxidising agents
(b) To carry out brown ring test for nitrite ion, dilute (b) The hydride of group 15 elements act as
H2SO4 should be used. reducing agents
(c) Devarda’s alloy is alloy of aluminium, copper (c) The reducing power increases is going from
and zinc where zinc percentage is maximum NH3 to BiH3
(d) Copper strip is added in concentrated H2SO4, (d) The basic character decreases in going from
the solution become blue NH3 to SbH3
HCl+ H 2O 2
35. CH3 – CH = CH2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → P1 43. NH3 when reacts with Cl2 , then :-
CH3 – CH = CH2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯
HBr + H 2O 2
→ P2 (a) NCl3 is formed when Cl2 is present in excess
Correct statements :- (b) N2 is formed when Cl2 is present in excess
(a) P1 is CH3CH2CH2Cl (c) N2 is formed when NH3 is present in excess
(b) P1 is CH3CHClCH3 (d) NCl3 is formed when NH3 is present in excess
(c) P2 is CH3CH2CH2Br 44. SO2 + Cl2 → Compound X1
(d) P2 is CH3CHBrCH3 CO + Cl2 → Compound X2
36. Which of the followings are diamagnetic ? Correct statement regarding X1 and X2 ?
(a) H2O2 (b) O 3 (a) X1 is used to chlorinate alkane, eg. ethane to
(c) SO2 (d) KO 3 ethyl chloride
37. Which of the followings reagent can be used to (b) X2 is poisonous gas
change the colour when SO2 gas is passed ? (c) The oxidation state of sulphur in compound
(a) Bromine water X1 is +4
(b) Acidified FeCl3 solution (d) The oxidation state of carbon in compound
(c) Chlorine water X2 is +4
(d) Acidified K2Cr2O7 solution 45. Dioxygen can be obtained in the laboratory by :-
38. Ozone can oxidise :- (a) Heating potassium chlorate in presence of
MnO2 at high temperature
(a) K2MnO4 (b) KMnO4
(b) Thermal decomposition of oxide of metal which
(c) S(moist) (d) Ag
is low in the electrochemical series, eg. Ag
39. Aqueous solution of which ion gives black and Hg.
precipitate in acidic medium when H2S gas is
passed through it :- (c) Thermal decomposition of H2O2
(a) Bi 3+ (b) Pb2+ (d) Thermal decomposition of NaNO2
(c) Cu2+ (d) Ag+ 46. Which of the following statements are correct :-
40. Aqueous solution of which ion gives black (a) SiF4 reacts with F– to give SiF62–
precipitate in basic medium when H2S gas is (b) SiCl4 reacts with Cl– to give SiCl62–
passed through it :- (c) O–O bond in O2F2 is shorter as compared to
(a) Fe2+ (b) Fe3+ O–O bond in H2O2
(c) Co2+ (d) Ni2+ (d) O–F bond in O2F2 is longer as compared to
41. H2O2 can be prepared by :- O–F bond in OF2
(a) Oxidation of 2-ethyl anthraquinol by air 47. X + Coke powder ⎯⎯⎯⎯
> 2000° C
→ Y + 2CO↑
(b) Electrolysis of 50% sulphuric acid (3D-silicate)
(c) CO2 gas is passed through aqueous solution Y + Coke powder ⎯⎯⎯⎯ > 2000° C
→ Z
of barium peroxide What are the correct statements regarding Z ?
(d) Na2O2 is added to dilute H2SO4 (a) All atoms of Z are sp3 hybridised
42. When ammonia is gas is passed through suspension (b) Z exhibits tetrahedral geometry
of gypsum in water and then passing in
(c) Z is yellow solid at room temperature and
carbondioxide then the products formed can be :-
colourless solid when impurity is present.
(a) H2SO4 (b) (NH4)2CO3
(d) Z is extremely hard substance used as
(c) CaCO3 (d) (NH4)2SO4
48. CO gas is absorbed by aqueous suspension of 55. F2 reacts with alkali to give -
cuprous chloride forming the complex like (a) HOF (b) O 3
[CuCl(CO)(H2O)2]. (c) F2 O (d) O 2
Correct statement regarding this complex :- 56. Ca2B6O11 + Na2CO3 ⎯⎯ Δ
→ [X] + CaCO3 +
(a) complex is tetrahedral NaBO2 (Unbalanced equation)
(b) complex is diamagnetic Correct statement fo [X] :-
(c) geometrical isomerism is not possible for this (a) Structure of anion of crystalline (X) has one
complex boron atom sp3 hybridised and other three
(d) Chlorine atoms is separated by an angle 90° boron atoms sp2 hybridised
with respect to both water molecule (b) (X) with NaOH(aq.) gives a compound which
49. Which of the following ammonium salt give on reaction with H2O2 in alkaline medium yields
bronsted acid on heating ? a compound used as brightner in soaps
(a) NH4NO3 (b) (NH4)2SO4 (c) Hydrolysis of (X) with HCl or H2SO4 yields a
(c) (NH4)2MoO4 (d) NH4Cl compound which on reaction with HF gives
fluoroboric acid
50. An element (X) has electronic configuration
1s22s22p3. Hydride of X is :- (d) [X] on heating with cobalt salt in oxidising flame
gives blue coloured bead
(a) Water soluble
57. Which of the following reaction is correctly
(b) Colourless gas
matched with product ?
(c) Odourless gas
(a) C2H5OH + PCl5 → C2H5Cl + POCl3 + HCl
(d) Freezing point is 198.4K and 239.7K
(b) CH3CO2H + PCl5 → CH3COCl + POCl3 + HCl
(c) 3CH3CO2H + PCl3 → 3CH3COCl + H3PO3
51. An element (X) has electronic configuration
1s22s22p2. Hydride of X is :- (d) Sn + PCl5 → SnCl2 + PCl3
(a) Colourless gas (b) Pungent odour gas 58. O3 + 2H+ + 2e– → H2O + O2
E° = 1.65 volt
(c) Water insoluble (d) Water soluble
O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → 2H2O E° = 0.814 volt
52. An element (a) has outermost electronic
configuration 4s24p5. Hydride of A is :- This value indicates :-
(a) Strong base (b) Strong acid (a) O2 & O3 are reducing reagent
(c) Brown colour gas (d) Colourless gas (b) O2 & O3 are oxidising reagent
53. Gun powder consists of :- (c) O3 is stronger oxidising reagent than O2
(a) NaNO 3 (b) KNO 3 (d) O2 is stronger oxidising reagent than O3
(c) Sulphur (d) Charcoal 59. Correct statements regarding H2O2 :-
54. Whcih of the following statements are correct ? (a) O–O bond length is 1.49Å
(a) When dilute H2SO4 is added with potassium (b) Boiling point is 152°C
ferrocyanide, then CO gas is evolved (c) ∠HOO = 97°
(b) When concentrated H2SO4 is added with (d) Dipole moment is 2.01 Debye
potassium ferrocyanide, then HCN gas is evolved 60. In which of the following reactions , PCl3 is formed
(c) Urea, an nitrogenous organic matter when as one of the product ?
undergoes reaction with water, ammonia gas (a) Reaction between P4 and SOCl2
is evolved. (b) Reaction between P4 and SO2Cl2
(d) For H 2SO4 , first dissociation constant (c) Reaction between Ag and PCl5
(Ka > 10) is very high (d) Reaction between PH3 and Ca(OCl)Cl
61. Correct statements regarding O3 :- (c) reaction between boron trifluoride and NaH
(a) It is deep blue in liquid form at 450 K
(b) It is violet black in solid form (d) Oxidation of sodium borohydride with I2
(c) It has fishy smell 69. Which of the following options are correct ?
(d) Decomposition of O3 → O2 , entropy increases (a) Concentrated HNO3 can be transported in
62. Which of the following reaction give amorphous aluminium container
boron as product ? (b) Graphite is used as lubricant
(a) B2O3 + 3Mg → 3MgO + B (c) Diamond is used as abrassive
(b) 3K + KBF4 → 4KaF + B (d) Aluminium alloys are used to make aircraft body
(Potassium borofluoride) 70. Which structure exist with central atom sp3d2
hybridised ?
(c) B2O3 + 3H2→ 2B + 3H2O
(a) SiF62– (b) SiCl62–
(d) 2BCl3 + 3H2 → 2B + 6HCl
(c) GeCl62– (d) SnOH62–
63. AlF3 is different from other aluminium halide. This
is illustrated by :- 71. Which of the following options are correct ?
(a) AlF3 is only ionic halide but rest other halides (a) N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g), it is an example
are covalent in nature of endothermic reaction -
(b) AlF3 hydrolyses most readily but rest other (b) In CO2 molecule , resonance is possible
halides do not undergo hydrolysis (c) H2O is less polar than H2O2
(c) AlF3 is unaffected water but other halides are (d) Number of chlorine atom present in mustard
easily hydrolysed gas is two
(d) AlF3 has least boiling point among all aluminium 72. Which of the following gases are supporter of
halides combustion ?
64. Br2 when disproportionates in hot and concentrated (a) N 2 O (b) CO2
NaOH solution, the products formed are :- (c) CO (d) O 2
(a) NaBr (b) NaOBr 73. BaSO3 + H2O2 → BaSO4 + H2O
(c) NaBrO3 (d) NaClO4 Precipitate P1Precipitate P2
65. Which of the following are example of amphoteric Correct option :-
oxide ?
(a) P1 is white colour precipitate
(a) CO (b) SnO
(b) P2 is white colour precipitate
(c) GeO (d) PbO
(c) P1 is soluble in dilute HCl
66. Which of the following are example of acidic oxide?
(d) P2 is insoluble in dilute HCl and dilute HNO3
(a) SiO2 (b) PbO2
74. Which of the following options are correct
(c) SnO2 (d) GeO2 regarding N2O5 ?
67. Which of the following compound when dissolve (a) The total number of lone pair of electron in
in water, it gives alkaline solution ? N2O5 is 10
(a) Borax (b) Sodium sulphide (b) The total number of lone pair of electron in
(c) K2CO3 (d) HCl N2O5 is 12
68. B2H6 is prepared by (c) The total number of lone pairs of electron on
(a) direct combination between elemental boron nitrogen atom in N2O5 is 2
and gaseous H2 (d) The total number of lone pairs of electron on
(b) reaction between boron trifluoride and LiAlH4 nitrogen atom in N2O5 is 0
in ether medium
75. Which of the following options are correct A,B,C can be :-
regarding member of group 14 elements (a) A,B,C can be NH3, N2O, N2O4
(a) Among all elements , carbon forms the most (b) E can be HNO3
acidic oxide (c) A,B,C can be NH3, NO, NO2
(b) Among all elements , lead is most commonly (d) E can be HNO2
found in +2 oxidation state
80. An inorganic salt ,
(c) Among all elements , silicon and germanium
(a) + KOH ⎯→ B gas + C(solution)
both are semiconductor
B gas + CuSO4 solution ⎯→ Black precipitate
(d) Among all elements , tin has maximum melting
point C (solution) + CuSO4 ⎯→ White precipitate in
brown solution.
76. Which property is not characterised by silicone ?
Correct statements are :-
(a) High thermal stability
(a) A is NH4Br
(b) Chemically resistant towards oxidation
(b) White precipitate is CuBr
(c) Water attracting in nature due to presence of
polar group (c) A is PH4I
(d) Water repelling due to presence of non polar (d) White precipitate is CuI
alkyle group
77. An aqueous solution of gas (x) shows the following
reaction. ‰ Linked Comprehension Type :
(a) it turns rod litmus paper blue Passage for Q.1 to Q.3 :
(b) when added in excess of copper sulphate Lead was known in ancient Egypt and Babylonia. It
solution or deep blue colour is obtained was largely used by Romans for water pipes. Native
(c) on addition of the FeCl3 solution, a brown lead is occasionally found in traces but the cheilt are
precipitate, soluble in dilute HNO3 is obtained in galena PbS.
Correct options ? 1. The sulphate mineral of lead is called :-
(a) x is PH3 (a) Cerussite (b) Crocoisite
(b) x is NH3 (c) Lamarcite (d) Anglesite
(c) Brown precipitate is Fe(OH)3 2. Lead is extracted from galena. Which of the
(d) Blue solution is [Cn(NH 3)6]2+ following process in not involved for lead
78. Correct statements regardidng carbide ?
(a) Froath floatation (b) Calcination
(a) WC is example of interstitial carbide
(c) Roasting (d) Smelting
(b) Mg2C3 is used in propyne preparation
Passage for Q.3 to Q.5 :
(c) B4C is used as abrasssive
100° C
(d) Cu 2 C 2 & Ag 2 C 2 are both white colour Orthoboric acid ⎯⎯⎯ → P1
Orthophosphoric acid ⎯⎯⎯ 220° C
precipitate → P4
140° C
Orthoboric acid ⎯⎯⎯
79. A + O2 ⎯⎯ → B(colourless gas) → P2
Orthophosphoric acid ⎯⎯⎯ 320°
→ P5
B ⎯⎯ air
→ C (Brown colour gas)
Orthoboric acid ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → P3
very high temp.
B + C ⎯→ D heating

D + H2O ⎯→ E Orthophosphoric acid ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

→ P6
temperature heating
E + KI solution ⎯→ Gas B formed.
3. P1 & P4 are respectively :- 9. A is :-
(a) H2B4O7 , HPO3 (b) HBO2 , HPO3 (a) NO (b) CO
(c) H2B4O7 , H4P2O7 (d) HBO2 , H4P2O7 (c) CO2 (d) SO2
4. P2 & P5 are respectively :- 10. B is :-
(a) H2B4O7 , HPO3 (b) HBO2 , HPO3 (a) Ni(CO)4 (b) Fe(CO)5
(c) H2B4O7 , H4P2O7 (d) HBO2 , H4P2O7 (c) Ni2(CO)10 (d) Ni(NO)4
5. P3 & P6 are respectively :- 11. C is :-
(a) B2O5 , P2O5 (b) B2O3 , P4O8 (a) (CO2Na)2 (b) CH3CO2Na
(c) B2O3 , P2O5 (d) B2O3 , P2O3 (c) HCO2Na (d) Na2CO3
Passage for Q.6 to Q.7 : Passage for Q.12 to Q.13 :
A colourless solid A is formed on adding an ethereal A colourless solid (a) dissolves in water. The aqueous
solution of aluminium chloride to lithium hydride solution gives a white precipitate (b) when NaOH or
suspended in ether. A when reacts with BCl3 & SnCl4, NH4OH is added. B dissolves in excess NaOH but
products B and C are formed respectively. not in excess NH4OH.BaCl2 solution is added to A , a
B is electron difficient but C is not. A is used as very white precipitate is formed which is insoluble in dilute
strong reducing agnent and can be used widely in HCl.
organic chemistry. Solid A, when heated with Na2CO3 in a charcoal cavity,
6. A when reacts with CH3CH = O & CH3CO2H , followed by addition of a few drops of cobalt nitrate
the products are formed respectively :- solution in charcoal cavity and further heating (by blow
(a) CH3CH2OH , CH3CH = O pipe flame) leaves a blue residue C.
(b) CH3CH2OH , CH3CH2OH 12. A is :-
(c) CH3CH = O , CH3CHO (a) Al2O3 (b) AlCl3
(d) CH3CH2OH , CH3CH2CH2OH (c) Al(NO3)3 (d) Al2(SO4)3
7. A reacts vigrongly with water to get :- 13. C is :-
(a) LiOH, Al(OH)3 , H2O (a) CoAl2O3 (b) CoAl2O4
(b) LiOH, Al(OH)3 , H2 (c) CoAl2O6 (d) CO2(SO4)3
(c) LiOH, AlH3 Passage for Q.14 to Q.16 :
(d) LiH, Al(OH)3 Finely powdered colemnite is treated with boiling
8. CH3CH2CN + A ⎯→ P1 sodium carbonate solution when insoluble X1 is
CH3CH2NC + A ⎯→ P2 precipitated and a mixture of X2 & X3 remains in the
solution. The insoluble X1 is separated by filtration. To
P1 & P2 are related as :- have further yield, CO2 gas is passed through X3 , where
(a) functional isomers X3 is converted into X2.
(b) geometrical isomers 14. X1 is :-
(c) chain isomers (a) CaCO3 (b) NaBO2
(d) positional isomers (c) Na2B4O7 (d) Na2CO3
Passage for Q.9 to Q.11 : 15. X2 is :-
A is colourless flammable gas which reduces CuO (a) CaCO3 (b) NaBO2
and when passed through a warm nickel tube forms a
(c) Na2B4O7 (d) Na2CO3
volatile liquid B. At high temperature and pressure,
(a) reacts with aqueous NaOH to form a salt C. A 16. X3 is :-
reacts in stage with Cl2 to give finally a highly explosive (a) CaCO3 (b) NaBO2
liquid D. (c) Na2B4O7 (d) Na2CO3
Passage for Q.17 to Q.19 : 22. Which of the following statements are correct
A (organic compound) + O2 ⎯→ B+C+D. regarding C :-
A does not react with AgNO3 solution. A mixture of (a) Central atom of anion of compound C has sp3
70% A and 30% ether is used as an anaesthetic. B is hybridisation
neutral oxide which turns anhydrous CuSO4 blue. (b) Anion of compound C is tetrahedral in shape
Compound C turns lime water milky and produces an (c) Both (a) and (b)
acidic solution with water. D is pungent smelling gas :- (d) None of these
17. A and D are respectively :- Passage for Q.23 to Q.25 :
(a) CH2Cl2 , Cl2 (b) CHCl3 , COCl2 White crystalline solid X1 react with H2 to form a highly
associated liquid X2 & monoatomic , colourless gas
(c) CHCl3 , Cl2 (d) CH2Cl2 , COCl2
X3. X2 is used for etching glass.
18. B and C are respectively :- X1 + H2O ⎯→ X2 + X4 (diatomic gas) + X3
(a) N2O and CO (b) N2O and CO2 The ionisation energies of X3 & X4 are almost equal.
(c) H2O and CO (d) H2O and CO2
X2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → X6 (most reactive gas)
electrolysis in
1.Cl2 + NaOH molten state
19. E ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ HCO2 H + A . E can be:-
X6 + X3 ⎯→ X1 (2 : 1)
(a) CH3OH 23. Correct statement regarding X4.
(b) CH3CH2OH (a) X4 oxidises acidified FeSO4 to Fe2(SO4)3
(c) CH3CHO (b) X4 oxidises acidified SnCl2 to SnCl4
(d) both (b) and (c) (c) X4 oxidises sulphurous acid to sulphuric acid
Passage for Q.20 to Q.22 : (d) All
A red liquid (a) when heated with concentrated hot 24. The compound X1 when reacts with sulphur, it
NaOH gives a mixture of two salts (b) & (c) in the forms a compound where hybridisation state of
sulphur atom is :-
solution. The mixture when acidification with H2SO4
and distillation produces the red liquid (a) again. C (a) sp3 (b) sp3d
has central atom with oxidation state +5. (c) sp3d2 (d) sp3d3
25. Highly associated liquid X2 when reacts with boric
20. Which is correct regarding liquid A ?
acid it gives :-
(a) it is sparingly soluble in water but readily (a) BF3 (b) BCl3
soluble in ether ; alcohol
(c) BBr3 (d) HBF4
(b) it acts as an oxidising reagent Passage for Q.26 to Q.28 :
(c) it is used to identify unsaturation present in a A yellow solid (a) in unaffected by acids and base at
compound room temperature. It is not soluble in water. It dissolves
(d) all slowly in hot concentrated HNO3 to give a brown gas
(b). The solid (a) dissolves slowly in boiling solution of
21. Which of the following statement is correct for
Na2SO3 giving a clear solution (c). Acidification of
salt B ?
solution (c) causes a colourless gas (d). Upon
(a) it solution in water gives yellow precipitate with concentration and cooling, solution (c) deposits as
silver nitrate solution colourless crystals. Pentahydrate solution (c) is a
(b) it solution in water gives yellow precipitate with reducing agents and reacts quantitatively with iodine
lead nitrate solution solution (I2 in KI) and acts as antichlor during bleaching:-
26. Solid A is :-
(c) both (a) and (b)
(a) P4 (b) S8
(d) it is basic compound
(c) Pb3O4 (d) PbO
27. Brown gas (b) & colourless gas (d) are 34. Which of the following options are correct
respectively:- regarding X ?
(a) NH3, PH3 (b) NO2, PO3 (a) X oxidises black PbS into white colour of
(c) NO, PbO2 (d) NO2, SO2 PbSO4
28. Solution C in the form of pentahydrate is :- (b) X oxidises stannous chloride into stannic
(a) Na2PbO2 . 5H2O (b) Na3PO4 . 5H2O
(c) X is absorbed in turpentine oil
(c) Na2S2O3 . 5H2O (d) NaNH4HPO . 5H2O
(d) All
Passage for Q.29 to Q.31 :
Passage for Q.35 to Q.37 :
A compound of S, O, Cl (vapour density = 67.5) X
reacts with KOH to give substance Y and Z. Y gives a Compound (Z) on reduction with LiAlH4 gives a
white precipitate with AgNO3 solution which is soluble hydride (X) containing 21.72% hydrogen. The one
in NH4OH but insoluble in HNO3. Z give a white mole of hydride (X) reacts with 2 moles of ammonia at
precipitate with BaCl2 which is insoluble in HCl or high temperature gives a compound (Y). (Z) hydrolyses
HNO3. X is amporphous with a compound which is incompletely and forms a compound (W) and H3BO3.
prepared by heating a mixtur of NaCl, K2Cr2O7 and 35. Correct statement regarding X :-
conc. H2SO4 (a) the central atom of X has trigonal planar
29. X is :- geometry
(a) SOCl2 (b) SO2Cl2 (b) all H-atoms in X are in the same plane
(c) S2Cl2 (d) SO3Cl (c) a three centre two-electron bond is observed
in X
30. The product obtained by heating a mixture of NaCl,
K2Cr2O7 and concentrated H2SO4 is (d) all M–H bond lengths are identical in X
(a) CrCl3 (b) CrO2Cl2 36. The hybridisation in central atom of compound W
(c) CrOCl2 (d) CrO3Cl
(a) sp2 (b) sp
31. Y & Z are respectively :- 3
(c) sp (d) sp3d
(a) KCl, K2SO3 (b) KCl, K2SO4
37. Correct statement regarding Z :-
(c) ClO, KO2 (d) KCl, K2S
(a) it has trigonal planar geometry
Passage for Q.32 to Q.34 :
(b) the bond lengths between the central atom and
Gas (X) is colourless diamagnetic with fishy smell.
the substituent atoms is shorter than the sum
When X is cooled at –112°C, it condenses to a deep
of the covalent radii.
blue liquid which is dangerously explosive. X is one of
(c) the coordination geometry around central atom
the most powerful oxidising reagent. It is second to F2
in compound Z and in 1 : 1 complex of Z an
in oxidising power.
NH3 is same
32. X is :-
(d) all of these
(a) H2O2 (b) PH3
Passage for Q.38 to Q.40 :
(c) O 3 (d) Cl2
A is a gas with vapour density 8.5. On catalytic
33. When mercury is shaken with X, the metal adheres oxidation in presence of Pt/Rh at high prssure and
to the glass as a mirror. It is because of formation :- temperature it gives a colourless gas (b) which rapidly
(a) HgO (b) Hg2O turns brown in air forming gas C. B and C both are
(c) Hg3P2 (d) HgCl2 paramagnetic in nature :-
38. A, B, C are respectively :- 44. A & B are :-
(a) NH3 , NO, NO2 (b) NH3 , N2O4, N2O3 (a) NH4NO2 , N2 (b) NH4NO3 , N2O
(c) N2H4 , NO, NO2 (d) NH3 , NO2, N2O (c) NH4NO2 ; NO2 (d) NaNO3 , NO2
39. C is dissolved in water to give X which is 45. C and E are respectively :-
concentrated by distillation upto 68% by mass. X is :-
(a) NH3 , HNO2 (b) NH3 , HNO3
(a) HNO2 and the above process to form X is
(c) NH3 , HN3 (d) NH3 , H2N2O2
called ostwald’s process
46. The anionic part of D is :-
(b) NH3 and the above process to form X is called
Haber’s process (a) Linear (b) trigonal planar
(c) HNO2 and the above process to form X is (c) bent (d) tetrahedral
called Birkeland - Eyde process Passage for Q.47 to Q.49 :
(d) HNO3 and the above process to form X is A colourless solid X1 melts at 44°C. When heated with
called Birkeland - Eyde process aqueous KOH/NaOH, it gives off gaseous product
40. Gas C on cooling (< 0°) give :- X2, which is spontaneously inflammable in air at about
(a) N2O3(liquid) (b) N2O4(liquid) 150°C. If is powerful reducing agent.
(c) N2O4(vap.) (d) N2O4(solid) 47. X2 when reacts with CuSO4 then:-
Passage for Q.41 to Q.43 : (a) Red deposit of Cu is formed
An unstable pale blue solution (P) which rapidly (b) Black precipitate of Cu3P2 is formed
decomposes even in cold. The solution oxidises KI in (c) Blue precipitate of Cu3P2 is formed
acidic medium to liberate I2. The solution also oxidises
(d) S gets precipitated
SnCl2 in dilute HCl. P is oxidised by bromine water to
form monobasic acid Q. 48. X2 when reacts with AgNO3 then :-
41. P is :- (a) Brown precipitate of Ag2O is formed
(a) H2CO3 (b) HOCl (b) Yellow soluton of Ag3P is formed
(c) HNO2 (d) HNO3 (c) Black precipitate of metallic Ag is formed
42. P when reacts with hydrazoic acid, it gives :- (d) Black precipitate of Ag2S is formed
(a) a mixture of N2 and NO 49. X1 and X2 are respectively :-
(b) a mixture of N2 and N2O (a) S8 and H2S (b) White P4 and P4O10
(c) a mixture of N2O and NO2 (c) White P4 and PH3 (d) S8 and SO2
(d) a mixture of NO and NO2 Passage for Q.50 to Q.53 :
43. P reacts with which of the following compound to
HCOOH ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
H2O + (X)
release N2 gas :- conc.H 2SO 4

(a) Urea (b) CH3CH2NH2 C(s) + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → (X) + H2(g)
(c) Sulphamic acid (d) All 50. Select the correct statement about (X) :-
Passage for Q.44 to Q.46 : (a) (X) is a colourless, odourless and almost water
A colourless solid A when heated gives off a colourless insoluble gas
gas B which is supporter of combustion. If heated in (b) (X) is highly poisonous and burns with blue
container the whole of the solid disappears. When A is flame
heated with NaOH, an alkaline gas C is evolvd. When
gas B is heated with sodamide, a colourless solid D is (c) When (X) gas is passed through PdCl2 solution
formed which furthur treated with dilute H2SO4 , a giving rise to black ppt.
colourless liquid E is formed lead and silver salt of E (d) All of these
are explosive.
51. Mixture of (X) gas + H2 is called :- 56. X1 is :-
(a) Water gas or synthesis gas (a) XeF2
(b) Producer gas (b) XeF4
(c) Methane gas (c) XeF6
(d) None of these (d) None
52. In second reaction when air is used instead of 57. X2 is :-
steam a mixed of (X) gas and N2 is produced
which called :- (a) XeO3
(a) Water gas (b) XeO4
(b) Synthesis gas (c) XeO6
(c) Producer gas (d) XeO2
(d) Carbond dioxide gas 58. X3 and X4 are respectively :-
53. Select the correct statement about (X) :- (a) HX eO4– (perxenate ion) , XeO64– (xenate ion)
(a) (X) gas is estimatated by I2O5 (b) HXeO4– (xenate ion) , XeO64– (perxenate ion)
(b) Cu2Cl2 is absorber of (X) gas (c) XeO64– (perxenate ion) , HXeO4– (xenate ion)
(c) (X) gas is the purifying agent for Ni (d) XeO64– (xenate ion) , HXeO4– (perxenate ion)
(d) All of these Passage for Q.59 to Q.60 :
Passage for Q.54 to Q.55 : Consider the following reaction(s)
CH3CH2CN + H2O → P + NH3 Δ
A(s) B(s) + C(g) + D(g) +E(v)
CH3CH2NC + H2O → CH3CH2NH2 + Q (pale green) (brown)
54. P is :-
Anhydrous CuSO4
(a) CH3CH2CO2H KMnO 4/H
+ F
MnO4– is decolorised (Blue solid)
(b) CH3CH2CH2OH (a)aq. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
NaNO 2 + dil.HCl
→ unstable brown compound (G)
(c) CH3CH2CH3
(μ = 15B.M.)
(d) CH3CH2CH2NH2
59. Sum of oxidation state of the central atom in C(g)
55. Q is :-
and D(g) is :-
(a) CO2
(a) 6
(b) NH3
(b) 10
(c) CH4
(c) 8
(d) HCO2H
Passage for Q.56 to Q.58 : (d) 4
A Xenon fluoride X1 is formed by heating Xenon with 60. Select incorrect statement about compound F :-
excess of fluorine at very high temperature and pressure. (a) It adsorb orange-red light for d-d transition
X1 has a melting point 47.4°. X1 can acts as fluoride (b) 4 water molecule are directly bonded with
ion donor as well as fluoride ion acceptor. X 1 each Cu+2
undergoes hydrolysis vigorously forming an explosive
(c) It is paramagnetic
compound X2.
X2 + OH– (pH > 10.5) → X3 (d) It’s μ = 8B.M.
X3 + OH– → X4 + Xe + O2 + H2O
Match the Column Type :
61. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reactions Products / Use of products
(a) Dry ice + CH3MgX, H+→ (P) Urea
(b) CO2 + Gypsum solution + NH3→ (Q) Monocarboxylic acid
(c) CO2 + NH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ high P &T
→ (R) Ammonium sulphate

(d) + CO2 + NaOH ⎯⎯⎯⎯

high P &T
→ (S) Product used as fertiliser

62. Match the column :

Column-I Column-II
(a) I.E. order (P) He > Ne > Ar > Kr > Xe
(b) Boiling point order (Q) He < Ne < Ar < Kr < Xe
(c) Oxidising property order (R) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
(d) Acid dissociation constant (S) O > S > Se > Te
(T) H2Te > H2Se > H2S > H2O
63. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
Different types of alkyl chlorosilkane Products on hydrolysis
Me Me Me

(a) Me2SiCl2 (P) O Si O Si O Si O –

Me Me Me
Me Me Me Me
(b) Me3SiCl (Q) Me Si O Si O Si O Si Me

Me Me Me Me
Me Me

O Si O Si O

(c) Me2SiCl2 + Me3SiCl (R) O O

O Si O Si O
Me Me
(d) MeSiCl3 (S) Me3Si – O – SiMe3
64. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
(a) XeO3 (P) How lone pair of electron
(b) XeF2 (Q) Acts as oxidising reagent
(c) XeF4 (R) Undergoes hydrolysis with H2O
(d) XeF6 (S) Undergoes addition reaction
(T) Give disproportionation reaction with H2O or OH
65. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
Compound Features of product on treated with NaOH
(a) XeF2 (P) O2 is formed as product
(b) (NH4)2SO4 (Q) Disproportionation reaction
(c) P 4 (R) Product formed is inflammable and used in Holme’s signal
(d) NO 2 (S) Product solution reacts with Zn dust and NH3 gas is liberated
(T) Atlest one product is pyramidal in shape
66. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
Acids Features
(a) Hypophosphorus acid (P) All hydrogens are ionisable in water
(b) Orthoboric acid (Q) Monobasic acid
(c) Hypophosphoric acid (H4P2O6) (R) sp3 hybridised atoms present
(d) Sulphurous acid (H2SO3) (S) Central atom(s) contain are lone pair of electrons
67. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
Compounds Features
(a) IF5 (P) show self ionisation
(b) ClF3 (Q) used as potential ionising solvent
(c) ICl (R) slightly conducting
(d) I2 (S) hybridisation of halogen atom is sp3d in ionised state
(T) hybridisation of halogen atom is sp3d2 in ionised state
68. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
Reaction Nature of reaction/Product
(a) SiCl 4 + H2O → (P) hydrogen halide formation
(b) Cl2 + H2O ⎯⎯hν
→ (Q) O2 gas formation
(c) XeF4 + H2O → (R) redox reaction
(d) H2O2 + ClO2 + OH– → (S) nonredox reaction
(T) One of the product has tetrahedral shape
69. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reaction Product
(a) Cl2O6 + H2O → (P) ClO2
(b) NaClO4 + HCl(conc.) → (Q) HClO3
(c) KClO3 + (CO2H)2 → (R) Cl2O
(d) H2O + Cl2 ⎯⎯⎯
→ (S) HClO4
70. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compound Shape
(a) ClF3 (P) square pyramidal
(b) ICl3 (Q) orange solid
(c) IF5 (R) T shape
(d) IF7 (S) Colourless gas
(T) Colourless liquid
71. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reaction Feature
(a) XeF2 + H2O → (P) redox reaction
(b) XeF4 + H2O → (Q) disproportionation reaction
(c) XeF6 + H2O → (R) product formed is used for etching glass
(d) XeF3 + NaOH → (S) Xe formation
72. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
(a) XeF6 + SiO2 → (P) one of the product has square pyramidal shape
(b) P4(white) + SO2Cl2 → (Q) one of the product has sp3 hybridisation
(c) H2SO4 + P4O10 → (R) one of the product has pπ-dπ overlapping
(d) XeF6 + H2O → (S) one of the product has zero dipole moment
73. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reactions Products formed
(a) Sn + conc. HNO3 → (P) NO
(b) Sn + dil. HNO3 → (Q) NO 2
(c) Ag + conc. HNO3 → (R) NH4NO3
(d) Ag + dil. HNO3 → (S) Sn(NO3)2
(T) AgNO3
74. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compounds Features
(a) XeF2 (P) Can act as Lewis acid
(b) XeF4 (Q) Can act as Lewis base
(c) XeF6 (R) On reaction with H2O/OH–,disproportionation can take place
(d) XeO3 (S) Has at least one lone pair of electron
(T) At least one lone pair of electron on central atom
75. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reactions Nature of reaction/product
(a) (NH4)2S2O8 + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ (P) Hydrolysis
(b) NaBO2 + H2O + H2O2 ⎯⎯⎯ OH −
→ (Q) One of the products has peroxide linkage
(c) Ag2S2O3 + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
temperature (R) Disproportionation
(d) 2-Ethyl anthraquinol+air ⎯→ (S) In one of the products the central atom has sp3 hybridisation
(T) One of the products is used as brightner in washing powder
76. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compounds Features
(a) H2O2 (P) Non-planar structure
(b) O 3 (Q) Planar structure
(c) H2S (R) Only reducing power
(d) SO2 (S) Only oxidising power
(T) Has oxidising as well as reducing power
77. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compounds Features
(a) Ca(OCl)Cl (P) Cl has negative oxidation state
(b) Cl2 (Q) Cl has positive oxidation state
(c) NaCl (R) oxidising reagent
(d) Cl2O7 (S) dehydrating reagent
(T) one of the product when Cl2 gas is passed through basic solution
78. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reaction Features
(a) N2O4 ⎯⎯
→ (P) One of the product is a mixed anhydride
(b) ClO2 + O3 ⎯⎯
→ (Q) One of the product is an acidic oxide
(c) K4[Fe(CN)6] + H2SO4 (conc.) + H2O ⎯⎯
→ (R) The oxidation state of the central atom of one of
the product is +6
(d) KOH + O3 ⎯⎯ → (S) One of the product is colourless paramagnetic gas
79. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Gas Absorber
(a) CO (P) Turpentine oil
(b) O 2 (Q) Alkaline pyrogallol
(c) O 3 (R) Cu2Cl2+NaOH
(d) CO2 (S) KOH
80. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Allotropes Features
(a) Rhombic sulphur (P) Consisting S8 unit (8 member ring)
(b) Monoclinic sulphur (Q) Most stable allotrope of phosphorous
(c) Black phosphorous (R) Unstable and ordinary temperature
(d) White phosphorous (S) Most stable allotrope of sulphur
(T) Most reactive allotrope of phosphorous
81. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compounds Products on heating
(a) LiNO3 (P) NH3 gas is evolved
(b) HNO2 (Q) Oxyacid is formed as one of the product
(c) NaNH4HPO4.6H2O (R) Disproportionation reaction takes place
(d) H3PO3 (S) O2 gas is evolved
(T) Oxides of nitrogen is evolved
82. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Ammonium salt Products on heating
(a) NH4IO3 (P) N2 gas
(b) NH4ClO4 (Q) O2 gas
(c) NH4NO2 (R) N2O gas
(d) NH4NO3 (S) Cl2 gas
(T) I2 gas
83. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compound Feature/Use
(a) NH2CONH2 (P) Chlorinating reagent
(b) NH2NH2 (Q) Dehydrating reagent
(c) SOCl2 (R) Rocket fuel
(d) H2SO4 (S) Nitrogeneous fertiliser
84. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reaction with ammonia Observation
(a) Cu2+ + NH3(excess) → (P) Deep blue colour solution
(b) AgCl + NH3(excess) → (Q) Brown precipitate
(c) ZnSO4 + NH3(less amount) → (R) Colourless solution
(d) FeCl3 + NH3(less amount) → (S) White precipitate
(T) Complex formation
85. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Group Number Possible oxidation state
(a) Group 13 (P) +3
(b) Group 14 (Q) –3
(c) Group 15 (R) +1
(d) Group 17 (S) –1
(T) +4
86. Match the column :-
S2O32– + Different metal ion → Complex
Column-I Column-II
Formula of the complex Metal ion
(a) [M(S2O3)3]3– (P) Cu2+
(b) [M(S2O3)2]2– (Q) Bi3+
(c) [M6(S2O3)5]4– (R) Pb2+
(d) [M(S2O3)2]3– (S) Hg2+
(T) Ag+1
87. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compound Features
(a) N2O 3 (P) Colourless gas
(b) N2O 4 (Q) Colourless solid / liquid
(c) N2O 5 (R) Blue solid
(d) N 2 O (S) Acidic oxide
(T) Neutral oxide
88. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compound Features
(a) P4O6 (P) pπ-dπ back bonding
(b) P4O10 (Q) pπ-pπ back bonding
(c) N2O 4 (R) M–O bond has partial double bond character
(d) N2O (S) Even number of lone pair of electron
(T) Laughing gas
89. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Order Property
(a) SbH3 > NH3 > AsH3 > PH3 (P) Thermal stability
(b) NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 (Q) HEH angle
(c) NH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3 (R) Boiling point
(d) SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3 > NH3 (S) Melting point
(T) Reducing power
90. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Compound Bond parameters
(a) N2O 5 (P) N–N length is shortest
(b) N2O 4 (Q) N–N length is highest
(c) N2O 3 (R) N–O–N bond length is present and N–O bond length is highest
(d) N 2 O (S) All N–O bond lengths are identical
(T) All N–O bond lengths are not identical


‰ Integer Type : 5. How many statement are correct ?

1. How many statements are correct regarding boron (a) H3PO3 is diprotic acid
nitride :- (b) NF3 is stable but NCl3 and NI3 are explosive
(a) It has a graphite like layer structure with (c) PCl5 is covalent in solid stable
hexagonal ring. (d) P–O bond length in POCl3 is less than sum of
(b) B–N bond distance is 1.45Å and comparable the sigle bond covalent radii of P and O atom.
to C–C bond distance in graphite which (e) Metaphosphorus acid (HPO2) is not known.
1.42Å. (f) White phosphorous is more reactive than red
(c) Both B and N in boron nitride are sp 2 phosphorous.
hybridised. 6. What is the value of n in alkyl substituted
(d) It is soft and lubricantes chlorisilane RnSiCl4–n , which is used for the
preparation of cross linked silicone :-
(e) It is a white infusible refractory solid.
7. Number of pπ-dπ bonding present in XeO4 .
(f) It is formed by heating boron amide B(NH2)3.
8. Find out the number of hydrogen atoms attached
During this at first boron amide B(NH2)3 to phosphorus atom in hypophosphorus acid is :-
decomposes into boron imide B2(NH)3 and
9. XeF4 + H2O → P(reduced product) + Q (oxidised
then converted into boron nitride. product) + HF + O2
2. In B3O63– find out number of B–O–B linkage. What in the ratio of oxidation states of Xe in
3. A comparative study of following properties reduced and the oxidised products.
between benzene and borazine are taken. For how 10. Find out the number of following oxy acid of
many properties numerical data of benzene is more phosphorus , where P–O–P bond is present :-
than borazene . H3PO4 , H3PO5 , H2PO3, H3P3O9, H4P4O12
Melting point ; Boiling point ; Dipole moment ; 11. No. of S–S linkage in S3O9 = m1
Bond polarity ; Resonance energy ; Molecular No. of P–P linkage in (HPO3)3 = m2
weight No. of S–S linkage in S2O82– = m3
4. How many molecules result symmetrical cleavage No. of –O–O– linkage in S2O62– = m4
of B2H6 molecule ? Find out m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 :-
CO ; N(CH3)3 ; 5(CH3)2 ; O(CH3)2 ; ; 12. How many reagents can be used to dry NH3 gas:-
O Concentrated H2SO4 ; P4O10 ; CaO ; Anhydrous
CH3NH2 ; (CH3)2NH CaCl2
13. How many statements are correct :- (c) K2Cr2O7 + HCl ⎯→
(a) Argon is used in arc welding of metals or alloys (d) KMnO4 + concentrated HCl ⎯→
to provide an inert atmosphere (e) Pb3O4 + HCl ⎯→
(b) XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 arc colourless crystalline (f) NaCl + conc. H3PO4 ⎯→
solids and sublime readily at 298K. 19. How many statements are correct ?
(c) XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 all can undergo hydrolysis. (a) XeF5 is non existent
(d) Se2Cl2 undergoes disproportionation to give (b) For drying H2S, concentrated H2SO4 can be
SeCl4 and Se. used up.
(e) Dioxide like MnO2 , PbO2 do not form H2O2 (c) The inert boble gas which is not found in
with dilute acids but they evolve O2 with atmosphere in reaction.
concentrated H2SO4
(d) Metaphosphoric acid exists in polymeric cyclic
(f) Xenon fluoride reacts with fluoride ion acceptor structure.
to form cationic species of Xe and fluoride ion
(e) SO2 bleaches the colour of article by reduction.
donors to form fluoro anion of Xe.
(f) Cl2 bleaches the colour of article by oxidation.
14. How many statement are incorrect :-
(g) H3PO3 and H3PO4 both are reducing in nature.
(a) Barium azide on heating gives pure nitrogen
gas (h) The first real compound of noble gas was made
by Neil Bartlett.
(b) NH3 + NaOCl (Sodium hypochlorite) → N2
(gas) (i) When deep red PtF6 vapour was mixed with
an equal volume of Xe, the gases combined
(c) Oxides of boron and silicon which are B2O3
immediately at room temperature to produce
and SiO2 respectively, are basic in nature
a yellow solid.
(d) Oxides of aluminium (Al2O3) and gallium
20. How many products can be common product
(Ga2O3) are amphoteric in nature
when XeF2 reacts with H2O and XeF4 reacts with
(e) Oxides of indium (In2O3) and thallium (Tl2O3) H2O :-
are acidic in nature
21. Number of pπ-dπ bonding present in SO3 .
15. Find out the oxy acids of phosphorus in which
22. Total number of lone pairs of electrons present in
phosphorus has lower oxidation state less than +5
contain either P–P or P–H bonds but not both in
addition to P=O and P–OH bonds :- 23. Number of pπ-pπ bonding present in SO2.
H3PO2 ; H3PO3 ; H4I2O5 ; H4P2O6 ; H4P2O7 ; 24. How many statements are correct regarding helium:-
(HPO3)3 (a) It is chemically inert & has very high thermal
16. How many total number of p-block elements conductivity
produce H2 gas with sodium hydroxide :- (b) It has extremely low boiling point & very low
Al, Sn, Pb, P, Zn viscocity
17. Among the following the total number of elements (c) It shows abnormal behaviour on liquification
which undergo disproportionation reaction in (d) It is less soluble in blood than nitrogen under
NaOH :- high pressure
S8, P4, Cl2 , Br2 , N2 (e) It can not form clathrate compound with quinol
18. How many pair of compounds gives Cl2 gas:- (f) It is a inflammable heavy gas therefore it is used
(a) KCl + MnO2 ⎯→ in filling balloons
(b) NaCl + conc.H2SO4 ⎯→ (g) It is used to produce and sustain powerful super
conducting magnets
(h) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out (iii) NO3– +Al + NaOH ⎯→
experiments at low temperature (iv) FeSO4 + H2SO4(conc.) + HNO3 ⎯→
(i) Mixture of helium and oxygen are used as an (v) Au + HCl + HNO3 ⎯→
aritificial air for divers and other under pressure. 35. How many reactions give N2 gas on heating :-
(j) Because of its light weight and noninflammable (a) (NH4)2Cr2O7 ⎯⎯

character it is used in filling balbons.
(b) Ba(N3)2 ⎯⎯

25. Amongst the following, the total number of dimeric
halides of group 16th elements which undergoes (c) NaNO2 + NH4Cl ⎯⎯ Δ

disproportionation is :- (d) NH4NO3 ⎯⎯ Δ

S2F2 , S2Cl2 , S2Br2 , Se2Cl2 , Se2Br2 (e) ΗΝΟ3 vapours + Red hot copper ⎯→
36. No. of halide ions which change their oxidation
number on hating with MnO2 + conc.H2SO4 ?
27. The number of ionisable hydrogen prsent in
F– ; Cl– ; Br– ; I–
NaH2PO2 :-
37. 1 mole each of H3PO2 , H3PO3 and H3PO4 will
28. In which of the following all bond lengths are
neutrilise X mole of KOH, Y mole of Mg(OH)2
identical :-
and Z mole of Cr(OH)3 (assuming all as strong
CO32–, PCl5, SO52–, NO2, NO3–, BF3, O3, SO2,
electrolytes) respectivley. Find out the value of
x+y+z ?
29. Atomicity of sulphur in rhombic sulphur is X and
38. How many species does not contain peroxide ion?
atomicity of phosphorus in white phosphorus is Y
then find out X – Y :- PbO2 ; BaO2 ; SrO2 ; Na2O2 ; KO2 ; K2O2
30. The oxidation state of S in S8 , S2F2 and H2S are 39. How many reactions involving ozone give O2 in
x, y, z respectively. Find out x + 2y + z. product side ?
31. Alkyl substituted chlorosilane, RnSiCl(4–n) , on (i) PbS(s) + O3 →
hydrolysis and then condensation polymerisation (ii) I–(aq.) + O3 →
yields silicones. What is the value of n in the alkyl (iii) NO + O3 →
substituted chlorosilane used for the preparation (iv) SnCl2 + HCl + O3 →
of dimer silicone.
40. How many reagents reacts with H2O2 but not with
32. How many reactions give SO2 gas as one of the ozone ?
product ?
K4[Fe(CN)6] ; K3[Fe(CN)6] + KOH ; PbS ;
(a) S + concentrated H2SO4 → SnCl2 + HCl ; KI + H+ ; KMnO4 + H+
(b) Zn + dilute H2SO4 → 41. How many sulphides are yellow in colour ?
(c) Cu + concentrated H2SO4 → CdS ; Sb2S3 ; As2S3 ; SnS ; SnS2
(d) ZnS + O2 →
42. In crystal of polymeric boric acid , ring is formed
(e) Cerussite undergo heating through hydrogen bonding. What is the member
(f) Carbon + conc. H2SO4 → of the ring.
33. 1 volume of concentrated HNO3 and x volume of 43. In three dimensional structure of SiO2 , rings are
concentrated HCl mixture is called aqua regia. The formed with alternate silicon and oxygen atoms.
value of x :- What is the member of the ring ?
34. How many reactions give nitric oxide gas one of 44. Buckminster Fullerene (C60) has x1 vertices, x2 six
the gaseous product ? membered ring and x3 five membered ring. Find
(i) KI + HNO3 ⎯→ x1 x1
out − .
(ii) H2S + HNO3 ⎯→ x3 x 2
45. In photosynthesis , green plants convert (c) Cl2 reacts with excess of NH3 to give N2 and
atmospheric CO2 into carbohydrate, such as HCl
glucose. The overall chemical change can be (d) Br2 reacts with hot and strong NaOH solution
expressed as to given NaBr , NaBrO4 and H2O

xCO 2 + yH 2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ C6 H12O6 + zO 2 + wH 2O 4. In XeF2 , XeF4 , XeF6 the number of lone pairs on
Find out x+z+w–y. Xe is respectively -[AIEEE - 2002]
46. Xe can exhibit x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 oxidation state in its (a) 2,3,1 (b) 1,2,3
compounds. (c) 4,1,2 (d) 3,2,1
x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 5. Aluminium is industrially prepared by -
Find out x4 – x3 if x4 – x3 = x3 – x2 = x2 – x1 [AIEEE - 2002]
47. A gas G occurs in Earth’s stratosphere. X is (a) Fused cryolite (b) Bauxite ore
diamagnetic. It has bond angle 116.5° and bond (c) Alunite (d) Borax
length 0.128 nm. Dry KOH reacts with G to yeild
6. For making good quality mirrors , plates of float
reddish brown precipitate. What is the molecular
glass are used. These are obtained by floating
weight of G.
molten glass over a liquid metal which does not
48. Total numbers of lone pair is present in H2P2O7. solidify before glass. The metal used can be -
49. Total numbers of P–OH bond present in H4P2O6. [AIEEE - 2002]
50. Total numbers of P–OH bond present in (HPO3)3
(a) Sodium (b) Magnesium
if x, total numbers of P=O bond present in
(HPO3)3 if y, total numbers of P–O–P bond present (c) Mercury (d) Tin
in (HPO3)3 if z then find out x+y+z ? 7. What may be expected when phosphine gas is
mixed with chlorine gas - [AIEEE - 2003]
EXERCISE # V(A) JEE-MAIN (a) PCl5 and HCl are formed and mixture cools
1. In case of nitrogen NCl3 is possible but not NCl5
while in case of phosphorus, PCl3 as well as PCl5 (b) PH3 . Cl2 is formed with warming up
are possible. This is due to - [AIEEE - 2002] (c) The mixture only cools down
(a) A vailability of vacant d-orbitals in P but not in N (d) PCl5 and HCl are formed and mixture warms
(b) Lower electronegativity of P than N up
(c) Lower tendency of H-bond formation in P than N 8. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult
(d) Occurence of P in solid while N in gaseous to melt. The reason for this anomolous behaviour
state at room temperature is that graphite - [AIEEE - 2003]
2. Which products are expected from the (a) has molecules of variable molecular masses like
disproportionation of hypochlorous acid polymers
-[AIEEE - 2002] (b) has carbon atoms arranged in large plated of
(a) HClO3 and Cl2O (b) HClO2 and HClO rings of strongly bonded carbon atoms with
weak interplate bonds
(c) HCl and Cl2O (d) HCl and HClO3
(c) is a non crystalline substance
3. Identify the incorrect statement among the
following - [AIEEE - 2002] (d) is an allotropic from of diamond
(a) ozone reacts with SO2 to give SO3 9. Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open
air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes.
(b) silicon reacts with NaOH(aq.) in the presence
This is due to - [AIEEE - 2003]
of air to give Na2SiO3 and H2O
(a) strong affinity of HCl gas for moisture in air 14. The correct order of the thermal stability of
results in forming of droplets of liquid solution hydrogen halide (H-X) is - [AIEEE - 2005]
which appears like a cloudy smoke
(a) HI > HBr > HCl > HF
(b) due to strong affinity for water , conc. HCl
(b) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
pulls moisture of air towards self. The moisture
forms droplets of water and hence the cloud (c) HCl > HF > HBr > HI
(c) conc. HCl emits strongly smelling HCl gas all (d) HI > HCl > HF > HBr
the time 15. The structur of diborane contains -[AIEEE - 2005]
(d) oxygen in air reacts with emitted HCl gas to (a) Four 2c-2e bonds and four 3c-2e bonds
form a cloud of Cl2 gas
(b) Two 2c-2e bonds and two 3c-2e bonds
10. Aluminium chloride exists as dimer, Al2Cl6 in solid
state as well as in solution of non-polar solvents (c) Two 2c-2e bonds and four 3c-2e bonds
such as benzene. When dissolved in water , it gives (d) Four 2c-2e bonds and two 3c-2e bonds
-[AIEEE - 2004] 16. Heating an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride
(a) Al + 3Cl – to dryness will give - [AIEEE - 2005]
(b) [Al(H2O)6]3+ + 3Cl– (a) AlCl3 (b) Al2Cl6
(c) [Al(OH)6]3– + 3HCl– (c) Al2O3 (d) Al(OH)Cl2
(d) Al2O3 + 6HCl 17. Which one of the following is the correct statement
11. The soldiers of Napolean army while at Alps during -[AIEEE - 2005]
freezing winter suffered a serious problem as
(a) Boric acid is a protonic acid
regards to the tin buttons of their uniforms. White
metallic tin buttons get converted to grey powder. (b) Beryllium exhibits coordination number of six
This transformation is related to -[AIEEE - 2002] (c) Chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium
(a) An interaction with water vapour contained in have bridged chloride structures in solid phase
humid air (d) B2H6 , 2NH3 is known as “inorganic benzene”
(b) A charge in crystalline structure of tin 18. In silicon dioxide - [AIEEE - 2005]
(c) A change in the partial pressure of O2 in air (a) each silicon atom is surrounded by four oxygen
(d) An interaction with N2 of air at low temperature atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two
12. Which one of the following statements regarding silicon atoms
helium is incorrect -[AIEEE - 2004]
(b) each silicon atom is surrounded by two oxygen
(a) It is used to produce and sustain powerful atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two
superconducting magnets silicon atoms
(b) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out
(c) silicon atom is bonded to two oxygen atoms
experiments at low temperatures
(d) there are double bonds between silicon and
(c) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen
because it is lighter than hydrogen and oxygen atoms
non-inflammable 19. Regular use of which of the following fertilizer
(d) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors increases the acidity of soil -[AIEEE - 2007]
13. The number of hydrogen atoms attached to (a) Potassium nitrate
phosphorus atom in hypophosphorous acid is - (b) Urea
[AIEEE - 2004]
(c) Superphosphate of lime
(a) Zero (b) Two
(d) Ammonium sulphate
(c) One (d) Three
20. The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb 26. In view of the signs of ΔrG° for the following
increases steadily in the sequence reactions -
-[AIEEE - 2007] PbO2 + Pb → 2PbO, ΔrG° < 0
(a) GeX2 << SiX2 << SnX2 << PbX2 SnO2 + Sn → 2SnO, ΔrG° > 0
(b) SiX2 << GeX2 << PbX2 << SnX2 Which oxidation states are more characteristic for
(c) SiX2 << GeX2 << SnX2 << PbX2 lead and tin ? [AIEEE - 2011]
(d) PbX2 << SnX2 << SiX2 << GeX2 (a) For lead + 4 , for tin + 2
21. Among the following substituted silanes the one (b) For lead + 2 , for tin + 2
which will give rise to cross linked silicone polymer (c) For lead + 4 , for tin + 4
on hydrolysis is - [AIEEE - 2008]
(d) For lead + 2 , for tin + 4
(a) R4Si (b) RSiCl3
27. The number of S-S bonds in SO3 , S2O32– , S2O62–
(c) R2SiCl2 (d) R2SiCl and S2O82– respectively are -
22. Which one of the following reactions of Xenon [Jee Main-Online- 2012]
compounds is not feasible -[AIEEE - 2009]
(a) 1,0,1,0 (b) 0,1,1,0
(a) 2XeF2 + 2H2O → 2Xe + 4HF + O2
(c) 1,0,0,1 (d) 0,1,0,1
(b) XeF6 + RbF → Rb[XeF7]
28. Which one of the following depletes ozone layer
(c) XeO3 + 6HF → XeF6 + 3H2O
-[Jee Main-Online- 2012]
(d) 3XeF4 + 6H2O → 2Xe + XeO3+ 12HF +
1.5O2 (a) NO and freons (b) SO2
23. Which of the following statements is wrong ? (c) CO (d) CO2
[AIEEE - 2011] 29. In which of the following arrangements, the
(a) Single N-N bond is weaker than the single sequence is not strictly according to the property
P-P bond written against it -[Jee Main-Online- 2012]
(b) N2O4 has two resonance structures (a) CO2 < SiO2 > SnO2 > PbO2 : increasing
(c) The stability of hydrides increases from NH3 oxidising power
to BiH3 in group 15 of the periodic table (b) B < C > O > N : increasing first ionisation
(d) Nitrogen cannot form dπ-pπ bond enthalpy
24. Which of the following statements regarding (c) NH3 < PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 : increasing basic
sulphur is incorrect - [AIEEE - 2011] strength
(a) At 600°C the gas mainly consists of S 2 (d) HF < HCl > HBr > HI : increasing acid
molecules strength
(b) The oxidation state of sulphur in nevel less 30. The compound of Xenon with zero dipole moment
than +4 in its compounds is -[Jee Main-Online- 2012]
(c) S2 molecule is paramagnetic (a) XeO3 (b) XeO2
(d) The vapour at 200°C consists mostly of (c) XeF4 (d) XeOF4
S8 rings 31. The formation of molecular complex BF3 – NH3
25. Boron cannot form whcih one of the following results in a change in hybridisation of boron
anions ? [AIEEE - 2011] -[Jee Main-Online- 2012]

(a) B(OH)4 (b) BO2– (a) from sp3 to sp3d (b) from sp2 to dsp2
(3) BF63– (d) BH4– (c) from sp3 to sp2 (d) from sp2 to sp3
32. Trigonal bipyramidal geometry is shown by (a) IF7 : Pentagonal bipyramid
-[Jee Main-Online- 2013] (b) BrF5 : Trigonal bipyramid
(a) XeO3F2 (b) XeOF2 (c) ICl3 : Planar dimeric
(c) [XeF8] (d) FXeOSO2F (d) BrF3 : Planar T-shaped
33. Oxidation state of sulphur in anions SO32–, S2O42– 39. Which of the following series correctly represents
and S2O62– increases in the orders relations between the elements from X to Y ?
-[Jee Main-Online- 2013] X→Y [Jee Main-Online- 2014]
(a) S2O6 < S2O4 < SO32–
2– 2– (a) 18Ar → 54XeNoble character increases
(b) SO32– < S2O42– < S2O62– (b) 3Li → 19KIonisation enthalpy increases
(c) S2O42– < SO32– < S2O42– (c) 6C → 32GeAtomic radii increases
(d) S2O42– < S2O62– < SO32– (d) 9F → 35BrElectron gain enthalpy with negative
sign increases
34. XeO4 molecule is tetrahedral having
40. Which of the following statements about the
-[Jee Main-Online- 2013]
depletion of ozone layer is correct
(a) Two pπ-dπ bonds
-[Jee Main-Online- 2014]
(b) Four pπ-dπ bonds
(a) the problem of ozone depletion is more serious
(c) One pπ-dπ bond at poles because ice crystals in the clouds over
(d) Three pπ-dπ bonds poles act as catalyst for photochemical
35. The shape of IF6– is reactions involving the decomposition of ozone
-[Jee Main-Online- 2013] by Cl• and ClO• radicals
(a) Trigonally distorted octahedron (b) the problem of ozone depletion is less serious
at poles because NO2 solidifies and is not
(b) Pyramidal
available for consuming ClO• radicals
(c) Octahedral
(c) Oxides of nitrogen also do not react with ozone
(d) Square antiprism in stratosphere
36. The catenation tendency of C, Si and Ge is in the (d) Freons, chlorofluorocarbons, are inert
order Ge < Si < C. The bond energies (in kJ mol–1) chemically, they do not react with ozone in
of C–C, Si–Si and Ge–Ge bonds are respectively stratosphere
-[Jee Main-Online- 2013] 41. Which of the following xenon-OXO compounds
(a) 348, 260, 297 (b) 348, 297, 260 may not be obtained by hydrolysis of xenon
(c) 297, 348, 260 (d) 260, 297, 348 fluorides -[Jee Main-Online- 2014]
37. The gas evolved on heating CaF2 and SiO2 with (a) XeO2F2 (b) XeO3
concentrated H2SO4 , on hydrolysis gives a white (c) XeO4 (d) XeOF4
gelatinous precipitate. The precipitate is 42. Hydrogen peroxide acts both as an oxidising and
-[Jee Main-Online- 2014] as a reducing agent depending upon the nature of
(a) Silica gel (b) Silicic acid the reacting species. In which of the following cases
(c) hydrofluosilicic acid (d) calciumfluorosilicate H2O2 acts as a reducing agent in acid medium
38. Shape of certain interhalogen compounds are -[Jee Main-Online- 2014]
stated below. Which one of them is not correctly (a) MnO4– (b) SO32–
stated - [Jee Main-Online- 2014] (c) KI (d) Cr2O72–
43. Consider the reaction 49. Which among the following is the most reactive ?
-[Jee Main-Online- 2014] [Jee Main - 2015]
H2SO3(aq) + Sn (aq) + H2O(l) → Sn2+(aq) + HSO4–
(a) I2 (b) ICl
+ 3H+(aq) (c) Cl2 (d) Br2
Which of the following statement is correct ? 50. Which one has the highest boiling point ?
(a) H2SO3 is the reducing agent because it [Jee Main - 2015]
undergoes oxidation (a) Kr (b) Xe
(b) H2SO3 is the reducing agent because it (c) He (d) Ne
undergoes reduction
51. From the following statements regarding H2O2,
(c) Sn4+ is the reducing agent because it undergoes choose the incorrect statement :
-[Jee Main-2015]
(d) Sn4+ is the oxidizing agent because it undergoes
(a) it has to be stored in plastic or wax lined glass
bottles in dark
44. The number and type of bonds in C22– ion in CaC2
(b) it has to be kept away from dust
are -[Jee Main-Online- 2014]
(c) it can act only as an oxidizing agent
(a) two σ bonds and one π bond
(d) it decomposes on exposure to light
(b) two σ bonds and two π bonds
(c) one σ bonds and two π bonds EXERCISE # V(B) JEE-ADVANCED
(d) one σ bond and one π bond
45. In the following sets of reactants which two sets Fill in the Blanks
best exhibit the amphoteric character of 1. The hydrolysis of alkyl substituted chlorosilanes
Al2O3.xH2O? [Jee Main-Online- 2014] given ............... [IIT-1991]
Set-1 : Al2O3.xH2O(s) and OH– (aq) 2. The hydrolysis of trialkylchlorosiane R3 SiCl, yields
Set-2 : Al2O3.xH2O(s) and H2O (A) ............... [IIT-1994]
Set-3 : Al2O3.xH2O(s) and H+ (aq) 3. Two types of bonds present in B2H6 are covalent
and ............... [IIT-1994]
Set-4 : Al2O3.xH2O(s) and NH3 (aq)
4. One recently discovered allotrope of carbon (e.g.,
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 4
C60) is commonly known as ............... [IIT-1994]
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
46. Example of a three-dimensional silicate is
5. Carbon tetrachloride burns in air when lighted to
-[Jee Main-Online- 2014] give phosgene. [IIT-1983]
(a) Beryls (b) Zeolites 6. Graphite is a better lubricant on the moon than on
(c) Feldspars (d) Ultramarines the earth. [IIT-1987]
47. Which of the following compounds has a P–P 7. All the Al – Cl bonds in Al2Cl6 are equivalent.
bond ? [Jee Main-Online- 2015] [IIT-1989]
(a) H4P2O5 (b) (HPO3)3 8. Diamond is harder than graphite. [IIT-1993]
(c) H4P2O7 (d) H4P2O6 9. The basic nature of the hydroxides of group 13
48. Chlorine water on standing loses its colour and (Gr. IIIB) decreases progressively down the group.
forms -[Jee Main-Online- 2015] [IIT-1993]
(a) HCl and HClO2 (b) HCl only 10. The tendency for catenation is much higher for C
(c) HOCl and HCl2 (d) HCl and HOCl than for Si. [IIT-1993]
11. Complete and balance the following chemical 20. Give reason for the following in one or two
equations - [IIT-1998, 2M] sentences only. [IIT-1999]
(i) P4O10 + PCl5 → “BeCl2 can be easily.”
(ii) SnCl4 + C2H5Cl + Na → 21. Draw the molecular structures of XeF2 , XeF4 and
12. Work out the following using chemical equations XeO2F2 , indicating the location of lone pair(s) of
electrons. [IIT-2000]
[IIT-1998, 2M]
22. Give reason : [IIT-2000]
“Chlorination of calcium hydroxide produces
bleaching powder” Why elemental nitrogen exists as a diatomic
molecule whereas elemental phosphorus is a tetra
13. Hydrogen peroxide acts both as an oxidizing and
atomic molecule.
a reducing agent in alkaline solution towards certain
23. Givan an example of oxidatioln of one halide by
first row transition metal ion. Illustrate both these
another halogen. Explain the feasibility of the
properties of H2O2 using chemical equations
reaction. [IIT-2000]
-[IIT-1998, 4M]
24. Compound X on reduction with LiAIH4 gives a
14. In the contact process for industrial manufacture hydride Y containing 21.72 % hydrogen alongwith
of sulphuric acid, some amount of sulphuric acid other products. The compound Y reacts with air
is used as a starting material. Explain briefly. What explosively resulting in boron trioxide. Identify X
is the catalyst used in the oxidation of SO2? and Y. Given balanced reactions involved in the
[IIT-1998, 4M] formation of Y and its reaction with air draw the
15. Give reasons in one or two sentences for each of structure of Y. [IIT-2001]
the following : [IIT-1985] 25. Starting from SiCl4 , prepare the following in steps
not exceeding the number given in parenthesis
(i) Graphite is used as a solid lubricant
(reactions only) [IIT-2001]
(ii) Fluorine cannot be prepared from fluorieds by
(i) Silicon (1)
chemical oxidation.
(ii) Linear silicon containing methyl group
16. Write balanced equations for :
only (4)
(iii) Na2SiO3 (3)
(i) The preparation of crystalline silicon from SiCl4
26. Write the balanced chemical equation for
(ii) The preparation of phosphine from CaO and developing photographic films. [IIT-2001]
white phosphorus
27. Identify(X) in the following synthetic scheme and
(iii) The preparation of ammonium sulphate from write their structures. [IIT-2001]
gypsum, ammonia and carbon dioxide *

17. Anhydrous AlCl3 is covalent. From the data given Ba C O3 + H 2SO 4 ⎯⎯

→ X(gas) (C denotes C14 )
below, predict whether it would remain covalent 28. Write the balanced equations for the reactions of
or become ionic in aqueous solution. [IIT-1997] the following compounds with water[IIT-2002]
Iinisation energy for Al = 5137 kJ mol–1 (i) Al4C3 (ii) CaNCN
ΔHhydration for Al3+ = 5137 kJ mol–1 (iii) BF3 (iv) NCl3
ΔHhydration for Cl– = –381 kJ mol–1 (v) XeF3
18. Aluminium sulphide gives a fourl odour when it 29. Write the balanced equations for the reactions of
becomes damp. Write a balanced chemical the following compounds with water [IIT-2002]
equation for the reaction :- [IIT-1997] (i) Al4C3 (ii) CaNCN
19. Draw the structure of a cyclic silicate, (Si3O9)6 (iii) BF3 (iv) NCl3
with proper labelling- [IIT-1998]
(v) XeF4
30. Identify the following [IIT-2003] 39. Which of the following are hydrolysed :
NaCO3 ⎯⎯→ A ⎯⎯⎯⎯
SO 2
→ B ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ C ⎯⎯
Na 2CO3
Δ →D elemental S I2 [REE-2000]
(a) NCl3 (b) BCl3
Also mentioln the oxidation state of S in all the
compounds. (c) CCl4 (d) SiCl4
31. Arrange the following oxide in the increasing order 40. The set with correct order of acidity is :
of Bronsted basicity. [IIT-2004] [IIT-2001]
Cl2O7 , BaO7 , SO3 , CO2 , B2O3 (a) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
32. When zeolite , which is hydrated sodium (b) HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HClO
aluminium, is treated with hard water, the sodium (c) HClO < HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2
ions are exchanged with : [IIT-1990] (d) HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO
(a) H+ ions (b) Ca2+ ions 41. The reaction ,
(c) SO42– ions (d) Mg2+ ions 3ClO–(aq) → ClO3– (aq) + 2Cl– (aq)
33. Which of the following halides is least stable and is an example of : [IIT-2001]
has doubtful existence : [IIT-1996]
(a) oxidatioln reaction
(a) CCl4 (b) Gel4
(b) reduction reaction
(c) Snl4 (d) Pbl4
(c) disproportionation reaction
34. In compounds of type ECl3 , where E = B, P, As
or Bi, the angles Cl–E–Cl for different E are in the (d) decomposition reaction
order : [IIT-1999] 42. The number of S-S bonds in sulphur trioxide trimer,
(a) B > P = As = Bi (b) B > P > As > Bi (S3O9) is : [IIT-2001]
(c) B < P = As = Bi (d) B < P < As < Bi (a) three (b) two
35. The number of P—O—P bonds in cyclic (c) one (d) zero
tetrametaphosphoric acid is : [IIT-2000] 43. Specify the coordination geometry around and
(a) zero (b) two hybridisation of N and B atoms in a 1:1 complex
(c) three (d) four of BF3 and NH3 : [IIT-2001]
36. The correct order of acidic strength is : (a) N : tetrahedral sp3 ; B: tetrahedral sp3
[IIT-2000] (b) N : pyramidal sp3 ; B: pyramidal sp3
(a) Cl2O7 > SO2 > P4O10 (c) N : pyramidal sp3 ; B: planar sp3
(b) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3 (d) N : pyramidal sp3 ; B: tetrahedral sp3d
(c) Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 44. Statement–1 : Between SiCl4 and CCl4 , only
(d) K2O > CaO > MgO SiCl4 reacts with water. [IIT-2001]
37. Amongest H2O, H2S, H2Se and H2Te , the one Statement–2 : SiCl4 is ionic and CCl4 is covalent.
with the highest boiling point is : [IIT-2000] (a) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ;
(a) H2O because of hydrogen bonding Statement–2 is a correct explanation for
(b) H2Te because of higher molecular weigtht Statement–1
(c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding (b) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ;
(d) H2Te because of lower molecular weigtht Statement–2 is NOT a correct explanation for
38. Ammonia can be dried by : [IIT-2000] Statement–1
(a) conc. H2SO4 (b) P 4O10 (c) Statement–1 is True, Staicment–2 is False
(c) CaO (d) Anhydrous CaCl2 (d) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True
45. Polyphosphate are used as water softening agents 52. Which is the most thermodynamically stable
because they : [IIT-2002] allotropic form of phosphorus : [IIT-2004]
(a) form soluble complexes with anionic species (a) red (b) white
(b) precipitate anionic species (c) black (d) yellow
(c) form soluble complexes with cationic species 53. When PbO2 reacts with conc.HNO 3 the gas
evolved is : [IIT-2005]
(d) precipitate cationic species
(a) NO 2 (b) O 2
46. Identify the correct order of solubility of Na2S,
CuS and ZnS in aqueous medium : [IIT-2002] (c) N 2 (d) N 2 O
(a) CuS > ZnS > Na2S 54. Which of the following is not oxidised by O3 :
(b) ZnS > Na2S > CuS
(a) KI (b) FeSO4
(c) Na2S > CuS > ZnS
(c) N 2O 4 (d) N 2O 5
(d) Na2S > ZnS > CuS
55. Which blue liquid is obtained on reacting equimolar
47. Identify, the correct order of acidic strength of amounts of two gases at –30°C? [IIT-2005]
CO2, CuO, CaO, H2O : [IIT-2002]
(a) N 2 O (b) N 2O 3
(a) CaO < CuO < H2O < CO2 (c) N 2O 4 (d) N 2O 5
(b) H2O < CuO < CaO < CO2 56. Name of the structure of silicates in which three
(c) CaO < H2O < CuO < CO2 oxygen atoms of [SiO4]4– are shared is :[IIT-2005]
(d) H2O < CO2 < CaO < CuO (a) Pyrosilicate
48. H3BO3 is : [IIT-2002,3] (b) Sheet silicate
(a) monobasic acid and weak Lewis acid (c) linear chain silicate
(b) monobasic acid and weak Bronsted acid (d) three dimensional silicate
(c) monobasic acid and strong Lewis acid 57. B(OH)3 + NaOH YZZ ZZX NaBO + Na[B(OH) ]
2 4
(d) monobasic acid and strong Bronsted acid + H2O how can this reaction is made to proceed
49. When I– is oxidised by MnO4– in alkaline medium, in forward direction ? [IIT-2006]
I– convertes into : [IIT-2003] (a) addition of cis 1, 2 diol
(a) IO3– (b) I2 (b) addition of borax
(c) IO 4– (d) IO – (c) addition of trans 1, 2 diol
50. Match the column : [IIT-2003] (d) addition of Na2HPO4
Column-I Column-II 58. The percentage of p-character in the orbitals
(a) Bi3+ → (BiO)+ (P) Heat forming P-P bonds in P4 is : [IIT-2007]
(a) 25 (b) 33
(b) [AlO2]– → Al(OH)3 (Q) Hydrolysis
(c) 50 (d) 75
(c) SiO44– → Si2O76– (R) Acidification
59. Among the following , the paramagnetic compound
(d) (B4O7 ) → [Bi(OH)3] (S) Dilution by water
is : [IIT-2007]
51. (Me)2SiCl2 on hydrolysis will produce : (a) Na2O2 (b) O 3
(c) N 2 O (d) KO 2
(a) (Me)2Si(OH)2 60. Statement–1 : Boron always forms covalent bond.
(b) (Me)2Si = O
(c) [—O—(Me)2Si—O—]n Statement–2 : The small size of B3+ favours
(d) Me2SiCl(OH) formation of covalent bond.
(a) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; 64. XeF4 and XeF6 are expected to be :
Statement–2 is a correct explanation for (a) oxidising (b) reducing
Statement–1 (c) unreactive (d) strongly basic
(b) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; Passage for Q.65 to Q.67 :
Statement–2 is NOT a correct explanation for
There are some deposits of nitrates and phosphates in
earth’s crust. Nitrates are more soluble in water.
(c) Statement–1 is True, Staicment–2 is False Nitrates are difficult to reduce under the laboratory
(d) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True conditions but microbes do it easily. Ammonia forms
61. Statement–1 : In water, orthoboric acid behaves large number of complexes with transition metal ions.
as a weak monobasic acid. [IIT-2007] Hybridisation easily explains the case of sigma donation
Statement–2 : In water, orthoboric acid acts as capability of NH3 and PH3. Phosphine is a flammable
a proton donor. gas and is prepared from white phosphorus.
(a) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; [IIT-2008]
Statement–2 is a correct explanation for 65. Among the following , the correct statement :
Statement–1 (a) phosphates have no biological significance in
(b) Statement–1 is True, Statement–2 is True ; humans
Statement–2 is NOT a correct explanation for (b) between nitrates and phosphates , phosphates
Statement–1 are less abundant in earth’s crust
(c) Statement–1 is True, Staicment–2 is False (c) between nitrates and phosphates , nitrates are
(d) Statement–1 is False, Statement–2 is True less abundant in earth’s crust
Passage for Q.62 to Q.64 : (d) oxidation of nitrates is possible in soil
The noble gases have closed - shell electronic 66. Among the following , the correct statement :
configuration and are monoatomic gases under normal (a) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron
conditions. The low boiling point of the lighter noble donor because the lone pair of electrons
gases are due to weak dispersion forces between the occupies spherical ‘s’ orbital and is less
atoms and the absence of other interatomic interaction. directional.
The direct reaction of xenon with fluorine leads to a (b) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron
series of compounds with oxidation number +2, +4 donor because the lone pair of electrons
and +6. occupies spherical ‘sp3’ orbital and is more
XeF4 reacts violently with water to give XeO3. The directional.
compounds of xenon exhibit rich stereochemistry and (c) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron
their geometries can be deduced considering the total donor because the lone pair of electrons
number of electron pairs in the valance shell. occupies ‘sp3’ orbital and is more directional.
(d) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron
62. Argon is used in are welding because of its : donor because the lone pair of electrons occupies
(a) low reactivity with metal spherical ‘s’ orbital and is less directional.
(b) ability to lower the melting point of metal 67. The phosphorus on reaction with NaOH gives PH3
(c) flammability as one of the products. This is a :
(d) high calorific value (a) dimerization reaction
63. The structure of XeO3 is : (b) disproportionation reaction
(a) linear (b) planar (c) condensation reaction
(c) pyramidal (d) T-shaped (d) precipitation reaction
68. The reaction of P4 with X leads selectively to P4O6. Passage for Q.76 to Q.77 :
The X is : [IIT-2009] The reaction of Cl2 gas with cold dilute and hot
(a) Dry O2 concentrated NaOH in water give sodium salt of two
(b) A mixture of O2 , N2 (different) oxoacids of chlorine P and Q respectively.
(c) Moist O2 The Cl2 gas reacts with SO2 gas, in presence of charcoal
(d) O2 in the presence of aqueous NaOH to give a product R. R reacts with white phosphorus to
69. The nitrogen oxide(s) the contain(s) N-N bond(s) give a compounds S. On hydrolysis, S gives as oxyacid
is (are) :- [JEE-2009] of phosphorus T. [JEE-2013]
(a) N 2 O (b) N 2O 3 76. R, S and T respectively are :
(c) N2O4 (d) N 2O 5 (a) SO2Cl2, PCl5 and H2PO4
70. In the reaction 2X + B2H6 → [BH2(X)2]+ [BH4]– (b) SO2Cl2, PCl3 and H3PO3
the amine(s) X is (are) [JEE-2009]
(c) SO2Cl2, PCl3 and H3PO2
(a) NH3 (b) CH3NH2
(d) SO2Cl2, PCl5 and H3PO4
(c) (CH3)2NH (d) (CH3)3N
77. P and Q , respectively , are the sodium salts of :
71. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous
NaOH gives phosphine along with another (a) Hypochlorus and chloric acid
phosphorus containing compound. The reaction (b) Hypochlorus and chlorus acid
type ; the oxidation states of phosphorus in (c) Chloric and perchloric acid
phospine and the other product are respectively : (d) Chloric and hypochlorus acid
- [JEE-2012]
78. The unbalanced chemical reactions given in List-I
(a) redox reaction ; –3 and –5 show missing reagent or condition (?) which are
(b) redox reaction ; +3 and +5 provided in List-II. Match the List-I with List-II
(c) disproportionation reaction ; –3 and +1 and select the correct answer using the code given
(d) disproportionation reaction ; –3 and +3 below the lists : A :- [JEE-2013]
72. Bleaching powder contains a salt of an oxoacid List-I
as one of its components. The anhydride of that (P) PbO2 + H2SO4 ⎯⎯ ?
→ PbSO4 + O2 + other
oxoacid is :- [JEE-2012] product
(a) Graphite is harder than diamond
(Q) Na2S2O3 + H 2O ⎯⎯ ?
→ NaHSO 4 + other
(b) Graphite has higher electrical conductivity than product
diamond o

(c) Graphite has higher thermal conductivity than (R) N2H4 ⎯⎯ ?

→ N 2 + other product
diamond (S) XeF2 ⎯⎯ ?
→ Xe + other product
(d) Graphite has higher C–C bond than diamond List-II
74. Concentrated nitric acid upon long standing, turns (i) NO
yellow-brown due to the formation of :- (ii) I2
(iii) Warm
(a) NO (b) NO 2
(iv) Cl2
(c) N2O (d) N 2O 4
Codes :
75. The correct statement(s) about O3 is (are) :-
[JEE-2013] P Q R S
(a) O–O bond lengths are equal (a) 1 2 3 1
(b) Thermal decomposition of O3 is endothermic (b) 3 2 1 4
(c) O3 is diamagnetic in nature (c) 1 4 2 3
(d) O3 has bent structure (d) 3 4 2 1
79. Under ambient conditions, the total number of (a) The number of Cl = O bonds in (ii) and (iii)
gases released as products in the final steo of the together is two
reaction scheme shown below is :- (b) The number of lone pairs of electron on Cl in
[JEE-Adv. 2014] (ii) and (iii) together is three
hydrolysis (c) The hybridisation of Cl in (iv) is sp3
XeF6 P + other product
(d) Amongest (i) to (iv), the strongest acid is (i)
OH– / H2O 83. When O2 is adsorbed on a metallic surface,
electron transfer occurs from the metal to O2. The
TRUE, statements regarding this adsorption is
show disproportionation in OH– / H2O (are) :- [JEE-Adv. 2015]
(a) O2 is physisorbed
(b) heat is released
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) occupancy of π*2p of O2 is increased
(c) 2 (d) 3
(d) bond length of O2 is increased
80. The product formed in the reacton of SOCl2 with 84. Under hydrolytic conditions , the compounds used
white phosphorus is :- [JEE-Adv. 2014] for preparation of linear polymer and for chain
(a) It behaves as a weak acid in water due to self termination , respectvley, are :- [JEE-Adv. 2015]
ionization (a) CH3SiCl3 and Si(CH3)4
(b) Acidity of its aqueous solution increases upon (b) (CH3)3SiCl and (CH3)2SiCl2
addition of ethylene glycol (c) (CH3)2SiCl2 and CH3SiCl3
(c) It has a three dimensional structure due to (d) SiCl4 and (CH3)3SiCl
hydrogen bonding
85. Three moles B2H6 are completely reacted with
(d) It is a weak electrolyte in water methanol. The number of moles of boron containing
82. The correct statement(s) regarding (i) HClO, (ii) product formed is :- [JEE-Adv. 2015]
HClO2, (iii) HClO3 and (iv) HClO4 is (are) :- 86. The total number of lone pairs of electron in N2O3
[JEE-Adv. 2015] is :- [JEE-Adv. 2015]

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