P - Block Elements
P - Block Elements
P - Block Elements
• Compounds of boron and oxygen • Differences between carbon , Silicon and the
remaining elements
¾ Boron sesquioxide and the borates
¾ Carbon dating
¾ Acidic properties of H3BO3 or B(OH)3
• Physical properties
¾ Structures of borates
¾ Covalent radii
¾ Borax
¾ Ionization energy
¾ Sodium peroxoborate
¾ Melting points
¾ Isopolyacids of B, Si and P
¾ Metallic and non metallic character
¾ Qualitative analysis of boron compounds
¾ Four - covalent compounds
¾ Fluoboric acid
• Chemical reactivity
¾ Borides
¾ Insert pair effect
• The other group 13 oxides
¾ Standard reduction potentials (volts)
¾ Amphoteric behaviour - aluminates
• Graphite compounds
• Carbides • Halides
¾ Salt - like carbides ¾ Tetrahalides
¾ Interstitial carbides ¾ Catenated halides
¾ Covalent carbides ¾ Dihalides
• Oxygen compounds of carbon • Cluster compounds
The p-Block Elements and
Their Compounds
Only one correct answer : 6. The correct boiling point order of stannic halides
1. The two main allotropes of tin are :- is :-
(a) SnF4 > SnCl4 > SnBr4 > SnI4
(a) grey tin, black tin (b) white tin, red tin
(b) SnI4 > SnBr4 > SnCl4 > SnF4
(c) white tin, black tin (d) white tin, grey tin
(c) SnCl4 > SnI4 > SnF4 > SnBr4
2. The colour of SnS and SnS2 are respectively :- (d) SnF4 > SnI4 > SnBr4 > SnCl4
(a) Black and White 7. Solution of SnCl2 and SnCl4 can be differentiated
(b) Brown and Yellow by different reagents, because they behave in
(c) Black and Colourless different way with different reagents. With HgCl2
which of the following option is correct :-
(d) Brown and Red
(a) SnCl2 react with HgCl2 to give white ppt. of
3. Tin particles crumble to powder during severe Hg2Cl2 which is further reduced by SnCl2 to
winters which is said “Tin plague”. It is due to :- give black precipitate
(a) at low temperature, transformation of white tin (b) SnCl4 react with HgCl2 to give white ppt. of
into grey tin which is accompanied by volume Hg2Cl2
expansion (c) SnCl4 does not react with HgCl2
(b) at low temperature, transformation of grey tin (d) both (a) and (c) are correct
into black tin which is accompanied by volume 8. Which of the following statement is correct ?
expansion (a) SnCl2 does not react with FeCl3
(c) Consuming grey tin causes disease (b) SnCl4 does react with FeCl3 to give FeCl62–
(d) None (c) SnCl2 reduces FeCl3 to FeCl2 & then when
K3[Fe(CN)6] is added, then blue colour is
4. SnO is example of amphoteric oxide, supported
by which of the following reaction :-
(d) None of these
(a) SnO + 2HCl → SnCl2 + H2O
9. A mass of arborescent crystals (lead tree) slowly
(b) SnO + 2NaOH → Na2SnO2 + H2O deposits when :-
(c) Both (a) & (b) (a) Zinc rod is hung in a solution of lead carbonate
(d) SnO + H2 → Sn + H2O (b) Iron rod is hung in a solution of lead nitrate
5. Concentrated nitric acid when reacts with tin, a (c) Copper rod is hung in a solution of lead acetate
white precipitate is formed. The precipitate is :- (d) Zinc rod is hung in a solution of lead acetate
(a) H2SnO3 10. Lead is soluble in :-
(b) H2SnO2 (a) dilute HCl
(c) H2Sn5O11.4H2O (b) dilute H2SO4
(c) cold concentrated HCl
(d) SnO2.6H2O
(d) warm dilute HNO3
11. Plumbo solvency - a serious menace where lead 17. H2O2 converts black precipitate PbS into :-
piping is used for water supply. It is caused by. (a) Elemental Pb
(a) Water soluble PbCO3 (b) Red colour Pb3O4
(b) Water insoluble PbCO3 (c) Grey colour PbO
(c) Slightly water soluble Pb(OH)2 (d) White coloured precipitate PbSO4
(d) Water soluble Pb(OH)2.PbCO3 18. The colour of PbO2 (lead dioxide) :-
12. Pb3O4 when reacts with HCl, the products formed (a) Yellow (b) Scarlet red
are :-
(c) Chocolate brown (d) Black
(a) PbCl2 , H2O , Cl2
19. The colour of Pb3O4 :-
(b) PbCl2 , H2O
(a) Yellow (b) Scarlet red
(c) PbCl2 , H2O , Cl2 , O2
(c) Chocolate brown (d) Black
(d) PbO2 , Cl2 , H2O
20. When lead is heated in air, a yellow powder A is
13. Pb3O4 when reacts with HNO3, the products formed. When A is fused, cooled and powdered,
formed are :- a reddish yellow crystalline varity B is formed, A
(a) Pb(NO3)2 , H2O , NO2 and B are respectivley :-
(b) Pb(NO3)2 , H2O (a) Massicot & Litharge
(c) Pb(NO3)2 , O2 , H2O (b) Red lead & lead dioxide
(d) Pb(NO3)2 , PbO2 , H2O (c) Litharge & Massicot
14. TEL (tetraethyl lead) is a colourless liquid which (d) Lead dioxide & Red lead
has boiling point 82°C. It is prepared by action
21. When litharge is calcinated for about 48 hrs in a
of :-
current of air at a temperature almost equal to
(a) ethyl alcohol with lead chloride 340°C, then the product formed is :-
(b) ethyl chloride vapour on sodilum lead alloy (a) PbO2 (b) Pb2O3
(c) ethyl ether vapour with lead metal (c) Pb3O4 (d) PbO
(d) ethyl benzene with lead chloride 22. The correct formula of white lead which is used
15. The correct melting point order of plumbous halide:- as pigment is :-
(a) PbF2 > PbCl2 > PbI2 > PbBr2 (a) PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (b) PbCO3.2Pb(OH)2
(b) PbI2 > PbBr2 > PbCl2 > PbF2 (c) 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2 (d) 3PbCO3.Pb(OH)2
(c) PbCl2 > PbF2 > PbBr2 > PbI2 23. Lithium aluminium hydride when reacts with
(d) PbF2 < PbCl2 < PbBr2 < PbI2 stannic chloride in ether medium at very low
16. CH3CH–OH ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → H2O + Product(P). temperature, the product formed :-
lead tetraacetate
(a) Sn2H6 (b) SnH2
(c) SnH4 (d) Sn3H8
P is:- 24. PbO2 (Pb in +4 oxidation state) oxidises MnSO4
(a) CH3CO2H (b) CH3 – C – CH3 solution in acidic medium into :-
(a) pink solution of HMnO4
O (b) black MnO2 ppt.
(c) CH3 – CH = O (d) CH3 – C O
(c) reddish brown solution of MnO(OH)2
H3C – C O (d) Mn3O8
25. Na2[SnO2] (Sn in +2 oxidation state) reduces 32. Anhydrous aluminium chloride is obtained by :-
Bi(NO3)3 into :- (a) strongly heating to 1000°C a mixture of alumina
(a) Black colour precipitate of Bi and coke in a current of chlorine
(b) Red colour precipitate of Bi (b) by passing dry chlorine or hydrogen chloride
(c) Brown colour precipitate of Bi over heated aluminium turnings
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
(d) None
26. The lewis acidic strength order among bromo
halides :- 33. Zinc and copper reacts with concentrated nitric
acid to given
(a) BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 > BI3
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(b) BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(c) BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3 > BI3
34. B2H6 is :-
(d) BF3 > BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3
(a) electron rich molecule and paramagnetic
27. Orthoborates are :-
(b) electron rich molecule and paramagnetic
(a) planar unit (b) pyramidal unit
(c) electron defficient molecule and paramagnetic
(c) tetrahedral unit (d) angular unit
(d) electron defficient molecule and diamagnetic
B2 H 6 (THF) 35. Zinc reacts with dilute nitric acid to give
28. H O + OH −
2 2
Product(P). P is
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(a) (b) 36. Aluminium triethyl in conjuction with titanium
chloride TiCl4 is called:-
(c) OH (d) OH (a) Al-titanium alloy (b) Alum
(c) Goldsmith mixture (d) Zeigler natta catalyst
29. Which of the following reaction, product are
correctly predicted :- 37. Copper reacts with dilute nitric acid to give
(a) NO 2 (b) NO
(a) B3N3H6 + HCl ⎯→ (XS)
(c) N 2 O (d) N 2
(b) B3N3H3Cl3 + NaBH4 ⎯→ B3N3H6 + NaCl +
B2H6 38. Alums containing thallium one of the types :-
(c) B3N3H6 + 9H2O ⎯→ H3BO3 + NH3 + H2 (a) K2SO4 .Tl(SO4)3.24H2O
(b) Tl2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
(d) All
(c) K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O
30. The oxidation stae of B, N in B 3N3H6 are
respectively :- (d) Tl(SO4).K2SO4.24H2O
(a) +3, –3 (b) +1, –1 39. A silvery white metal liquefies on a hot summer
day but is solid an cold days. It is readily attacked
(c) –3, +3 (d) –1, +1
by dilute acid liberating hydrogen. A is :-
31. B2H6 can not be methylated beyond :- (a) B (b) Ag
(a) Me2B2H4 (c) Al (d) Mg
(b) Me3B2H3 40. Which of the following is orange coloured solid :-
(c) Me4B2H2 (a) CCl4 (b) SiBr4
(d) Me5B2H (c) SnI4 (d) SbCl3
41. A gas at low temperature does not react of the 48. A gas exists in three allotropic forms α, β, γ is:-
compounds. It is inert in nature. The combustion (a) SO 2 (b) SO3
of this gas is exceptionally an endothermic reaction. (c) CO2 (d) NH3
The gas is :-
49. KOCN + (NH4)2SO4 ⎯⎯ Δ
(a) O 2 (b) N 2
In the following reaction one of the product is :-
(c) CO (d) H2
(a) NH4NO2 (b) NH4NO3
42. An explosive compound (a) when reacts with
(c) NH2CONH2 (d) both N2 & O2
water, it give NH4OH and HCl. A is :-
50. Which element become passive due to protective
(a) TNG (b) TNT layer of oxide formation, when reacts with
(c) NCl3 (d) HNO3 concentrated nitric acid
43. Three allotropes A , B and C of phosphorus are (a) Fe (b) Cr
transfered into each other in the following (c) Al (d) all of these
reaction :- 51. The ratio of 2C–2e and 3C–2e bonds in diborane
→ B ⎯⎯⎯→ is :-
A ⎯⎯⎯
⎯ CO 2atm C
(a) white, black, red (b) black, white, red (a) 0 (b) 1
(c) red, black, white (d) red, white, black (c) 2 (d) 3
44. Which is incorrectly matched :- 52. Sulphur dioxide reacts with hydrogen sulphide to
give sulphur precipitate. Here SO2 and H2S acts
ZZX Cs+ + Br –
(a) CsBr 3 YZZ as:-
(a) Urea (b) CH3CH2NH2 C(s) + H2O ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → (X) + H2(g)
(c) Sulphamic acid (d) All 50. Select the correct statement about (X) :-
Passage for Q.44 to Q.46 : (a) (X) is a colourless, odourless and almost water
A colourless solid A when heated gives off a colourless insoluble gas
gas B which is supporter of combustion. If heated in (b) (X) is highly poisonous and burns with blue
container the whole of the solid disappears. When A is flame
heated with NaOH, an alkaline gas C is evolvd. When
gas B is heated with sodamide, a colourless solid D is (c) When (X) gas is passed through PdCl2 solution
formed which furthur treated with dilute H2SO4 , a giving rise to black ppt.
colourless liquid E is formed lead and silver salt of E (d) All of these
are explosive.
51. Mixture of (X) gas + H2 is called :- 56. X1 is :-
(a) Water gas or synthesis gas (a) XeF2
(b) Producer gas (b) XeF4
(c) Methane gas (c) XeF6
(d) None of these (d) None
52. In second reaction when air is used instead of 57. X2 is :-
steam a mixed of (X) gas and N2 is produced
which called :- (a) XeO3
(a) Water gas (b) XeO4
(b) Synthesis gas (c) XeO6
(c) Producer gas (d) XeO2
(d) Carbond dioxide gas 58. X3 and X4 are respectively :-
53. Select the correct statement about (X) :- (a) HX eO4– (perxenate ion) , XeO64– (xenate ion)
(a) (X) gas is estimatated by I2O5 (b) HXeO4– (xenate ion) , XeO64– (perxenate ion)
(b) Cu2Cl2 is absorber of (X) gas (c) XeO64– (perxenate ion) , HXeO4– (xenate ion)
(c) (X) gas is the purifying agent for Ni (d) XeO64– (xenate ion) , HXeO4– (perxenate ion)
(d) All of these Passage for Q.59 to Q.60 :
Passage for Q.54 to Q.55 : Consider the following reaction(s)
CH3CH2CN + H2O → P + NH3 Δ
A(s) B(s) + C(g) + D(g) +E(v)
CH3CH2NC + H2O → CH3CH2NH2 + Q (pale green) (brown)
54. P is :-
Anhydrous CuSO4
(a) CH3CH2CO2H KMnO 4/H
+ F
MnO4– is decolorised (Blue solid)
(b) CH3CH2CH2OH (a)aq. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
NaNO 2 + dil.HCl
→ unstable brown compound (G)
(c) CH3CH2CH3
(μ = 15B.M.)
(d) CH3CH2CH2NH2
59. Sum of oxidation state of the central atom in C(g)
55. Q is :-
and D(g) is :-
(a) CO2
(a) 6
(b) NH3
(b) 10
(c) CH4
(c) 8
(d) HCO2H
Passage for Q.56 to Q.58 : (d) 4
A Xenon fluoride X1 is formed by heating Xenon with 60. Select incorrect statement about compound F :-
excess of fluorine at very high temperature and pressure. (a) It adsorb orange-red light for d-d transition
X1 has a melting point 47.4°. X1 can acts as fluoride (b) 4 water molecule are directly bonded with
ion donor as well as fluoride ion acceptor. X 1 each Cu+2
undergoes hydrolysis vigorously forming an explosive
(c) It is paramagnetic
compound X2.
X2 + OH– (pH > 10.5) → X3 (d) It’s μ = 8B.M.
X3 + OH– → X4 + Xe + O2 + H2O
Match the Column Type :
61. Match the column :-
Column-I Column-II
Reactions Products / Use of products
(a) Dry ice + CH3MgX, H+→ (P) Urea
(b) CO2 + Gypsum solution + NH3→ (Q) Monocarboxylic acid
(c) CO2 + NH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ high P &T
→ (R) Ammonium sulphate
Me Me Me Me
Me Me
O Si O Si O