10 Christ in You
10 Christ in You
10 Christ in You
Christ in You
– Channeling God’s
Love and Power
• Can you imagine that we’ve already reached our final session
• I hope you all feel that the Lord has begun a good work in you,
shaping a Christ-like character in you, and that this process has
started to affect your family, your work-place, and your
• If you remain humble and obedient to God, and allow His Spirit to
continue to shape you and renew you day by day, I can assure
you that you will all be men of honor and women of dignity!
• It’s obvious that the Great Commission will succeed – it will not
• The big question is: What is your role going to be in all this?
- Will you in any way contribute to this great scenario?
- Will your family, your colleagues, and your neighbors be among
the great multitude before God’s throne?
- Will you give people the opportunity to choose the eternal life?
• What’s an ambassador?
• That’s why it’s crucial to use the limited time on earth wisely.
A royal priesthood
• As followers of Jesus, we have the world’s most important mission
to complete: to populate heaven with "a great multitude /…/ from
every nation, tribe, people and language."
• 1 Peter 2:9 says that we are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, God’s special possession, that [we] may declare the
praises of him who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful
• Each instrument has its own sound and its unique role to play, but
it’s when the instruments come together that they can perform
the mighty symphony they were created for.
• God has prepared a unique path for you; a path that no one else
has walked.
• Along that path, there are specific deeds – good works – waiting
for you. And God Himself has prepared these works in advance,
so you will be victorious.
• We need to be "born of the Spirit" (John 3:8) and filled with His
divine love and power.
Nothing is impossible
• With Christ living in you, performing His miracles through you,
nothing is impossible!
• That’s why Paul proclaims, "I can do all this through him who
gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13)
• Faith comes from fixing your eyes on Jesus, who is "the pioneer
and perfecter of faith" (Hebrews 12:2). He will do it!
➢ He wrote all your days in His book before one of them had come
to be. (Psalm 139:16)
➢ He equipped you with the Holy Spirit as your Helper and Guide,
so you would be able to fulfil His purposes for you. (Acts 1:8)
➢ He will never leave you nor forsake you, but be with you always
to the end of the age. (Joshua 1:5; Matthew 28:20)
• That’s how eager God is for you to fulfil His perfect plan for your
• If you do everything God has called you to do, but your heart
remains cold and hard, then all your efforts will be fruitless.
• But if you allow the Holy Spirit to transform your heart and shape
Christ’s character in you, then everything you do will bear fruit.
• Jesus used 30 years of his life to prepare for a public ministry that
would last only 3,5 years.
• In other words: If the plans and dreams God has shown you seem
distant, if you pray and fast but nothing seems to happen – don’t
be discouraged!
• God is at work even when you don’t see it! If no doors seems to
open, despite your efforts, it’s probably because God is busy
preparing you and the mission field for the things that lie ahead!
Remain in Christ
• In the meantime, there is one thing you can do that is more
important than anything else; let’s read John 15:4-5. (READ.)
• It’s not the branch that produces the fruit; it’s the sap coming
from the vine and flowing through the branch!
• That’s how the Christian life works: We cannot produce the fruit
ourselves; only the Holy Spirit who flows through us can produce
the fruit!
• Remain in Christ, so that the Holy Spirit can flow through you!
• Everywhere you go, His abundant life will flow through you to
meet the needs of His beloved creations:
- When you speak to them, it’s Jesus who speaks through you.
- When you lay your hands on them, it’s Jesus’ hands.
• Christ in you can move mountains and accomplish great things for
God’s kingdom.
• It’s time for all of you to arise and shine in this nation!
• Christ will shine through you and touch your families, your work
places, and your communities with His power and love.
• May all of us be able to one day summarize our lives using Paul’s
words to Timothy. (READ 2 TIMOTHY 4:7-8.)
• Since the start of this program, have you noticed any change:
- in your life? In what way?
- in your family? At work? In your community?
• How can you be a channel for God’s love and power in your
family? At work? In your community?
• Lay down your self at the cross, so that Christ can live and work
in and through you.
• Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you with God’s supernatural love and
• Ask for the grace and wisdom to be a channel for this love and
power in your family, your work place, and your community.
• Pray that God will carry on the good work He has begun in your
life to completion!