9 Serving As Jesus Served
9 Serving As Jesus Served
9 Serving As Jesus Served
Serving As
• The Bible gives us one big role model, one outstanding life
example to follow. Who is this great role model?
• If you know what Jesus would do, then you know what God wants
you to do.
• The logic and the principles of this world are often the direct
opposite of the principles that Jesus taught us.
• But Jesus never taught us to win our lives or satisfy our every
desire; He called us to lay our lives down and take up our cross!
Called to serve
• Let’s read together from Matthew 20:25-28. (READ VERSES.)
• "The student is not above the teacher," Jesus says, "nor a servant
above his master" (Matthew 10:24). Just as our Teacher and
Master, Jesus Christ, served, so you and I must serve.
• Can the same thing be said of you and me? Are we willing to pay
a price, in order to touch the people around us with God’s love?
• Jesus saw the person behind the handicap. He saw the person
behind the life-style. He never allowed a person’s circumstances
or expressions to define his or her identity or human value.
• You and I are called to do the same: to see the precious person
behind the disguise; a unique individual, created in God’s image
and infinitely loved by Him. That’s who we are called to serve!
A true servant
• A true servant is motivated by love and compassion – not by
personal gain, not by duty or bad conscience, and not by a need
for acknowledgement or public praise.
• On the surface, these two fruits may look similar and equally
good. But when you start eating, you notice that the taste is very
• And, above all, only one of the fruits is edible; the other one is
poisonous – even deadly!
• That’s just what the Pharisees believed. But Jesus saw right
through their impressive façade, revealing their self-righteous and
self-sufficient hearts.
• It’s not until they humble themselves at the cross, that Jesus can
transform their hearts and give them the Holy Spirit as their daily
Helper and Guide.
• How does that change your perspective on the people you meet in
your everyday life, from Monday through Sunday?
• After all, if somebody doesn’t have God’s Spirit and the eternal
life, what does it help if he or she leads a morally good life?
Make disciples
• Maybe that’s why Jesus never told us to "go and make good
people out of evil people"?
• Paul writes to the Church in Corinth, "I planted the seed, Apollos
watered it, but God has been making it grow." (1 Cor. 3:6)
• When you serve and serve but don’t see any visible results, don’t
be discouraged! Remember that you’re called to be obedient, not
• If you are obedient and faithful, you will bear much fruit. But
most of the fruit you will not see in this life – it will be a great
surprise the day you come to heaven!
• The men and women who wrote the biblical history were all great
- They put God’s will and the needs of the people ahead of their
own needs and interests.
- They willingly sacrificed their comfort and their resources to
save the lost, heal the sick, and restore the broken-hearted.
• Our great Master, Jesus Christ, calls you and me to do the same;
to be available for His divine purposes and serve the people He
loves by meeting their needs:
- Their physical needs.
- Their social needs.
- Their practical needs.
- Their spiritual needs.
• Jesus sums it up in Matthew 7:12: "So in everything, do to others
what you would have them do to you."
• Are you motivated to serve people around you? What is your main
• Ask for God’s perspective on the people around you, and the
wisdom to discern their needs.