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Jnana Sangama, Belagavi-590018, Karnataka


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of


Under the guidance of

Dr. Priyadarshini K Desai
Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, BNMIT

B.N.M. Institute of Technology

An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Approved by AICTE, Accredited as ‘A’ Grade Institution by NAAC till 31.12.2026
All Eligible UG branches – CSE, ECE, EEE, ISE & Mech.Engg. Accredited by NBA till 30.06.2025
Post box no. 7087, 27th cross, 12th Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bengaluru- 560070, INDIA
Ph: 91-80- 26711780/81/82 Email:,

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

2023 – 2024
B.N.M. Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Approved by AICTE, Accredited as ‘A’ Grade Institution by NAAC till 31.12.2026
All Eligible UG branches – CSE, ECE, EEE, ISE & Mech.Engg. Accredited by NBA till 30.06.2025
Post box no. 7087, 27th cross, 12th Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bengaluru- 560070, INDIA
Ph: 91-80- 26711780/81/82 Email:,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Certified that the project work entitled “RC BOAT FOR WATER POLLUTION MONITORING” carried
out by POORNIMA G C (1BG20EC063), SUPRIYA N (1BG20EC098), and SURYA S (1BG20EC099)
bona fide students of VII semester in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Electronics and Communication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
during the year 2023-2024. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment
have been incorporated in the report deposited in the department library. The Project report has been approved
as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project Work prescribed for the said degree.

Dr. Priyadarshini K Desai Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur Dr. Krishnamurthy G.N.
Associate Professor Professor and Head Principal
Dept. of ECE Dept. of ECE BNMIT
BNMIT, Bangalore BNMIT, Bangalore Bangalore

External Viva:

Sl. No Name of the Examiners Signature and date

B.N.M. Institute of Technology
An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Approved by AICTE, Accredited as ‘A’ Grade Institution by NAAC till 31.12.2026
All Eligible UG branches – CSE, ECE, EEE, ISE & Mech.Engg. Accredited by NBA till 30.06.2025
Post box no. 7087, 27th cross, 12th Main, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bengaluru- 560070, INDIA
Ph: 91-80- 26711780/81/82 Email:,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

We, POORNIMA G C (1BG20EC063), SUPRIYA N (1BG20EC098), and SURYA S
(1BG20EC099) hereby declare that the entire work submitted in this Project report with the title
“RC BOAT FOR WATER POLLUTION MONITORING” has been carried out by us at the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNM Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, under the supervision of Dr. PRIYADARSHINI K DESAI. The work submitted is our
original work and has not been submitted by us anywhere for the award of any other degree in this
university or any other university.



RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

Nowadays there is an ever increasing strain regarding the provision of clean, consumable
water. This problem especially arises in rural areas due to the ineffectiveness of the
government and the increasing population in the country. Therefore, this particular project
aims to detect and display real-time physicochemical quality of the water in a much more
cost effective manner, as opposed to the current methods which involve sampling and
laboratory methods, through its wireless, multi-sensor network. It takes into consideration
multiple factors and presents this real-time quality through the display of its electrical
conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids TDS, turbidity, as well as temperature of water that
is being tested. Additionally, this remote control system is specially designed for lakes,
reservoirs, rivers etc. where we cannot monitor water quality in such complicated scale
water environments by just using a stationary system because water parameters vary at
every single location. To avoid this, we manufactured a boat which can float and move on
the water simply by user controller. This structure is designed as a hull shape which
minimizes the resistivity of water flow and this shape also maintains the stability of water.
This water quality monitoring boat includes an embedded global positioning system GPS
which gives the location of the point wherever water quality is varying and radio frequency
module for wireless communication. All the results are generated and displayed with their
readings and their graphical analogue meters through the graphical user interface GUI
technique, along with water’s impurities limitation points and its hazardous level
notification. It is proven through various tests conducted in reservoirs, lakes and personal
water storage tanks that this project is successfully capable of demonstrating these
physicochemical parameters as well as displaying these.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


We would like to place on record our sincere thanks and gratitude to the concerned
people, whose suggestions and words of encouragement has been valuable.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to BNM Institute of Technology, for giving us

the opportunity to pursue Degree of Electronics and Communication Engineering and
helping us to shape our career. We take this opportunity to thank Prof. T. J. Rama Murthy,
Director, Dr. S.Y. Kulkarni, Additional Director, Prof. Eishwar N Maanay, Dean and
Dr. Krishnamurthy G.N., Principal for their support and encouragement to pursue this
project. We would like to thank Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Professor and Head, Dept.
of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for her support and encouragement.

We would like to thank our guide Dr. Priyadarshini K Desai, Associate Professor,
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, who has been the source of
inspiration throughout our project work and has provided us with useful information at
every stage of our project.

We would also like to thank our project coordinator Dr. Sujaya B L, Associate
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, who is kind enough to
extend her help for our project whenever the need arose.

Finally, we are thankful to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering for their help in the successful completion of
our project. Last but not the least we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our
parents and all our friends who were a constant source of inspiration.

Poornima G C (1BG20EC063)

Supriya N (1BG20EC098)

Surya S (1BG20EC099)

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ..……………………………………………………….…ii
List of Figures…………………………………………...................................iv
List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………...v
Chapter 1- Introduction……………………………………………………..1
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………......1
1.2 Motivation for the Project Work………………………………..6
1.3 Problem Statement………………………………………….......6
1.4 Objectives of the Project Work…………………………………7
1.5 Organization of Project Report……………………………........8
Chapter 2-Literature Survey………………….…………………………….9
Chapter 3- Hardware and Software Requirements………………………..19
3.1 Hardware Requirements………………………………………..19
3.2 Software Requirements…………………………………………26
Chapter 4- Methodology……………………………………………………..30
4.1 Block Diagram …………………………………………………30
4.2 Circuit Diagram…………………………………………………33
Chapter 5 - Results…………………………………………………………...35
Chapter 6 - Conclusion……………………………………………………...39

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

List of Figures

Figure Description Page No

3.1 Arduino UNO 19
3.2 NRF24L01 20
3.3 NODE MCU 21
3.4 PH SENSOR 22
3.6 DC MOTOR 26
3.7 Arduino IDE Tool 27
3.8 Telegram App 29
4.2 Remote Controller 31
4.3 RC BOAT Circuit Diagram 34
5.1 Boat Setup 35
5.2 Remote Controller Screen 36
5.3 Arduino IDE Serial Monitor 37
5.4 Boat in Water 38

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

List of Abbreviations
• GSM – Global System for Mobile communication.
• GPS – Global Positioning System
• IoT – Internet of Things
• IDE – Integrated Development Environment

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


1.1 Introduction
We here design a solution for easy water quality checking of vast water bodies with ease.
This RC water pollution monitor boat allows for recording as well as transmitting water
quality data to an IOT server online. This will further help us to maintain the water clean.
This project is remote-operated and controlled by an RC remote using which it can be
maneuverer accordingly, a motorized propeller system to provide the forward propulsion
and servo motor arrangement to provide with the steering using a rudder. We have two
sensors to determine water quality, we include PH sensors as well as turbidity sensor and a
dissolved oxygen sensor. These sensors will detect the presence of suspended particles in
the water.
We also have a GPS module and microSD card, which will log the data from sensors as
well as GPS locations as well as transmit the same online over IOT at particular intervals.
The PH sensors enable us to measure the acidity or alkalinity of the water, providing crucial
information about its chemical composition. Turbidity sensors play a pivotal role in
detecting suspended particles and measuring water clarity. These sensors collectively
contribute to a comprehensive assessment of water quality, allowing us to identify potential
pollutants and their concentrations. Furthermore, the dissolved oxygen sensor serves as a
key indicator of the water's ability to sustain aquatic life.
By monitoring the levels of dissolved oxygen, we can assess the overall health of the water
body and identify areas with potential ecological stress. This holistic approach to water
quality monitoring ensures a thorough understanding of the environmental conditions and
aids in making informed decisions for pollution control and management.
Ensuring the safety of water is a challenge due the excessive sources of pollutants, most of
which are man-made. The main causes for water quality problems are over-exploitation
natural resources. The rapid pace of industrialization and greater emphasis on Agricultural
growth combined with latest advancements, agricultural fertilizers and non-enforcement of
laws have led to water pollution to a large extent. The problem is sometimes aggravated
due to the non-uniform distribution of rainfall. Individual practices also play an important
role in determining the quality of water .Water quality is affected by both point and non-
point sources of pollution, which include sewage discharge, discharge from industries, run-

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

off from agricultural fields and urban run-off. Other sources of water contamination include
floods and droughts and due to lack of awareness and education among users. The need for
user involvement in maintaining water quality and looking at other aspects like hygiene,
environment sanitation, storage a disposal are critical elements to maintain the quality of
water resources. Poor water quality spreads disease, causes death and hampers socio-
economic progress.
Around 5 million people die due to waterborne diseases around the world. Fertilizers and
pesticides used by farmers can be washed through the soil by rain, to end up in rivers.
Industrial waste products are also washed into rivers and lakes. Such contaminants enter
the food chain and accumulate until they reach toxic levels, eventually killing birds, fish
and mammals. Chemical factories also dispose of waste in the water. Factories use water
from rivers to power machinery or to cool down machinery. Raising the temperature of the
water lowers the level of dissolved oxygen and upsets the balance of life in the water.
All the above factors make water quality monitoring essential. Water quality monitoring
is defined as the collection of information at set locations and at regular intervals in order
to provide data which may be used to define current conditions, establish trends, etc. Main
objectives of online water quality monitoring include measurement of critical water quality
parameters such as microbial, physical and chemical properties, to identify deviations in
parameters and provide early warning identification of hazards. Also, the monitoring
system provides real time analysis of data collected and suggests suitable remedial
measures. The aim of this paper is twofold. One is to provide a detailed survey of recent
work carried out in the area of 2 smart water quality monitoring in terms of application,
communication technology used, types of sensors employed etc.
Second, is to present a low cost, less complex smart water quality monitoring system using
a controller with in-built Bluetooth module to monitor parameters such as pH, turbidity.
The system also includes an alert facility, to inform the user on deviation of water quality
Aim of this project is to monitor water quality precisely without using the presence of
human being in the water body. Without actually being on the river anybody can know
whether the water can be used safely or not. The scope of the project is pretty high in my
opinion. Water plays a vital role in our life. Though 70% of the world is water, it’s hard to
find pure water that we can actually use.
By using this water monitoring RC boat anybody can know about the water quality in their
locality with actual scientific values without being in the water physically. Any industry

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

depends on water can be extremely benefited through this project. They can find out how
acidic or basic the water is as well as the amount of suspended particles in the water body.
We understood the way our project should work. So, we ordered components to carry-out
our intentions and wrote our own code to upload in our Arduino. Code was written in such
a way that it will be easy for anyone to understand the reading of the sensors. And again
the driving of the RC boat is pretty simple as it is done by using a remote control app in
any smartphone. This project was made so that anybody for day to day use, small or big
industries for production purposes, farmers before using water in the field, water to be used
for fishing business etc. can use our project .
This project usage can be proven really profitable cause it can reduce wastage of material,
reduce actual man power, unskilled worker can operate this boat etc. Water is really useful
in lots of industries but sometimes water can cause catastrophic loss to production
Water with higher range of solid particles can be deposited can cause maintenance cost
more than expected. If the quality of the water can be known beforehand its really easy to
avoid these unfortunate circumstances. In some cases it may be able to save lives.
Water is considered as a basic need for human in their daily life. It is needed in different
situations including, at home, in agriculture, in industry and manufactures, in hospital etc.
To survive in a good life the quality of water should be monitored on highly level frequently
and efficiently. Water pollution can be caused by different factors including large number
of people who move from rural environment to urban (as long as the city get more rising
number of people the waste management become an issue therefore these can provoke
pollution in environment), more industries that provide different kind of waste, erosion etc.
Unsafe water could lead to different diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, cancer. Generally,
the quality of fresh water is described by chemical, biological and physical content and
methods used in monitoring the quality of water usually were Water Sampling, Test
Sampling and Investigative Analysis. But these methods are performed by the scientists in
laboratories, and are found that they are slow. In this project we proposed an affordable
system design for monitoring the quality of water remotely in river by using technology
known as Internet of Things (IOT) and this technology provides the required results in real
time. A prototype was designed and developed with the use of hardware component
together with the software program for implementing this project. ESP32 microcontroller
is used in this project data from the ph sensor, Turbidity sensor and Temperature sensor
were directly send to the telegram server for further investigation.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


Nutrient Content Nitrate and phosphate which is most often present in the runoff water of
rural as well as urban area act as nutrient in the waterbodies. Concentration of the same in
water, sediment and macrophytes was conducted by Tripathi et al. (1998). Denitrifying
bacteria also play an important role in nitrogen concentration of a medium (Saunders and
Kalff, 2001). Biological nutrification and denitrification was studied by Montigomery et al.
(1991). Detailed investigation of nitrogen level in lotic ecosystem was done by Mitchell et
al. (2001). Blue baby is one of the prominent symptoms of nitrate pollution in ground water
which is considered potent enough to kill the coming generation. Phosphorus in aquatic
system is recycled by absorption by plants (Stratful et al., 1999). Phosphorus in aquatic
medium also plays an important role in aquatic plants. Nitrogen and phosphorus
accumulation in water hyacinths was reported by Boyd (1976).

Generally, the pollutants come from three prominent sources-
(i) sewage discharged into the river
(ii) Industrial effluents discharged into the river without any pretreatment and
(iii) Surface run off from agricultural land, where chemical fertilizers, pesticides,
insecticides and manures are used.
This makes the river water unsafe for drinking and bathing. About 1500 substances have
been listed as pollutants in freshwater ecosystems and a generalised list of pollutants
includes acids and alkalies, anions (e.g. sulphide, sulphite, cyanide), detergents, domestic
sewage and farm manure, food processing water, gases chlorine, ammonia), heat, metals
(cadmium, zinc, lead), nutrients (phosphates, nitrates), oil and oil dispersants, organic toxic
wastes (formaldehydes, phenols) pathogens, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and
radionuclides, in addition to oxidizable materials, domestic sewage contains detergents,
nutrients, metals, pathogens and a variety of other compounds (Tripathi et al., 1990). Now
a day a large number of factors are being used for the study of pollution. A modification
in biology of polluted water was explained by Chen and Twillery (1999).
Silicon and nitrate in fresh water was studied by House et al. (2001). Biological character
with respect to physico-chemical properly in ponds was studied by Dwivedi (2000).
Effluents of large and small scale industries, agricultural runoff and city sewage have been
marked as sources of pollution during various researches. Effect of sewage on the quality
of river Ganga in Kanpur was studied by Ray and David (1966). The same study was

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

repeated in Patna by Singh and Bhowmik in 1985. Heavy metals in sewage sludge have
been found by Oake (1985). Chemistry of urban runoff water had been studied by Lee and
Bang (2000). Similar study in the sewage of Ahmedabad was conducted by
Kothandaraman et al. (1963). Effect of sewage disposal in the chemistry of water bodies
had been studied by Cooke (1994). Biology of sewage was studied by Sutton and Ornes
(1977). Pollution aspect of sewage overflow was studied by Balmforth (1990). Change in
chemistry of Chambal river due to sewage was studied by Agarwal (1983). Chemistry of
runoff water containing birds and animal waste was studied by Sauer et al. (1999).
Crude agricultural practice is considered as an important source of water pollution.
Pesticides in river water have been detected by Blanchard and Lerch (2000). Herbicides
used in agriculture were also detected in river water (Galiulin et al., 2001). The above has
shown positive test for the presence of large number of pesticides and heavy metals in
grains, fruits, vegetables and milk. These components would have reached to such target
directly or indirectly and accumulated due to biomagnificaiton. Remains of funeral pyre
(burning of dead bodies) increases organic matter in river (Tripathi et al., 1984). Industries
generate a significant quantity of wastewater which ultimately finds its way to stream or
rivers. Industrial discharges containing toxic and hazardous substances contribute to the
severe kind of pollution in the aquatic systems. Industrial development is largely because
of the production of chemicals resulting in the generation of toxic and hazardous
substances which have been continuously on the increase during the last few decades.


Chemistry of water, controls distribution of the fishes in waterbodies as studied by Shieh
et al. (1999). Multidimensional effect of environmental pollution was studied by Pritchard
(1985). Impact of bathing water quality on health was studied by Stevenson (1953). Effect
of pollution on Euglena was studied by Manawar (1972). Effect of heavy metals on
submerged macrophytes was studied by Guilizzoni (1991), similarly effect of acidification
on the aquatic fauna was studied by Pamela and Stokes (1986). Heavy metals settling in
sediments of contaminated water was reported by Vandenberg et al. (1999). Pollutants
concentrating in the sediments have been highlighted by Smith (2001). Various reports
show that 80% of mortality is due to water pollution. Presence of heavy metals in grains,
vegetables, fruit and milk has shown that nothing has remained pure in this universe.
Heavy metals which are causative of large number of un-understood diseases should be
treated carefully.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

1.2 Motivation for the Project Work

The primary motivation lies in the urgent need to safeguard water resources. With
increasing concerns about water pollution globally, the RC boat project becomes a tool for
real-time monitoring. By equipping the boat with sensors capable of detecting various
pollutants such as chemicals, heavy metals, or microorganisms, individuals can actively
contribute to the ongoing efforts to assess water quality.
Moreover, the project addresses a critical gap in traditional monitoring methods.
Conventional water monitoring often involves static sensors or periodic manual sampling,
providing limited and intermittent data. The RC boat, with its mobility and adaptability,
offers a dynamic solution. It can navigate water bodies, reaching diverse locations for
comprehensive data collection, offering a more nuanced understanding of pollution sources
and patterns.
The environmental impact of water pollution motivates individuals to take an active role in
raising awareness and facilitating data-driven decision-making. By developing an RC boat
capable of monitoring water quality, enthusiasts become advocates for environmental
accountability. The collected data can be shared with relevant authorities, researchers, or
community groups, fostering collaborative efforts to address and mitigate pollution.
Additionally, the RC boat project provides an avenue for the integration of cutting-edge
technology into environmental conservation. Assembling sensors, configuring data
transmission systems, and programming the boat's autonomous functions represent a fusion
of engineering and environmental science. This multidisciplinary approach not only
advances technological proficiency but also encourages innovation in addressing pressing
environmental challenges.
The project's motivation extends to empowering local communities. By creating an
accessible and affordable water monitoring solution, the RC boat project enables
communities to actively participate in safeguarding their water resources. This
empowerment fosters a sense of environmental responsibility and community engagement,
creating a ripple effect as more individuals are inspired to take similar initiatives.
1.3 Problem Statement
Design and develop an IoT-based remote-controlled (RC) boat equipped with sensors and
communication capabilities for real-time water pollution monitoring in lakes, rivers, and
other water bodies. The system should address the following challenges and objectives like
sensor integrity, real time data collection, Remote control, Autonomous Navigation, Data

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

Analysis and Visualization, Pollution detection and alerts, Power management, Durability
and Reliability, Data security, Cost effective solution, scalability.
• Ensure sensor integrity in varying environmental conditions.
• Collect and transmit data in real-time for immediate analysis.
• Enable remote control functionality for maneuvering the boat.
• Implement autonomous navigation capabilities for efficient coverage.
• Process collected data and present it in a user-friendly format for analysis.
• Detect pollutants in water and generate alerts when thresholds are exceeded.
• Efficiently manage power consumption for extended operation periods.
• Build a robust system capable of withstanding harsh water environments.
• Ensure the security and integrity of collected data during transmission and storage.
• Develop a cost-effective solution for widespread deployment.
• Design a system that can be easily scaled to monitor larger water bodies or multiple
1.4 Objectives of the Project Work

The "IoT-based RC Boat for Water Pollution Monitoring" project seeks to revolutionize
water quality assessment in expansive water bodies through the development of a remote-
operated (RC) boat equipped with advanced sensors and cutting-edge technology. The
primary objectives include the implementation of sensors to measure crucial water
parameters like pH levels, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen in real-time. This comprehensive
data collection is complemented by a GPS module for precise spatial mapping, enabling
the creation of detailed maps showcasing variations in water quality across different
sections of the water body. The incorporation of a micro SD card ensures reliable local data
storage, while an IoT server connection facilitates real-time data transmission over the
internet, empowering authorities with immediate insights for timely decision-making and
pollution control strategies. The project aims to provide a user-friendly, technologically
advanced solution that contributes to the proactive preservation and restoration of water
bodies. The project's focus on leveraging collected data for environmental impact
assessment, enabling the identification of pollution sources and trends in water quality
variations. The objective is to facilitate informed decision-making for environmentalists,
authorities, and policymakers. The proactive pollution control aspect aims to detect areas
with deteriorating water quality promptly, fostering sustainable water resource

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

management practices. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies, the project endeavors

to set a benchmark in water quality monitoring, showcasing a commitment to advancing
environmental conservation efforts and promoting the sustainable use of water resources
for the benefit of current and future generations
1.5 Organization of Project Report

Chapter 1 - It provides an overview of RC boat for water pollution monitoring

system used in the project.
Chapter 2 - Talks about the Research work conducted in the area of RC Boat and
water pollution systems.
Chapter 3 - Talks about the hardware and software requirements used for the project.
Chapter 4 - Talks about the methodology and working in the project.
Chapter 5 - Talks about the results obtained
Chapter 6 - Provides the conclusion and summarizes the overall project.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


[1] Syed Ishtiaque Haque Bhagwan Deen Verma, Dr. Mukesh Pandey, Anurag Gour
– “A Review paper on Water pollution monitoring multifunctional boat using solar
panel with dual axis tracker” (2023).

Water pollution monitoring multifunctional boat using solar panel with dual axis tracker.
This structure is designed as a hull shape which minimizes the resistivity of water flow and
this shape also maintains the stability of water. This water quality monitoring boat includes
an embedded global positioning system GPS which gives the location of the point wherever
water quality is varying and radio frequency module for wireless communication. All the
results are generated and displayed with their readings and their graphical analogue meters
through the graphical user interface GUI technique, along with water’s impurities limitation
points and its hazardous level notification.

[2] T.Nishtiha , S. Yuvraj, S K Reashma , A. Anoroop, Vishnuvardhan-“A Review

paper on IOT Based water pollution Monitoring RC Board” 2023 may volume 10.

Nowadays there is an ever increasing strain regarding the provision of clean, consumable
water. This problem especially arises in rural areas due to the ineffectiveness of the
governments and the increasing population in the country. Therefore, this particular
project aims to detect and display real-time physicochemical quality of the water in a much
more cost effective manner, as opposed to the current methods which involve sampling
and laboratory methods, through its wireless, multi-sensor network. It takes into
consideration multiple factors and presents this realtime quality through the display of its
electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids TDS, turbidity, as well as temperature
of water that is being tested.
[3] Dr. S. Vijayanand, R. Gayathri, Harini M, Hithaishi U M-Water pollution
Monitoring RC Boat (2022).

Water pollution has become a major issue these days due to the dumping of industrial waste,
harmful chemicals, and other pollutants. The quality of water plays a crucial role in the
health of plants, animals, and human beings. Therefore, improved methods of water quality
monitoring are required. The manual collection of water samples at various locations is a

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

traditional method of water quality monitoring. The water quality is then characterized
using laboratory analytical methods. So, here we design a solution for easy water quality
checking of water bodies. This system measures the pH, Turbidity, Temperature, and
humidity levels of water samples using the respective sensors, and based on the values, it
gives information about whether the water is fresh or polluted and also what kind of aquatic
flora and fauna can be grown.

[4] Gayatri Gunjal, Renu Guraddi, Sonal More,Department Of Electronics And

Telecommunication, Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Karmaveer Baburao
Ganpatrao Thakare College Of Engineering, Nashik, India. “RC Boat Monitoring
System on Water Quality”.(2021).

Clean drinking water is a critical resource, important for the health and well-being of all
humans. Safe water is a precondition for health and development and a basic human right.
So it’s very important to monitor the quality of water available in reservoir. For this
purpose, we proposed an “Water quality monitoring system using RC boat”. This wireless
remote control driven boat has sensors to measure water turbidity, pH, conductivity and
temperature. All the readings measured by sensors will be send to remote and can be seen
on LCD display attached to remote. Also same readings will be uploaded to Thing Speak
webpage using the Wi-Fi module on remote. Boat will be driven by 2 DC motors attached
to back side and controlled with the help of switches on remote. Both remote and boat are
powered through 2 different batteries.
[5] T. -S. Zhan, W. -M. Lin, M. -H. Tsai and G. -S. Wang, " IoT based Smart Water
Quality Monitoring System”(2020).

The paper represents an IoT (Internet of things) based smart water quality monitoring
(SWQM) system that aids in continuous measurement of water condition based on four
physical parameters i.e., temperature, pH, electric conductivity and turbidity properties.
Four sensors are connected with arduino-uno in discrete way to detect the water
parameters. Extracted data from the sensors are transmitted to a desktop application
developed in .NET platform and compared with the WHO (World Health Organization)
standard values. Based on the measured result, the proposed SWQM system can
successfully analyze the water parameters using fast forest binary classifier to classify
whether the test water sample is drinkable or not.
[6] Farmanullah Jan 1 , Nasro Min-Allah 1–“ IoT Based Smart Water Quality
Monitoring:, Trends and Challenges for Domestic Applications”(2020).

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

Safe water is becoming a scarce resource, due to the combined effects of increased
population, pollution, and climate changes. Water quality monitoring is thus paramount,
especially for domestic water. Traditionally used laboratory-based testing approaches are
manual, costly, time consuming, and lack real-time feedback. Recently developed systems
utilizing wireless sensor network (WSN) technology have reported weaknesses in energy
management, data security, and communication coverage. Due to the recent advances in
Internet-of-Things (IoT) that can be applied in the development of more efficient, secure,
and cheaper systems with real-time capabilities, we present here a survey aimed at
summarizing the current state of the art regarding IoT based smart water quality monitoring
systems (IoT-WQMS) especially dedicated for domestic applications. In brief, this study
probes into common water-quality monitoring (WQM) parameters, their safe-limits for
drinking water, related smart sensors, critical review, and ratification of contemporary IoT-
WQMS via a proposed empirical metric, analysis, and discussion and, finally, design
recommendations for an efficient system.

[7] Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System By: Yashwanth Gowda K.N, Vishali
C, Sumalatha S.J and Spoorthi G.B 8th semester, CSE student.

In this system, three sensors are used to measure the essential water parameters. The most
essential water parameters needed to be monitored by the average users are water pH level,
water turbidity (cloudiness) and water temperature which is a measurement of the amount
of the water in a container. It uses Arduino development board with sensors for cost
effectiveness and provides a real time monitoring environment whereby data is collected
from certain specified areas of the pond every few hours and sent as an SMS via the GSM
module to the farmer’s mobile along with a warning in case any of the parameters.

[8] Water Quality Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network By, Shruti
Sridharan, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014.

The application of wireless sensor network (WSN) for water quality monitoring is
composed of a number of sensor nodes with networking capability. Such monitoring
systems can be set up emphasizing on the aspects of low cost, easy ad hoc installation, easy
handling and maintenance. It also aims to get the real time water quality using different
wireless sensors such as Ph sensor, Turbidity sensor, water temperature sensor and air
temperature and humidity sensor etc. This paper presents the different sensors interfaced to

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the controller (raspberry pi 3) and uploads the data to the cloud based server (thingspeak).
The proposed system contains a camera which shows the visual output to find the location
of the boat.

[9] IOT Based Water Quality Monitoring System By: Mourvika Shirode, Monika
Adaling, Jyoti Biradar, Trupti Mate International Journal of Scientific Research in
Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology.

This method is time consuming, wastage of manpower, and not economical. The water
quality measuring system that we have implemented checks the quality of water in real time
through various sensors (one for each parameter: pH, conductivity, temperature, turbidity)
to measure the quality of water. As a variation in the value of this parameter points towards
the presence of pollutants. This system can keep a strict check on the pollution of the water
resources and be able to provide an environment for safe drinking water. The values are
viewed on our mobile through Blynk application through mobile hotspot. Thus, the water
pollution monitoring boat using IOT can be used for water quality monitoring on lakes and
rivers with ease. Using an arduino board for finding ph value and FSM module for message
technique. It has conductivity, TDS, pH, temperature, turbidity sensors from first principle
standards.The system affords remote- and smart-monitoring capabilities to determine water
pH level; temperature; nitrate, chloride, and dissolved oxygen concentration; turbidity;
oxidation-reduction potential (ORP); conductivity or total dissolved solids (TDS) and
sodium content. In this proposed system we are using two sensors to determine water
quality, we include PH sensors as well as turbidity sensor and a temperature sensor. These
sensors will detect the presence of suspended particles in the water. We also have a GPS
module and micro SD card, which will log the data from sensors as well as GPS locations
as well as transmit the same online over IOT at particular intervals.Thus the water quality
monitoring rc boat can be used for water quality monitoring on lakes and reservoirs with

[10] smart water-quality monitoring system based on enabled real-time internet of

things by: ali j. Ramadhan Department of Computer Techniques Engineering,
College of Technical Engineering, University of AlKafeel, Najaf 31001, Iraq.

This paper provides a comprehensive review of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) and
their applications in environmental monitoring, including water quality assessment.

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[11]"Development of a Remote Controlled Surface Water Sampling Boat for Water

Quality Monitoring" by Liu et al. (2015)

This study focuses on the development of a remote-controlled (RC) surface water sampling
boat designed for water quality monitoring purposes. The researchers aimed to create a
cost-effective and efficient solution for collecting water samples and monitoring key
parameters in lakes and rivers. The boat is equipped with various sensors, including those
for pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen levels, allowing for real-time data collection
and analysis. Additionally, the boat features autonomous navigation capabilities, enabling
it to traverse water bodies while collecting data. The implementation of this RC boat
provides a practical tool for environmental scientists and policymakers to monitor water
quality and identify potential pollution sources.
[12]"Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring
System Using Unmanned Surface Vehicles" by Yang et al. (2017)

In this research paper, the authors present the design and implementation of an autonomous
water quality monitoring system based on unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). The system
integrates various sensors capable of measuring parameters such as turbidity, conductivity,
and chlorophyll-a concentration. By utilizing GPS technology, the USVs can navigate
water bodies autonomously while collecting data at predefined locations. This approach
offers a scalable and efficient solution for monitoring water pollution in large bodies of
water, such as lakes and reservoirs. The ability to remotely control and program the USVs
enhances data collection efficiency and reduces the need for human intervention, making it
an ideal tool for long-term environmental monitoring projects.
[13]"A Review of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Environmental Monitoring"* by
Suominen et al. (2018).

This review paper provides an extensive overview of the use of autonomous surface
vehicles (ASVs) for environmental monitoring purposes, including water quality
assessment. The authors discuss the different types of ASVs available, ranging from small,
lightweight vehicles to larger, more robust platforms capable of carrying multiple sensors.
They also examine the various sensor payloads commonly used for monitoring water
quality parameters such as temperature, pH, and nutrient levels. Additionally, the review
explores the applications of ASVs in different environmental monitoring scenarios,
highlighting their potential for cost-effective and scalable data collection. By summarizing

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the current state of ASV technology and its applications in environmental monitoring, this
paper serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in deploying
ASVs for water pollution monitoring projects.

[14]"Development and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Autonomous Surface Vehicle for

Water Quality Monitoring" by Zhang et al. (2019).

In this study, the researchers focus on the development and evaluation of a low-cost
autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) designed specifically for water quality monitoring
applications. The ASV is equipped with a range of sensors capable of measuring parameters
such as turbidity, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels. By integrating these sensors with a
GPS-based navigation system, the ASV can navigate water bodies autonomously while
collecting data at predefined locations. The researchers conducted field evaluations to
assess the performance of the ASV in different environmental conditions, demonstrating
its effectiveness in monitoring water quality in rivers and lakes. This research contributes
to the ongoing efforts to develop affordable and accessible technologies for environmental
monitoring, particularly in resource-limited settings where traditional monitoring methods
may be impractical or cost-prohibitive.
[15]"Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Autonomous Surface Vehicle for
Water Quality Monitoring in Small Water Bodies" by Chen et al. (2020).

This research paper presents the design and implementation of a low-cost autonomous
surface vehicle (ASV) tailored specifically for water quality monitoring in small water
bodies such as ponds and reservoirs. The ASV is equipped with sensors capable of
measuring parameters such as temperature, conductivity, and algae concentration,
providing valuable insights into the health of these aquatic environments. By leveraging
GPS technology and autonomous navigation capabilities, the ASV can navigate confined
spaces and collect data with minimal human intervention. The researchers discuss the
challenges associated with monitoring water quality in small-scale aquatic environments
and highlight the potential of ASVs as a cost-effective and scalable solution.
[16]"Development and Evaluation of a Modular Remote-Controlled Boat for Water
Quality Monitoring in Shallow Water Bodies" by Patel et al. (2021).

This paper introduces a modular remote-controlled (RC) boat designed specifically for
water quality monitoring in shallow water bodies such as ponds and wetlands. The RC boat
is equipped with a customizable sensor suite, allowing researchers to tailor the

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instrumentation to the specific needs of their monitoring project. The modular design
facilitates easy integration of additional sensors or sampling equipment as needed,
providing flexibility for different monitoring applications. The researchers conducted field
evaluations to assess the performance of the RC boat in real-world conditions,
demonstrating its effectiveness in collecting high-resolution data in shallow water
environments. This research contributes to the development of specialized tools for
environmental monitoring in ecologically sensitive areas, where traditional monitoring
methods may be challenging to implement.
[17]"Integration of Machine Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Decision-Making
in Water Quality Monitoring using Remote-Controlled Boats" by Sharma et al.

In this study, the authors explore the integration of machine learning algorithms for
autonomous decision-making in water quality monitoring using remote-controlled (RC)
boats. The RC boats are equipped with a suite of sensors capable of measuring various
water quality parameters, including pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentrations. By
leveraging machine learning algorithms, the RC boats can analyze real-time data and make
autonomous decisions regarding sampling locations or environmental interventions. This
approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of water quality monitoring efforts by
enabling adaptive sampling strategies based on changing environmental conditions. The
researchers conducted field trials to evaluate the performance of the autonomous decision-
making system, demonstrating its potential for optimizing data collection and resource
allocation in water pollution monitoring projects.
[18]"Development of a Multi-Agent System for Collaborative Water Quality
Monitoring using Networked Remote-Controlled Boats" by Gupta et al. (2023).

This research paper presents the development of a multi-agent system for collaborative
water quality monitoring using networked remote-controlled (RC) boats. The RC boats are
equipped with communication modules that enable them to exchange data and coordinate
their activities in real-time. By forming a collaborative network, the RC boats can cover
larger areas more efficiently and share information to improve the accuracy of water quality
assessments. The researchers implemented a distributed control algorithm to facilitate
collaboration among the RC boats, allowing them to adapt their sampling strategies based
on collective decision-making. Field experiments conducted in a lake environment
demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the multi-agent system for enhancing

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water quality monitoring efforts.

[19]"Robust Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance for Remote-Controlled Boats in
Dynamic Water Environments" by Das et al. (2024).

This study focuses on the development of robust navigation and obstacle avoidance
algorithms for remote-controlled (RC) boats operating in dynamic water environments. The
researchers designed and implemented a sensor fusion system that integrates data from
onboard sensors such as GPS, IMU, and depth sensors to enable accurate localization and
mapping in real-time. Additionally, they developed navigation algorithms capable of
dynamically adjusting boat trajectories to avoid obstacles and navigate complex water
environments safely. Field trials conducted in rivers and estuaries demonstrated the
effectiveness of the navigation and obstacle avoidance system in challenging
environmental conditions. This research contributes to the advancement of autonomous
navigation technologies for RC boats, enhancing their capability to operate effectively in
diverse aquatic settings for water pollution monitoring applications.
[20]"Development of a Solar-Powered Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Continuous
Water Quality Monitoring in Remote Areas" by Rahman et al. (2005).

In this paper, the authors present the development of a solar-powered autonomous surface
vehicle (ASV) designed for continuous water quality monitoring in remote areas with
limited access to power infrastructure. The ASV is equipped with solar panels and energy-
efficient sensors to enable long-duration deployments without the need for external power
sources. The researchers developed a power management system that optimizes energy
usage to ensure uninterrupted operation of the ASV during daylight hours and efficient
recharging of onboard batteries. Field trials conducted in remote lakes and rivers
demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the solar-powered ASV for continuous
water quality monitoring in off-grid environments. This research addresses the challenges
associated with monitoring water pollution in remote areas and provides a sustainable
solution for long-term environmental monitoring initiatives.
[21]"Hydrodynamic Design Optimization of Remote-Controlled Boats for Improved
Stability and Maneuverability in Water Quality Monitoring Applications"* by Chen
et al. (2002).

This study focuses on the hydrodynamic design optimization of remote-controlled (RC)

boats to enhance stability and maneuverability for water quality monitoring applications.
The researchers employed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to analyze the

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flow patterns around different hull designs and optimize the shape for improved
performance in varying water conditions. By optimizing hull geometry, propulsion
systems, and control mechanisms, the researchers achieved enhanced stability and
maneuverability, allowing RC boats to operate more effectively in turbulent water
environments. Field trials conducted in lakes and rivers validated the effectiveness of the
optimized RC boats in collecting accurate water quality data while navigating challenging
water conditions.
[22]"Development of a Low-Cost Remote-Controlled Boat Platform for Real-Time
Water Pollution Monitoring using Smartphone-Based Sensors" by Kim et al. (2020)

In this research paper, the authors present the development of a low-cost remote-controlled
(RC) boat platform equipped with smartphone-based sensors for real-time water pollution
monitoring. The RC boat platform utilizes off-the-shelf smartphones as sensor nodes,
leveraging their built-in sensors such as cameras, GPS, and accelerometers for measuring
water quality parameters. By integrating smartphone-based sensor data with RC boat
telemetry, researchers can collect high-resolution spatial and temporal data on water quality
dynamics in real-time. The low-cost and easily deployable nature of the system make it
suitable for community-based environmental monitoring initiatives and citizen science
projects aimed at increasing public awareness of water pollution issues.
[23]"Enhancing Data Fusion Techniques for Integrated Water Quality Monitoring
using Remote-Controlled Boats and Satellite Imagery"by Li et al. (2023)

This study explores the integration of data fusion techniques for enhancing water quality
monitoring using remote-controlled (RC) boats and satellite imagery. The researchers
developed algorithms to fuse data collected from RC boat sensors with high-resolution
satellite imagery to generate comprehensive spatial maps of water quality parameters. By
combining in-situ measurements with remote sensing data, researchers can overcome
limitations associated with spatial and temporal sampling variability and obtain a more
accurate assessment of water quality dynamics over large geographic areas. Field
experiments conducted in estuarine and coastal environments demonstrated the
effectiveness of the integrated monitoring approach for identifying pollution hotspots and
understanding the spatial distribution of water quality parameters.

[24]"Integration of Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Anomaly Detection in

Water Quality Monitoring using Remote-Controlled Boats" by Wang et al. (2021)

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In this paper, the authors investigate the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques
for autonomous anomaly detection in water quality monitoring using remote-controlled
(RC) boats. The RC boats are equipped with a suite of sensors capable of measuring various

water quality parameters, including temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient

concentrations. By leveraging AI algorithms, the RC boats can analyze sensor data in real-
time and detect anomalies indicative of water pollution events or environmental
disturbances. The researchers developed machine learning models trained on historical data
to identify patterns associated with normal and abnormal water quality conditions, enabling
autonomous anomaly detection and alert generation. Field trials conducted in riverine and
coastal environments demonstrated the effectiveness of the AI-based anomaly detection
system for enhancing early warning capabilities in water pollution monitoring applications.

[25]"Development of a Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for Comprehensive Water

Quality Monitoring using Remote-Controlled Boats" by Wu et al. (2003)

This research paper presents the development of a multi-sensor fusion framework for
comprehensive water quality monitoring using remote-controlled (RC) boats. The
framework integrates data from multiple sensors, including optical, chemical, and
biological sensors, to provide a holistic assessment of water quality parameters. By fusing
data from different sensor modalities, researchers can overcome limitations associated with
individual sensor technologies and obtain a more accurate and comprehensive
understanding of water quality dynamics. The researchers developed algorithms for sensor
calibration, data fusion, and quality control to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the
integrated monitoring system. Field experiments conducted in freshwater and estuarine
environments demonstrated the effectiveness of the multi-sensor fusion framework for
improving the spatial and temporal resolution of water quality monitoring data.

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3.1 Hardware Requirements

3.1.1 Arduino UNO :

The Arduino Uno is a versatile microcontroller board, featuring the ATmega328P

processor running at 16 MHz. With 14 digital input/output pins, 6 PWM outputs, and 6
analog input pins, it provides ample connectivity for various sensors and actuators. The
board is equipped with a voltage regulator, enabling power through a 7-12V external supply
or USB connection. Its 32 KB flash memory stores user programs, while 2 KB SRAM and
1 KB EEPROM offer dynamic and non-volatile memory, respectively. The USB interface
facilitates programming and power supply, making it accessible to beginners and advanced
users alike through the Arduino IDE.As shown in Fig 3.1. As an open-source platform, the
Arduino Uno fosters a thriving community, supporting a wide array of projects from basic
experimentation to intricate applications in robotics and automation. Its user-friendly
nature, coupled with extensive community resources, establishes the Arduino Uno as a
cornerstone for electronic prototyping and development.

Fig 3.1 – Arduino UNO

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3.1.4 NRF24L0I :

The NRF24L01 operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) band and
use low-power transceiver chip with a range of up to several hundred meters. It employs a
frequencyshift keying (FSK) modulation scheme and supports multiple communication
channels. The module provides a simple interface for microcontrollers through SPI (Serial
Peripheral Interface) and can be configured to operate in different modes, such as
transmitter or receiver.

The NRF24L01 module is powered by 3.3 Volts, so it can be easily used in both 3.2 Volts
and 5 Volts systems. Each module has an address range of 125 to communicate with the
other 6 modules and also allows several wireless units to communicate with each other in
a specified location. Therefore, mesh and other types of networks use this module.

NRF24L01 is a radio transceiver module (SPI protocol) used to send and receive data at
ISM operating frequency from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz. This transceiver module is composed of a
frequency generator, beat controller, power amplifier, crystal oscillator modulator, and
demodulator. As shown in Fig 3.2. It consumes only 11.3 mA at 0 dBm transmit power
and consumes 13.5 mA in receive mode.
The high over-the-air data rate combined with sleep mode is highly preferred for ultra-
low power applications. The internal voltage regulator controls the high power rejection
ratio and power band. The module is compact and can be easily used in confined spaces.It
operates in 3 modes, which are transmitter mode, receiver mode, and transceiver
(transmitter and receiver) mode. So, these modes are discussed below.

• In transmitting mode, when the power is 0dBm, then the NRF24L01 uses only
11.3mA current.
• While in receiving mode, it uses only 13.5mA current.
• In the transceiver mode, the NRF24L01 module is used for long-distance and
quick transmission of data using the SPI protocol.

Fig 3.2– NRF24L01

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3.1.5 Node MCU:

NodeMCU is a low-cost open source IoT platform.The firmware was initially developed
as is a companion project to the popular ESP8266-based NodeMCU development
modules, but the project is now community-supported, and the firmware can now be run
on any ESP module. The NodeMCU programming model is similar to that of Node.js,
only in Lua. It is asynchronous and event-driven. Many functions, therefore, have
parameters for callback functions.

The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. The firmware is based on the eLua project,
and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses many open source projects,
such as lua-cjson[9] and SPIFFS.[10] Due to resource constraints, users need to select the
modules relevant for their project and build a firmware tailored to their needs. Support for
the 32-bit ESP32 has also been implemented.

The prototyping hardware typically used is a circuit board functioning as a dual in-line
package (DIP) which integrates a USB controller with a smaller surface-mounted board
containing the MCU and antenna. As in Fig 3.3. The choice of the DIP format allows for
easy prototyping on breadboards. The design was initially based on the ESP-12 module of
the ESP8266, which is a Wi-Fi SoC integrated with a Tensilica Xtensa LX106 core,
widely used in IoT applications.

The NodeMCU Development Board can be easily programmed with Arduino IDE since it
is easy to use. Programming NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE will hardly take 5-10
minutes. All you need is the Arduino IDE, a USB cable and the NodeMCU board itself.
You can check this Getting Started Tutorial for NodeMCU to prepare your Arduino IDE
for NodeMCU.

Fig 3.3- NODE MCU

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3.1.6 pH Sensor

pH sensor is one of the most important tools for measuring pH and is commonly used in
water quality monitoring. This type of sensor is capable of measuring alkalinity and acidity
in water and other solutions. When used properly, pH sensors can ensure the safety and

quality of products and processes that occur in wastewater or manufacturing plants.

Regardless of the application you use it for, the pH sensor allows you to maintain the pH
level at the most appropriate level for the process. This could be anywhere from a strong
acid to a caustic base. There are many different types of pH sensors you can get for your
application during liquid measurement; these may include combination pH sensors,
laboratory pH sensors, process pH sensors, and differential pH sensors.


A sensor that is used to detect the hydrogen ions concentration within a solution and
changes it into an equivalent usable o/p signal is known as pH sensor. This sensor includes
a signal transmission part and chemical part. This sensor is used to measure alkalinity &
acidity within water. This sensor’s standard measurement range is 0 to 14 that is represented
in digital. The substance pH value 7 indicates neutrality. When the measurement value of
substance is larger than seven, then the alkalinity is considered as stronger. Similarly, if the
substance measurement value is smaller, then acidity value is considered as stronger. This
sensor is frequently used in industries for substances measurement like water & solutions.
The difference between alkaline & acidic substances is significant for any corporation that
utilizes boilers, cooling towers, pool control manufacturing processes, a variety of
environmental monitoring.

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The specifications of pH sensor include the following.

• This sensor voltage is 5V.

• Its power consumption is <= 0. 5watts.
• Its current supply ranges from 5 to 10mA.
• Its measurement concentrate range is 0 to 14.
• Its temperature ranges from 0 to 60 degrees.
• Its response time is <= 5sec.
• Its stability time is <= 120 sec.
• This sensor size is 42mm x 32mm x 20mm.
• This sensor weight is 25 grams.

The pH sensor is made with glass frequently and includes a rod by a bulb at the base that
simply holds the sensor. The basic operation of this sensor is, the ions exchange from the
solution to the glass electrodes inside solution through the glass membrane. The porosity
of glass membrane reduces and probe’s performance will be reduced by continued usage.

A glass bulb is particularly made to be selective to the concentration of hydrogen ion is

present within the glass electrode utilized for measuring pH. In the test solution, the
hydrogen ions will exchange with other ions on the glass bulb upon concentration within
the solution under test, forming an electrochemical potential across the glass bulb. The
difference of electrical potential in between two electrodes can be formed during the test is
noticed through the electronic amplifier that changes it into pH units. In most cases, the
standard pH range is represented by a value in the range of 0-14. When a substance has a
pH value of 7, this is considered neutral. pH values above 7 represent higher alkalinity,
while substances with pH values below 7 are considered more acidic. For example,
toothpaste usually has a pH of 8-9. On the other hand, stomach acid has a pH of 2.

The distinction between alkaline and acidic substances is important for any company that
uses cooling towers, boilers, manufacturing processes, pool control and various
environmental monitoring. The standard pH of the human body is 7.4, which is essential
for the body to function effectively. If the body’s composition becomes too acidic or too
alkaline, it will appear to revert to a neutral state.

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3.1.7 Turbidity Sensor

A turbidity sensor is an analytical sensor that measures turbidity. They are highly useful
and effective instruments to identify the clarity and particle content in a solution, like water.
Turbidity sensors are used to reduce waste, improve yields, and analyze water quality in a
wide range of industries. Turbidity sensors measure the amount of light that is scattered by
suspended solids in a liquid, such as water. When the concentration of total suspended
solids (TSS) and total dissolved solids (TDS) in a liquid increase, the turbidity also
increases. A turbidity sensor is an analytical sensor that measures turbidity. They are highly
useful and effective instruments to identify the clarity and particle content in a solution,
like water. Turbidity sensors are used to reduce waste, improve yields, and analyze water
quality in a wide range of industries.

Turbidity sensors measure the amount of light that is scattered by suspended solids in a
liquid, such as water. When the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) and total
dissolved solids (TDS) in a liquid increase, the turbidity also increases. Turbidity sensors
are used to measure the cloudiness or haziness (turbidity) of a liquid, usually to
determine water quality.

For samples with high amounts of TSS and TDS, the difference in the light intensity from
the transmission beam is measured to obtain the turbidity result, while light scattering is
more suitable for samples with low amounts of TSS and TDS. Since turbidity sensors use
light to detect a solution’s turbidity level, it is important to reduce the amount of external
light when using the sensor.

When it comes to liquids, turbidity is an important term. Because it plays an important role
in liquid dynamics and is also used to measure water quality. So in this tutorial, let's discuss
what is turbidity, how to measure the turbidity of a liquid using Arduino. If you want to
take this project further, you can also consider interfacing a pH meter with Arduino and
also read the pH value of water to better assess the quality of water. Previously we have
also built an IoT based Water quality monitoring device using ESP8266, you can also check
that out if interested.
That being said, let's get started. Turbidity is the degree or level of cloudiness or haziness of
a liquid. This happens due to the presence of large numbers of invisible particles (with the
naked eye) similar to white smoke in the air. When light passes through liquids, light waves
get scattered Due to the presence of these tiny particles. The turbidity of a liquid is directly

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proportional to the free suspended particles that is if the number of particles increases
turbidity will also increase.


3.1.9 DC MOTOR

DC Motor – 1000 RPM – 12 Volts geared motors are generally a simple DC motor with a
gearbox attached to it. This can be used in all-terrain robots and a variety of robotic
applications. These motors have a 3 mm threaded drill hole in the middle of the shaft thus
making it simple to connect it to the wheels or any other mechanical assembly. The most
popular L298N H-bridge module with onboard voltage regulator motor driver can be used
with this motor that has a voltage of between 5 and 35V DC or you can choose the most
precise motor driver module from the wide range available in our Motor divers category as
per your specific requirements.

A DC motor is defined as a class of electrical motors that convert direct current electrical
energy into mechanical energy.

From the above definition, we can conclude that any electric motor that is operated using
direct current or DC is called a DC motor. We will understand the DC motor construction
and how a DC motor converts the supplied DC electrical energy into mechanical energy
in the next few sections.
Specifications and Features:-

• RPM: 1000.

• Operating Voltage: 12V DC

• Gearbox: Attached Plastic (spur)Gearbox

• Shaft diameter: 6mm with internal hole

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• Torque: 0.5 kg-cm • No-load current = 60 mA(Max)

• Load current = 300 mA(Max).

Fig 3.6 DC MOTOR

A magnetic field arises in the air gap when the field coil of the DC motor is energised. The
created magnetic field is in the direction of the radii of the armature. The magnetic field
enters the armature from the North pole side of the field coil and “exits” the armature from
the field coil’s South pole side. The conductors located on the other pole are subjected to a
force of the same intensity but in the opposite direction. These two opposing forces create
a torque that causes the motor armature to rotate.

3.2 Software Requirements

3.2.1 Arduino IDE :

The Arduino IDE stands as a foundational tool in the world of electronics and
microcontroller programming. Offering a straightforward environment for code
development, it simplifies the process of programming Arduino boards, ranging from the
popular Arduino Uno to more advanced models. With an intuitive interface, the IDE
supports easy selection of the target board and integrates seamlessly with various libraries,
both standard and user-contributed, enhancing the capabilities of Arduino projects. Its built-
in Serial Monitor aids in real-time debugging and data visualization, while the platform's
open-source nature fosters a collaborative community. Users benefit from cross-platform
compatibility, allowing them to work on Windows, macOS, or Linux systems. The IDE's
simplicity is complemented by robust features, including error

highlighting during code verification and a wealth of examples and tutorials for users of all
skill levels. Whether for novices learning the ropes or seasoned developers pushing the

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boundaries, the Arduino IDE remains an essential tool, empowering creativity and
innovation in the realm of electronics.

Fig 3.7 – Arduino IDE Tool

The Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board
offline. We recommend it for users with poor or no internet connection. This software
can be used with any Arduino board.There are currently two versions of the Arduino
IDE, one is the IDE 1.x.x and the other is IDE 2.x. The IDE 2.x is new major release
that is faster and even more powerful to the IDE 1.x.x. In addition to a more modern
editor and a more responsive interface it includes advanced features to help users with
their coding and debugging.

3.2.2 Telegram App

In our project, we harnessed the power of the Telegram messaging app as a robust platform
for real-time data transmission from our remote-controlled (RC) boat equipped with
turbidity, pH, and temperature sensors. Telegram's versatility and reliability made it an
ideal choice for facilitating seamless communication between the RC boat and
stakeholders. Through the integration of a custom-built Telegram bot, affectionately
referred to as "GBot" users could effortlessly interact with the RC boat, request sensor
readings, and receive updates on water quality conditions. GBot acted as the intermediary
between the RC boat's sensor system and the Telegram app, interpreting user commands
and retrieving sensor values in real-time. This seamless integration allowed stakeholders to
monitor water quality remotely, receive alerts about potential pollution events, and make
informed decisions regarding environmental management strategies. The simplicity and
accessibility of Telegram, coupled with the versatility of GBot, empowered users with
timely and actionable insights into water quality dynamics, enhancing our ability to protect

B.E., Dept of ECE, BNMIT 27 2023-24

RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

and preserve precious water resources.

The Telegram app served as a central hub for receiving real-time sensor data from the RC
boat, providing stakeholders with instant access to critical information about water quality
conditions. Leveraging Telegram's messaging capabilities, users could interact with the RC
boat and GBot through simple text commands, making it easy to request sensor readings,
initiate specific actions, and receive updates on environmental parameters. This user-
friendly interface facilitated seamless communication between the RC boat and
stakeholders, enabling efficient monitoring and management of water resources.GBot
played a crucial role in enabling communication between the RC boat's sensor system and
the Telegram app, acting as a bridge that relayed sensor data in real-time. Through a series
of commands and responses, GBot facilitated the retrieval of sensor readings from the RC
boat's onboard sensors, including turbidity, pH, and temperature. Upon receiving a request
from the user, GBot communicated with the RC boat, retrieved the relevant sensor data,
and transmitted it back to the user via the Telegram app. This streamlined process allowed
stakeholders to access up-to-date information about water quality conditions, empowering
them to make informed decisions and take timely actions to mitigate pollution and protect
aquatic ecosystems. The integration of GBot with the Telegram app offered several
advantages for water pollution monitoring and management. First and foremost, it provided
stakeholders with real-time access to critical sensor data, allowing them to monitor water
quality conditions remotely and respond promptly to emerging pollution events. By
receiving instant updates on turbidity, pH, and temperature levels, stakeholders could
identify potential sources of contamination, assess environmental risks, and implement
appropriate mitigation measures in a timely manner. This proactive approach to water
pollution monitoring enabled by GBot and Telegram helped to minimize the negative
impacts of pollution on aquatic ecosystems and public health.

Furthermore, the simplicity and accessibility of the Telegram app made it easy for
stakeholders to interact with the RC boat and GBot, even without specialized technical
knowledge or training.

With just a few simple text commands, users could initiate communication with the RC
boat, request sensor readings, and receive updates on water quality conditions, all within
the familiar interface of the Telegram app. This user-friendly experience ensured that
stakeholders could actively participate in water pollution monitoring efforts, fostering

B.E., Dept of ECE, BNMIT 28 2023-24

RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

greater community engagement and collaboration in environmental management


Fig 3.8 Telegram App

Additionally, the integration of GBot with the Telegram app offered scalability and
versatility, allowing for potential expansion and customization of the monitoring system in
the future. As new sensor technologies and monitoring techniques emerge, GBot can be
updated and adapted to accommodate these advancements, ensuring that the monitoring
system remains effective and relevant in addressing evolving environmental challenges.
Furthermore, the open-source nature of Telegram and the flexibility of GBot's design
provide opportunities for further customization and integration with other environmental
monitoring platforms, enhancing the interoperability and utility of the system across
different contexts and applications.The integration of the Telegram messaging app with
GBot has significantly enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of water pollution
monitoring efforts using remote-controlled boats equipped with turbidity, pH, and
temperature sensors. By providing stakeholders with real-time access to critical sensor data
and facilitating seamless communication between the RC boat and users, GBot and
Telegram have empowered communities to actively participate in environmental
management initiatives and protect water resources for future generations. As technology
continues to advance and environmental challenges evolve, the integration of messaging
platforms like Telegram with customizable bots like GBot holds great promise for
improving the scalability, accessibility, and effectiveness of water pollution monitoring and
management efforts worldwide.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring




So our proposed system designs a solution for easy water quality checking of vast water
bodies with ease. This RC water pollution monitor boat allows for recording as well as
transmitting water quality data to an IOT server online. This will further help us to maintain
the water clean. This project is remote-operated and controlled by an RC remote using
which it can be maneuverer accordingly, a motorized propeller system to provide the
forward propulsion and servo motor arrangement to provide with the steering using a
rudder. As per the commands received by the rc receiver the controller operates the DC
motor which rotates the propeller through a flexible bearing and shaft. Now we have 2x
direction control rudders attached to a servo motor used to steer the boat as per controller
signals received. In this proposed system we are using two sensors to determine water

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

quality, we include PH sensors as well as turbidity sensor and a temperature sensor. These
sensors will detect the presence of suspended particles in the water. We also have a GPS
module and micro SD card, which will log the data from sensors as well as GPS locations
as well as transmit the same online over IOT at particular intervals.Thus the water quality
monitoring rc boat can be used for water quality monitoring on lakes and reservoirs with

Fig 4.2 Remote Controller

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

In this project we are having two modules, the first module is a remote controller. This
remote controller is used to control module 2. Module 1 has an Arduino Nano, NRF24L01,
and two joystick modules. Arduino Nano is used as a microcontroller for controlling all the
components used. The next component is a transceiver module called NRF24L01 is used
to transmit and receive signals from the Module 2 and we are using two joysticks for
controlling the movement of the rc boat. Module 2 is the main part of this project. It's a RC
Boat which has all the main components we are using for finding the quality of water. The
RC Boat has components like Ph sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Temperature sensor, NodeMcu,
Motor driver, 12V DC Motor, etc. Ph Sensor ,Turbidity sensor, and temperature sensor is
used for checking the quality of water. These sensors are connected to the Arduino Uno
and then collected datas are transmitted to a NodeMcu controller. NodeMcu is an open
source IOT platform which can connect objects and let data transfer using the Wi-Fi
protocol. So the datas can be viewed in any smart device using an application called Blynk

It aims to address the challenge of water quality monitoring in vast water bodies through
the development of a remote-controlled (RC) water pollution monitor boat. This innovative
solution allows for the recording and transmission of water quality data to an IoT server
online, facilitating the maintenance of clean water resources. The project is designed to be
remote-operated and controlled via an RC remote, enabling users to maneuver the boat with
ease. The propulsion system consists of a motorized propeller system for forward
propulsion and a servo motor arrangement for steering using a rudder. Commands received
by the RC receiver instruct the controller to operate the DC motor, which rotates the
propeller, while a servo motor arrangement controls the direction using rudders.
Additionally, two sensors, including pH sensors and turbidity sensors, along with a
temperature sensor, are employed to detect suspended particles in the water and determine
water quality. These sensors are connected to an Arduino Uno, which collects data and
transmits it to a NodeMcu controller. The NodeMcu, an open-source IoT platform,
facilitates data transfer using Wi-Fi, allowing stakeholders to view the data on any smart
device using the Blynk IoT application. The integration of GPS modules and micro SD
cards enables the logging and transmission of sensor data and GPS locations online at
specific intervals, enhancing the effectiveness of water quality monitoring on lakes and

The remote controller, comprising an Arduino Nano, NRF24L01 transceiver module, and

B.E., Dept of ECE, BNMIT 32 2023-24

RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

two joystick modules, serves as the interface for controlling the RC boat. The Arduino
Nano acts as the microcontroller for controlling all components, while the NRF24L01
transceiver module facilitates the transmission and reception of signals between the remote
controller and the RC boat. The two joysticks provide intuitive control over the movement
of the RC boat, allowing users to navigate it with precision. Module 2, the main component
of the project, consists of the RC boat equipped with essential components for water quality
assessment. Alongside the pH sensor, turbidity sensor, and temperature sensor, the RC boat
incorporates a NodeMcu controller, motor driver, 12V DC motor, and other necessary
components. The Arduino Uno gathers data from the sensors, which is then transmitted to
the NodeMcu controller. Utilizing the Blynk IoT application, stakeholders can access real-
time water quality data on their smart devices, enabling informed decision-making and
proactive measures to maintain water quality.

This comprehensive system integrates hardware and software components to provide an

efficient and user-friendly solution for water quality monitoring. By combining remote-
controlled navigation with sensor technology and IoT connectivity, the project offers a
scalable and versatile approach to monitoring water quality in lakes and reservoirs.
Moreover, the use of open-source platforms such as Arduino and NodeMcu enhances
accessibility and promotes collaboration in environmental monitoring efforts. Overall, our
project represents a significant advancement in the field of water pollution monitoring,
empowering stakeholders with the tools and information needed to safeguard water
resources and promote environmental sustainability.


For the easy travel of RC Boat through water bodies we are using two 12V DC Motor of
1000rpm each. These Dc motor are controlled using a motor driver called L298N. We are
using these motors for the forward movement of this boat. For turning to the left and right
direction we are using a stepper motor which is connected to the rudder of this boat. This
RC water pollution monitor boat allows for recording as well as transmitting water quality
data to an IOT server online. This will further help us to maintain the water clean. This
project is remote-operated and controlled by an RC remote using which it can be
maneuverer accordingly, a motorized propeller system to provide the forward propulsion
and servo motor arrangement to provide with the steering using a rudder. As per the
commands received by the rc receiver the controller operates the DC motor which rotates

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

the propeller through a flexible bearing and shaft. Now we have 2x direction control rudders
attached to a servo motor used to steer the boat as per controller signals received.
Additionally, we have two sensors to determine water quality, we include PH sensors as
well as turbidity sensor and a temperature sensor. These sensors will detect the presence of
suspended particles in the water. We also have a GPS module and micro SD card, which
will log the data from sensors as well as GPS locations as well as transmit the same online
over IOT at particular intervals. This IOT system provides wi-fi hotspot to collect the
information about the level of liquid for the users by viewing the data in their mobile and
prevent it from the overflow. BLYNK app is installed in the android version to see the
output. When the system get started dc current given to the kit and arduino and WIFI gets
on. The app went provided with hotspot gives the exact values collected . Thus like this
when the kit is located on any specific water body and WIFI is provided we can observe its
real time value on our android phone anywhere at any time. Thus the water quality
monitoring rc boat can be used for water quality monitoring on lakes and reservoirs with

Fig 4.3 RC BOAT Circuit Diagram

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


The integration of a remote controller using a smartphone and real-time transmission of

sensor values to the Telegram app significantly enhances the accessibility and efficiency of
water pollution monitoring. In our study, we utilized turbidity, pH, and temperature sensors
onboard an RC boat to continuously measure key water quality parameters. Through the
remote controller smartphone application, users can effortlessly navigate the RC boat
across water bodies of interest while receiving instant updates on water quality conditions.
The seamless transmission of sensor data to the Telegram app enables stakeholders to
monitor the health of aquatic ecosystems in real-time, facilitating prompt decision-making
and intervention strategies when necessary. This innovative approach not only streamlines
data collection processes but also fosters greater community engagement and awareness of
environmental issues. By harnessing the power of smartphone technology and instant
messaging platforms, our monitoring system empowers stakeholders with timely and
actionable insights to safeguard water resources and mitigate the impacts of pollution.

Fig 5.1 Boat Setup

B.E., Dept of ECE, BNMIT 35 2023-24
RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

The performance evaluation of the RC boat system demonstrates its effectiveness in

navigating water bodies, collecting reliable sensor data, and transmitting information in
real-time. Field trials conducted in diverse aquatic environments validate the system's
robustness and adaptability to varying conditions.
The RC boat's propulsion system allows for precise maneuvering, enabling thorough
coverage of target areas for comprehensive data collection. The integration of turbidity,
pH, and temperature sensors provides valuable insights into water quality dynamics,
allowing stakeholders to identify pollution sources, assess environmental health, and
monitor changes over time.
Comparative analysis with conventional monitoring methods highlights the advantages of
our approach in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. Traditional
methods often rely on manual sampling and laboratory analysis, which can be labor-
intensive, time-consuming, and expensive. In contrast, the RC boat system offers a scalable
and versatile alternative for conducting water quality assessments. Its ability to operate in
real-time and transmit data wirelessly enhances monitoring capabilities, enabling
stakeholders to respond swiftly to emerging pollution events and implement targeted
mitigation measures.

Fig 5.2 Remote controller Screen

Feedback from stakeholders underscores the utility and usability of the smartphone
interface for controlling the RC boat and monitoring water quality. The intuitive design of
the smartphone application enables users to navigate the boat with ease, adjust sensor
settings, and visualize real-time sensor readings. Stakeholders express satisfaction with the
system's performance, highlighting its potential for enhancing environmental management

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

practices and promoting community engagement. The integration of the Telegram

messaging app further enhances communication and collaboration among stakeholders,
facilitating data sharing, decision-making, and public outreach efforts.
Case studies illustrate the diverse applications of the RC boat system in different
environmental settings. In urban waterways, the system can be deployed to monitor
stormwater runoff, industrial discharges, and sewage outflows, helping local authorities
identify sources of contamination and prioritize remediation efforts. In agricultural areas,
the system can assess the impact of fertilizers, pesticides, and livestock waste on water
quality, informing land management practices and promoting sustainable agriculture. In
recreational areas, the system can monitor swimming beaches, lakes, and rivers for harmful
algal blooms, bacterial contamination, and other hazards, ensuring public safety and
enjoyment of water resources.

Fig 5.3 Arudino IDE Serial Monitor

Technical considerations include optimizing sensor accuracy, reliability, and calibration
procedures to ensure consistent data quality. Regulatory compliance issues may arise
concerning the use of RC boats in protected water bodies, requiring permits, approvals, and
adherence to environmental regulations. Data management and security concerns also need
to be addressed to protect sensitive information and ensure data integrity throughout the
monitoring process. Future research directions include exploring advanced sensor

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

technologies, such as spectroscopy, fluorescence, and microbial sensors, to expand the

capabilities of the RC boat system for detecting a wider range of pollutants and
contaminants. Integration with satellite imagery, remote sensing, and geographic
information systems (GIS) could enhance spatial and temporal resolution in monitoring
water quality at larger scales. Collaborative initiatives involving government agencies,
academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and citizen scientists are essential for
advancing knowledge, sharing best practices, and fostering innovation in water pollution

Fig 5.4 Boat In Water

In conclusion, the integration of RC boats, smartphone technology, and instant messaging
platforms offers a promising approach for enhancing water pollution monitoring efforts.
By combining the strengths of these technologies, stakeholders can collect timely, reliable,
and actionable data to protect water resources and promote environmental sustainability.
Continued investment, innovation, and collaboration are essential to overcoming
challenges, realizing opportunities, and achieving meaningful progress in addressing the
complex challenges of water pollution.

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring


To check the quality of water, the current method is to sample the water manually. These
samples were sent to the laboratories to test the quality which takes extra human effort, cost
and time. In our proposed system it will give the properties of the water automatically on
the screen without any extra effort. With the help of these properties monitoring of
Turbidity, PH & Temperature of Water makes use of a water detection sensor with unique
advantage and existing GSM network. The system can monitor water quality automatically,
and it is low in cost and does not require people on duty. So the water quality testing is
likely to be more economical, convenient and fast. The system has good flexibility. Only
by replacing the corresponding sensors and changing the relevant software programs, this
system can be used to monitor other water quality parameters. The operation is simple. The
system can be expanded to monitor hydrologic, air pollution, industrial and agricultural
production and so on. It has widespread application and extension value. By keeping the
embedded devices in the environment for monitoring enables self protection (i.e., smart
environment) to the environment. To implement this, we need to deploy the sensor devices
in the environment for collecting the data and analysis. By deploying sensor devices in the
environment, we can bring the environment into real life i.e. it can interact with other
objects through the network. Then the collected data and analysis results will be available
to the end user through the Wi-Fi.

In conclusion, the integration of remote-controlled (RC) boats with smartphone technology

and real-time data transmission to messaging platforms presents a highly promising
approach for enhancing water pollution monitoring. Our study demonstrates the
effectiveness of this innovative system in providing stakeholders with timely, reliable, and
actionable insights into water quality conditions. By leveraging the capabilities of RC boats
equipped with turbidity, pH, and temperature sensors, users can navigate water bodies
remotely while receiving instant updates on key parameters. The intuitive smartphone
interface and seamless integration with messaging apps facilitate efficient communication,
data sharing, and decision-making among stakeholders.

Looking ahead, the future scope of this technology is vast and multifaceted. Further
advancements in sensor technology, including the development of novel sensors for

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RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

detecting additional water quality parameters and pollutants, will expand the capabilities of
the RC boat system. Integration with satellite imagery, remote sensing, and geographic
information systems (GIS) holds promise for enhancing spatial and temporal resolution in
monitoring water quality at larger scales. Collaborative efforts involving government
agencies, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and citizen scientists will be
crucial for advancing knowledge, sharing best practices, and fostering innovation in water
pollution monitoring.

Addressing challenges related to technical optimization, regulatory compliance, data

management, and stakeholder engagement will be essential for the widespread adoption
and implementation of RC boat technology. Continued investment in research,
development, and capacity building will be necessary to overcome barriers and unlock the
full potential of this approach. By harnessing the power of technology, collaboration, and
innovation, we can strengthen our ability to protect water resources, safeguard public
health, and promote environmental sustainability for current and future generations.

B.E., Dept of ECE, BNMIT 40 2023-24

RC BOAT For Water Pollution Monitoring

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