International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ISSN: 2249-9571

Original Research Article

A KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) Study on Medico Legal

Knowledge among Government Medical Officers in Chitradurga District,
Sidramappa Gouda1*, Ajay Kumar S1**@, HC Govindaraju1***, Chandan V1*, K.J. Shashank2*
Post Graduate Student, **Assistant Professor, ***Professor
Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Basaveshwara Medical College, Chitradurga, Karnataka, INDIA.
Dept. of Community Medicine, BLDE University Shri B M Medical College, Bijapur, Karnataka, INDIA
Correspondence Email:

Received: 29/08//2013 Revised: 24/09/2013 Accepted: 03/10/2013


Forensic medicine deals with the application of medical knowledge to aid in the administration
of justice. It is used by the legal authorities for the solution of legal problems, as in cases of
injuries, hanging, homicides, sexual offences, infant deaths, poisoning, etc. In short it deals with
medical aspects of law. Hence, it is very essential for the medical officers to have thorough
knowledge of the subject and opine on cases. With this background the study was aimed to
assess the knowledge of medico legal autopsy and various other prospective of medico legal
work among government medical officers of Chitradurga districts. A cross sectional survey was
conducted during district meeting held at DHO office Chitradurga districts seeking the
permission from DHO, Chitradurga. The medical officers were given a questionnaire, containing
questions regarding autopsy and other medico-legal work. Most of medical officers have
responded for questionnaire and the data so obtained will be analysed using MS excel.

Key Words: Medical officer, District Health Officer, Autopsy, Injury, Crime scene

INTRODUCTION responsibility as a medical jurist is very

A medical practitioner will have to great, for every often, his is the only reliable
frequently give evidence as a medical jurist evidence on which the liberty or life of an
in a court of law to prove the innocence or individual depends. Therefore, the medical
guilt of an accused, or to authenticate or practitioner has to acquire the habit of
disprove a criminal charge of assault, rape or making a careful note of all the facts
murder brought against an individual. A observed by him, and to learn to draw
medical practitioner must remember that his conclusions correctly and logically after

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considering in detail the pros and cons of the evidence in matters relating to medico legal
case, instead of forming hasty judgements.[‎1] cases were included for the study. The
Nearly 90- 95% of total medico-legal work medical officers were given a questionnaire,
in our country is in the hands of medical containing sets of questions regarding
officers and only 5-10% with the medico- autopsy, other medico-legal work, their
legal experts. [‎2] It is essential for a medical willingness to conduct medico-legal work
jurist to have a fair knowledge of all the and to check their level of satisfaction and
branches of medical and ancillary sciences knowledge. They were informed that
taught to a medical student in the course of information provided by them will be kept
studies. A medical jurist is often required to confidential, and will strictly be used only
invoke the aid of these subjects in the for research and evaluation purposes and the
elucidation of various problems of medico- results will be used for paper presentation
legal interest in the courts of law.[‎1] and published only in scientific journals
Many undergraduates and practising with medical and academic interest. Their
doctors are not very confident about expressed and written consent was taken
performing routine medico legal duties. It is prior to giving questionnaire. Most of
noted that in India, unlike in developed medical officers have responded for
countries, the bulk of medico-legal work is questionnaire. Total 63 proforma were
done by government medical officers who distributed among all Medical Officers who
do not have a post-graduate qualification in attended the meeting, out of which 50
forensic medicine. The judiciary and police (possessing MBBS degree as a basic
often find flaws in the certificates issued by qualification) responses were received. The
medical professionals.[‎3]Judges have often results were tabulated and analysed.
observed that medical officers are not very
careful in drawing up medico-legal reports, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and consequently, cut a very poor figure as It is depicted from table 1 that
expert witnesses[‎1] majority of the doctors (66%, no-33) who
Considering the above facts, the used to conduct the post mortem had
study was undertaken to know their experience of more than 2 years and 88 %
perspectives (level of satisfaction and (no-44) of the medical officers didn’t had an
knowledge) and about medico legal work separate autopsy room in their respective
knowledge among Government Medical hospitals which is one of the major basic
Officers of Chitradurga district. requirement needed in the hospital. Only 4
out of the 6 respondents had all the adequate
METHODOLOGY facilities in their autopsy room to conduct
A cross sectional survey was post-mortem. Out of the 50 respondents only
conducted during district meeting held at 8 (16 %) had skilled attender to assist and
DHO office Chitradurga district, seeking the help the medical officers while conducting
permission from DHO, Chitradurga. All the Post Mortem, which would improve the
Medical officers who carry out any kind of efficiency of the medical officer and reduce
medico-legal work and attend Hon’ble the work load on them.
courts of law and depose their expert

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Table 1: working profile of the medical officers.
Frequency Percentage(%)
1.Designation AMO 11 22
GDMO 9 18
MOH 28 56
THO 2 4
2.Years Of Experience Less than 2 years 17 34
2- 5 years 14 28
5-10 years 15 30
>10 years 4 8
3. Total number of <5 12 24
autopsy done in last 5-10 8 16
1 year >10 4 8
NIL 26 52
4.Does Your Centre Have Yes 6 12
Separate Autopsy Room No 44 88
5. Does Autopsy Room Yes 4 8
As All Facilities No 46 92
6.DO You Conduct Post Yes 24 48
Morterm At Your Center Only No 26 52

It is obvious from table 2, that slightly more than half of (54%) Medical Officers are
aware of autopsy technique fully while 46 % are not aware. More ever 54% of them don’t know
what things to be done when they visit crime scene also four fifth (80%) of medical officers are
not aware of exhumation procedures, astonishingly about two third (66%) are fully aware of the
procedure of examining sexual offense cases.

Table 2: knowledge of medical officers regarding conduction of post morterm.

Frequency Percentage (%)
1.Are You Aware Of Autopsy Technique Fully Yes 27 54
No 23 46
2.Do You Know What Things To Be Done When You Visit The Crime Scene Yes 23 46
No 27 54
3.Are You Aware Of Exhumation Procedure Fully Yes No 10 20
40 80
4.Are You Fully Aware Of The Procedure Of Examining Sexual Offense Cases Yes 33 66
No 17 34

Table no 3 shows that 84% (no-42) of doctors have the opinion that Conducting Post
Mortem at their centre hampers doing clinical work and reason may be their busy clinical work
makes them to give less time for Conducting Post Mortem. Majority (96%) of them feel that it’s
better if the medico legal autopsy was compulsorily carried out by Forensic Expert, as they are
not trained enough.
Table 3: Attitude of medical officers regarding post morerm.
Frequency Percentage(%)
1.Does Conducting Post Mortem At Your Centre Yes 42 84
Hampers Doing Your Clinical Work No 8 16
2.Do You Feel It Is Better The Medico Legal Autopsy Yes 48 96
Should Be Compulsorily Carried Out By Forensic Expert No 2 4

From the table 4 it’s obvious that of doctors consult any Forensic Expert while
about two third of doctors will open all 3 giving the final opinion. Maximum of
cavities in all cases of autopsy (72%), Visit doctors (92%) have not conducted
crime scene whenever necessary(66%) and exhumation till date in their service and
write manner of death in post mortem most of them are doing medico-legal work
report(74%). Slightly more than half (56%) includingconducting Post Mortem (96%)

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examination, also issuinginjury certificate certify but majority (84%) of them are not
(90%). Only two third of doctors (34%) do examining and opining on skeletal remains
sexual offense examinationand opine. Half examination, as those things are referred to
of the medical officers (52%) do examine Forensic experts.
and opine on age estimation cases and

Table 4: Practice of conducting post morterm by medical officers.

Frequency Percentage(%)
1.Do You Open All 3 Cavities In All Cases Of Autopsy Yes 36 72
No 14 28
2.Do You Visit Crime Scene Whenever Necessary Yes 33 66
No 17 34
3.Do You Write Manner Of Death In Your Opinion In Post Mortem Report YES 37 74
NO 13 26
4.Do You Consult Any Forensic Expert While Giving The Final Opinion YES 28 56
NO 22 44
5.Have You Conducted Exumation Till Date In Your Service YES 4 8
NO 46 92
6.Are You Doing Medic Legal Work Other Than Conducting Post Mortem YES 48 96
NO 2 4
7.Do You Issue Injury Certificate YES 45 90
NO 5 10
8.Do You Examine Sexual offenses Cases And opine YES 17 34
NO 33 66
9.Do You Examine And opine on Age of The Individual and Certify YES 26 52
NO 24 48
10.Do You Examine Skeletal Remains And opine YES 8 16
NO 42 84

Table 5 reveals that about two third doctors are satisfied with both the Post Mortem
reports used by them (56%) and Injury certificate which they give. Majority (84%) of them are
satisfied with the opinion which they give on sexual offense cases and more than two third (66%)
are not satisfied with the opinion on age of individual, but surprisingly none (100%) are satisfied
with the opinion on skeletal remains.

Table 5: Self perception regarding various report issued by them.

Frequency Percentage (%)
1.Are You Satisfied With The Post Morterm Reports Used By You Yes 28 56
No 22 44
2.Are You Satisfied With The Injury Certificate You Give Yes 30 60
No 20 40
3.Are You Satisfied With Opinion You Give On Sexual Offense Case Yes 42 84
No 8 16
4.Are You Satisfied With Your Opinion On Age Of Individual Yes 17 34
No 33 66

5.Are You Satisfied With Your Opinion On Skeletal Remains Yes 0 0

No 50 100

The reason for the above figures may themselves updated with various aspects of
be because of not being trained properly or medico-legal service.
not witnessed medico-legal cases during The concept of subject of Forensic
their second year MBBS medical course in medicine in India is based upon the pillars of
Forensic medicine subject in which they are British Medico-legal system. But as the time
going to learn and also not keeping elapsed their law and legal enforcement
systems were developed very fast than us.

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They systematically improvised their legal CONCLUSION
and judiciary system in relation to the 1. The study reflects that Medical
medico-legal work.[‎4] Officers are not equipped to the
There is a need to improve our legal required level, with their knowledge
and judiciary system in relation to the of autopsy and other medico-legal
medico-legal work.The medico-legal work work.
is in itself a speciality and is supposed to be 2. As a result of which many cases are
dealt by doctors having a post-graduation being acquitted for lack of required
degree in forensic medicine. Unfortunately, evidences.
due to the non-availability of forensic 3. Most of Medical Officers are not
medicine experts in district hospitals, these willing to carry out medico-legal
duties are being assigned to simple MBBS work as it hampers their clinical
doctors or other specialists. This is resulting work to be carried.
in poor quality of medico-legal services 4. Hence, it is recommendable to
which ultimately affects the outcome of appoint at least two Forensic Experts
criminal cases. Since the court decides on at district level and one at the Taluka
evidence immaterial of whether it has been level to carry out the medico-legal
given by a specialist doctor or an MBBS work and to guide other Medical
one. Often the defence lawyers take Officers in medico-legal work.
advantage of the lack of knowledge of non-
specialist doctors.[‎5] REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Gouda S, Ajay KS, Govindaraju HC et al. A kap (knowledge,
attitude and practice) study on medico legal knowledge among government medical officers
in Chitradurga district, Karnataka. Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(11):61-66.


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Vol.3; Issue: 11; November 2013

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