ISMTLTD 26042024223144 ISMTIntimation26042024sd

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ISMT/SEC/24-25 April 26, 2024

Listing Department Corporate Relationship Department

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd BSE Ltd
Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1, G Block, Bandra PJ Towers, Dalal Street, Fort,
Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400001
Mumbai-400051 (Scrip Code: 532479)
(Symbol: ISMTLTD)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Subject: Update to the disclosure dated 5 November 2022 made in respect of the Scheme of Arrangement
and Merger of ISMT Limited (‘Transferor Company’) with Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Limited
(‘Transferee Company’) and their respective shareholders under Sections 230 to 232 and other
applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Scheme")

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 and in continuation of and as an update to the previous communication vide the letter No.
ISMT/SEC/23-24 dated 18 January 2024; this is to inform you that a Joint Company Scheme Petition
(C.P.(CAA)/57(MB)2024) (“Company Petition”) was filed earlier along with Kirloskar Ferrous Industries
Ltd.(“KFIL”) as the other Petitioner Company before the Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal,
Mumbai (‘NCLT’) under with Sections 230 to 232 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 and the Orders dated 4 January 2024 and 16 January 2024 passed in CA (CAA) No. 238 of 2023.

The NCLT has passed an Order dated 10 April 2024 (which has been uploaded on the website of NCLT
on 26 April 2024) stating that the final hearing in the Company Petition will be held on 17 May 2024 and
further directing ISMT and KFIL, to inter-alia, serve fresh notice of final hearing in the Company
Petition to the authorities mentioned in the Order and to publish the notice of final hearing of the Petition
in the newspapers. A copy of the said Order is enclosed herewith for reference.

You are requested to take the same on record.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For ISMT Limited
Digitally signed by
BALAKRISHNA Date: 2024.04.26
22:25:30 +05'30'

Nishikant Ektare
Managing Director
Encl: As above
Item No. 12
C.P.(CAA)/57(MB)2024 IN C.A.(CAA)/238(MB)2023

Section 230-232 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013


1. Mr. Hemant Sethi, Ld. Counsel for the Petitioner present.

2. The present petition is filed as a joint company scheme petition by ISMT
Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “First Petitioner Company” or the
“Transferor Company” as the context may admit) and Kirloskar Ferrous
Industries Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Second Petitioner
Company” or the “Transferee Company” as the context may admit)
seeking sanction to the Scheme of Arrangement and Merger of the First
Petitioner Company with the Second Petitioner Company and their
respective shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the “Scheme”).
3. The present joint company scheme petition (“Company Petition”) is filed
in consonance with Sections 230 to 232 and other applicable provisions of
the Companies Act, 2013 and the Orders dated January 4, 2024 and January
16, 2024 passed in CA (CAA) No.238 of 2023.
4. As per the directions of the Tribunal in the said Orders, the respective
Chairperson appointed by the Tribunal caused the First Petitioner
Company and the Second Petitioner Company to publish advertisements
convening the meeting of their equity shareholders in the Financial Express
(all India editions) in English language and Marathi translation thereof in
Loksatta (Pune edition). The respective Chairperson of the meetings have
filed their respective Affidavits of Service of the notices of the meetings of
equity shareholders of the First Petitioner Company and the Second
Petitioner Company.

5. As per the directions of the Tribunal in the said Orders, the Petitioner
Companies have inter alia duly served the notices to their respective
secured creditors and unsecured creditors within the specified threshold
and to the statutory/ regulatory authorities. The Petitioner Companies have
filed their respective Affidavits of Service in this regard.
6. The meetings of the equity shareholders of the Petitioner Companies were
duly convened and held. The respective Chairperson and Scrutinizer
appointed by the Tribunal for the said meetings have filed their respective
reports. As per the said reports, the respective equity shareholders (which
includes public shareholders) of the First Petitioner Company (Transferor
Company) and the Second Petitioner Company (Transferee Company)
have approved the Scheme with requisite statutory majority.

7. The Learned Counsel for the Petitioners submits that, as per the directions
of the Tribunal in the said Orders, the First Petitioner Company has filed
its Affidavit informing the Tribunal that (i) there are no pending IBC cases
or litigation pending against the First Petitioner Company which would
have a material impact on the Scheme; (ii) there are no margin money
furnished by the First Petitioner Company; and (iii) there are no corporate
guarantees or performance guarantees furnished by the First Petitioner
Company. Further, the First Petitioner Company vide the said affidavit has
submitted the details of its contingent liabilities and letters of credit.

8. The Second Petitioner Company has filed its Affidavit informing the
Hon’ble Tribunal that (i) there are no corporate guarantees or performance
guarantees furnished by the Second Petitioner Company; and (ii) there are
no pending IBC cases or litigation pending against the Second Petitioner
Company which would have a material impact on the Scheme. Further, the
Second Petitioner Company vide the said affidavit has submitted the details
of its contingent liabilities, letters of credit and margin money.

9. The Petitioner Companies have not received any representations from any
of the authorities, except letter dated March 20, 2024 issued by the Office
of the Official Liquidator, High Court, Bombay and the letter dated April
4, 2024 from the office of the Regional Director, the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Mumbai seeking certain information / documents from the First
Petitioner Company. The First Petitioner Company is in the process of
providing responses to the same.

10. In view of the above, the present Company Petition seeking sanction to the
Scheme is admitted with the following directions –

(a) That the Petitioner Companies serve fresh notice of final hearing in the

Company Petition, through registered post AD / Speed Post and/or

Hand Delivery indicating the date fixed for final hearing of the
Company Petition to:
(i) The Regional Director (Western region), Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, Mumbai;
(ii) the Registrar of Companies, Pune;
(iii) Income Tax Authority within whose jurisdiction the Petitioner
Companies are assessed to tax;
(iv) The Official Liquidator by the First Petitioner Company;
(v) The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi,
(vi) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI),
(vii) BSE Limited (BSE), and
(viii) National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) by the First
Petitioner Company.
(b) That the Petitioner Companies cause publication of the notice of final

hearing of the Petition, at least 10 (ten) clear days before the date fixed
for hearing, in Financial Express (All Editions) in English Language
and Marathi translation thereof in Loksatta (Pune Edition) as per Rule
16(1) of the Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and
Amalgamations) Rules, 2016.
11. The Petitioner Companies shall host the notice(s) of final hearing of the
Company Petition with a copy of the Scheme on their respective websites,
if any.
12. The Petitioner Companies shall file an Affidavit of Service demonstrating
compliance with the directions contained in this order at least 3 (three) days
before the date fixed for final hearing of the Company Petition.

13. List this matter for final hearing on May 17, 2024.

Sd/- Sd/-

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