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‫لو سألك‬
‫تعالى نجمع‬
Contraction of the Movement of the
muscle joint

Cutting of the motor neuron

connected to the muscle
Cutting of the tendon
connected to the muscle
Cutting of the ligament
connect between bones at
the joint Uncontrolling the direction of
movement at the joint
53) The drawing illustrates a muscle fiber.
What does this drawing indicate? (Experimental exam ,2023)

A) Contraction without movement at the joint.

B) Relaxation without movement at the joint.
C) Contraction with a normal movement at the joint.
D) Polarization without movement at the joint.

71) The table shows the concentration of three different

substances inside a muscle connected to a joint. Which of the
following can be considered the reason for the inability of this
muscle to move the joint?

A) Muscle fatigue.
B) Muscle spasm.
C) Rupture of ligaments of
D) Cut of the muscle tendon.
‫تعالى نجمع‬

Ions responsible for the depolarization of the muscle Sodium ions

Chemical transmitter responsible for muscle contraction Acetylcholine
Ions responsible for releasing of acetylcholine Calcium ions

Ions responsible for binding of transverse links with actin filaments

Calcium ions
Ions responsible for transmitting the nerve impulse from nerve
endings to the muscle fiber Calcium ions
‫تعالى نجمع‬

Calcium ions are needed for : ATP is needed for :

❖ Rupture of synaptic vesicles , ❖ Pulling of actin filaments by

so releasing of acetylcholine transverse links during
❖ Binding of transverse links with ❖ Separation of transverse links
actin filament during from actin filaments during
contraction relaxation
External sources

In the opposite figure: Which of the illustrated structures

is directly affected by calcium ions?
A) 3 only
B) 1 , 4
C) 3 , 5
D) 4 , 3
21) The figure in front of you represents the neuro-muscular
junction (synapse). Study it and answer: Which of the following
shows the role of calcium ions ? (Experimental exam 2 ,2021)

A) (1) only.
B) (4) only.
C) (1) and (4).
D) (3) and (4)

Graph shows the change of the concentration of

Calcium ions in muscle fiber

Concentration of Ca ions
Repolarization of muscle fiber

Depolarization of

Effect of sodium ions on the calcium ions
Entry of Sodium ions inside the Nerve ending
Opening of calcium channels and entry of calcium
ions in the nerve ending
Entry of Sodium ions inside the Muscle fiber
Releasing of Calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic
‫تعالى نجمع‬

Substances needed for muscle Substances needed for muscle

contraction: relaxation:
❖ Calcium ions ❖ cholinesterase enzyme
❖ Acetylcholine ❖ ATP
❖ Sodium ions
23) Study the figure in front of you, then answer. What is the
similarity between figures (1) and (2)? (Second session ,2022)

A) The distance between actin

B) The length of myosin filaments.
C) The length of myofibril.
D) The connection of transverse links
with actin filaments.
‫تعالى نجمع‬

The nerve impulse that passes through the nerve fiber

The nerve impulse that passes through sarcolemma

Both have the same nature but occur at different time

Electro-chemical First occur in nerve fiber

92) Which of the following describes the nerve impulse that
transfers through the sarcolemma and which transfers through the
nerve fibre? (First session ,2023)

A) Occur at the same time.

B) Have the same nature.
C) Have different nature.
D) Originate as the result of the same stimulus.
Motor end plate

Place on the sarcolemma that faces the nerve ending

Place at which the acetylcholine receptors are located
The first place to depolarize on the sarcolemma
Where are the receptors responsible for muscle
contraction predominantly located?
A) Along the membrane of the
muscle fiber
B) On the motor end plate of the
muscle fiber
C) On both the muscle fiber and
nerve-ending membranes
D) On the membranes of muscle
fiber and tendons
‫تعالى نجمع‬

The permeability of sarcolemma to sodium ions is lowest in

Polarized or Relaxed muscle

The permeability of sarcolemma to sodium ions is highest in

Depolarized or Contracted muscle

93) Study the drawing in front of you and then conclude: which of the
following muscle cell membranes that are shown in the drawing are
less permeable to sodium ions? (Second session ,2023)

A) Both of them.
B) Biceps muscle.
C) Triceps muscle.
D) The muscle which has a spasm.
External sources

Which of the following shapes represents the state of the

sarcomere in the muscle fiber that has lower
permeability to sodium ions?

Big muscle Small muscle

Strength of Stronger Weaker


Speed of Slower Faster


Amount of ATP Depolarized

Higher or Contracted muscle
Relationships between the no. of muscle fibers and
(Force of contraction & Speed of contraction & Amount
of ATP consumed)

Force of contraction
Speed of contraction

No. of muscle fibers

The Cell body of nerve cells is responsible for formation of nerve
while the Motor nerve fiber (Axon) is responsible for
transmission of nerve impulses

Closure of sodium channels in Cell body

Prevent formation of nerve impulses
Closure of sodium channels in Motor nerve fiber
prevent transmission of nerve impulses

84) If you know that, some fish are killers because they
contain toxins, which stop the function of sodium channels.
Deduce what would mainly happen if these toxins hit areas
A) It prevents the formation of the nerve
B) It prevents the transmission of the
nerve impulse in the axon of the neuron.
C) It prevents the release of
D) It prevents the propagation of nerve
impulse to the muscle.

-------- --------
++++++++ ++++++++
Action potential in
Action potential
in Muscle fiber

Conc. Of Calcium in
‫تعالى نجمع ترتيب‬ Muscle fiber

‫األحداث في صورة‬
Graphs Muscle contraction

30) In the opposite graph: curve (A) represents nerve

impulse along the axis of a neuron, while curve (B)
represents muscle contraction.
1-From studying the graph, we can conclude that ..............
A) Transmission of the nerve impulse takes a longer
time than
muscle contraction.
B) No muscle contraction occurs except if a nerve
impulse is generated.
C) There is no relation between muscle contraction
and nerve impulse.
D) No nerve impulse is generated (‫ (يتولد‬unless muscle
contraction occurs.

30) In the opposite graph: curve (A) represents nerve

impulse along the axis of a neuron, while curve (B)
represents muscle contraction.
2-If we want to draw a curve representing Ca ions
concentration in muscle, this curve will start and end .....
(A) Before curve (a).
(B) Between curve (a) and curve (b).
(C) After curve (b).
(D) Before curve (a) and after curve (b).
In the action potential
There are two periods

Absolute Relative refractory

refractory period period

The muscle fiber can not The muscle fiber can

respond to any other respond to other stimulus
stimulus whatever its but with higher strength

13) Study the figure and answer:

(1) Which of the following is responsible for the change

A) Outflow of sodium ions

B) Out flow of potassium ions
C) Inflow of sodium ions
D) Inflow of potassium ions

13) Study the figure and answer:

2) At which point does the work of cholinesterase start?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

13) Study the figure and answer:

3) When trying to stimulate this fiber with an electrical
signal of a suitable frequency at which point does the
muscle start to respond to a new stimulus?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
‫تعالى نجمع‬
Acid that accumulates outside the muscle fiber
Acetic acid
Acid that accumulates inside the muscle fiber
Lactic acid
Acid accumulates during repolarization
Acetic acid
Acid accumulates during muscle fatigue or repeated and rapid
muscle contraction
Acetic acid Lactic acid

57) When running for long distances, the pH in

sarcoplasm is .......

A) More than 7
B) Less than 7
C) Equal to 7
D) Equal to zero
External sources

The opposite figure shows the change in membrane

potential on the muscle fiber membrane. Study it well
then answer:
Theoretically: In which stage is the pH outside the
muscle fiber the lowest?
A) (S)
B) (P)
C) (A)
D) (L)
Graph shows the difference between
Normal contraction & Muscle spasm & Muscle fatigue

Muscle contraction strength

1 (1) Normal contraction

(2) Muscle spasm

(3) Muscle fatigue


85) The shown figure represents the muscular contraction

force of the gastrocnemius muscle in different cases,
examine it carefully and then answer: Which curve
expresses the state of muscle efficiency affected by a
decrease in pH value ?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1,2

70) The following graph represents the length of semi light (H)
zone for a myofibril in two different cases during the same time,
study it well then answer: Which of the following alternatives
represents the muscle condition in the two figures (A, B)

A) Muscle fatigue – normal condition and complete contraction.

B) Muscle spasm – normal condition and incomplete contraction.
C) Normal condition and complete contraction – muscle spasm.
In aerobic respiration
1 molecule of glucose produces 38 ATP

In anaerobic respiration
1 molecule of glucose produces 2 ATP

‫ الي طلعتها‬ATP ‫ علشان اطلع نفس كميه ال‬anerobic respiration ‫في‬

Glucose ‫ من ال‬19 ‫ محتاج‬aerobic respiration ‫من‬

‫ بكميه كبيره‬Glucose ‫ بنحتاج‬anerobic respiration ‫علشان كدا في ال‬

Glucose ‫ الي‬Glycogen ‫فبنكسر ال‬
48) Which of the following indicates the occurrence of
fatigue in one of skeletal muscles?
(Experimental exam 2 ,2021)

A) The rapid consumption of glycogen stored in the muscle.

B) Decrease the consumption of glucose exists in the blood that
supplies the muscle.
C) The rapid oxidation of lactic acid accumulated in the muscle.
D) Increase the amount of ATP formed inside the muscle.
54) Which of the following describes the changes that may
occur in the arm muscle of a person who carries a heavy
bag during ascending stairs? (Experimental exam ,2023)

A) Increasing (ATP) amount in the muscle cells.

B) Shortage of stored glycogen in the muscle cells.
C) Shortage of calcium ions needed to form transverse links.
D) Shortage of the amount of neuro-chemical transmitters
88) Study the following diagram and then conclude: Why does
glycogen convert into glucose before the beginning of anaerobic
respiration? (First session ,2023)

A) Because glucose oxidation doesn't need respiratory enzymes.

B) Because glucose releases more energy than glycogen at oxidation.
C) Because the consumption of glucose increases during anaerobic
D) Because glycogen can't be oxidized in the absence of oxygen.
‫تعالى نجمع‬

During repeated and rapid muscle contraction

Rate of respiration
Rate of heart beats

To increase oxygen supply to

the muscles
The aerobic respiration needs sufficient amount of
So, for the occurrence of aerobic respiration, the following
organs must be healthy:
Lung Oxygen
Heart Pumping the blood
(That carries oxygen to the muscles)
Blood vessels Carry the oxygen to the muscle
Bone marrow Formation of RBCs (That carry oxygen)

‫فلو قالك في مرض في الرئة او القلب او األوعيه الدمويه او‬

‫ال ‪Bone marrow‬‬

‫كل دا ممكن يؤدي الى ‪Muscle fatigue‬‬


‫يبقي كدا هل الزم يحصل‬

repeated and rapid muscle contraction
‫ ؟‬muscle fatigue ‫علشان يحصل‬
‫ دي‬Organs ‫ال لو الشخص عنده مشكله في ال‬
Muscle fatigue ‫ممكن يحصله‬
During rest or slight effort

Healthy person + Repeated and rapid muscle contraction

Muscle fatigue

Unhealthy person + Rest or slight effort

Muscle fatigue
44) A person felt a fatigue in gastrocnemius muscle, although he sat
down and not moved for along period of time. What is the scientific
explanation of this case? (Second session ,2022 )

A) Narrowing of the artery that supplies this muscle.

B) Arrival of incorrect nerve impulses.
C) Decreasing of calcium in muscle.
D) Absence of cholinesterase enzyme
Muscle Fatigue Muscle spasm

Occurs due to accumulation of lactic Occurs due shortage of ATP that

acid when there is shortage of oxygen leads to non-separation of transverse
so the muscle has to respire links from actin

❖ Vigorous physical activity ❖ Shortage of ATP

(may occurs due to shortage of oxygen)
Causes ❖ Diseases in Lung, Heart,
Blood vessels, Bone marrow ❖ Absence of cholinesterase enzyme

Blood clot Anemia

❖ High altitude
19) In front of you three pictures of a muscle during its activity.
What is the reason for the no change in the state of the muscle
from (B) to (C)? (Experimental exam 2023)
A) Separation of the
transverse links from actin.
B) Accumulation of lactic acid.
C) Increasing the production
of ATP molecules.
D) The arrival of insufficient
amounts of O2 to the muscle.
90) Study the following diagram then conclude :
What results from decreasing the (pH) within the muscle fiber ?
(Final Exam 2024, First session)

A) Inhibition of neurotransmitter receptors.

B) Increase the permeability of the sarcolemma for sodium.
C) Decrease in the activity of the respiratory enzymes.
D) Lack of secretion of cholinesterase enzyme.
The opposite figure represents the electrical changes that
occur in the voltage difference for both the nerve ending
and the sarcolemma: Which of the following shapes
represents the changes occurring at stage (2)?

Nerve ending
89) Which of the following substances are always found in
the synapse? (Final Exam 2024, First session)

A) Cholinesterase and acetylcholine.

B) Calcium ions and cholinesterase.
C) Calcium ions and calcium pumps.
D) Neurotransmitters and their receptors.

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