Pauline Epistles

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Pauline Epistles

A section-by-section Bible reading program with children

and adults enabling stronger Bible skills and knowledge.

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Title: Pauline Epistles: Managing a Growing Church
ISBN – 978-1-6781-6315-0
Publisher –
Copyright – Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Design – Dr. Paul R Friesen
Content – Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles: Romans

Copyright …………………………………………………………………………………... 3

Content …………………...…………………………………………………………………….

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Romans …………………………………………………………………………………………….

1 Corinthians ………………………………………………………………………………………

2 Corinthians ………………………………………………………………………………………

Galatians ………………………………………………......…………………………………..


Philippians ........................................................................................121
Colossians .............................................................................................

1 Thessalonians ...................................................................................

2 Thessalonians ....................................................................................

1 Timothy................................................................................................

2 Timothy ..............................................................................................

Titus ................................................................................................. 181

Philemon ...........................................................................................189

Closing remarks .................................................................................193

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
The Pauline Epistles are called that because they consist of all the
letters the Apostle Paul wrote to churches and others in the church.
Paul was sent by God to the gentiles so he didn’t make it to
Jerusalem from after his conversion through close to the end of his
ministry. As a church planter, he started many churches. His writings
have both encouragement and strong disciplinary words to the
leaders. He warned about all the schisms that would distract
believers, old and new, from the truth.
He was truly sold out to Jesus.
This book begins with Romans and follows the canon book list. There
are thirteen books in total. The book of Acts can be found in the third
book in the series, General Epistles plus Acts and Revelation.
The questions are designed for general reflection of the reading. The
headings are from the NIrV.
Read for personal meditation or have a study group to read through
the New Testament. It is a great way to discover the bible.
The Word never returns void. Read scripture and the Holy Spirit will
do the talking.

Confidence in the Lord,

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1

Introduction (1 – 7)

1. Who do you serve? (1)

2. What is the GOOD NEWS all about? (3)
3. What is our role in the GOOD NEWS? (5)
4. What is the purpose of the GOOD NEWS? (5-6)
5. What is special about the people Paul writes to? (7)

Paul Longs to Visit Rome (8 – 17)

1. When people talk about you do they mention your faith? (8)
2. How often do you talk about the faith of others?
3. How often do we pray about our travel plans? (10)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. Do you know of anybody who is so successful they miss appointments with you? (13)
5. Have you ever been ashamed to be a Christian or been quiet about it? (16 - 17)
6. How are speaking the GOOD NEWS and our power connected? (17)

God’s Anger Against Sinners (18 – 32)

1. What is the focus of God’s anger? (18)

2. What argument is Paul making for accepting God’s plan? (19 - 20)
3. What were the actions that God is angry about? (21 - 23)
4. How free are we to choose what we do? (24 - 26)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
5. Why did people think it was not important to know God? (28)
6. How do people act when they disregard God? (27 - 32)

Chapter 2

God Judges Fairly (1 – 16)

1. What is the difference between our judging others and God judging others? (1 - 3)
2. How do we disrespect God’s kindness? (4 - 6)
3. What kind of glory do we want? (7 - 11)
4. How will we be judged? (12 - 16)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
The Jews and the Law (17 – 29)

1. What is wrong with trusting in the Law as a Jew? (17 - 24)

2. Explain the argument in verses 25 through 27.
3. What is the same between Jews and Christians? (28 - 29)

Chapter 3
God Is Faithful (1 – 8)

1. What advantage is there to being a Christian? (1)

2. When is God not faithful to His promises? (2 - 3)
3. How does emotion affect our judgement? (5)
4. How can we say we are fair when we judge? (6)
5. If God needs the glory why does He find me guilty? (7 - 8)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
No One Is Right with God (9 – 20)

1. How true are verses 10 through 18?


2. What is the purpose of the Jewish Law as found in the Old Testament? (19 - 20)
3. How aware are we of our sin?
4. Is it something we think about?

Becoming Right with God by Faith (21 – 31)

1. What value is the Law if we do not need it? (21)

2. If we become more aware of our sin, how do we get around the guilt of it? (22)
3. What do we have to do to receive this gift of grace? (24 - 25)
4. Why did God think He had to prove anything? (26)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. What do you brag about? (27)
6. What value does obeying the Law have? (27 - 28)
7. How does circumcision make Jews and Gentiles equal? (30 - 31)

Chapter 4

Abraham’s Faith Made Him Right with God (1 – 25)

1. What did Abaham discover about being right with God? (1 - 3)


2. What is the difference between a gift and a debt? (4)

3. How does God make the ungodly right with Himself? (5 - 8)
4. When was Abraham made right with God? (9 - 10)
5. How did circumcision help Abraham? (11)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. Why did Abraham receive the promise? (13)
7. What does the Law do for our relationship with God? (14)
8. What was the foundation of the promise to Abraham? (16 - 17)
9. How could Abraham have hope when things seemed hopeless? (18 - 22)
10. What is the key to becoming right with God? (23 - 25)

Chapter 5

Peace and Hope (1 – 11)

1. Have you experienced the snowball effect is found here? (1 - 5)


2. How did God show His love for us? (7)

3. Who are God’s enemies? (10)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. Are we really full of joy or is this just a dream? (11)

Death Through Adam: Life Through Christ (12 – 21)

1. How did sin enter the world? (12)


2. Who sinned first?

3. Was the Law a good solution for sin? (13 - 14)
4. Do we have to sin more to receive God’s gift of grace? (16)
5. Who will be rulers in heaven? (17)
6. Why should we obey God? (19)
7. Why would God want to help us sin more? (20)
8. What rules your life? (21)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 6
Living a New Life in Christ (1 – 14)

1. Do we need to sin to experience grace? (1)


2. Do we stop sinning when we become Christians? (2)

3. How is your new life? (4)
4. Why do people still wear/have crosses with Jesus nailed to it? (6 - 7)
5. How does our life change if we view Jesus on or off the cross? (9 - 10)
6. How can we not let sin rule our lives when we are naturally sinners? (13 - 14)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Slaves to Right Living (15 – 23)

1. Who are you a slave to? (15 - 18)

2. How can we understand these concepts as humans? (19 - 20)
3. What benefit (s) does sin offer? (21 - 23)

Chapter 7
An Example from Marriage (1 – 6)
The Law and Sin (7 – 25)

1. To what other areas can we apply this law? (1 - 3)

2. How can the Law be applied to our Christian life? (4 - 6)
3. How do sin and the Law work together? (7 - 8)
4. How did becoming a Christian change your life – if anything? (9 - 12)
5. How does verse 13 help us understand salvation? (13)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. Who is committing your sin? (20)
7. How often do you fail to do what you want? (23 - 25)
8. What Law are a slave to? (25)

Chapter 8

The Holy Spirit Gives Life (1 – 17)

1. Will we escape judgement if we are Christians? (1 - 3)

2. What did God do the Law could not do? (3 - 4)
3. Does the Holy Spirit control our lives? (4 - 5)
4. What does a stressed mind tell us about who controls us? (6 - 7)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. How can we have less stress and more power in our spiritual lives? (10 - 11)
6. What is the advantage of being Spirit controlled? (14 - 17)

The Holy Spirit Gives Life (18 – 30)

1. How does this idea fit with Jesus said in the Gospels to His disciples? (18)

2. Why would God hold us back from fulfilling our full purpose? (19 - 21)
3. Why is the world groaning? (22 - 23)
4. What good is hope if we can see the light at the end of the tunnel? (24 - 25)
5. How does the Holy Spirit help us pray? (26 - 27)
6. How are we becoming more like Christ? (29)
7. What happens when we are right with God? (30)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
We Are More Than Winners (31 – 39)

1. Why are we insecure If verse 31 is true? (31)


2. If God gives us everything, what are we missing? (32 - 33)

3. How would our prayers change if we understand Jesus is praying for us? (34 - 35)
4. What does – we are more than winners – mean? (37)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 9
Paul Mourns for Israel (1 – 5)

1. Do your heart and mind always tell you the same thing? (1 - 2)
2. How would you feel if you were about to be separated from God? (3 - 4)
3. What promises have been given to you? (4 - 5)

God’s Free Choice (6 – 29)

1. Whose family do we belong to? (6 - 9)


2. Does God have a free choice? Explain. (10 - 11)

3. Is God unfair? (14)
4. What choices do we have? (14)
5. If we have no choice why does God blame us? (18 - 20)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. How do you feel to be a mere human being? (20 - 21)
7. Why does God put up with us? (23)
8. Why does God choose opposites? (25 - 26)

9. What would happen if we were left to make decisions alone? (29)


Israel Does Not Believe (30 – 33)

1. How are we different than the Jews? (30)


2. How do we achieve our spiritual goals; with or without faith? (31)

3. What does verse 33 mean?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 10
Israel Does Not Believe continued (1 – 21)

1. How do you serve God? (2)


2. How can we be right with God? (3 - 4)

3. Whose law do you live by? (5)
4. How often do we listen to or judge others? (6 - 7)
5. How often do we hear ‘Jesus is Lord’ in our conversations or in church? (9)
6. Is there a difference between Jews and us? (12)
7. How many times have people who are not Christians called on the name of
the Lord? (12 - 13)

8. How often do we hear and not understand or ignore the message? (18 - 19)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 11
The Israelites Who Are Faithful (1 – 10)

1. Have you ever thought God had turned His back on you? (1 - 2)

2. Have you ever felt like you are the only one fighting for something? (3 - 5)
3. How does grace work? (6)
4. How can understanding God’s role in attitudes change how we pray? (7 - 10)

Two Kinds of Olive Branches (11 – 24)

1. How does our failure affect others spiritually? (11)

2. What riches did Israel have that Gentiles now have? (12)
3. How can we stir others to have what we have spiritually? (13 - 14)
4. What do you think of people who think they are better than others? (17 - 18)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. What happens when you prune a tree? (19 - 20)
6. How did we join the tree when we are not the same kind of branch? (21 - 24)

All Israel Will Be Saved (25 – 32)

Praise to God (33 – 36)

1. How do we fit into God’s plan for Israel? (25 - 26)

2. What is the difference in God’s and Israel’s attitudes to each other? (28)
3. Has anyone ever asked for a gift back? (29 - 30)
4. How does our life affect God’s mercy to others? (31 - 32)
5. How can we know what the Lord is thinking? (34)
6. Have you ever thought that God owes you something? (35)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 12
Living as a Holy Sacrifice to God (1 – 2)
Serving One Another in the Body of Christ (3 – 8)

1. What does it mean to think of your body as a sacrifice? (1)

2. How has your thinking changed as a Christian? (2)
3. Have you ever tested what God wants for you? (2)
4. How often do we think more highly of ourselves than we should? (3)
5. How are our bodies and the church similar? (4 - 5)
6. How well do you use the gift(s) God has given you? (6 - 8)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Love in Action (9 – 21)

1. How often do we follow verse 9?

2. How excited are you about serving the Lord? (11)
3. How patient are you when you suffer? (12)
4. What chapter in Matthew can you find similar verses? (14 - 15)
5. How should be pay people back? (17 - 19)
6. What is the best way to overcome evil? (21)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 13
Obey Those in Authority (1 – 7)

1. Why should we obey those in authority If we disagree with them? (1 - 2)


2. How will our obedience to authorities affect future outcomes? (3 - 5)

3. What do you owe anyone? (6 - 7)
4. How does the phrase “I owe you one” fit here?
5. Does it have the same meaning in these verses?

Love Fulfills the Law (8 – 10)

The Day Is Near (11 – 14)

1. How can people who owe you, love to pay you back? (8)

2. How will focusing on loving our neighbor affect our behavior? (9)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. What are the full effects of our salvation? (11)

4. Are you living as if it is day or in the night? (13)


5. Where can we find a similar idea in scripture? (14)


Chapter 14
The Weak and the Strong (1 – 23)

1. How often do we argue to make ourselves look good? (1)


2. Would you change your food preferences for another’s just to be friends? (2 - 3)
3. How often do you judge people because of their differences? (3 - 4)
4. How often do you help someone do better but they won’t listen? (4)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
5. Do you honor the Lord in everything you do? (7 - 8)

6. How would honoring the Lord change how we see others? (8 - 9)


7. What are we really sure of? (11 - 12)

8. What is unclean in and of itself? (14)
9. What should we stand up for? (16 - 17)
10. How do we destroy the work of God? (20 - 21)
11. Who should we tell about our preferences? Why? (22)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 15
The Weak and the Strong (1 – 13)

1. What is our responsibility to others? (1 - 2)

2. Who did Christ please if not himself? (3 - 4)
3. What attitude did Christ have to others? (5 - 6)
4. How are God’s promises related to our attitude of others? (7 - 8)
5. Why should we be servants to others? (9 - 12)
6. How full of joy are you? (13)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Paul Serves the Gentiles (14 – 22)
Paul Serves the Gentiles (23 – 33)

1. What does it mean - Gentiles will become an offering? (17)

2. How much of our time is spent talking about Christ? (18 - 19)
3. Why was there no place for Paul in some areas? (23 - 24)
4. Whose blessing(s) have we had a share in? (27)
5. What are some prayer requests we have for others? (30 - 33)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 16
Personal Greeting (1 – 27)

1. How should God’s people receive other Christians? (1 - 2)

2. Has anyone put themselves in danger for you?
3. Would you put yourself in danger to save your pastor? (4)
4. How many people would you include if you wrote a letter like this? (5 - 16)
5. What is a sign of a bad person in your group? (17 - 18)
6. How can we be wise about what is good? (19)
7. What is the ultimate goal of our lives as Christians? (25,27)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults


Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
Chapter 1
Introduction (1 – 3)
Paul Gives Thanks (4 – 9)

1. How do God’s planning and my life go together? (1)

2. Who does God choose to make holy? (2)
3. What is the best argument when we argue? (6)
4. Who is responsible for us keeping the faith? (8)

Taking Sides in the Church (10 – 17)

1. How often do we take sides in an argument? (10)

2. How difficult is it to remain neutral?
3. Does God care who you listen to - as in teacher of truth? (11 - 12)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. What have been problems associated with taking sides?
5. Does it matter who baptizes you? (15)
6. What was the key to Paul’s message and ministry? (16 - 17)

Christ Is God’s Power and Wisdom (18 – 31)

1. Why is the message foolish to so many? (18)


2. How wise are people? (20 - 21)

3. Why is our wisdom so foolish? (21 - 22)
4. Why is Christianity different than other religions? (23 - 24)
5. What happens if we have a lot of wisdom? (29 - 31)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
Chapter 2
I came to you (1 – 5)

1. What do you talk about with church people? (1 - 2)

2. Why was Paul afraid to preach what he wanted? (3 - 5)
3. What would happen to our faith if preachers did this today? (5)

God’s Wisdom Through the Holy Spirit (6 – 16)

1. Who do you listen to? (6 - 7)

2. When is the last time you discovered some hidden wisdom? (7 - 9)
3. How can we understand the hidden things of God? (10 - 12)
4. Why do we spend our time arguing with non-Christians? (14 - 16)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 3
The Church and Its Leaders (1 – 23)

1. How do Christians speak to each other? (1)

2. What foods do you prefer – soft or solid? (2)
3. How different are we from the world around us? (3 - 4)
4. Are pastors and leaders better than other people in the church? (4 - 5)
5. What is most important in ministry? (6 - 8)
6. Why do we build big churches? (12 - 13)
7. When will we know how valuable our works are? (13)
8. What do we do when we argue and fight as Christians? (16 - 17)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
9. How often have you been caught in your foolish wisdom? (19)
10. How often do you brag about your pastor? (22)

Chapter 4

True Apostles of Christ (1 – 13)

1. How do we think of our pastor? (1)


2. Do you care what other people think of you? (4)

3. What do you do when people judge you? (5)
4. What is a good response to people who judge? (5)
5. What can people learn from us? (6)
6. How different are we Christians from others? (7)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
7. Have you ever felt you are in the spotlight and want to escape? (9 - 10)
8. Do you follow the idea in verse 13?

Paul Warns Against Pride (14 – 21)

1. Would you tell people to follow your example? (16)

2. How much power does pride have in relationships? (18 - 19)
3. Which would you have chosen if you lived in Corinth? (21)

Chapter 5

Throw Out the Evil Person! (1 – 13)

1. What should churches do with the people in verses 1 and 2?

2. What does verse 5 mean?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
3. How is bragging like yeast? (6)
4. How is the new batch of dough without yeast related to our life? (7)
5. How is the no yeast bread associated with the Passover? (7)
6. Do you hang on to hatred and evil ideas? (8)
7. Do your friends always want more? (10 - 11)
8. Should we judge those outside the church? (12 - 13)

Chapter 6

Do Not Take Believers to Court (1 – 11)

1. Why don’t Christians obey the rule in verse 1?


2. Do you think we will judge the world? (2)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. When your friends argue does it matter who is right/wrong? (4)
4. How often do people ask what the church thinks? (4 - 5)
5. What arguments should we take to court? (5 - 6)
6. What battle have we lost if we go to court? (7 - 8)
7. Who will not receive the kingdom? (9 - 11)
8. What is the kingdom of God? (9 - 10)

Sexual Sins (12 – 20)

1. What rights do we have as Christians? (12)

2. What are we in control of? (12)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
3. What is our body made for? (13)
4. What does it mean that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? (19 - 20)

Chapter 7

Advice for Those Who Are Married (1 – 16)

1. How important is this idea found in verses 1 through 3 today?

2. Would following the ideas verses 4 and 5 solve a lot of the issues we have today with

3. What gift does Paul have? (7)


4. Why do people get married? (9 - 12)


5. How does Paul qualify the idea of divorce? (11)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
6. How important is a believing spouse to the unbelieving spouse/children? (14)
7. How does verse 16 fit with verse 11?

Stay as You Were When God Chose You (17 – 24)

1. What does the rule in verse 17 mean?

2. What counts the most? (19)
3. How should slaves feel about their position? (21)
4. How do we become slaves to other people? (23)
5. Why is verse 24 important?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
Advice for Those Who Are Not Married (25 – 40)

1. Why does Paul say the time is short? (29)

2. Is it better to be married or single? (32 - 34)
3. What are your ideas about living single or married?

Chapter 8
Food Sacrificed to Statues of Gods (1 – 13)

1. Does knowledge make a person proud? (1)

2. What do you know that is not always accurate? (2)
3. What other ‘gods’ are there other than statues?
4. Could a picture or statue of Christ, be considered an idol? (6)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. Why did the people feel guilty? (7)
6. How often do we see Christians misuse their rights? (9 - 11)
7. Should we deny ourselves things because another is weaker? (13)

Chapter 9

Paul’s Rights as an Apostle (1 – 18)

1. How can we prove our value as Christians? (1 - 2)

2. Why do people see singleness as needing more responsibility? (3 - 6)
3. What is the real issue in verses 7 - 9?
4. Have you ever felt like Paul?
5. What do you have to put up with? (12)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
6. Do you think Paul has a valid argument? (13 - 14)
7. What would you do to keep pride in your work? (15)
8. What reward is there for doing just what you have to do? (17)
9. Which is better - doing something for free or getting paid a low wage? (18)

Paul Uses His Freedom to Share the Good News (19 – 23)
Training to Win the Prize (24 – 27)

1. Would you choose to be a slave to all because you are free? (19)
2. How did Paul demonstrate his freedom? (20 - 23)
3. Why should we train, as if in a race, as Christians? (24 - 25)
4. How often do you break rules to win a prize? (27)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 10
Warnings From Israel’s History (1 – 13)

1. What do you know of your family’s spiritual history? (1 - 4)

2. What is similar for Israel and their journey? (4)
3. How can we learn from the past? (6)
4. What was the consequence of Israel’s sin? (7 - 8)
5. What role do angels have in our life? (10)
6. Why should we be careful? (12)
7. Why can’t we see God’s way out sometimes? (13)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
Sharing in the Lord’s Supper (14 – 22)

1. How is the worship of idols and communion connected? (14 - 16)

2. What do we sacrifice to the Lord? (21)
3. Why do we make the Lord jealous? (22)

The Believer’s Freedom (23 – 33)

1. What do you have the right to do, but isn't very helpful? (23 - 24)

2. How picky are you as an eater? (25 - 26)

3. When should we refuse food from others? (28)
4. In what situations would this come into play in our lives? (29 - 30)
5. When we are wanting to party what should be our attitude? (31)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 11
Proper Worship (1 – 16)

1. Would you be able to say this today? (1)

2. How would a good understanding of verse 3 change relationships? (3)
3. How does a head-covering affect our spiritual life? (4 - 6)
4. How can we advise single lady leaders? (7 - 10)
5. How should we advise young men with long hair? (14)
6. What is the significance of hair in culture?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
Celebrating the Lord’s Supper in the Right Way (17 – 34)

1. Why do we like to take sides? (18 - 19)


2. How should we act in church? (21)

3. How would communion become unworthy of the Lord? (27)
4. What do we think about when we take communion? (29)
5. What was the problem in this church’s communion service? (34)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 12
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 – 11)

1. What do you know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

2. How easy is it to say, “Jesus is Lord”? (3)
3. What is the same in verses 4 through 6?
4. What gift has the Lord given you? (7 - 11)

One Body but Many Parts (12 – 31)

Love Is Necessary (31b)

1. How is a body similar to the gifts of the Holy Spirit? (12 - 14)
2. What would happen if your body parts decided to function as different ones? (15 - 20)
3. What parts of our body are less important? (23)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
4. Which of the people in verse 28 do we find in our churches today?
5. Which are the most important gifts? (31)

Chapter 13

Suppose I speak in the languages of human beings or angels (1 – 13)

1. Why is love the focus of the gifts?


2. How often are we a noisy gong? (1)

3. What do brag and love have to do with each other? (3)
4. How is pride related to love? (4)
5. How often do we fail in life? (8)
6. How do verses 9 and 10 relate to a computer file download?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
7. How can we see clearly? (12)
8. How does love affect our faith and hope? (13)

Chapter 14

Worship in a Way That Helps People Understand (1 – 25)

1. Why is prophecy the gift to want? (1 - 2)

2. Why do churches focus on speaking in tongues? (4)
3. How often do we speak in words people understand in relation to our relationship with
Christ? (9)
4. What value is speaking another language if there is no interpreter? (13)
5. How different is praying in tongues and regular prayer? (14 - 15)
6. What is the purpose of praying in public? (17)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
7. Do we think like babies or grownups? (20)
8. What is the difference in purpose between tongues and prophecy? (22 - 23)

Proper Worship (26 – 40)

1. How should we then live? (26)

2. Who should keep quiet in the church? (28)
3. Who does God use to speak through? (30)
4. How do we determine whether a message is from God? (33)
5. What is the role of women in church or culture following verse 34?
6. How has this changed in today’s culture?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 15
Christ Rose From the Dead (1 – 11)

1. How did the people know they were saved? (2)

2. How do we know we are saved?
3. Why does Paul write the history of the gospel? (7 - 9)
4. Why is this important to our life?

Believers Will Rise from the Dead (12 – 34)

1. Will you rise from the dead? (12 - 13)


2. What is the connection of Christ’s resurrection to ours? (14 - 15)

3. What value is Christ’s resurrection to me? (17)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians
4. In what or who do we place our hope in? (19)
5. What is the importance of being the first in the resurrection? (20)
6. Are you in verse 23 or 24, in the order of events?
7. Who or what is the last enemy? (26)
8. Who gave Jesus authority to rule? (27)
9. Why would people get baptized for someone else?
10. In what do we take pride? (31)
11. How do the people we hang out with affect us? (33)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
The Body That Rises from the Dead (35 – 58)

1. What nonessential things do we focus on? (35)

2. What is God’s role in body choice? (37 - 41)
3. How different will our glorified bodies be? (42 - 44)
4. Who is the last Adam? (45)
5. Who will share the kingdom of God? (50)
6. What will happen to us when Jesus returns? (51 - 53)
7. How will we be dressed in heaven? (54)
8. What would move us from our faith? (58)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Corinthians

Chapter 16
The Offering for the Lord’s People (1 – 4)
What Paul Asks for Himself (5 – 18)

1. Is this the first missionary offering? (1 - 2)

2. Who was this gift for? (3)
3. Why does Paul want to go to Ephesus when there is so much opposition? (9)
4. Why would Paul think people would treat Timothy badly? (11)
5. What would happen if we spoke these commands when we ended our conversations? (13)
6. What values do you look for in someone to follow? (15 - 16)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Final Greetings (19 – 24)

1. What is the role of Aquilla and Priscilla? (19)

2. Should we curse those who do not love the Lord? (22)
3. Why was Paul so strong against those who do not love the Lord?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults
Discover the Word of God

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
Chapter 1
Praise to the God Who Gives Comfort (1 – 11)

1. Is this a general or specific letter to the church? (1)


2. Why is comfort repeated so many times?


3. What words are associated with comfort? (4 - 8)


4. Why did Paul write the letter? (8)


5. Why does Paul say they suffer? (10 - 11)


Paul Changes His Plans (12 – 24)

1. How is your sense of right and wrong? (12)


2. What is Paul’s true hope? (14)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. Would your friends/parents/teachers have the same pride in you as you have
in them? (14)

4. How are your plans made? (17)


5. What is our message of Christ? (19)


6. How are we able to remain strong? (21 - 22)


7. What does Paul get out of this? (24)


Chapter 2

Forgive Those Who Make You Sad (1 – 11)

1. What do you think made Paul’s former visit sad? (1 - 4)


2. How does our attitude affect the rest of the group? (5 - 6)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
3. How should we treat those who affect the group negatively? (7 - 8)

4. How can Satan outsmart us? (11)


Serving Under the New Covenant (12 – 17)

1. Do you ever feel like you are in Christ’s victory parade? (14)

2. Why is it called a victory parade?


3. Why does Paul say we are a pleasing smell that Christ is spreading? (15)

4. Do you speak like someone who has been sent? (17)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 3
Introduction (1 – 5)
The Greater Glory of the New Covenant (6 – 18)

1. Why do we need letters of recommendation? (1)


2. How different are letters and ministry success in when giving recommendations? (2 - 3)

3. Do we still live under the Law? (6)


4. What is the difference in the glory of the Law and what we have now? (7 - 11)

5. Why do we cover our faces? (12 - 13)


6. How can we remove this veil? (14)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
7. How do we know where the Spirit of the Lord is? (17)

8. How does this freedom affect our spiritual lives? (18)


Chapter 4

A Treasure in Clay Jars (1 – 18)

1. What work do we have to do? (1)


2. What secret things do we do? (2)


3. How often do we simplify complicated things? (2)


4. What could be a veil that would cover the truth? (3 - 4)


5. What is our message about? (5)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
6. How is a clay jar and treasure related to us? (7)

7. How can the life of Jesus be shown in our lives? (10)


8. Are you becoming more and more thankful? (15)


9. What is greater than all our troubles? (17)


10. What can’t you see that lasts forever? (18)


Chapter 5

Waiting for Our New Bodies (1 – 10)

1. How does verse 1 reflect on our understanding of creation?


2. What is our purpose? (5)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
3. What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit? (5)

4. What are we certain of? (6 - 8)


5. Why do we want to please Christ? (9 - 10)


Christ Brings Us Back to God (11 – 21)

1. What does it mean to have respect for the Lord?


2. What do you take pride in? (12)


3. Is it a crazy idea to want to serve the Lord? (13)


4. What controls us? (14 - 15)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. How do we look at others? (16 - 17)

6. Why do we hold people’s sin against them when the Lord doesn’t? (19)

7. What was the problem with this church? (20)


Chapter 6

Paul’s Sufferings (1 – 13)

1. What do you do with gifts from different people; use them or shelve them? (1)

2. How does verse 2 fit with our message?


3. What ‘stumbling blocks’ do we put in the paths of people? (3 - 6)


4. What ’juice stands’ do we put up to encourage people? (7 - 8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
5. Have you ever been accused of pretending when telling the truth? (9 - 10)

6. Should we expect the same love from people we offer our love to? (12 - 13)

Paul Warns Against Worshiping False Gods (14 – 18)

1. How can we function in life if we are not to be joined with unbelievers? (14 - 16)

2. What would this separation do for our social lives? (15 - 17)

Chapter 7

Paul Has Joy When the Church Turns Away from Sin (1 – 16)

1. What promises do we have from God? (1)


2. How should these promises affect our lifestyle? (1)


3. How honest are you with people? (4)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. What do you fear when someone attacks you in any way? (5 - 6)

5. Would we write a letter to someone if it was negative? (8)


6. How is Godly sadness different from regular sadness? (10)


7. Why did Paul write the letter of reprimand? (12)


8. Have you ever received a letter of reprimand?


9. Who would you brag about? (14 - 15)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians

Chapter 8
Giving Freely to the Lord’s People (1 – 15)

1. How can a poor church be full of joy? (2)


2. Is this attitude the same or different in your church? (3 - 4)


3. Is this an example we should all follow? Explain. (7)


4. Is how much we give a test of our attitude? (8)


5. If I give a lot of money away will I become rich? (9)


6. What was Paul’s real concern? (13)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Paul Sends Titus to Corinth to Receive the Offering (16 – 24)

1. Is it important to have unity when sending people? (17)


2. Why would anyone blame Paul for the large gift? (20)

3. What is a good character trait when choosing someone for ministry? (23)

Chapter 9

Paul’s Advice to Give Freely (1 – 15)

1. Does giving to the church really excite you? (2)


2. Do people brag about your desire to be generous? (3)


3. Is it true that how much we plant is how much we will receive? (6)

4. What choice do we have in giving? (7)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
5. Are verses 7 and 8 linked?

6. How are good works tied to blessings? (8 - 9)


7. Who controls the planting and increase of the crop? (10)


8. Consider verses 10 and 11. Would your answer be the same as question 5?

9. How does giving freely affect others? (12)


10. How does our giving show about our Christian life? (13)

11. How do you see your money? (14)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 10

Paul Speaks Up for His Service to the Church (1 – 18)

1. Why is there a difference between in-person and far away? (1)


2. Is being bold when in person a negative? Why? (1)


3. Taking Paul as an example how should we live as Christians? (3)


4. What weapons do we use to win relationship wars? (4 - 5)


5. How different are letters than in-person? (10 - 11)


6. Who do compare yourself to? (12)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
7. How far is too far when bragging about yourself? (14)

8. What should we brag about? (17)


Chapter 11

Paul and Those Who Pretend to Be Apostles (1 – 15)

1. How do you view jealousy? (2)


2. Have you ever thought of your relationship with Jesus Christ as a “husband”? (2)

3. How would that change your relationship if any?


4. What does the Apostle Paul mean when he uses the words “pure virgin”? (2)

5. What would lead you away from your pure love for Jesus Christ? (3 - 4)

6. How easy is it to desire a new experience with God? (4)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
7. How many times have you heard you need a new “spirit” to gain a higher
experience? (4)

8. What do you look for in a Christian leader? (5 - 6)


9. What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says, “put myself down”? (7)

10. Is it a sin to downplay your importance to encourage others? (7)


11. How was the Apostle Paul paid for his ministry? (8)

12. What was the real truth? (10 - 11)


13. Why was the Apostle Paul concerned about others’ bragging? (12)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
14. Why did the Apostle Paul consider other teachers unequal with him? (12 - 13)

15. What is your view of Satan? (14 - 15)


Paul Brags About His Sufferings (16 – 33)

1. Why do people put up with abuse? (19 - 21)


2. What can you brag about? (22 - 29)


3. How often do people brag about how weak they are? (30)

Chapter 12

Paul’s Vision and His Painful Problem (1 – 10)

1. What have you seen the Lord do? (1)


2. Where is the third heaven? (2)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. Would you brag about a person who went to paradise? (5)

4. How do people judge you? (7)


5. What was the problem with Paul - given by Satan? (7 - 9)


Paul’s Concern for the People of Corinth (11 – 21)

1. What are the actions of the ‘true’ apostle? (12)


2. Did Paul have a valid defense? (13)


3. What should parents provide for their children? (14)


4. Should missionaries pay their own way? (16 - 18)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Corinthians
5. Who is witness to everything? (19 - 20)

6. Why was Paul afraid? (20 - 21)


Chapter 13

Final Warnings (1 – 10)

1. How do verses 1 and 2 relate to the previous chapter?


2. How can you prove Christ is speaking through you? (3)


3. Has anything changed in Paul’s message?


4. What is the test Paul refers to in verse 5?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. Who is responsible if Paul fails the test? (7)

6. How should we use God’s authority? (10)


Final Greetings (11 – 14)

1. Why should we make things right? (11)


2. How easy is it to live in peace? (11)


3. Do God’s grace and love change? (14)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Freedom is an
awesome idea. What
we are free from is
never far to enslave
us again? Why not
choose to use our
freedom to be slaves
to Christ?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1
Introduction (1 – 5)
There Is No Other Good News (6 – 10)

1. Who sent Paul? (1)


2. Why was it important to not be sent by humans? (1)


3. What did God want for the people in Galatia?


4. What was the problem in these churches? (6)


5. What was the different “good news”? (7)


6. Would changing the message solve the problem? (8 - 9)


7. Should we try to please people with our message? (10)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Paul Was Appointed by God (11 – 24)

1. Where did Paul get his message? (11 - 12)


2. What message do we speak about to our friends?


3. How does God’s setting Paul apart make his message more powerful? (15 - 16)

4. Why did Paul go to Arabia? (17)


5. Should all preachers follow the idea before becoming a pastor?


6. Why did Paul not see all the apostles in Jerusalem? (19)

7. Did this change the attitude of the Jerusalem church? (23 - 24)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 2

Paul Is Accepted by the Apostles (1 – 10)

1. Why did Paul speak privately with the Jewish leaders? (2)

2. Why was circumcision important at this meeting? (4)


3. What was the intention of the pretenders? (4 - 5)


4. Does position matter? (6)


5. What was the same as Peter’s? (7)


6. Why was this meeting so important? (8 - 10)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Paul Opposes Peter (11 – 21)

1. What was Peter doing that Paul was against? (11 - 13)

2. How did Paul address the problem? (14)


3. What similarities did Peter and Paul share?


4. Why did Christ die? (19 - 20)


5. How can we live a stronger Christian life?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 3
Faith or Obeying the Law (1 – 14)

1. How do we receive the Holy Spirit? (1 - 3)


2. Is the lack of miracles today a lack of the Holy Spirit? (5)


3. Is the statement – His foresight is better than our hindsight – true? (7 - 9)


4. How is our life different than that under the Law? (13)

The Law and the Promise (15 – 22)

Children of God (23 – 29)

1. What does the Law do for us? (17 - 18)


2. What was the purpose of the Law? (19 - 20)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. Is the Law in opposition to God’s promises? (21 - 22)

4. How did faith in Christ change our lives? (23 - 24)


5. How does becoming a Christian and baptism change our life? (26 - 27)

Chapter 4

Introduction (1 – 7)

1. How is your relationship with those in charge of your house? (1)


2. How does that relate to our spiritual lives? (3)


3. How do we go from feeling like a slave to feeling like a part of the family? (6)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Paul’s Concern for the Believers in Galatia (8 – 20)

1. Why are gods not gods at all? (8)


2. How did God know us? (9)


3. Why do we go back to our old selves once we know the true God? (9)

4. Are you a good model to follow? (12)


5. What changed in Paul and the church’s relationship? (15)


6. What is Paul’s goal for this group of believers? (20)


7. What is our goal for other believers?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Hagar and Sarah (21 – 31)

1. Why do people choose to remain under the Law? (21)


2. Who would you choose as a mother; Hagar or Sarah? (24 - 27)


3. How does the story of Hagar and Sarah parallel our relationship with Jesus? (29 - 30)

4. Do we feel like slaves or are we free? (31)


Chapter 5
Christ Sets Us Free (1 – 12)

1. What do we do with our freedom? (1)


2. Why do we prefer to be slaves? (2)


3. Why does circumcision work against the value of Christ in our lives?

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
4. How do faith – law – hope fit together? (4 - 5)

5. How does understanding circumcision help us grow in faith and love?


6. Who keeps us from growing in truth? (7)


7. Do we see the same attitude as Paul today? (12)


Living by the Holy Spirit’s Power (13 – 26)

1. What excuses do we use to stay under the power of sin? (13)


2. How is the Law fulfilled in this commandment? (14)


3. Why shouldn’t we do what we want? (17)


4. How do you know you are led by the Spirit? (18)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. How many in the list ( verses 19-21) fit the 10 commandments?

6. How many of the fruits do you think you live by? (22 - 23)

7. How often do we follow verse 26?


Chapter 6

Do Good to Everyone (1 – 10)

1. What do we do if we see someone sin? (1)


2. What should we be careful of? (1)


3. How do we carry someone else burdens? (2)


4. What is a good self-test? (4)


5. How often so you think your burdens are too heavy?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. What should we share? (6)

7. Have you ever tried to outsmart God? (7)


8. Is “What we sow is what we reap” a truism? (8)


9. How often do we get tired of doing good? (9)


Not Circumcision but the New Creation (11 – 18)

1. Why did people push others to be circumcised? (12)


2. What do you brag about? (13)


3. What really counts in life? (15)


4. What shows you belong to Jesus Christ? (17)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Armor Of God
Stand Your Ground
Th of God e

Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1
Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (1 – 2)
Praise God for His Spiritual Blessings in Christ (3 – 14)

1. Who is this addressed to? (1)


2. How does this compare with Revelation 2: 2-4? (1)


3. How many blessings are we blessed with? (3)


4. How much choice did we have in becoming Christians? (4 - 5)


5. What is the purpose of grace? (6 - 8)


6. How do we realize grace in our lives? (8 - 10)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
7. Who is the ‘we’ in verse 12?

8. What is the mark of the Holy Spirit? (13)


Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (15 – 23)

1. Would Paul have said the same thing if he knew how this church became? (Rev. 2) (16)

2. What do you consider rich and glorious from God in your life? (18)

3. Does God’s power work for us? (19)


4. Why can Paul write so positively about the power of Christ? (20 - 22)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 2
God Has Given Us New Life Through Christ (1 – 10)

1. What changed when you accepted Jesus Christ into your life? (2)

2. Have you ever considered yourself as serving Satan? (2)


3. How would you define grace? (5 - 10)


4. What does it mean to be circumcised by human hands? (11)


God’s New Family of Jews and Gentiles (11 – 22)

1. How does being circumcised by Christ affect our life? (12 - 13)

2. If Christ is our peace, why are we not at peace with each other? (14)

3. Did Christ succeed in creating a people out of the Jews? (15)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. Is there any hope for peace between the Jews and Gentiles? (16 - 17)

5. What does it mean for Christ to be the most important stone in our life? (20)

6. Do you feel like you are in one big spiritual family? (21 - 22)

Chapter 3

God’s Wonderful Plan for the Gentiles (1 – 13)

1. Why does Paul assume the people have heard about him and his testimony? (1 - 2)

2. What did people read about in Bible times? (4)


3. What was this mystery? (5 - 6)


4. How does this ‘mystery’ affect relationships? (6)


5. Why does Paul consider himself the least important? (8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. How did the mystery come about? (9)

7. If verse 12 is true, why are people fearful of God?


Paul Prays for the Ephesians (14 – 21)

1. How do you pray for others? (16)


2. What 5 things does Paul pray for? (16 - 19)


3. What will be the results if this was to happen? (19)


4. If verse 20 is true, why is there so little power in Christians today?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 4
Growing Up Together in the Body of Christ (1 – 16)

1. Should we want to be prisoners for Christ? (1)


2. How often do we put up with someone because we love Jesus? (2)


3. If the Holy Spirit makes us one, why are we so divided? (3 - 7)


4. What gift have you been given by Christ? (7)


5. How far down did Christ go? (9)


6. Is it true ‘The farther down you go the higher you will also go’?

7. Do we need to be united as one to experience everything Christ has for us? (13)

8. If we are no longer babies in faith will our mustard seed be more powerful? (14)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
9. Will more mature faith help our speech be more positive? (15)
10. What is the key in verses 15 - 16?

Teachings for Living as Christians (17 – 32)

1. How valuable are our thoughts? (17)


2. How often are we too stubborn to hear Jesus speaking? (18 - 19)

3. What was the way of life you learned? (20)


4. If you accepted Jesus as a child, how do you rid yourself of the old life? (22)

5. Who created the new life? (22 - 24)


6. How can we be angry and not sin? (26)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
7. How does our work ethic affect our attitude? (27 - 29)

8. If we followed verse 28, how much would we speak? (29)


9. What is our proof of Christianity? (29)


10. Can we follow verse 31 and 32 without the Holy Spirit?


Chapter 5

Children of God (1 – 20)

1. Whose example do we follow (1)


2. How do we become a sweet-smelling offering? (2)


3. What changes the smell to sour? (3 - 4)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
4. What is the state of those who follow their old life of sin? (5 - 6)

5. How does our life change from dark to light? (8 - 13)


6. How do we live like wise people? (15 - 16)


7. What would people think if you spoke in psalms and songs? (19 - 20)

Teachings for Christian Families (21 – 33)

1. What does this say about women in leadership? (22 - 24)


2. How does a man at the top affect the spiritual life of others? (22 - 24)

3. How does a spiritual husband make his wife pure spiritually? (26)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. How does loving your wife affect personal self-esteem? (28)

5. How does this hierarchy of relationships work with children?


Chapter 6

Children (1 – 9)

1. What if your parents are not Christians? (1 - 3)


2. How often does your father make you angry?


3. What is the job of the father?


4. If we thought like verses 5 through 8 how would our attitudes change?


5. What should we do if we have a bad boss? (9)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
God’s Armor for Believers (10 – 20)
Final Greetings (21 – 24)

1. Whose strength do we depend on? (10)


2. What do we use to protect ourselves? (11 - 12)


3. What if God’s armor doesn’t fit us well?


4. What is the result of putting ALL the armor on? (13)


5. What should we do when we have put all of the armor on? (18)

6. What does Paul ask people to pray for? (20)


7. Will God not give grace to any person who loves Him? (24)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1

Salutation (1 – 2)
Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (3 – 11)

1. Who is this book written to? (1 - 2)


2. Do you thank God for people you remember regularly? (3)


3. What is different when praying with thanks and joy? (4)


4. What is Paul’s prayer for this group? (9 - 11)


Paul’s Chains Advance the Gospel (12 – 26)

1. For what purpose do you think the Lord brings struggles? (12)

2. How does our attitude in suffering affect those around us? (13 - 14)

3. Why do others try to emulate us? (15 - 17)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. If people preach the gospel and are not Christians, does it matter what their
motive is? (8)

5. How can we be confident in the outcome of our suffering? (19)


6. Are we embarrassed at times when people look to us for courage? (20 - 21)

7. Have you ever wanted to give up and go to heaven, rather than suffering here? (23 - 26)

Life Worthy of the Gospel (27 – 30)

1. What is meant by ‘worthy of the Gospel’? (27)


2. How often do we not say things because of fear of the opposition? (28)

3. Should suffering and belief in Christ always go together? (29 - 30)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 2

Being Humble Like Christ (1 – 11)

1. Where do we go for comfort? (1)


2. How should this affect my daily life? (2 - 4)


3. Is being a Christian an advantage in your life? (5 - 8)


4. What is the result of obedience to Christ? (9 - 11)


Live Without Complaining (12 – 18)

1. How often have we been nice only to complain later? (12 - 13)

2. What should we be fearful of? (12 - 13)


3. How do we become blameless in the sight of God? (14 - 16)


4. What do you rejoice in? (17 - 18)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Timothy and Epaphroditus (19 – 30)

1. Why would Paul send his best man to this group? (19 - 20)

2. Why send Epaphroditus back? (25 - 27)


Chapter 3

Do Not Trust in Who You Are or What You Can Do (1 – 14)

1. What makes you joyful? (1)


2. Was circumcision the real problem here? (2)


3. How can we be spiritually circumcised? (3)


4. What do we boast in? (3 - 4)


5. What have you done with full energy and now realize it was not so great? (7)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
6. What is greater than everything we do that is great? (8 - 11)

7. What is your goal in life? (12)


8. When do you expect to reach your goal? (13 - 14)


Following Paul’s Example (15 – 21)

1. How easy is it to maintain a standard or point of excellence? (16)


2. Who are your mentors? (17)


3. Who are you mentoring? (17)


4. What spiritual things do you brag about? (19 - 20)


5. Do you really wait for Jesus to come or is it too far in the future? (21)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 4
Remain Strong in the Lord (1 – 3)

1. Who do you miss the most? (1)


2. What help should the church give to these 2 women? (2)


3. Why should we be joyful? (4)


4. If we do this then we will have God’s peace. What is it? (5 - 7)


5. How often do we think about what is true? (8)


6. How often do we make decisions about what is worthy of praise? (9)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Final Commands (4 – 9)
Paul Gives Thanks for the Philippians’ Gifts (10 – 20)
Final Greetings (21 – 23)

1. What is important about support packages? (10 - 11)


2. What is the secret to contentment in struggle? (12 - 13)


3. How often do you think of your gifts lie sweet-smelling offerings? (18)

4. What is special about the workers in Ceasar’s palace? (22)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Professor / Teacher

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1

Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (1 – 2)

Son of God Is Better Than Everything Else (3 – 14)

1. How do you greet people?


2. How often do you give thanks in detail? (3 - 4)


3. What was the cause of Paul’s thankfulness? (5 - 8)


4. Would Paul stop to pray for them? Explain. (9)


5. How can we lead a life of wisdom? (10)


6. What will God give to all His holy people? (12 - 14)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Paul’s Work for the Church (24 – 29)

1. How does verse 15 challenge your idea of what God looks like?

2. Why are there so many different Christ’s if He is the head of the church? (18)

3. How does verse 19 reflect on us as humans?


4. Did God lose something before the resurrection? (20)


5. Why do we blame others if we are free from blame? (22)


6. Would you be happy suffering for another person? (24)


7. How should Christian knowledge affect our lives? (26 - 27)


8. Is the kind of preaching we hear today the same as verse 28?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 2
Paul’s work continued (1 – 5)
Having All Things in Christ (6 – 15)

1. How hard does your pastor work for you? (1)


2. What was wrong with Laodicean believers? (1 - 3)


3. What was the danger for the Laodicean church? (3 - 4)


4. How do the instructions in verses 6 through 8 help us stay focused?


5. How do people control you? (8)


6. What do we depend on? (8)


7. How did our sins get revived? (13)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Freedom From Human Rules (16 – 23)

1. How often do you feel judged because of your food choices?


2. How can our mind grow but not our head? (18 - 19)

3. What would you consider the spiritual powers of the world? (20)

4. When you make choices do you follow the rules in verse 21?

5. What rules would you consider wise? (23)


Chapter 3

Teachings About Holy Living (1 – 17)

1. What does it mean to be raised up with Christ? (1)


2. How would thinking of heavenly, not earthly, things change our relationships? (2 - 3)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
3. How would blocking things out that are not Godly change our reactions? (5)

4. How would changing our speaking change the spiritual power level in our life? (8 - 9)

5. How does Christ affect how we view people? (10 - 11)


6. Does peace rule our hearts? (15)


7. How would following verses 16 and 17 change relationships in the church?


Teachings About Christian Families (18 – 25)

1. Who is responsible for the family to God? (18 - 21)

2. What should we do if we have a difficult teacher or boss? (23 - 24)


3. What should we do if we are wronged or cheated? (25)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 4

Masters and Slaves (1)

More Teachings (2 – 6)
Final Greetings (7 – 18)

1. Why does Paul have to write this to Christian masters? (1)


2. How much time do we spend in prayer? (2)


3. How often do we miss opportunities to speak about Christ? (5)


4. How would people write about you? (7 - 8)


5. What work did the Lord give to you? (17)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Thessalonians
Chapter 1
Paul Gives Thanks for the Thessalonians’ Faith (1 – 10)

1. Where should our service come from? (3)


2. How does it affect our hope? (3)


3. How powerful is our good news? (5)


4. How does that power affect our faith? (5)


5. How important is it to copy the Lord’s example? (6)


6. Why was Paul so excited about the Church in Thessalonica? (9)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 2
Paul’s Work for God in Thessalonica (1 – 16)
Paul Wants to See the Believers in Thessalonica (17 – 20)

1. How effective is your message when opposed? (2)


2. What is your response to opposition?


3. How often do you appeal to truth and not emotion? (3)


4. How often do we want to please people and not God? (4)


5. When are you tempted to use your knowledge or position as a weapon? (6)

6. How often do you feel like you are being babysat? (8)

7. Would people consider your lifestyle holy? (10)


8. Do we or God choose us to enter His kingdom? (12)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Thessalonians
9. How often should we be thankful? (13)

10. How similar is the Jewish experience to the Gentile one? (16)

11. What is our hope and joy? (19 - 20)


Chapter 3
Timothy Brings a Good Report (1 – 13)

1. Have you ever felt you just had to do something and couldn’t wait? (1)

2. What kinds of testing have you gone through? (3)


3. Why was Paul worried that he couldn’t wait? (5)


4. How can we encourage others? (7)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
5. What could be missing in our Christian faith? (10)

6. How would love growing like a rising flood affect your community? (12)

Chapter 4

Living in a Way That Pleases God (1 – 12)

1. Why does Paul bring up their lifestyle? (1 - 2)


2. Was there a problem in this church? (3 - 5)


3. Have you ever taken advantage of another person? (6)


4. How often do we take rejection personally? (8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Thessalonians
5. Is loving one another a natural idea? (9)

6. How often do we exercise the encouragement in verse 11?


7. What will be the result if we do? (12)


What Happens to Believers Who Have Died? (13 – 18)

1. Is death about hope? Explain. (13)


2. What is the hope of the Christian? (14 - 16)


3. How often do we encourage each other with the hope of Jesus’ return? (18)

Chapter 5

The Day of the Lord Is Coming (1 – 11)

1. When do you think Jesus will come? (4)


2. How do you view Christians today, falling asleep or wide awake? (5 - 6)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
3. Do you belong to the day or the night? (8)

4. Which other book do we find the armor? (8)


5. What would happen if God chose anger over salvation? (9 - 10)


6. How often do we build up? (11)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Thessalonians
Final Teachings (12 – 28)

1. What gains respect in your eyes? (12 - 14)


2. Should you love a person because of their position? (12)


3. What makes a person lazy? (14)


4. What is the difference between lazy and weak? (14)


5. Is it possible to do the commands in verses 16 through 18?


6. Why is testing prophecy and important? (21)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Thessalonians
Chapter 1

Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (1 – 12)

1. Why is Paul encouraged by this church? (1 - 4)


2. What would you brag about other people? (4)


3. How do suffering and God’s judgement fit together? (5 - 6)


4. What is the result of this relationship? (7)


5. How does our view of God fit with verses 7 - 9?


6. Will you see His glory when He comes?


7. How does God make us worthy of His choice? (11)


8. How often do we add God’s glory to our prayers? (12)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles: Romans
Chapter 2

The Man of Sin (1 – 12)

1. Have you ever heard that Jesus has already come? (2)

2. Have you heard that Jesus is coming on a certain day?


3. What should our reaction be? (3)


4. Who is the man of sin? (3)


5. How will we know who it is? (4)


6. Who is the One who holds back the secret power of sin? (6 - 7)

7. When will the man of sin come? (8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Thessalonians
8. How easy are we fooled by signs and wonders? (9 - 11)

9. How many people do you know that take pleasure in evil? (12)

Remain Strong in the Faith (13 – 17)

1. Why does Paul say that this church is the first to be saved? (13 - 14)

2. How does what you have been taught match Paul’s teaching? (15)

3. What makes you strong in the Lord? (16 - 17)


Chapter 3

Paul Asks for Prayer (1 – 5)

1. What was most important to Paul when asking for prayer? (1 - 2)


2. Why is trust in the Lord important? (3 - 4)


3. How does confidence in the Lord build confidence in other Christians?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Paul Warns Those Who Do Not Want to Work (6 – 15)
Final Greetings (16 – 18)

1. Why would Paul encourage people to stay away from other Christians? (6)

2. Why do many Christians want to take advantage of others? (8)


3. Are you in favor of the rule in verse 10?


4. How should our relationship with Jesus Christ affect how we behave in the world
around us? (12)

5. Do you feel shame when Christians act stupid? (14)


6. How should we react to them? (14)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
A short Epistle to a young leader. With many new theologies
growing in culture, there is a challenge for Timothy to hold firm.
Hang on to truth and eternal life.

Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Timothy
Chapter 1
Paul Warns Timothy to Oppose False Teachers (1 – 11)

1. What is the role of an overseer in the church? (3)


2. How often do people spend time on family histories and made-up stories? (4)

3. What do you spend your time talking about? (6 - 7)


4. What is the law good for? (8 - 9)


5. Who is the law made for? (9 - 10)


6. What is the opposite of the law? (11)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
The Lord Pours Out His Grace on Paul (12 – 17)

1. Where did Paul’s strength come from? (12)


2. What role did grace and mercy have in Paul’s life? (13 - 14)

3. What does this show about God’s mercy? (16)


Paul Commands Timothy (18 – 20)

1. How can Timothy fight the battle well? (18)


2. What destroys our faith? (19)


3. What was Paul’s punishment to Hymenaeus and Alexander? (20)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Timothy
Chapter 2
Teachings About Worship (1 – 15)

1. Who should we pray for? (1)


2. What should we pray for? (2)


3. Why should we pray for these? (3)


4. Why shouldn’t we pray when angry? (9)


5. How does the encouragement to women fit today's culture? (9 - 10)


6. How does this fit the leadership of many churches today? (11 - 12)

7. What was the reason for this rule? (13 - 14)


8. In your opinion, does this fit the salvation we teach? (15)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 3
Rules for Choosing Leaders and Deacons (1 – 13)

1. Is it possible to be free of blame? (2)


2. How often do we go too far? (2)


3. What is the rule about drinking? (3)


4. What does it mean to love money? (3)


5. How does this apply to a rebellious teenager? (5)


6. How can we guard ourselves against the devil’s trap? (7)


7. What is the role of elders?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Timothy
8. Does a lady's dress code affect her speech? (11)

9. How can we get integrity? (12)


Paul’s Reasons for Giving Instructions to Timothy (14 – 16)

1. Why does Paul write this to Timothy? (14)


2. How important is the church to spiritual growth? (16)


Chapter 4

The Holy Spirit Clearly Says in the Last Days People will Leave the
Faith (1 – 16)

1. Can we see this idea in today's churches? (1 - 2)


2. What rules in the church do you think are not scriptural? (3)

3. How can we discern what is right and what is not? (3 - 4)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
4. How often do we listen to silly tales and godless stories? (7)

5. How can we train ourselves to be godly? (7 - 8)


6. Why should we work so hard to be godly? (9 - 10)


7. What do we spend our time doing? (13)


8. How can we use the Holy Spirit? (14)


9. How easy is it to live what you believe? (16)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Timothy
Chapter 5
Instructions About Widows, Elders, and Slaves (1 – 25)

1. How does respect for elders fit our Christian profile? (1 - 2)


2. What impact do widows have on their children? (4)


3. How can we utilize widows in the church?


4. What should be the priority in the church? (8)


5. How can we replace foot-washing in today’s culture? (10)


6. Is remarriage a bad thing? (11 - 12)


7. What is the danger found in verse 13?


8. How can we balance verses 11 and 14?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
9. Why do Christian leaders always want more pay? (17 - 20)

10. Are we too fast to separate people for church work?


Chapter 6

People Who Teach Lies or Love Money (1 – 10)

1. What should the attitude be of the slave? (1)


2. Are Christian bosses better than non-Christian ones?


3. How do we know if there is a false teaching? (3 - 5)


4. What do you gain if you live a godly life? (6)


5. What is the trap of money? (9-10)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
I Timothy
Paul Gives a Final Command to Timothy (11 – 21)

1. What should we do when we are faced with false teaching? (11)


2. What should we hold to ALL the time? (11)


3. Who gives life to our dreams? (13)


4. When will Jesus return? (15)


5. Will we ever see God? (16)


6. What kind of riches should we focus on? (18)


7. What should be the focus of our conversations? (20)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
2 Timothy
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Timothy
Chapter 1
Paul Gives Thanks (1 – 2)
Paul Encourages Timothy to Be Faithful (3 – 14)
Examples of Faithful and Unfaithful People (15 – 18)

1. How important are grandparents to your spiritual life? (5)


2. What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives? (7,14)


3. Do we feel ashamed of Christians who suffer? (8)


4. Why was Paul suffering? (9 - 11)


5. How long can we trust God? (12)


6. How long can you trust your friends?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 2
Paul Again Encourages Timothy to Be Faithful (1 – 13)

1. What do you repeat from what you hear?


2. Whom do we try to please in our Christian life? (3 - 4)


3. How often do you try to cheat the rules? (5)


4. What is your good news? (8)


5. What do you put up with so that others can be saved? (10)


6. What 3 great things can we find in verses 11 - 13?


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Timothy
What to Do About False Teachers (14 – 26)

1. Why do we argue about words? (14)


2. How much of our chatter is godless? (16)


3. How does our talk affect our life? (16)


4. Have you seen people like Philetus and Hymenaeus? (18)


5. Do you know of people who become Christians but not turn away from evil? (19)

6. How can we apply verse 21 to our life?


7. How hard is it to run away from the evil things young people long for? (22)

8. What is the end result of most arguments? (22 - 23)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
9. How often do you hold a grudge? (24)

10. What should be our response to opposition? (25 - 26)


Chapter 3

Opening words (1 – 9)

1. Can you see verses 2 through 5 happening in our culture?


2. How often do you think about Jesus’ return?


3. How about the women of today? (6)


4. Do you know anybody who is anxious to learn but never finds truth? (7)

5. Why would God not accept a person? (8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
II Timothy
Paul Gives a Final Command to Timothy (10 – 17)

1. What do they know about Paul?


2. What is different about scripture? (16)


3. Why should we read and memorize scripture (17)


Chapter 4

Opening (1 – 8)

1. When will God judge the living and the dead? (1)

2. When should we be ready to serve? (2)


3. How should we guide people? (2 - 3)


4. What is the temptation of every teacher? (3)


5. What is Paul waiting for? (8)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Personal Words (9 – 17)
Final Greetings (18 – 22)

1. How many books do you have made with animal skins? (13)

2. Does Paul want revenge on Alexander? (14)


3. What is God’s promise when everyone runs away? (17)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Chapter 1
Choosing Elders Who Love What Is Good (1 – 9)

1. What was Paul’s purpose of writing this letter? (1)


2. How would that help the people? (2 - 3)


3. What was Titus’ job? (5)


4. How easy is to be an elder? (6)


5. What is repeated about leaders in the church? (6 - 7)


6. How do your elders fit this profile? (8 - 9)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Warning People Who Fail to Do Good (10 – 16)

1. Why do people reject God? (10)


2. What is special about the circumcision group? (10)


3. What is your city known for as a people group? (12)


4. Do you think the people would not pay attention to Jewish gossip? (14)

5. Do you know of people who claim to know God but act differently? (16)

Chapter 2

Doing Good Because of the Good News (1 – 15)

1. What do older men have problems with? (1 - 2)


2. What is the problem with older women? (3 - 4)


3. What about younger ladies? (5)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
4. How can the younger example affect the older? (7 - 8)

5. What is the common thread among free and slave? (10)


6. How are we saved? (11)


7. How does grace change our lives? (12)


8. What should we do as we wait? (13)


9. What are we waiting for? (13)


10. How does Jesus’ sacrifice change our lives? (14)


11. What should we teach? (15)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Chapter 3
Do What Is Good Because You Are Saved (1 – 11)
Final (12 – 15)

1. Why should we obey those in authority? (1)


2. How easy is it to speak good things all the time? (2)


3. When was the last time you acted like a fool? (3)

4. Why do we act foolishly? (2- 3)


5. How can we escape from our foolishness? (5 - 7)


6. How many of your arguments are really about foolish things? (9)

7. Why would people want to separate people? (10 - 11)


Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Reading Scripture with
Children and Adults

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Pastor / Mentor / Teacher / Professor
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Paul Prays and Gives Thanks (1 – 3)
Paul Makes an Appeal for Onesimus (4 – 25)

1. What is different about this church? (1 - 2)


2. What roles do Apphia and Archippus play in the church? (2)


3. What do we chare as believers? (4)


4. What do we do with our spiritual authority? (8)


5. How did Onesimus become useful to Paul and the church? (10 - 11)

6. How does freedom of choice affect Paul’s decisions? (14)


7. Why is Paul writing about any debt Onesimus might have? (18 - 19)

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:

Closing Remarks
The issues found in these Epistles are no different than in today’s culture. In
these thirteen books, we find there is too much to absorb. We need to reread
and rethink our answers.
Many secular authors use the principles found in scripture but do not give
credence to it. Reading scripture with a friend, a group of children or adults will
enlarge your understanding.
Some ideas will challenge firmly held beliefs. Keep answers simple because
Jesus Christ kept his message simple.
Ponder longer in reflection using notes to bring back what you discussed at a
later date.
Jesus Christ wants a relationship with you. One that is focused and not cluttered
with insecurities. When the air is clear His voice is easy to hear, his power easy
to access, and your confidence in Him unchallengeable.
Try it out. When you meet the real Jesus, your life will change.
Thank you for buying this book. Whomever you read it with and yourself will be
blessed. From the scripture flows Living water.

The Author
Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Dr. Paul R. Friesen
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Dr. Paul R. Friesen
Pauline Epistles:
Pastor Paul R. Friesen believes reading scripture develops a focus on its author,
God. Getting to know God in a personal relationship opens the door to questions
only He can answer.
Reading scripture with children brings their understanding into focus. The Holy
Spirit works through His Word. Our current culture encourages reliance on ‘self’
with God as a backup.
Let’s turn this trend around and change the world.
Look for others in the series.
The Gospels 978-1-716-01128-3

General Epistles 978-1-6781-3054-1

Pauline Epistles 978-1-6781-6315-0

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

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