20211019MSDS-Indozyme 8000L

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Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No: 2.0

In accordance with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision date: Oct 19, 2021
Part 1: Chemicals and Enterprise Identification

Product name
Chinese Name of Chemicals
English Name of Chemicals Indozyme 8000L
Enterprise logo
address Zip code Telephone No. 5 Xinshui Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
Fax 201700
+86 21 64352855
+86 21 33506575
E-mail Maney.wu@xianhua-sh.cn
Enterprise Emergency +86 21 69214603
Recommended and Restricted Use
Relevant definite use Biocatalysts are used to decompose cellulose fibers in textile industry.

Part 2: Overview of Risk

Summary of emergencies
GHS Risk Category Respiratory allergens Category 1
Label elements
GHS Label Component

signal word DANGER

Risk statement Inhalation of H334 may lead to allergic or asthmatic symptoms or dyspnea.
Precautionary statement
preventive measure P261 avoid inhalation of dust / smoke / gas / smoke / steam / spray.
P281 wears respiratory protection device.
Accident response If inhaled incorrectly, transfer the victim to the fresh air and maintain a
comfortable breathing rest posture.
If there is respiratory disease in P342+P311, call the detoxification center or
Safe storage P402+P404 is stored in a dry place.Store in an airtight container.
disposal P501 is handled in accordance with national or local regulations.
Human health impacts Repeated inhalation of enzymatic dust or air suspension due to improper
operation may induce sensitization and may cause a type 1 allergic reaction in
allergic people.
Skin contact can cause allergies.
Mild eye irritation.
Intake may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Physical and chemical Unknown.

Special danger Uown.


Technical Files 1
Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No. 2
In accordanc with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision Date: 19 Oct, 2021

Part 3: Composition/Composition Information

Component CAS NO. Content (%)
cellulase 9012-54-8 3
water 7732-18-5 60
sucrose 57-50-1 18
sodium chloride 7647-14-5 19

Part 4: First aid measures

aid Eye contact
It may cause mild irritation.
Slight stimulation.
Keep your eyes open. Rinse them slowly and gently with water for 10-20
minutes. If you wear contact lenses, remove them after the first 5 minutes,
and then continue to rinse your eyes.If symptoms
persist, consult a doctor.Show this safety technical instruction to the doctor at
the scene.
Skin contact It may cause skin allergic reaction.
Allergic reaction.
Take off the contaminated clothes and wash them again before they can be
used.Rinse immediately with plenty of water.If symptoms persist, seek
medical attention immediately.Show the safety instructions to the doctor on
Ingestion Intake may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Gargle.Drink plenty of water.If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.Show this
safety technical instruction to the doctor at the scene.
Advice for the Clean up all leaks immediately.
protection of rescuers Loading safety is guaranteed under safety permission.
Bundle/collect recyclable products.
Put the remaining materials in covered containers for disposal.
Special tips for doctors Symptomatic treatment.

Part 5: Fire control measures

Extinguishing agent
Fire extinguishing methods Water spray, alcohol resistant foam, dry chemical reagents or carbon dioxide.
and extinguishing agents
Improper extinguishing No.
Harmful combustion No.
Special risk It can cause allergic respiratory reactions.
Fire extinguishing precautions
Fire protection measures Notify the fire brigade and the accident location and hazard characteristics.

Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No. 2
In accordanc with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision Date: 19 Oct, 2021

Wear breathing equipment and protective gloves.

Take all possible measures to prevent spills from entering sewers or waterways.
The fire is controlled by spraying water mist and the adjacent area is cooled.
Fire/explosion hazards High temperature decomposition products include silica, a small amount of
formaldehyde, a small amount of formic acid, a small amount of acetic acid and
trace silicon polymers.
Someofthesegasesareflammable,dependingonenvironmentalconditions, which
may cause the combustion of resin/polymer.
At the same time, it will form a kind of silica gel skin.It is difficult to extinguish fire
under the skin.

Part 6: Emergency response to leakage

Operators'protective measures, protective equipment and emergency disposal

Small leakage Clean up all leaks immediately.
Loading safety is guaranteed under safety permission.
Bundle/collect recyclable products.
Put the remaining materials in covered containers for disposal.
Mass leakage Mild harm.
Evacuation area personnel.
Report the fire brigade and inform the accident location and hazard
If necessary, use protective equipment to control personnel contact.
Preventive measures against secondary hazards
Please refer to the above section.
Environmental Please refer to Part 12.
protection measures

Part 7 : Operational Disposal and Storage

Cautions for Operational Disposal

Safe operation Prevent all contact, including inhalation.
Wear protective clothing when in danger of contact. Use
in well ventilated areas.
Prevent this product from gathering in low-lying areas.
Other information Keep away from incompatible substances..
Storage considerations
Appropriate container This product may be packaged in a variety of ways.Refer to the relevant
documents for the specific packing form.
Storage ban Avoid reacting with oxidants.
Storage conditions Cover tightly and place in dry shade.Storage precautions are 0-25 C. Place in
a complete package - keep dry and avoid light.The product has been
formulated to enhance stability.Long-term storage or adverse conditions such
as high temperature or high humidity can lead to higher storage requirements.

Part 8: Contact control and individual protection

engineering control Use engineering control to eliminate hazards, or set up a barrier between workers
and hazards.Well-designed engineering control can protect

Technical Files
Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No. 2
In accordanc with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision Date: 19 Oct, 2021

workers very effectively, and it can generally improve the level of protection from
the interaction between workers.
The basic types of engineering control are:
Reduce risk by changing process control of activity or process flow. Closure
and/orisolationofemissionsourcestophysicallyisolatetarget hazardsfromworkers,
andventilationsystemsthatcanstrategically"add fresh air" to the workplace and
"remove dirty air".If the design is reasonable, ventilation can remove or reduce
air pollution.Ventilation systems must be designed in accordance with specific
processes and chemicals or pollutants used.
Employers may need to use a variety of controls to prevent overexposure.
Individual protective equipment
respiratory system Under the condition of insufficient ventilation, proper breathing device should be
protection brought.
Hand protection Protective gloves.
Eye protection Wear side protection goggles.
Skin and Body Protection Wear proper protective clothing.

Part 9: Physical and chemical properties

Basic Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance Canary yellow.
Physical state Liquid.
smell It has a slight fermentation odor.
Odor threshold nothing
PH value 4.0-6.0
Relative density (g/ml) 1.0-1.2
Melting Point/IcePoint(?) nothing
Flash point (?) nothing
Evaporation rate nothing
Flammability nothing
Upper explosion limit (%) nothing
Lower explosion limit (%) nothing
Vapor pressure (kPa) nothing
Water solubility (g/L) Under normal use, the active ingredients in the product are soluble at any
concentration, temperature and pH in the solution related to use.
Steam density (air = 1) nothing

Part 10: Stability and reactivity

Reactivity See Part 7.

stability Substances are considered stable and do not undergo dangerous
polymerization reactions.
Dangerous reaction See Part 7.
Avoidable Conditions See Part 7.
Prohibited substance See Part 7.
Dangerous See Part 7.

Part 11: Toxicological information

acute toxicity Acute oral toxicity LD-50 > 2g/kg

Skin irritation/corrosion It may cause skin irritation in susceptible people.

Technical Files
Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No. 2
In accordanc with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision Date: 19 Oct, 2021

Serious damage/eye It may cause eye irritation in susceptible people.

Mutagenicity No information is available.
carcinogenicity No information is available.
Reproductive toxicity No information is available.
STOT - A Contact Noinformation is available.
STOT - Repeated Contact No informationis available.
Danger of ingestion It may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and

Part 12: Ecology Information

Ecotoxicity LC50 > 100mg/l, EC50 > 100mg/l, IC50 > 100mg/l.
Persistence The organic components of this product are biodegradable.
and degradation
Potential bioaccumulation Experience does not produce it.
Mobility in Soil Existing data do not indicate any environmental hazards.
Other adverse effects No information is available.

Part 13: Waste disposal

If possible, return the container to the supplier for recycling. Otherwise:
Waste If the container cannot be cleaned thoroughly to ensure that there is no residue
chemicals Chemical hazards/hazards
of impurities, may still container
or if the exist after can
the container
no longerisbe
used to store the same product,
pierceallcontainerstopreventrecyclingandthenfill the approved landfill site.
Keep warning labels and MSDS where possible, and comply with any
notifications about the product.

Contaminated packaging Please refer to the above section.

Transportation matters Please refer to the above section.
needing attention

Part 14: Transport Information

International Transport It does not belong to It dangerous goods.

Special precautions No special protection requirements.
United Nations Dangerous
Goods Number (UN No.) Not applicable.
United Nations Hazard
Classification No use.
Packaging group Not applicable.
Environmental hazards Non-marine pollutants.
Special precautions No information is available.
Transport bulk cargo in
accordance with MARPOL Not applicable.
73/78 Annex 2 and IBC

Part 15: Legislative Information

Technical Files
Product name Indozyme 8000L Version No. 2
In accordanc with GB/T 16483-2008 Revision Date: 19 Oct, 2021

Hazardous chemicals are managed in China in accordance with the Regulations on Safety Management of
Hazardous Chemicals and relevant management measures.
Enzymes were identified as respiratory allergens according to GB 20595 "Classification of chemicals, warning
labels and warning instructions for safety of breathing or skin allergies".
This chemical safety technical specification is prepared in accordance with GB/T 16483-2008 Chemical Safety
Technical Specification Contents and Project Sequence.

Part 16: Other information

Other information
Safety Data Sheet (M) SDS should be used to assist risk assessment as a tool for the exchange of hazard
information.Many factors can be used to determine whether hazards need to be reported in the workplace or in other
settings.Risk can be determined by reference to exposure.The scale of use, frequency of use and existing or
available engineering controls must be considered.

Abbreviations and acronyms

PC-TWA: Permissible Concentration-Time Weighted Average, which refers to the average allowable contact
concentration of 8 hours and 40 hours of working week, which are defined as time weights.
PC-STEL: Permissible Concentration-Short Term Exposure Limit, refers to the concentration that allows
short-term exposure (15 minutes) in compliance with PC-TWA.
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer.
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit.
TEEL: Temporary Emergency Exposure Limit.
IDLH: Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations.
OSF: Odour Safety Factor.
NOAEL: No Observed Adverse Effect Level was observed.
LOAEL: Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level.

As far as my company knows, the information in this chemical safety technical specification is true and
accurate when it is released.The presentation of relevant information is intended to provide guidelines for
safe operation, use, disposal, storage, transportation and abandonment rather than as part of product
assurance or quality standards.Relevant information applies only to specified products.If not specified, this
information may not be appropriate for use with other products or for any process.In addition, when the use
conditions are beyond the control of fibrillation, it is the customer's responsibility to determine the
conditions for the safe use of these products.

...End of Safety Technical Instructions...

Technical Files

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