Rabi Problem
Rabi Problem
Rabi Problem
N a previous paper' the effect of a rapidly depolarization caused by the nonadiabatic transi-
- - varying magnetic field on an oriented atom tions to be described below. Another example is
possessing nuclear spin and extra-nuclear angular the sign of the moment arising from molecular
momentum. It appeared that it was possible to rotation which results in a positive contribution
deduce the sign of the magnetic moment of the from the motion of the nuclei about the centroid
nucleus from the nature of the nonadiabatic and a negative contribution from the electrons.
transitions which occur if the field rotates an The following considerations should make it
appreciable amount in the time of a Larmor possible to make the same sort of observations
rotation. This effect was applied experimentally' with simple systems as are made in the Einstein-
with the method of atomic beams to measure the de Haas and Barnett experiments: namely, the
sign of the proton, deuteron, K", etc. The magnitude and sign of the gyromagnetic ratio.
evaluation of the sign was possible because the Consider a simple system such as a neutron
experiment decided whether the h. f.s. level was with magnetic moment p = — gpo J, where g is the
normal or inverted. Since the sign of the electronic Lande g factor, Jis the total angular moment
moment is known to be negative a normal level due to all causes. If g is positive the total moment
meant positive nuclear moment and an inverted is negative as in the spinning electron. If g is
level negative moment. negative the moment is positive. In a magnetic
Clearly it is desirable to find another effect field II the system precesses with the Larmor
which will make it possible to find the sign of the frequency v=gpolI/k. If g is positive the pre-
nuclear moment in cases where the normal state cession is in the positive direction and if negative
of the atom is one in which there is no electronic in the negative direction. We shall now consider
angular momentum as in the alkaline earths. our system initially quantized with magnetic
Spectroscopic methods where applicable will quantum number m in a field II which is constant
yield this information, but there are numerous in magnitude but rotates with a frequency cu/2~
important instances in which molecular and about some direction which is at an angle 8 with
atomic beam methods are the only ones available. respect to the direction of the field.
For example, it would be very desirable to This problem was solved by Giittinger' for the
measure the sign of the moment of the neutron particular case when the angle is ~/2. He found
directly. Although it would be very difficult to that transitions will occur to other magnetic
apply atomic beam methods to the neutron, the levels with quantum number m' when a&/Z~ is of
polarization effect of magnetized iron suggested the order of magnitude of v. The transition
by Bloch may possibly be useful in this con- probabilities in this case do not depend on the
nection as a device for measuring the degree of direction of the field. It will be shown that in the
more general case the direction of rotation
' Rabi, Phys. Rev. 49, 324 (1936). introduces an asymmetry into the problem and
' Kellogg, Rabi and Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 50, 472
(1936); Torrey and Rabi, Phys, Rev. 51, 379A (1937) P. Guttinger, Zeits. f. Physik '73, 169 (1931); E. Major-
Millman and Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 51, 380A (1937). ana, Nuovo Cimento 9, 43 (1932).
With the substitutions
bility amplitudes
II~ —II sin 8 cos q, II2 —B sin 8 sin q,
1 n
FI3 —H cos 8, C«
— .
e &'"'"& P cos
(4) (2cx)' 2
g— —cos P=c, g—
II sin 8=b,
y=cot, (2nb+2Pa Pp«) n—
2 k 2k
sin —'
which represents a field H constant in magnitude
and precessing about the s direction with angular C ~
— e'"'" n cos —t
velocity co, we have (2n) 2
d'C«/dt'+i pp C«+ (a'+ b' —(pa) C—« —0. (6) —~A"4 ~'= —pe'"'C«+pC
dt F'(«, «) ~
«~' (11)
The solution of this familiar equation is
with the values given in Eq. (12)
C« —
Ae'»'+B—e'~ p'
++P1 ++P2 g&P2t sin' —t. (12)
g&r«& t
A giP1t+ n2
——(p«/2)+-', (p«'+4a'+4b' —4ppu)', In terms of the Larmor frequency v =g««pH/k, the
pp — (p«/2) '(p«'y4a'y4b-' —4ppa)'*. — 4
Dirac, Quantum Mechanics, p. 70.
654 I. I. RAB I
angle 8 and the frequency of rotation r= a&/2n. difference and a knowledge of the sense of rota-
tion one can infer the sign of the moment. The
sin' 8r' magnitude may be inferred from the absolute
sin2 ~$
v'+v' —2vr cos 6 value of the fields and their direction and the
angular velocity of its rotation.
X (v'+ v' —2vr cos 8) l. (13) It is unnecessary to consider the details of the
realization of these rotating fields and the de-
This result reduces to Guttinger's formula
tection of these transitions since similar con-
when 6 = 7r/2. For other values of 6 it is apparent
ditions have already been obtained in the experi-
that the transition probability for given 8, II
ments cited above.
and co will be quite different depending on
whether g is positive or negative since v appears
To generalize these results we apply the general
linearly in the result. Expressed in another way
result of 1Vlajorana' ' for any value of J
we may say that I'(-, , =, ) depends on the direc- P(, , )
—(cos 'n)'~(J+m)!(1+m')!