Vibrational States: Densities From Molecular-Dynamics Calculations
Vibrational States: Densities From Molecular-Dynamics Calculations
Vibrational States: Densities From Molecular-Dynamics Calculations
A method for calculating the vibrational densities of states of crystalline materials by use of
molecular dynamics (MD) is presented. It consists mainly of starting the calculation with all atoms
at rest in their equilibrium positions, except one which is given an initial velocity; the time evolution
of this velocity is Fourier transformed to give the local vibrational density of states, and the procedure
repeated for nonequivalent atoms in the lattice. It is shown with examples that the vibrational
densities of states are unbiased and show very low noise and that calculations with this method
require much fewer MD steps than those performed using standard random initializations.
Molecular dynamics (MD) is a classical, non- spectra are obtained even for long runs and apparently
perturbative method for studying structural, dynamical, good statistics. s Exaggerating the Gaussian broadenings
and thermodynamical properties of complex systems. Its only results in embellishing the spectra at the expense of
use has been increasingly widespread since the 1960s, and blurring the existing information.
it has been applied to liquids, gases, and ordered and dis- We have found an alternative way of initializing a sys-
ordered solids. ~ In the case of solids it has the distinct tem that gives excellent results at a much reduced cost in
advantage of incorporating anharmonic forces and struc- computing time: it consists of starting from the equilib-
tural relaxations naturally; for disordered systems it is rium positions for all the atoms in the MD cell, and giving
able to replace restrained and cumbersome Green's func- a nonzero initial velocity to just one of the atoms. The
tions approaches. Fourier transform of the time evolution of the velocity of
One of the important features of a solid system is its this atom gives the local density of states at the atom;
vibrational density of states, on which optical and ther- the procedure is repeated for all nonequivalent atoms in
modynamical properties depend. It is well known that the crystal. It is quite evident that in this way, we ob-
in the harmonic approximation, the power spectrum of tain a numerical Green's function for the system, since
the velocity autocorrelation is the vibrational density of we are measuring the system's response to a b-function
states, i.e. , that input; although the idea is very simple indeed, we have
not seen it mentioned yet in the literature.
The proof is straightforward, when the same harmonic
approximation used for Eq. (1) is implemented. The dis-
placements and velocities corresponding to the nth coor-
where the sum is taken over all atoms in the system. dinate of the ith atom in the mth cell are written as
It is to be noted that, strictly speaking, the equiva-
lence between classic power-spectrum and quantum den-
sity of states is valid only in the harmonic approxima-
tion: the power spectrum of an anharmonic oscillator
will yield peaks at the symmetry-allowed multiples of the (2)
fundamental frequency, where no quantum states exist.
The position of the fundamental peaks, however, will be
correctly given, and Eq. (1) has been universally used
for the calculation of anharmonic densities of states. In
practice the calculation is performed by giving random where e' (kj) is the eigenvector for the normal coordinate
velocities to the atoms of the system, and following its Qkj, N is the number of atoms and the M, 's are their
evolution for what is judged a sufBciently long period; masses. With the initial conditions
usually several initializations are used, and the results
averaged. The numerical Fourier transform is evaluated u '(0)=0, Vm, i, n,
over a finite interval, and usually a Gaussian apodization, '(0) = 0,
producing a Gaussian broadening of the resulting spec-
v Vm g 0, i g i', o. P n',
trum, is used. The random initializations are supposed
to assure that, according to the definition, all vibrational
modes are equally excited. This, however, may well not v ',
(0) $0,
be the case, especially in weakly anharmonic systems,
where energy transfer between modes is slow, and initial one obtains for the normal coordinates and velocities the
biases tend to perpetuate. As a result, noisy and biased initial conditions
d p 1'h
is this, we must
t rti fo t}1e equi'1'i rium positions
v l = l — e, (kj)e', (kj) cos(ui, ~t).
~~ a om in the unit cell a
d o , recor d t e time evolut'
dFo t s form it; we follow the
Taking initial velocities for all direc b i i h o rn a ve 1ocity in one an
t1M Mt a ization of the eigen-
11 an d using the normaliz
1 di
io ns; h e sum of the ourier transforms
vectors one obtains of the time evoluti u ions of these veloc't'
1 ld ' of tt es; fll
o owin g thes po
(7) a a oms in the cr stal
s a es. Of course the c
Fourier transform
whose F is the vi
b fo do 1y for d'irections and atom s th at are not
Fro ()
Eqs.. jl) and (7 , we have that for this
I \
'L- V3
1 ~
i i i I }JIi
FIG. 2. Local densities of vibr ational states (LDOS)
s impurity (0.75 of thee hoost mass) in an
' '
FIG. 1. Den
ensities of vibrational states ffcc monoatomic a ice oof 500 atoms, Lenn
li of 20 atoms; 2000 M
h i hb ons, wit'h aussian a od'
()S d d al cu 1a ion with 50 random
() t th d (180 MD steps). Dashed li
oigi ad5i dp d t
ia excitation. Solid lines:
D hdl i 'h" '
gust resolution" n Gauss'
aussian apodization. '
ota MD ste ps, s 20 time origins and
r 1t for an infinite li
c resu
otted lines: exact 25 independentn initializations (90 000 total
quencies normali ed too th e cutofF frequency of the system quencies normalizede too tthee cutofF
cu frequency of the host lattice 4
'Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Statistical-Mechanical 3 J. Vermesse, D. Levesque, J. J. Weis, and M. L. Klein, Can.
Systems, Proceedings of the International School of Physics, J. Phys. 61, 1545 (1983).
course XCVII, edited by G. Ciccotti and G. Hoover (North- S. Gongalves and H. Bonadeo, Phys. Rev. B 46, 10738
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J. M. Dickey and A. Paskin, Phys. Rev. 188, 1407 (1969).