Uts-Fpi - Sosok Guru Di Masa Depan-Rahma K I
Uts-Fpi - Sosok Guru Di Masa Depan-Rahma K I
Uts-Fpi - Sosok Guru Di Masa Depan-Rahma K I
NIM: 2421931112045
In the era of Kurikulum Merdeka, the Education initiatives that reflect the Spirit of freedom
and innovation, understanding deeply related Education flow with expect a good education
process and produce a quality nation. According to the draft curriculum independent learning
determined by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, things in line with the
concept proposed by Ki Hajar Dewantara. Both of them emphasize the importance principle
of autonomy in students, looking at education Not only as a delivery process knowledge to
students but also as an effort for students to develop their skills and abilities in a way
independent under teacher and parent guidance. ( Juliangkary et al., 2023). In the field
education, the role of teachers is very important in realizing the Society 5.0 vision.
Teachers not only become sources of material learning, but also facilitate learning that can
guide students to develop ability think critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy needed
in today's world. (Saifullah Achmad, 2023). Teachers' roles in draft This serves as a mentor or
facilitator to help students access and comprehend knowledge in addition to simply imparting
it. As a result, ongoing teacher training is necessary to achieve the goal. The Pre-service
Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) is a curriculum created specifically for aspiring
teachers with experience in other disciplines who are interested in pursuing a career in
education. This program is a facility. In order to support the development of a teacher's
professionalism, educating prospective teachers naturally aids in their transformation into
actual instructors. The PPG Prajab program, which recognizes the value of raising teacher
professionalism, has been established. Literacy-based learning is necessary to improve teacher
competency and move education in a more positive direction. (PURWANTO, 2008) .
Many good, theoretical, and experiential supporting materials are available during the learning
process and can be used to link with actual teaching that is conducted in the designated school.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara's proposal to develop a draft curriculum for achieving objective
education—the Tri-Center of Education—is one of them. Family education, higher education,
and education for young people or society as a whole are the first three categories.
Furthermore, according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara's notion of Subsystem, a living subsystem
family is built upon two pillars: Second, independence as a condition provides a child with
energy and movement from both internal and external factors, enabling them to develop a
strong personality and the ability to think and act independently. (Suparlan, 2016) . This content
was discovered while researching Indonesian educational philosophy.
The location of the course According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, the philosophy of education in
Indonesia offers many misunderstandings that are not only theoretical but also deepen
understanding of the meaning of education and draft education. A teacher must comprehend
the essence of education and maintain a balance between formative and intellectual teaching
character. The eyes studying for me This helps to shape my perception of future educators as
individuals who foster students' potential and character in addition to their academic emphasis.
According to research cases seen during classroom instruction, one student is not particularly
engaged in formal education and frequently shows apathy in schoolwork. Following more
investigation into the student's circumstances and interests, it was discovered that he has skills
outside of the classroom. Intelligence for e-sport leadership, management, and championship
In condition, as a result, a more flexible approach is created for him to study with his interests
and skills. Analysis of the findings the learning and comprehension process recognizes that a
prospective educator must be able to modify their teaching methods to be contextual and
relevant, taking into account the requirements, potential, and cultural background of diverse
students. Knowing philosophy will serve as a reminder that teaching in Indonesia involves
more than just imparting knowledge; it also involves teaching with respect and dedication.
Values like independence, integrity, and accountability are covered in Ki Hajar Dewantara's
Principles Education. Despite the significant changes brought about by the digital age in the
field of education, values remain crucial.
Technology can be used in education in the digital age to increase access to a wider range of
knowledge, encourage active learning, and develop skills necessary for the digital world. The
concepts of Ing Ngarsa sang Tulada, or self-discovery potential, are still applicable in the
digital age. (Sulistyaningrum et al., 2023) . Students can discover their interests and talents and
enhance their potential in a variety of fields by using technology. Ing Madhya Mangun Khalsa,
which means "growing Spirit creativity and innovation," can be applied to education in the
digital age by enabling students to collaborate and participate in online creative projects. Even
in the digital age, the "Tut Wuri Handayani" principle—which promotes principles of
compassion and cooperation—remains significant in education. Students can learn social skills
and engage with a worldwide community through technology. Professional training and a
thorough comprehension of philosophy will lead to a single conclusion. I must be able to turn
on my passion if I want to succeed as a teacher in the future. I used to study as I always did in
the bench school. Fun, engaging, and relevant learning is essential for developing future
teachers who can inspire the next generation.
Juliangkary, E., Suastra, I. W., & Atmaja, A. W. T. (2023). Kurikulum Merdeka: Filsafat
Pendidikan dan Nilai-Nilai Ki Hajar Dewantara dalam Sorotan Kritis. Empiricism
Journal, 4(2), 598–605. https://doi.org/10.36312/ej.v4i2.1665
Sulistyaningrum, F., Radiana, U., & Ratnawati, R. E. (2023). Filsafat Pendidikan Ki Hajar
Dewantara sebagai Landasan Pendidik di Era Digital. EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Dan Pembelajaran, 4(2), 2331–2336. https://doi.org/10.62775/edukasia.v4i2.538