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Internship Assessment

Android App Development with Core Java
& Networking with Ethical hacking

Aman Kumar Srivastava

Android Introduction
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the Linux
kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablets.
Android's user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch
gestures that loosely correspond to real-world actions, such as swiping, tapping and
pinching, to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard for text
Android has the largest installed base of all operating systems (OS) of any kind.
Android has been the best selling OS on tablets since 2013, and on smartphones it is
dominant by any metric.
Android devices
Wear OS - Wear OS is based on Android and is optimized for the
wrist, watch faces etc.
Android TV - Build apps that let users experience your app's immersive
content on the big screen.
Android Things - Android Things lets you experiment with building
smart, connected device applications.
Android Auto - Bring your app to vehicles running either Android
Auto or Android Automotive OS.
Chrome OS Devices - You can distribute your Android apps to
Google Chrome OS devices, such as Chromebooks, through Google
Play Store.
Android Architecture
Android Studio
• Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for
Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA . On top of IntelliJ's powerful
code editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that
enhance your productivity when building Android apps, such as:

• A flexible Gradle-based build system

• A fast and feature-rich emulator
• A unified environment where you can develop for all Android devices
• Apply Changes to push code and resource changes to your running app without
restarting your app
• Code templates and GitHub integration to help you build common app features
and import sample code
• Extensive testing tools and frameworks
Project Structure
Each project in Android Studio contains one or more modules with
source code files and resource files. Types of modules include:
• Android app modules
• Library modules
• Google App Engine modules

All the build files are visible at the top level under Gradle Scripts and
each app module contains the following folders:

• manifests: Contains the AndroidManifest.xml file.

• java: Contains the Java source code files, including JUnit test code.
• res: Contains all non-code resources, such as XML layouts, UI
strings, and bitmap images.
Android Widgets
• Android Button - perform event handling on button click.
• Android Toast - Displays information for the short duration of time.
• Custom Toast - We are able to customize the toast, such as we can display image on the
• ToggleButton - It has two states ON/OFF.
• CheckBox - Let's see the application of simple food ordering.
• AlertDialog - AlertDialog displays a alert dialog containing the message with OK and
Cancel buttons.
• Spinner - Spinner displays the multiple options, but only one can be selected at a time.
• RatingBar - RatingBar displays the rating bar.
• DatePicker - Datepicker displays the datepicker dialog that can be used to pick the date.
• TimePicker - TimePicker displays the timepicker dialog that can be used to pick the time.
• ProgressBar - ProgressBar displays progress task.
Android Intent
• Android Intent is the message that is passed between components such as
activities, content providers, broadcast receivers, services etc.
• It is generally used with startActivity() method to invoke activity, broadcast
receivers etc.
• The dictionary meaning of intent is intention or purpose. So, it can be described as
the intention to do action.

Android intents are mainly used to:

• Start the service
• Launch an activity
• Display a web page
• Display a list of contacts
• Broadcast a message
• Dial a phone call etc.
•Enables sharing of data across applications
•E.g. address book, photo gallery
•Provides uniform APIs for:
•delete, update and insert.
•Content is represented by URI and MIME type
User Interface
•XML Coding
•Generating UIs
•Views – building blocks
•E.g. TextView, EditText, Button
•Placed into Layouts
•E.g. LinearLayout, TableLayout, AbsoluteLayout
Text to Speech Project
• In android, you can convert your text into speech
by the help of TextToSpeech class. After
completion of the conversion, you can playback or
create the sound file.

• Constructor of TextToSpeech class

• TextToSpeech(Context,
Calculator provides simple and
advanced mathematical functions in a
beautifully designed app.

• Perform basic calculations such as

addition, subtraction, multiplication and
• Do scientific operations such as
trigonometric, logarithmic and
exponential functions
Android Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a way to exchange data with other devices wirelessly.

Android provides Bluetooth API to perform several tasks such as:

• scan Bluetooth devices

• connect and transfer data from and to other devices
• manage multiple connections etc.
Android Wifi
•The class
can be used to manage the wifi
connectivity. It can be used to add
network, disable network, scan for access
points, disconnect etc.

•Android wifi example to enable and

disable wifi
Social Blog & Picture sharing App
• This project aims at making a Mini Blog App.
• It uses Google Firebase Technology to allow a user to create an
account using email address and a password or via phone OTP.
• User also has to put up a profile display picture.
• User may sign in using his id and may post a picture along with a
• He would be able to see posts of different users along with his own
together on a common platform.
• Similarly different users may sign in using their id to login and post
pictures and captions.
•User Sign up using mobile number, Details like name,
email and OTP via firebase.
•User Login using mobile number and OTP.
•Post creation containing Image, Title and Description.
•Log out feature.
•View self and others posts.
•Delete or modify one’s post.
Views - UI

USER LOGIN via Phone USER Details form – NAME, Email,

number and OTP Profile Picture, and Bio
Blog Post creation page – Image, Title and Description
Project CODE Snapshots
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Thank you

Presentation by – Aman Kumar Srivastava (1802710011)

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