Chapter 3 Methodology

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The study utilized the descriptive qualitative method of research. According to Ayton
(2023), qualitative descriptive studies (also known as ‘exploratory studies’ and ‘qualitative
description approaches’) are relatively new in the qualitative research landscape. The design of
qualitative descriptive studies evolved as a means to define aspects of qualitative research that
did not resemble qualitative research designs to date, despite including elements of those other
study designs. A qualitative descriptive study is an important and appropriate design for research
questions that are focused on gaining insights about a poorly understood research area, rather
than on a specific phenomenon. Since qualitative descriptive study design seeks to describe
rather than explain, explanatory frameworks and theories are not required to explain or ‘ground’
a study and its results. (Darshini Ayton, 2023) Data gathering for this study depended on the
results of workshops conducted using the ABCD Model and mainly focused on the views and
perceptions of the participants, wherein their descriptions of their situations were highly valued.

The workshops were designed to draw a clear picture of the participant’s perspectives.
Other methods including focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs) were
conducted. This variation of data-gathering methods is valuable as it ensures the validity and
reliability of data.

The researchers used purposive sampling in this approach when selecting individuals
who have specific knowledge, experience, or expertise relevant to the research topic—in this
case, the unique insights of the single interviewee regarding the role of business technology,
needs assessment, and ABCD in St. Dominic Parish. By focusing on this key individual,
purposive sampling ensures that the data gathered is directly aligned with the study's objectives,
even with a single participant.

The researcher identified a key individual within St. Dominic Parish who possesses an in-
depth understanding of the parish community’s dynamics, resources, and potential assets. This
participant, the parish, was selected due to their active involvement in prior community
development initiatives and knowledge of the local context. As the sole interviewee, they
provided insights into the parish’s specific needs and opportunities concerning business
technology, needs assessment, and the ABCD approach. This interview was designed to
illuminate how these elements could empower St. Dominic Parish and support sustainable
development efforts in Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija.

Elliott, R., American Psychological Association, Timulak, L., Hill, C. E., & Knox, S.
(2021). Essentials of Descriptive-Interpretive Qualitative Research: A Generic Approach.

Elliott, R., & Timulak, L. (2015). Descriptive and interpretive approaches to qualitative
research. In Oxford University Press eBooks.

Ayton, D. (2023, March 21). Chapter 5: Qualitative descriptive research. Pressbooks.

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