Bible Study Outline For Second Quarter 2024

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TEXT: Psalms 1:2-3, Philippians 4:8, Joshua 1:8


For the Christian, meditation is as ancient and foundational as the Scriptures. It is

the art of contemplating divine truths, immersing oneself in the presence of God,
and quietly reflecting upon His word, character, and creation.
In eastern meditation, the goal is to empty the mind. This is dangerous, because an
empty mind may present an open invitation to deception or a demonic spirit. But
in Christian meditation, the goal is to fill your mind with the word of God. This can
be done by carefully thinking about each word and phrase, applying it to one’s self,
and praying it back to the Lord.

As cited by Spurgeon, "Meditation chews the cud, and gets the sweetness and
nutritive virtue of the Word into the heart and life: this is the way the godly bring
forth much fruit." Many lack because they only read and do not meditate. It is not
only reading the Word of God that does us good; but the soul inwardly feeding on
it, and digesting it.

This study, by God's help, will spur us to become that righteous man whose delight
is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on the Word of God day and night.
Both when we have the light of insight or when we seem to be in the dark,
meditation is that key to unlocking the revelation of God.


1. What do you understand by the term, "Meditation"? 2 Cor. 3:18

2. Why is meditation considered a very important act for every christian to apply?
- Meditation makes the Word of God full of life and energy to our souls.
- It helps prevent vain and sinful thoughts thereby weaning us from all evil. Mt.
- Meditation is a great aid to prayer. Psalm 5:1
- It transfuses scripture through the texture of our soul.
- Meditation enlarges our faith by helping us trust God in everything.
- Meditation on God's word helps us walk in obedience. Josh 1:8
- When you meditate, you deeply consider God's word and allow them to shape
your thoughts and actions. Col 3:2
Other additions?

3. How do we meditate on God's word?

Here is a five step approach to practicing scripture meditation:
a. Read it. Focus on what you read, what it may mean. Look for key phrases.
b. Write it. Write out the verse exactly with additional insight, thoughts and
c. Say it. Say the verse aloud so you can hear yourself for Faith comes by hearing.
Rom 10:17. Continue to speak it quietly as your heart connect with God's Spirit
through His word.
d. Sing it. This can also be applied as it is a means of unlocking the heart.
e. Pray it. As you pray your verse, ask the Lord to help you believe it.

4. How can we overcome distracting thoughts as we meditate on God's word?

Application: Meditation is a beautiful way of engaging with God in a deeper way so

try this 5 step approach on a particular verse as you do your quiet time and share
your experiences/testimonies with your friends.

Conclusion: Meditate so that you remember! By “pondering” and “thinking deeply”

you create the space for the words of God to move from your head to your heart.

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