Ee 347 HW 4

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EE 347 Power Systems I - Homework #4

Your Name
Due Date

Problem 1
Objective: Write a script that determines ABCD coefficients for a given length of
transmission line. The function shall create ABCD coefficients for short, medium,
and long transmission lines.

Use this function to create two additional functions, one for calculating load-
regulated voltage regulation (VR) and another for calculating efficiency (η). Demon-
strate the capabilities of your script by showing results for three ACRS conductors
appropriate for this particular transmission line. Create a table that presents the
ABCD values, conductor spacing D, ambient temperature (Tamb ), VR, and η for
each case.

Test Case
• 230 kV, 50 MVA three-phase transmission line, ACSR conductors.

• The conductors are arranged in an equilateral triangle formation.

Design Constraints
1. d = 55 miles

2. Tamb = 50◦ C

3. 3 ft < D < 8 ft

4. VR = ±5%

5. η ≥ 93%

Python Code
1 import numpy as np
2 import pandas as pd
3 import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
4 from tabulate import tabulate

6 def convert1 ( rho , phi ) :

7 x = rho * np . cos ( phi )
8 y = rho * np . sin ( phi )
9 return (x , y )

11 def convert2 (x , y ) :
12 rho = np . sqrt ( x **2 + y **2)
13 phi = np . arctan2 (y , x )
14 return ( rho , phi )

16 def Vo lt ag e_ Re gul at io n ( V_ll , V_rated ) :

17 return np . abs (( V_ll - V_rated ) / V_rated * 100)

19 def Efficiency ( V_r , Ir_magnitude , Vs_magnitude , Is_magnitude

,→ , Vs_angle , Is_angle , PF ) :
20 Pout = 3 * V_r * Ir_magnitude * PF
21 Pin = 3 * Vs_magnitude * Is_magnitude * np . cos ( Vs_angle
,→ - Is_angle )
22 return Pout / Pin * 100

24 def ABCD_coefficient ( Y_C , Z , d_m , d_ft ) :

25 if d_m < 50:
26 A = 1.0
27 B = Z
28 C = 0.0
29 D = A
30 elif 50 <= d_m < 150:
31 A = 1 + Z * Y_C / 2
32 B = Z
33 C = (( Y_C * Z ) / 4 + 1) * Y_C
34 D = A
35 else :
36 gamma = np . sqrt ( Y_C * Z )
37 Zp = Z * (1 / ( gamma * d_ft ) * np . sinh ( gamma * d_ft )
,→ )

38 Yp = Y_C * (1 / ( gamma * d_ft / 2) * np . tanh ( gamma *
,→ d_ft / 2) )
39 A = ( Zp * Yp ) / 2 + 1
40 B = Zp
41 C = Yp * (( Zp * Yp ) / 4 + 1)
42 D = A
43 return A , B , C , D

45 S = 50 # MVA
46 V_rated = 230 # kV
47 D_space = np . arange (3 , 8.5 , 0.5) # ft - equilateral
,→ triangle conductor spacing
48 T_amb = 50 # C
49 d_m = 55 # mi - transmission line length
50 r = 0.0481
51 xc = 0.539 * 10**6
52 xl = 0.0835
53 GMR = 0.0265
54 d_ft = ( d_m * 5.28)
55 R = r * d_ft
56 XC = ( xc / d_ft ) * np . log ( D_space / GMR )
57 XL = ( xl * d_ft ) * np . log ( D_space / GMR )
58 Y_C = 1 / XC
59 Z = R + 1 j * XL
60 PF = 1

62 A , B , C , D = ABCD_coefficient ( Y_C , Z , d_m , d_ft )

63 Irx , Iry = convert1 ( S / ( np . sqrt (3) * V_rated ) , np . cos ( PF ) )
64 Ir = Irx + 1 j * Iry
65 V_r = V_rated / np . sqrt (3)
66 Vs = A * V_r + B * Ir
67 Vs_magnitude , Vs_angle = convert2 ( np . abs ( Vs ) , np . angle ( Vs ) )
68 V_ll = np . sqrt (3) * Vs_magnitude
69 Volt_R = np . abs (( V_ll - V_rated ) / V_rated * 100)
70 Is = C * V_r + D * Ir
71 Is_magnitude , Is_angle = convert2 ( np . abs ( Is ) , np . angle ( Is ) )
72 Ir_magnitude , Ir_angle = convert2 ( np . real ( Ir ) , np . imag ( Ir ) )
73 efficiency = 3 * V_r * Ir_magnitude * PF / (3 * Vs_magnitude
,→ * Is_magnitude * np . cos ( Vs_angle - Is_angle ) ) * 100

75 data = { ’D ( ft ) ’: D_space , ’A ’: A , ’B ’: B , ’C ’: C , ’D ’: D , ’
,→ Tamb ( C ) ’: T_amb , ’ V_r (%) ’: Volt_R , ’ Efficiency (%)
,→ ’: efficiency }

76 df = pd . DataFrame ( data )

78 results_table = []
79 for q in D_space :
80 results_table . append ([ q , np . round ( A [ int (( q -3) *2) ] , 5) ,
,→ np . round ( B [ int (( q -3) *2) ] , 5) , np . round ( C [ int (( q -3)
,→ *2) ] , 5) , np . round ( D [ int (( q -3) *2) ] , 5) , T_amb , np .
,→ round ( Volt_R [ int (( q -3) *2) ] , 5) , np . round (
,→ efficiency [ int (( q -3) *2) ] , 5) ])

82 headers = [ " D ( ft ) " , " A " , " B " , " C " , " D " , " Tamb ( C ) " , " V_r
,→ (%) " , " Efficiency (%) " ]
83 fig , ax = plt . subplots ( figsize =(10 , 6) )
84 ax . axis ( ’ tight ’)
85 ax . axis ( ’ off ’)
86 table = ax . table ( cellText = results_table , colLabels = headers ,
,→ loc = ’ center ’)
87 table . au to _s et _f on t_ si ze ( False )
88 ax . set_title ( ’ IBIS ’)
89 table . set_fontsize (6)
90 table . scale (1.2 , 1.8)
91 plt . savefig ( ’ table_image . png ’ , bbox_inches = ’ tight ’ ,
,→ pad_inches =0.05)
92 plt . show ()

Data Tables:

Figure 1: Table of ABCD Model, Voltage Regulation, and Efficiency Values for

Figure 2: Table of ABCD Model, Voltage Regulation, and Efficiency Values for

Figure 3: Table of ABCD Model, Voltage Regulation, and Efficiency Values for
IBIS ACSR Conductor

Problem 2
Background: Consider the PowerWorld model from HW#3 P1.

1. Relieve the overload conditions within the transmission line and transformers
by providing reactive compensation.

2. Determine how much capacity can be opened up on the transmission line by

providing this compensation.

3. Turn in a new one-line showing the flow of both real and reactive power.
Comment on the new reactive power flows.


Figure 4: PowerWorld One Line of Uncompensated Circuit

Figure 5: PowerWorld One Line of Compensated Circuit - Compensation Based
on the Generator

Figure 6: PowerWorld One Line of Compensated Circuit - Compensation Based

on Load Reactance

Compensation Based on Load:

Xc = Xload1 + Xload2

Xc = 0.307 Mvar + 0.158 Mvar = 0.465 Mvar

Compensation Based on Generator Reactance:
From our PowerWorld simulation:

Xc = 0.501457 Mvar

For both situations the capacity opened up on the transmission line is a

minimum of 21% and a maximum of 24%. Though the proper way to
compensate our circuit is to compensate our load, when making the
compensating value equal the reactive power of the generator, the generator itself
is compensated by a larger degree.

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Problem 1
Problem: The resonant frequency of the circuit shown is most nearly (Hz):


R = 25 kΩ
L = 25 mH
C = 30 µF

Resonant Frequency Calculation:
ω0 = √
ω0 = √ = 1154.7 rad/s
25 × 10−3 H × 30 × 10−6 F

Conversion to Hertz (Hz)

ω0 1154.7 rad/s
Hz = = = 183.78 Hz
2π 2π
The value is most nearly:

• B.) 1.8 × 102

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Problem 2
Problem: What is the turns ratio (N1:N2) for maximum power transfer in the
following circuit?


R1 = 25 Ω
R2 = 377 Ω

V12 V2
= 2
R1 R2
Assuming V1 = 1

12 V2
= 2
25 377
Solving for V2 :
V22 1 377 377
= ⇒ V22 = ⇒ V2 = = 3.883 ≈ 4 V
377 25 25 25
Assuming N1 = 1:
V1 V2
N1 N2
1V 4V
1 N2
N2 = 4

• C.) 1 : 4


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