ART. 1187. The effects of a ART. 1189. When the conditions have
conditional obligation to give, once the been imposed with the intention of
condition has been fulfilled, shall suspending the efficacy of an
retroact to the delay of the obligation to give, the following rules
constitution of the obligation. shall be observed in case of the
Nevertheless, when the obligation improvement, loss or deterioration of
imposes reciprocal prestations upon the thing during the pendency of the
the parties, the fruits and interests condition:
during the pendency of the condition
(1)If the thing is lost without the
shall be deemed to have been
fault of the debtor, the
mutually compensated. If the
obligation shall be extinguished;
obligation is unilateral, the debtor
(2)If the thing is lost through the
shall appropriate the fruits and
fault of the debtor; he shall
interests received, unless from the
be obliged to pay damages; it is
nature and circumstances of the
understood that the thing is
obligation it should be inferred that
when it perishes, or goes out of
the intention of the person
commerce, or disappears in
constituting the same was different.
such a way that its existence is
In obligations to do and not to unknown or it cannot be
do, the courts shall determine, in each recovered;
case, the retroactive effect of the (3)When the thing deteriorates
condition that has been complied with. without the fault of the
(1120) debtor, the impairment is to be
borne by the creditor;
ART. 1188. The creditor may, before
(4)If it deteriorates through the
the fulfillment of the condition, bring
fault if the debtor, the
the appropriate actions for the
creditor may choose between
preservation of his right.
the rescission of the obligation
and its fulfillment, with
indemnity for damages in either should not comply with what is
case; incumbent upon him.
(5)If the thing is improved by its
The injured party may choose
nature, or by time, the
between the fulfillment and the
improvement shall inure to the
recission of the obligation, with the
benefit of the creditor;
payment of damages in either case.
(6)If it is improved at the
He may also seek rescission, even
expense of the debtor, he
after he has chosen fulfillment, if the
shall have no other right than
latter should become impossible.
that granted to the
usufructuary. (1122) The court shall decree the
rescission claimed, unless there be
ART. 1190. When the conditions have
just cause authorizing the fixing of a
for their purpose the extinguishment
of an obligation to give, the parties,
upon the fulfillment of said conditions, This is understood to be without
shall return to each other what they prejudice to the rights of third persons
debtor, are laid down in the preceding committed a breach of the obligation,
article shall be applied to the party the liability of the first infractor