Acharya Shankara defines samaadhaana in his Vivekachudamani as that ability to place the ever
wandering mind in that Brahman (which is pure) and it should not be mistaken as pacifying the mind.
By acquiring the wealth called “Shama (resolution of the mind)”, mind is taught to become available when
needed; By acquiring the wealth called “Dama (Mastery over the sense organs)”, the interaction between
the sense organs and the sense objects is not given undue importance; By acquiring the wealth called
“Uparama(cessation of worldly longings), the hidden craving for interaction with the sense objects is
addressed; By acquiring the wealth called “Titiksha (Forbearance), the ability to not to complain about the
adversity is strengthened; By acquiring the wealth called “Sraddha (Open Mindedness) Conviction and
commitment towards the scriptural injunctions through a traditional teacher is developed. With these five
wealth’s the inner equipment’s (Antahkarana) have been prepared well to make the onward journey
fruitful and purposeful.
After having prepared the antahkarana, the thus prepared antahkarana should be engaged in the pursuit
of the most important goal of human life (which is knowing oneself). The needed focus on this pursuit is
guaranteed by the imbibing of the values of shama, dama, uparama, titiksha and sraddha.
Lord Yamadharmaraja tells in Kathopanishad, that there are two things which are very important to
achieve the parama purushaartha (most important goal which is to understand the true nature of oneself)
and they are “Vijnaanasaarathi Buddhi” and “Pragrahavaan Manah”. Vijnaanasaarathi Buddhi means, a
well-endowed discriminative intellect and Pragrahavaan Manah means well resolved, focused Mind. Here
the focused mind is nothing but the imbibing of the value called Samaadhaana.
Logically speaking, the focus will come on anything if it is recognized to be having a better/higher value.
Therefore, if there should be unabated focus on a goal, the goal should be worthy of pursuit. When the
goal becomes worthy of pursuit, when the goal is able to provide the inherent requirement of all the
beings more so of the humans, which is “Nithyaananda Sukham” meaning Everlasting Happiness. If this
goal is in sight then any number of wandering away of the mind, will be immediately followed by the
focused approach to the goal. This focused approach to the goal is called as Samaadhaana.
Concluding, Samaadhaanam is nothing but single pointed focus on Brahman as the goal.
Hari Om