History of India-Ancient
History of India-Ancient
History of India-Ancient
Department of History
Faculty of Social Sciences
Major Papers
Course History of India- I : ANCIENT (MAJOR)
Semester I
Category Major / Minor / Minor (Vocational) / SEC / AEC / VAC / MD/Internship/Dissertation
of Course (Tick any one of the above)
Credits &
Hour of Theory Practical Cumulative
Teaching Credits 4
Hours of Teaching 60
Course This course is designed to exhibit for basic understanding of early history of India as
Objectives this nation has a very vast cultural heritage and studying ancient India allow us to have
(not more a better grasp of our cultural heritage and intellectual growth. This paper explains
than 100
how, when and where people in India established the first civilization. This paper helps
us to know how our indigenous people developed their farming, domestication, trade
and other activities. This paper also helps to know about the policies and
administration of ancient rulers and also about the situation in which the major
dynasties emerged.
Course The course content is divided into 4 units along with defined hour of teaching for each
Content unit.
Texts / 1. Jha, D. N., Ancient India and Historical Outline, Manohar Publishers and
References Distributors, Delhi, 1999.
3. Prakash, Om., Prachin Bharat ka Itihaas, New Age International Publisher Ltd.,
Delhi, 1971.
4. Tripathi, R. S., History of Ancient India, Motilal Banarasi Das, Delhi, 1942.
7. Singh, Upinder, History of Ancient and Early Medieval India; From the Stone
Age to the 12th Century, Pearson, 2009.
8. Raichaudhary, S. C., History of Ancient India from earliest time to 1000 A.D,
Surjeet Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
Learning The course expects to students for basic understanding of early Indian history which
Outcomes aims to infuse and induce ancient civilizational values among the students. It is also
(not more intended to impart knowledge of ancient Indian samskritic and shramanic literature.
than 100 The course will also promote the learning of ancient monuments, material culture and
words) heritage. It will make familiar to the students how ancient individuals and cultures
dealt with challenges in the past and that might help us to recognize and prepare for
our problems today and in the future.