Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Academic Writing
Writing essays and dissertations can be a significant challenge for many international
students studying at English-language universities. To help instructors support their
students in this demanding task, we have put together some key chapters from leading
titles in the field of Academic Writing for non-native English speakers. The first three
chapters, by Stephen Bailey, give a brief overview of the basics of Academic Writing and
explain to international students how to create well-structured paragraphs and write
effective introductions and clear conclusions. The next chapter, by Jane Bottomley,
explores the main features of academic scientific style and the notion of good academic
practice in relation to the use of sources. It also presents some strategies for paraphrasing
and summarizing which will help students to use academic sources in a positive way.
Students should be clear why they are writing. The most common reasons include: - to
report on a piece of research the writer has conducted - to answer a question the writer
has been given or chosen - to discuss a subject of common interest and give the writer? s
view - to synthesise research done by others on a topic
Although there is no fixed standard of academic writing, and style may vary from subject
to subject, academic writing is clearly different from the written style of newspapers or
novels. For example, it is generally agreed that academic writing attempts to be accurate,
so that instead of ?the metal was very hot? it is better to write ?the metal was heated to
Writing a thesis is not a straightforward matter, but there are certain general steps you can
follow to help you in the writing process. Whether you are writing a thesis in the Natural
or Social Sciences, the Humanities or any other broad discipline, you must be able to
communicate your findings clearly and systematically.
Writing a thesis is not a straightforward matter, but there are certain general steps you can
follow to help you in the writing process. Whether you are writing a thesis in the Natural
or Social Sciences, the Humanities or any other broad discipline, you must be able to
communicate your findings clearly and systematically.
Writing a thesis is not a straightforward matter, but there are certain general steps you can
follow to help you in the writing process. Whether you are writing a thesis in the Natural
or Social Sciences, the Humanities or any other broad discipline, you must be able to
communicate your findings clearly and systematically.
• Writing phase
The first phase involves planning your written piece, e.g. your thesis, scientific journal
article etc. But, why do you need to plan? Planning achieves the following:
The pre-writing or planning phase is followed by the writing phase which is also the
referred to as the 'drafting' of your paper. To start with, there are some general writing
rules in order to make your thesis more readable. The first rule is to proof read everything
before you hand it in to your supervisor. Nothing detracts more from a piece of writing
than errors! Sloppy work suggests a sloppy mind. Do your own proof reading or ask a
friend to help you. Secondly, keep it simple. In other words, focus on getting your point
across, writing clearly and to the point. Thirdly, leave yourself time between drafts so
that you can mull over what you are trying to say. Also errors will be easier to detect after
a couple of days. Remember not to procrastinate - don't put off until tomorrow what you
can do today. Lastly, present your drafts in as neat a form as possible. In today's world
you need to be computer literate, so make sure your font and spacing is consistent, use
the spell and grammar checker, etc.
The drafting phase The first attempt at drawing your thoughts together in a coherent piece
of writing is usually more content based where you focus on what you want to say before
considering the finer details of how it should be said. This is often regarded as the very
important first step of “writerly based writing” rather than “readerly based writing”. The
emphasis is on whether you understand what you are writing about. At this point you
often realize the gaps in your own understanding. When you find it extremely difficult to
express a concept in writing, it is usually a signal that you haven’t effectively understood
the particular concept or idea. On the other hand, you may understand the logical
connections implicit in the writing – it may make perfect sense to you - but remember,
your writing must make sense to the intended audience (readers) as well.
Topic Position
The topic position is usually located at the beginning of the sentence, where the reader
expects perspective and context. The reader expects a unit of discourse to be a story about
whoever shows up first; it provides them with focus. For example:
The same rules apply to paragraphs and chapters - in fact any unit of discourse. All
paragraphs have the same building blocks, i.e. the core idea or topic of a paragraph
should be stated in one sentence, called the topic sentence, which is located in the topic
position – often first. The rest of the paragraph consists of sentences that support, develop
or explain the main topic. They should be logically linked to the preceding and following
sentences. Lastly, the concluding sentence is usually a summary of the argument of the
paragraph, and should look ahead to the next paragraph. For a paragraph to be coherent,
most of the sentence subjects should be the same, the ideas should have a clear and
logical relation to each other and information should flow from old ideas to new ideas. It
helps if every now and then you orientate your reader. You do this by means of
The introduction should make clear how the chapter fits into the rest of the thesis:
The introduction:
• Sets the scene of the chapter – the general area(s) that the chapter considers, the main
question it addresses
• Identifies the gap in knowledge or understanding that the chapter addresses – usually
identified as an issue in earlier chapters
• Indicates how the chapter fills the gap, or responds to the chapter’s posed main
question • Gives a brief overview of what is in the chapter
• Contains a clear thesis statement that reflects the essence (or gist) of the chapter
Societal Bilingualism
Impact on linguistics
In an early review of the book, American structural linguist Charles F. Voegelin wrote
that Syntactic Structures posed a fundamental challenge to the established way of doing
linguistic research. He stated that it had the potential to accomplish "a Copernican
revolution" within linguistics.[86] Another American linguist Martin Joos called the
Chomskyan brand of linguistic theory a "heresy" within the Bloomfieldian tradition.
These early remarks proved to be prescient. American linguist Paul Postal commented
in 1964 that most of the "syntactic conceptions prevalent in the United States" were
"versions of the theory of phrase structure grammars in the sense of Chomsky".[88] By
1965, linguists were saying that Syntactic Structures had "mark[ed] an epoch",[89] had a
"startling impact"[90] and created a Kuhnian "revolution".[91] British linguist John
Lyons wrote in 1966 that "no work has had a greater influence upon the current linguistic
theory than Chomsky's Syntactic Structures."[92] British historian of linguistics R. H.
Robins wrote in 1967 that the publication of Chomsky's Syntactic Structures was
"probably the most radical and important change in direction in descriptive
linguistics and in linguistic theory that has taken place in recent years
The conclusion of the chapter should remind readers of the key conclusions drawn,
outcomes and how its theme will be dealt with or carried on elsewhere in the thesis. It
should not merely restate the introduction or list the aspects covered, but should show
growth and reflection in terms of:
• what the chapter has done – the main response to the question the chapter addresses
Turabian, K. 1996. A manual for writers of research papers, theses and dissertations.
6th ed. Revised by Grossman, J. & Bennet, A. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Visser, N. 1992. Handbook for writers of essays and theses. 2nd ed. Cape Town:
Maskew Miller Longman