Introduction To Team Sports
Introduction To Team Sports
Introduction To Team Sports
An overhand serve where the player tosses the ball 4. Pull your hands apart just far enough so
high and hits it with a wrist span. that a ball fits between them.
An overhand serve where the ball is hit with no Basketball is the world's most well-liked team
spin so that its path becomes unpredictable. sports, wherein the target is to shoot a ball through
a basket horizontally positioned to earn points
D. Jump served while following of rules. it's played with two
teams of 5 players played on a marked rectangular Jabbar, also a center, came to prominence during
court with a basket at each width. Its court has 18 the 1970s. Jabbar perfected his fame “sky hook”
inches in diameter and 10 feet high. shot while playing for the Los Angeles Lakers and
dominated the opposition.
A field goal scores two points for the shooting
team if a player is touching or closer to the basket Larry Bird of Boston Celtics, a Magic
than the three-point line, and three points if the Johnson of Los Angeles Lakers are credited with
player is behind the three-point line. The team injecting excitement into the league in the 1980s
with the foremost points at the top of the sports through their superior skills and decade-long
game wins, but extra time could also be issued rivalry. During the late 1980s Michael Jordan of
when the sport ends with a draw. The ball is Chicago Bulls rose to stardom and helped the
advanced on the court by bouncing it while Bulls dominated the NBA during the early 1990s.
dribbling or passing it to a teammate. It’s a A new generation of Basketball stars, including
violation to maneuver without travelling, to hold Shaquille O’Neal of the Orlando Magic and Larry
it, or to carry with both hands then resume double Johnson of the Charlotte Hornets, have sustained,
dribble. the NBAs growth in popularity.
History In 1959, a Basketball Hall of Fame was founded
in Springfield, Massachusetts. Its roosters include
This team sport was invented by James Naismith,
the names of great players, coaches, referees, and
Canadian clergyman, educator, and physician in
people who have contributed significantly to the
December 1891. The first ball used was a soccer
development of the game.
ball played by nine players, and the goals were
wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By Mechanics and Rules
1897-1898, teams of five became standard.
1. Teams and Positions.
The game rapidly spread worldwide and to
Five players are assigned to opposing teams, with
Canada and other parts of the world, played by
each team made up of a point guard, shooting
both women and men; it also became a popular
guard, small forward, power forward and center.
informal outdoor game. U.S. servicemen in WWII
(1939-1945) popularized the sport in many other 2. Regulation Length and Shot Clock.
In high school basketball, each quarter lasts for
The first pro-league is that the National Basketball eight minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the
League created to guard players from abuse and to regulation, continuous overtime period is played
possess a less rough game in 1898. The league until a winner can be determined. Overtime last
lasted until five years before disbanding; its for four minutes in high school basketball. Lastly,
demise spawned a range of loosely organized there is no shot clock in high school.
leagues throughout America. Its first and greatest
popular teams was the Original Celtics, organized 3. Court Dimension.
in New York City in 1915. The league played as Overall, the court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide.
many as 150 games a season and dominated In high school basketball this line is 19 feet, 9
basketball until 1936. inches away. The free throw line is 15 feet away
In 1949, two subsequent professional from the basket.
leagues, the National Basketball League formed in 4. Fouls.
1937 (and the Basketball Association of America
(1946) merged to create the National Basketball Personal fouls occur when defenders make illegal
/association NBA. The Boston Celtics, led by their contact with their opponents. If an opponent is in
center Bill Russel, dominated the NBA from the the act of shooting, free-throws are awarded. In
late 1950s through 1960s. Wilt Chamberlain, a high school, five personal fouls warrant an
center for the Los Angeles Lakers, was another ejection.
leading player during the era, and his battles with Technical fouls generally occur when a player
Russel were eagerly anticipated. Kareem Abdul- behaves with unsportsmanlike conduct.
5. Scoring. The types of passing are the following:
Each basket made in front of the three-point line is • Air pass travels between one player to
awarded two points. Baskets from behind this line another without hitting the floor.
are awarded three points. You also received one
• Bounce pass is thrown to the floor so that
point for each made free-throw—taken without
it bounces to the receiver.
interference from the free-throw lines. If you are
fouled in the act of shooting beyond the three- • Chest pass is a pass originates from the
point line, you will receive three free-throws. If chest to the receiver’s chest
you make the basket while being fouled
simultaneously, the basket will count and you will • Overhead pass is a pass that originates
receive one free-throw. from the forehead of the player.
D. Running