Introduction To Team Sports

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Introduction to team sports

A team sports is an activity in which  Another effective and enjoyable way to

individuals on the same team, work together to push yourself and maintain motivation is to take
win. It promotes fair play and builds character of part in a team sport. Training with teammates can
an individual. be motivating and inspire you to reach new
Any sport where players divide into rival
sides and compete to win or work together to  In the end, playing together is a fantastic
amuse their spectators qualifies as a team sport. way to socialize and meet new people. They are
Members work together to achieve a common well- liked and actively foster a sense of
goal. To achieve their goals, team members set community and belonging.
goals, make decisions, communicate, handle
What are the Positive Effects of playing Team
conflict, and solve problems in a positive and
trusting environment. Members of the team work
together internally to succeed.  The physical effect – reducing body fat &
increasing stamina
How important is the team sports
 Helping keep your joints, bones and
 Team sports are said to bolster the five
muscles healthy
C’s: competence, confidence, connections,
character, and caring. At the heart of this is self-  It’s fun! Entertaining yourself is 100%
esteem – an increased sense of self as a result of important for good mental health
better social interactions, stronger relationships,
and higher academic performance.  Improving important life skills like
teamwork and communication
Benefits of team sports
 The satisfaction of learning a new skill
 There are countless benefits to playing
team sports, particularly during childhood and  Can aid any mental illnesses like
adolescence, with camaraderie and team spirit depression & anxiety
leading the pack. No matter the players' talents,  Creates ever-lasting friendships with
playing together encourage cooperation because to people of similar interests
succeed, you must cooperate and depend on your
teammates. Here are the main advantages.
 As a team, you can foster good Under the K-12 Curriculum guide in
sportsmanship and put winning in its proper physical education there are team sports that you
perspective. Being a sore loser is typical, will learn under the grade 8 level, namely;
especially in children or people who have never Basketball, Volleyball, Futsal, Football, Baseball,
participated in a team sport. and Goalball, Wherein the basketball and
Volleyball will be the main team sports that will
 Being on a team gives you the ability to be discussed.
comprehend winning and losing and how to
handle it in a secure and encouraging Team sports helps students develop
environment. When teammates share the burden character and skills. Teamwork is a skill we use
of a loss, the blow can be lessened; however, our whole life. It is important to learn the basic
when success is shared, winning can seem early, playing team sports t the young age allows
more valuable. children to participate in social activities, interact
and work together, to achieve goals and build
In team sports, you learn to value each teammate's skills such as team work and leadership.
skills and how their contributions can help the
team achieve its objectives. You may become
more understanding, forgiving, and upbeat as a Different Team Sports
result, both on and off the field.
There are many different team sports all enable players to determine their location on the
around the world but for today we will focus on court and the direction he/she is facing at any
few team sports that under the curriculum for time. Silence during playtime is critical to allow
Endurance, Muscle and Bone Strengthening the players to listen, concentrate, and react.
 Basketball
 Football, game in which two teams of 11
 Volleyball players, using any part of their bodies except their
hands and arms, try to maneuver the ball into the
 Futsal
opposing team’s goal. Only the goalkeeper is
 Football permitted to handle the ball and may do so only
within the penalty area surrounding the goal. The
 Goalball team that scores more goals wins.
 Baseball  Football is the world’s most popular ball
game in numbers of participants and spectators.
Simple in its principal rules and essential
Baseball equipment, the sport can be played almost
 Baseball, game played with a bat, a ball, anywhere, from official football playing fields
and gloves between two teams of nine players (pitches) to gymnasiums, streets, school
each on a field with four white bases laid out in a playgrounds, parks, or beaches. Football’s
diamond (i.e., a square oriented so that its governing body, the Fédération Internationale de
diagonal line is vertical). Teams alternate Football Association (FIFA), estimated that at the
positions as batters (offense) and fielders turn of the 21st century there were approximately
(defense), exchanging places when three members 250 million football players and over
of the batting team are “put out.” As batters, 1.3 billion people “interested” in football; in 2010
players try to hit the ball out of the reach of the a combined television audience of more than 26
fielding team and make a complete circuit around billion watched football’s premier tournament, the
the bases for a “run.” The team that scores the quadrennial month-long World Cup finals.
most runs in nine innings (times at bat) wins the
game. Futsal

Goalball  Futsal is a variant of soccer played

(mainly) indoors on a hard court slightly larger
 Goalball is a sport exclusive to athletes than a basketball court, with two teams of five
with visual impairments, played by both men and players each, including a goalkeeper. It uses a
women. Played in a gym court, the objective of smaller, heavier, low- bounce ball and is
the game is to throw the ball using a bowling recognized by FIFA as the official indoor soccer
motion into the opponent’s net while the opposing game. Learn about the 7 main differences between
players try to block the ball with their bodies. The futsal and indoor soccer. Futsal is played with
1.25 kilograms ball, has noise bells which help touchlines as boundaries and without walls or
orientate the players. boards, at a faster pace than soccer, allowing for
 It is an intensely unique spectator sport more touches and generally resulting in higher
given the venue atmosphere and extreme scores. It is played in over 100 countries
concentration and silence required by the athletes. worldwide by 12 million players.
Each team is comprised of six players with no Nature and Background of Volleyball
more than three players per team (one center and
two wingers) permitted on the court at any one Volleyball is a game played by two teams with six
time. Goals are scored by rolling a ball (called a players on each team. It is considered as the most
goalball) toward the opposing team’s net which popular team sports all over the world, wherein
spans the width of the court at each end. Goalball the players use their hands to bat a ball back and
is played on a court with tactile markings to forth over a high net. To prevent this, a player on
the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a court, with a lower net, and nine players on a
teammate before it touches the court surface that team.
the teammate may then volley it back across the
The FIVB-sponsored world volleyball
net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it
championships (for men only in 1949) and both
across the net.
men and women in 1952 that led to acceptance of
History standardized playing rules and officiating. In
1964, volleyball became an Olympic for both men
Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan in
and women held in Tokyo.
1895. He was a physical director of the Young
Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, European championships were long
Massachusetts. Morgan designed it as an indoor dominated by Czechoslovakian, Hungarian,
sport for businessmen only because basketball is Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, and Soviet (later,
too vigorous for them. He called the sport Russian) teams. At the world and Olympic level,
“mintonette,” until such there was a professor Soviet teams have won more titles for both men's
from Springfield College in Massachusetts noted and women's than those of any other nation. Their
the volleying nature of play and proposed the success was attributed to widespread grassroots
name of 'Volleyball.' interest and well-organized play and instruction at
all levels of skill. Olympic champions in 1946
The original rules were written by Morgan and
were the Japanese women's team because of their
printed in the first edition of the official Handbook
free time to conditioning, team practice, and
of the Athletic league of the Young Men's
condition under expert and demanding coaching.
Christian Association of North America (1897).
This women's team made its mark in international
The game soon proved to have wide appeal for
competition, winning the world championship in
You sent both sexes in schools, playgrounds, the
1962, 1966, and 1967, in addition to the 1964
armed forces, and other organizations in the
Olympics because of the encouragement by the
United States, and it was subsequently introduced
Japanese Volleyball Association. At the end of the
to other countries.
20th century, the Cuban women's team dominated
The first nationwide tournament in the both the World championships and the Olympics.
United States was conducted by the national
Basic Volleyball Rules
YMCA physical Education Committee in New
York City in 1922. The United States Volleyball 1. 6 players on a team, 3 on the front and 3
Association (USVBA) was formed and recognized on the back row
as the rules-making in 1928 and changed the name
2. Maximum of three hits per side
USVBA to USAV with the same year. USAV has
conducted annual national men's and senior men's 3. The player as much as possible will not hit
(age 35 and older) volleyball championships, the ball twice in succession (a blockis not
except during 1944 and 1945. In 1949, started the considered as hit)
women's division and 1977 was added the senior
women's division (age 30 and older). 4. A ball may be played off the net during a
volley and on a serve
American troops introduced the Volleyball
into Europe during World War 1947, 5. A ball hitting a boundary line is “in”
Federation Internationale de Volley Ball (FIVBO 6. A ball is “out” if it hits... -an antennae,
was organized in Paris and moved to Lausanne,
Switzerland in 1984.the USVBA was one of the - The floor completely outside the court,
13 charter members of the FIVB, whose - Any of the net or cables outside the
membership grew to more than 210- antennae,
membercountries by the late 20th century.
International Volleyball competition began in1913 -The referee stand, or pole,
with the first Far East Games, in Manila. During - The ceiling above a non-playable area
the early 1900s and continuing until after World
War II, Volleyball in Asia was played on a larger
7. It is legal if the ball contacted with any Serving is used to put the ball in play. The action
part of a player body is done with arm swing that sends the ball overthe
net into the opponent's court.
8. It is illegal to catch, hold, or throw the ball
B. Passing
9. If two or more players contact the ball at
the same time, it is considered one play and either Passing is used to receive the ball from your
player involved may make the next contact opponents, as in service, or as a technique to
accurately control the ball in a way that eliminates
10. A player cannot block or attack a serve
lifting or carrying the ball.
from on or inside the 10-foot line
C. Setting
11. After the serve, front line players may
switch positions at the net It is use to receive a teammate's pass in order that
the play may continue by passing the ball
12. At higher competition, the officiating crew
overhead to an attacker. The action of setting is to
may be made up of two refs, line judges, scorer,
contact the ball with the finger pads momentarily
and an assistant scorer.
at the forehead and following through with arms
Basic Violations in Volleyball fully extended to the hitting target.

1. When serving, stepping on or across the D. Attacking/Spiking

service line is not allowed.
It is used to put the ball into the opponent's court
2. Failure to serve the ball over the net in order to earn point or side out. The action of
successfully this skill will incorporate a quick approach
followed by a strong, full arm swing, and follow-
3. Contacting the ball illegally (lifting, thru.
carrying, throwing, etc.)
E. Blocking
4. Touching the net with any part of the body
while the ball is in play It is used to stop the ball of the opponent's attack
to cross the net. A block is effective if it
5. When blocking a ball coming from the immediately places the ball back into the
opponent's court, contacting the ballwhen opponent's court or if it temporarily slows down
reaching over the net is a violation if both: the ball in order for a defender to make dig. The
-Your opponent hasn't used 3 contacts and fundamental of this is to stand facing the net with
feet shoulder width apart, arms nearly extended
- They have a player there to make a play on the above the head, ready to jump above the net to
ball deflect the ball back into the opponent's court.
6. Crossing the court centreline with any part F. Digging
of your body
It is used to receive the opponent's attack. The dig
7. Serving out of order resembles a forearm pass from a low ready
8. Back row player blocking, when the position and is used more for balls that are hit near
moment of back contact row player is near the net the defender.
and has part of his/her body above the top of the
net (an illegal attack)
Developing volleyball skills takes time;
9. Back row player attacking a ball inside the you have to be patient and determination to
front zone (the area inside the 10-foot line), when practice it always. That is why drills and routines
at the moment of contact the ball is completely are part of athlete life to be able execute the
above the net (an illegal attack). specific skills they have. More than that, they have
Basic Skills in Volleyball to do their daily routines to be healthy and free
from injuries.
A. Serving
Basic Drills/Routines to develop skills in An overhand serve where the ball is first tossed
Volleyball: high in the air.
• Players must have a strong physical E. Jump float
condition after following a specific pre-season
An overhand serve where the ball is tossed high
strength and condition program.
enough that the player may jump before hitting the
• All cables are checked for fraying prior to ball.
the start of each practice and match.
Setting the ball is done by the setter who set to the
• Check crank mechanisms. spiker for attacking purposes. The setter should
know where to give the ball and have a variety in
• Floor should be swept and be free from
setting the ball to deceive the opponent's block.
debris and dirt.
Types of Setting
• Towels are available to swipe sweat/ water
from the floor. 1. Forearm Set The hands are clasped
together so that the forearms are parallel. The
• Knee pads are worn by all players at all
clasp should be relaxed, with the type of
handclasp a matter of choice. The thumbs are kept
• Team benches must be a safe distance parallel and together, and the fingers of one hand
away from the playing area. make a partially cupped fist, with the fingers of
the other hand overlapping the fist.
• Court is to be cleared of stray balls.
2. Overhead Set
• No jewelry worn during the competition.
The player moves underneath the ball and controls
• No drinking of water within six feet of it with the fingertips. The cup of the fingers is
playing court. made so that the thumbs and forefingers are close
• Proper warm-up and stretching prior to together and the other fingers are spread. The
and after the play. hands are held forehead high, with elbows out and
level with the floor. The player, when in receiving
Types of Serving: position, looks ready to shout upward through the
Serving is one of the six basic skills in volleyball. hands.
It starts the play when one player serves the ball
and it is one of the important aspects in a game.
There are five types of serving, namely: Basic Techniques in Setting
underhand, topspin, float, jump serve, and jump 1. With your hands down in front of you, put
float. all ten fingertips together (thumbs touching each
A. Underhand other, index fingers touching each other, etc.) with
the fingers spread wide.
A serve in which the player strikes the ball below
the waist instead of tossing it up and striking it 2. Raise your hands up above your head with
with an overhand throwing motion. your fingers still touching.

B. Topspin 3. Pull your elbows out to your sides.

An overhand serve where the player tosses the ball 4. Pull your hands apart just far enough so
high and hits it with a wrist span. that a ball fits between them.

C. Float Nature and Background of Basketball

An overhand serve where the ball is hit with no Basketball is the world's most well-liked team
spin so that its path becomes unpredictable. sports, wherein the target is to shoot a ball through
a basket horizontally positioned to earn points
D. Jump served while following of rules. it's played with two
teams of 5 players played on a marked rectangular Jabbar, also a center, came to prominence during
court with a basket at each width. Its court has 18 the 1970s. Jabbar perfected his fame “sky hook”
inches in diameter and 10 feet high. shot while playing for the Los Angeles Lakers and
dominated the opposition.
A field goal scores two points for the shooting
team if a player is touching or closer to the basket Larry Bird of Boston Celtics, a Magic
than the three-point line, and three points if the Johnson of Los Angeles Lakers are credited with
player is behind the three-point line. The team injecting excitement into the league in the 1980s
with the foremost points at the top of the sports through their superior skills and decade-long
game wins, but extra time could also be issued rivalry. During the late 1980s Michael Jordan of
when the sport ends with a draw. The ball is Chicago Bulls rose to stardom and helped the
advanced on the court by bouncing it while Bulls dominated the NBA during the early 1990s.
dribbling or passing it to a teammate. It’s a A new generation of Basketball stars, including
violation to maneuver without travelling, to hold Shaquille O’Neal of the Orlando Magic and Larry
it, or to carry with both hands then resume double Johnson of the Charlotte Hornets, have sustained,
dribble. the NBAs growth in popularity.
History In 1959, a Basketball Hall of Fame was founded
in Springfield, Massachusetts. Its roosters include
This team sport was invented by James Naismith,
the names of great players, coaches, referees, and
Canadian clergyman, educator, and physician in
people who have contributed significantly to the
December 1891. The first ball used was a soccer
development of the game.
ball played by nine players, and the goals were
wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By Mechanics and Rules
1897-1898, teams of five became standard.
1. Teams and Positions.
The game rapidly spread worldwide and to
Five players are assigned to opposing teams, with
Canada and other parts of the world, played by
each team made up of a point guard, shooting
both women and men; it also became a popular
guard, small forward, power forward and center.
informal outdoor game. U.S. servicemen in WWII
(1939-1945) popularized the sport in many other 2. Regulation Length and Shot Clock.
In high school basketball, each quarter lasts for
The first pro-league is that the National Basketball eight minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the
League created to guard players from abuse and to regulation, continuous overtime period is played
possess a less rough game in 1898. The league until a winner can be determined. Overtime last
lasted until five years before disbanding; its for four minutes in high school basketball. Lastly,
demise spawned a range of loosely organized there is no shot clock in high school.
leagues throughout America. Its first and greatest
popular teams was the Original Celtics, organized 3. Court Dimension.
in New York City in 1915. The league played as Overall, the court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide.
many as 150 games a season and dominated In high school basketball this line is 19 feet, 9
basketball until 1936. inches away. The free throw line is 15 feet away
In 1949, two subsequent professional from the basket.
leagues, the National Basketball League formed in 4. Fouls.
1937 (and the Basketball Association of America
(1946) merged to create the National Basketball Personal fouls occur when defenders make illegal
/association NBA. The Boston Celtics, led by their contact with their opponents. If an opponent is in
center Bill Russel, dominated the NBA from the the act of shooting, free-throws are awarded. In
late 1950s through 1960s. Wilt Chamberlain, a high school, five personal fouls warrant an
center for the Los Angeles Lakers, was another ejection.
leading player during the era, and his battles with Technical fouls generally occur when a player
Russel were eagerly anticipated. Kareem Abdul- behaves with unsportsmanlike conduct.
5. Scoring. The types of passing are the following:
Each basket made in front of the three-point line is • Air pass travels between one player to
awarded two points. Baskets from behind this line another without hitting the floor.
are awarded three points. You also received one
• Bounce pass is thrown to the floor so that
point for each made free-throw—taken without
it bounces to the receiver.
interference from the free-throw lines. If you are
fouled in the act of shooting beyond the three- • Chest pass is a pass originates from the
point line, you will receive three free-throws. If chest to the receiver’s chest
you make the basket while being fouled
simultaneously, the basket will count and you will • Overhead pass is a pass that originates
receive one free-throw. from the forehead of the player.
D. Running

6. Dribbling Mechanics. Running is a basic skill that a player should

possess in playing basketball. It provides the
The proper mechanics for dribbling a basketball player a greater chance to shoot the ball.
require that you keep the ball low and close to
your body in order to make it as difficult as E. Shooting
possible for the defender to steal the ball. The first basic skill to be learned in playing
7. Shooting Mechanics. basketball is shooting. Every basketball player
loves to shoot the ball into the basket. Players
To properly shoot a basketball, have your feet spend a good time of their practice on shooting
shoulder-width apart and pointing directly toward drills to improve their skills.
the basket.
Remember the BEEF (Balance, Eyes, Elbow,
Skills to be developed in Basketball Follow- Through) when shooting the ball.
A. Dribbling Safety Rules for Basketball
Dribbling in playing basketball is a skill that a 1. No player may swing his elbows in an
player should master. It allows the player to move attempt to secure the basketball, particularly when
around the basketball court while he or she is in the player has gathered a rebound.
the possession of the ball. It is one way of
allowing the player to advance with the ball and 2. Players who are up in the air and in a
make a score instead of passing it to a teammate to vulnerable position while shooting or rebounding
shoot in the basket. are not in a position to defend themselves.

B. Rebounding 3. No players are allowed to wear jewelries

while playing basketball.
Rebounding is one of the most important aspects
of the basketball game which enables the player to 4. The location must be safe, the court should
jump with power to get the ball as it bounces to be kept dry and free of obstacles around its
the rim after a failed shoot before it touches the perimeter, as players’ momentum can occasionally
floor. Whenever the player grabs a rebound, he or carry them off the court.
she gains a chance to shoot again the ball while 5. Wear the right protective gear such as
the other team loses it. mouthguard and proper court shoes.
C. Passing 6. Basketball safety tips also include
One of the primary skills in playing basketball is knowing your fitness level and limits.
passing. It is a skill that maximizes the Facilities and Equipment in Basketball
involvement of all players in setting up a play to
earn successful shoots and earn points for the A. Ball
whole team.
The basketball is an inflated sphere with an outer All line markings on the floor are two inches wide
covering. It is a 75 to 78 cm in circumference and and can vary in color.
weighs 600-650 grams. It must be made of leather
in the official FIBA competitions.
B. Basket
It is also called goal. It is made up of horizontal
circular metal rim with a net hanging from it. It is
3.05 m above floor level.
C. Backboard
The rigid rectangular board behind the rim.
Standard widths are 24” - 42”, 44: - 48”, 60” -
D. Shoes/ Basketball Jerseys
High-topped shoes/ Basketball team uniform.
E. Basketball Court Court Dimensions
The size of the court depends on the playing level.
The size of the court for NBA and College games
is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. It is smaller for
High School and Junior High.
The Backboard and Rim
The regulation height above the ground for the rim
(hoop) is 10 feet, and the rim is 18 inches in
diameter. Backboards are six feet wide (72 inches)
by 42 inches tall, with the inner square being 24
inches wide by 18 inches tall.
The Foul Line
For all size courts the 'foul line' is 15 feet in front
of the backboard.
The Key
The key is 12 feet wide and is the same for all
basketball courts. The backboard extends four feet
out over the baseline into the key. A half circle of
diameter 6 foot extends from the foul line away
from the basket to complete the key.
The 3-Point Line (Arc)
For NBA Basketball Courts the 3-point arc is 22
feet to the center of the rim on the sides with a
straight line extending out 16 feet 9 inches from
the baseline, pass those points the line extends out
23 feet 9 inches from the center of the rim
Line Markings

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