Kinetic TimeMgmtUserGuide
Kinetic TimeMgmtUserGuide
Kinetic TimeMgmtUserGuide
Management User
Version 2023.2
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Table of Contents
Time Management 5
Setup 7
Entering Time 28
Entering Time 28
Submitting Time 34
Recalling Time 35
Retrieving Time Records 35
Calendar View 35
Time Approval 38
Approval Flow of Indirect and Production Time 38
Approvals Flow of Project Time 40
Approving Time and Expense 43
Approving/Rejecting Transactions 43
Modifying Transactions 44
Deleting Transactions 44
Workflow Groups 45
Pre-Defined Time Approval Workflow Groups 45
Workflow Setup Example - Supervisor 46
Define an Approval Workflow 51
Tasks 51
Task Sets 52
3 October, 2023
Workflow Group 53
Reports 56
4 October, 2023
Time Management
You can enter and manage employee labor hours using the features in Time Management. You can
enter, approve, and correct time transactions, and to set defaults used in the time approval process.
Employees, managers, and department supervisors typically use Time Management to enter and
manage their own time entries and the time entries of other employees. When configured, an
optional approval process can require the approval of time entries before time is posted in Kinetic.
Typically, employees enter their labor hours on a daily or weekly basis and then submit their hours
for approval. Authorized approvers then review, correct, approve, or reject the time transactions.
Reports are available to generate employee timesheets and to help manage employee work hours
and percentage utilization.
The following is the process flow from entering time to completing approvals.
5 October, 2023
6 October, 2023
This section describes the primary records you need to create for the Time Management module.
These are in the Setup folder for this module. Only the primary records are described here. Some
areas within the next Operations section may also document setup records if they are required for a
specific workflow.
You may also need to set up some parameters in Company Configuration. Some modules have
global settings you define through this administration application. For more information, review
application help.
7 October, 2023
Defining Time Approvals in Site Configuration
Use the Site Configuration Control program to determine if time transactions for this site require
approval or to bypass the approval process entirely. You also define the approval logic, or method,
used to approve indirect time and production time. You can set the approval method to approve
transactions automatically, or to approve transactions according to a setting in Employee
From the main menu, navigate to System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Site
Time transactions are labor hours entered by employees and submitted for approval in Time and
Expense Entry. Use the Time card to define the approvals process for these transactions.
8 October, 2023
1. Go to the Time and Expense > Time card.
2. Select the Restrict Entry check box to limit which employees can enter time transactions for
other employees. You then use Employee Maintenance to indicate which users have these
access rights. For more information about setting up employees, review Chapter 5: Personnel.
3. Select the Supervisor Allowed Entry check box to indicate supervisors can enter, modify, and
delete time transactions for employees they supervise. You indicate which employees are
supervisors in Employee Maintenance.
4. Select the Submit on Save check box to indicate time entries are automatically submitted for
approval after users save them to the database.
5. When you select the Approval Required check box, all time entries submitted by employees
must be approved by the approvers assigned to the workflow task.
6. If you select the MES Labor Approval Required check box, all time entries entered through
the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) interface must be approved by the approvers
assigned to the workflow task.
7. Select the Approver Allowed to Delete Transaction check box to indicate all approvers can
add and remove time transactions.
8. Use the Approver Allowed to Modify Submitted Transaction check box to indicate all
approvers can update time transactions.
9. Select the Indirect Approval Logic drop-down list to specify the indirect method for approving
production time transactions submitted by employees. Available options:
l Automatic – Time entries are approved automatically when users submit them.
l Employee – Time entries are approved by employees as defined on their records in
Employee Maintenance.
10. Next, select the Production Approval Logic used for approving production time transactions
submitted by employees. Available options:
l Automatic – Time entries are approved automatically when users submit them.
l Employee – Time transactions are approved by employees as defined on their records in
Employee Maintenance.
11. Select the Time Workflow Group drop-down list to select the workflow group used for time
transactions entered for the current Site. You create workflow groups in Workflow Group
Maintenance; review the application help for more information.
9 October, 2023
12. When you finish defining the time parameters, select Save.
10 October, 2023
Defining Time Approvals in Employee
If you set options in Site Configuration Control to define approvals according to settings in Employee
Maintenance, you need to define those settings. Define whether time for a specific employee is
approved automatically or by a specific workflow group in Employee Maintenance. You also assign a
mandatory supervisor which may be used during the approval process. You can also restrict who
can enter time for another employee.
2. On the landing page, select the employee you want to set up approvals for.
11 October, 2023
4. In the tree navigator, select Time Approval.
5. Select the Auto Approve Time check box to automatically approve time transactions.
6. If you do not want to automatically approve time transactions, select a workflow group from the
Workflow Group drop-down list to designate a workflow group to approve time transactions.
The tasks in the selected workflow display in the Approval Tasks pane.
12 October, 2023
7. Select Save.
Restricting Entry
If you selected the Restrict Entry check box in Site Configuration Control, you must also define who
can enter time for specific employees in Employee Maintenance. Designated users can enter time
for employees in Time Entry.
1. From the main menu, go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup >
2. Expand the Production Info card.
3. Select the user who can enter time for the employee in the User Name field.
13 October, 2023
4. If you want to restrict an employee from entering their own time, select Time Approval in the
tree navigator. Select the Disallow Time Entry for user assigned to employee check box.
5. Select Save.
14 October, 2023
Creating Time Types
In Time Type Maintenance, create and maintain codes used to classify different charge rates for
labor hours in Project Billing. You may want to enter a time type for overtime or for labor performed
on weekends which have a higher rate. You can use time types in Time Entry to enter time for project
labor and apply a different charge rate to the hours worked instead of the charge rate associated with
the employee’s project role code.
l Project Role Maintenance - Establish different charge rates for work outside regular hours.
l Employee Maintenance - Override normal rates or use multiple rates for different time
l Project Contract - Override rates at the contract level for a Project Role or use multiple rates
for different time periods.
l Labor Entry, Start Production and Start Set Up - When entering time on a project job that
uses Project Role codes, the Project Role assigned to the operation is the default. You can
override the Project Role or define a different Time Type during time entry. These changes
affect the charge rate used during the invoicing process.
Time Types are only required for time transactions outside normal charge rates. The
normal charge rate is used when no Time Type is defined.
1. From the main menu, go to Service Management > Time Management > Setup > Time
2. Select New .
15 October, 2023
4. Select Save.
16 October, 2023
Adding Indirect Labor Codes
Indirect Labor Code Maintenance helps you create labor codes tracking labor not performed for a
specific job, such as cleaning, inspection or machine maintenance. Say, 40 ton press is inspected
once a week. When employees finish the inspection, they enter labor against the indirect labor code
in Time Entry.
2. Select New .
4. In the Expense Code field, select the code you need. The labor expense code displays as the
default during time entry when you enter the indirect code, and it defines the type of labor
recorded within the general ledger.
For example, if you have training as a labor type, select Indirect Labor.
17 October, 2023
5. Select Save.
Setting Up Downtime
Select the Downtime check box to indicate that the indirect code in focus can be used to report
downtime during a manufacturing process.
You use downtime when the resource is in production, and something interrupts that production, and
the resource is down requiring immediate attention. This is different from indirect codes that track
non-production time for a variety of reasons.
Example: You start production activity on job '1111', but the machine runs out of
material and you are waiting for material to continue. Instead of clocking out of the job,
you report downtime by selecting an appropriate indirect code. When the downtime
button is selected in DC the program suspends time to any job(s) the employee is
currently clocked into and starts accruing time to the chosen downtime code. When
whatever condition that caused the downtime is resolved, the employee ends downtime
and time period again starts to accrue to the job(s).
18 October, 2023
Synchronizing Indirect Labor Data
The Synch Required check box indicates that synchronization to the Mattec MES application is
required to synchronize the indirect labor code data. It is automatically selected when a new indirect
labor code used to report downtime is added or changed, and the data between ERP and the
machine MES application becomes out of sync.
Only indirect labor codes with a selected Downtime check box and that are new or have
unsynchronized changes are included in the synchronization process.
19 October, 2023
20 October, 2023
Creating Role Codes
Role codes are useful when you want to track each resource's assigned capabilities. Use Role Code
Maintenance to create role codes. You can assign role codes to employees, customer service
representatives, or sales representatives. Role codes are used when creating a customer account
and are associated with customer contacts and work force members.
Roles define the position of the contact within this customer's organization. Each contact record
established at either the sold to or ship to level can be further detailed by assigning them to a
predefined role. Work force members are also assigned a role. Roles are optional, but you can use
them for internal reference.
Role codes are used in Time and Expense to define an employee role. For example:
If you select more than one approver role option, tasks are created for individuals who
match that role criteria.
1. From the main menu, go to Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Role Code
2. Use the Details card to enter the role code details and time and expense options.
l SalesM
l siteMgr
l Buyer
l Employee
4. In the Description field, add a description of the role code. This description appears on a Work
Force member record.
l Sales Manager
l Vice President
l Site Manager
l Buyer
21 October, 2023
l Employee Submitx
l Customer Service
5. If this role is commissionable, select the Commissionable check box. The system
automatically adds commissionable roles assigned to the quote to the sales order.
6. The Resource Group Billing Rates check box indicates that the resource group is associated
with billing rates such as project billing.
7. Primary Resource group is used with advanced planning and scheduling. Create a role, or
search for existing records, in a primary resource group in the Primary Resource Group field
to associate the role with project capabilities. Employees assigned to the primary resource
group inherit the associated capabilities.
l Employee Submit Role - Indicates an employee role. This information is used during
task development for time and expense approvals.
l Project Manager Approval Role - Indicates a project manager approval role. Select this
check box in conjunction with a Workforce Group, the time and expense approvals
process creates an approval task for the Project Manager.
22 October, 2023
l Time and Expense Approval Role - Indicates a time and expense approver. The Level
field indicates the levels of supervisors above the employee responsible for approvals.
This information is used for time and expense approval tasks. For example, zero (0)
indicates the approval is not required for the employee. One(1) indicates approval by the
employee's supervisor is required. Two (2) requires approval by the supervisor of the
employee's supervisor.
9. On the Rates List card, define the project role code rate details such as the effective and end
dates, the currency associated with the charge rate, and the time type code associated with
the role.
23 October, 2023
Working with Quick Code Entry
In Quick Entry Maintenance you specify frequently used time and expense entries and associate
them with a quick entry code. Quick entry codes help you add time and expense transactions faster
and more efficiently. For example, when employees work on a project and enter expense records for
the same task every day of the week. They can select the time or expense quick entry codes they
need, saving time and ensuring accurate data entry.
3. In the Time card, select New to add a new time quick entry code.
4. In the Quick Entry field, enter a unique identifier for the quick entry code.
5. Select the Labor Type for the time quick entry code. You can select Indirect, Production,
Project, Service, or Setup. Depending on what you select, different fields become active on
this card.
6. If you select the Project labor type, the Project and WBS Phase fields activate and you can
enter the required data.
7. If you select the Production, Service, or Setup labor types, the Job field activates. Select the
specific job you wish to associate with this time quick code entry.
A job can also have a link to a WBS Phase. In this case, the Job number displays
by default, and you can then select the Assembly and/or Operation you need.
9. Roles determine a position the employee carries out on a job or project. If you need to
associate a role with this time quick code entry, select it from the Role drop-down list.
24 October, 2023
10. Select the Time Type. Time types specify different charge rates you use for labor hours, if any.
For example, you might create a time type for overtime hours.
11. If you select the Indirect labor type, the Indirect drop-down list activates. Select the indirect
code you want to associate with this time quick code entry.
12. In the Expense Code field, select what expense type to link to this time quick code entry. For
example, Inspection, Grinding, Deburring, Assembly, and so on.
13. If active, select the Resource Group and/or Resource you need to associate with this time
quick code entry. Resources mean machines and employees involved in the production
14. Enter the Labor Hours you need for this entry.
2. In the Quick Entry field, enter a unique identifier for the quick entry code.
3. Select the Indirect Expense check box if the expense doesn't arise form a specific project or
production job. The Project and WBS Phase fields are not available.
4. If the expense arises form a specific project, select the Project and the WBS Phase.
25 October, 2023
5. Select an Expense Type. The values associated with the selected expense type default into
the remaining fields. Edit these values as you need.
6. The Reimbursable check box indicates whether the company will pay back to the employee
for this expense.
8. Select the optional Tax Included check box if the expense amount includes tax.
9. Optionally, select the Expense Currency to indicate the currency you will use to record
expenses through this expense quick entry code within your general ledger.
10. If you plan to submit this expense using a different currency, select it from the Claim Currency
drop-down list.
26 October, 2023
This section details the operations available through Time Management. Each operation is
described as a workflow to help guide you through the process from start to finish. These
applications are primarily found within the General Operations folder for this module. If a unique
setup record is required to run the operation, this is also described in this section.
You may also need to set up some parameters in Company Configuration. Some modules have
global settings you define through this administration application. For more information, review
application help.
27 October, 2023
Entering Time
Enter employee hours for indirect labor, production labor, or project labor and submit those hours for
Entering Time
You can enter time on a daily or weekly basis. After time transactions are entered, you can view,
modify, recall, and copy them. You can also monitor the status of entered transactions and enter
comments for approvers.
2. To find and select the employee for whom you want to enter expenses, select Employee.
3. Inside the grid, select an employee you want to enter time for by selecting the ID link located in
each grid line.
You can now report time based on your selected employee. In this example, we selected Cory
V Snyder.
28 October, 2023
4. Scroll down to locate the Time Details card and select New Time Detail.
6. From the Labor Type drop-down list, select the type of labor performed. The labor type
determines which fields are available for entry in the card, and default values populate some of
the fields.
7. In the Clock In/Clock Out group box, define the time the employee performed the labor.
29 October, 2023
When you select the 'Clock' icon in the 'Clock In' and 'Clock Out' fields, Kinetic displays the
'Time' box, where you can select the time you clocked in or clocked out.
To select your time, scroll up and down in the 'Hour', 'Minute', and 'AM/PM' columns. Once you
are happy with your time selection, select Set inside the 'Time Box'.
Based on your time selection, the 'Labor' and 'Burden Hours' fields display a time value.
In this example, we selected the 'Clock In' time of '4:00 PM' and 'Clock Out' time of '8:30 PM'.
Therefore, the fields show '4' hours.
8. Select one of the existing expense codes for the labor performed.
30 October, 2023
9. In the Location section, complete the fields as needed to define the default resource group,
department information, and resource for this time transaction.
The fields located in the 'Location' group box activate depending on the value you select in the
'Labor Type' field. I this example, we selected 'Production' and are reporting labor again a job.
The values will default if you select the 'Operation' sequence. This is if you are
reporting time against a job operation (Production).
The 'Operation' field identifies the sequence of the operation record within the
specific Job/Assembly to which this labor transaction applies. For setup and
production entries, this must be valid and must not be a subcontract operation.
10. Enter the total reported production quantity using the Labor Qty field.
Users can enter quantity in this field except for the last operation of a job with co-parts.
You can also enter the 'Scrap' and 'Non-Conformance' quantity. The 'Scrap' quantity is the
quantity you dispose of during production. The 'Non-Conformance' is the discrepant quantity
31 October, 2023
that you decide to report because there is something wrong with the produced products. Non-
Conformance quantity will need to go through inspection to determine whether the quantity
can be scrapped, reworked, or can be accepted as is.
11. Select the Downtime button to report downtime against a job, with a reason why production
stopped, for example: electricity outage, waiting for materials, and so on.
Downtime is used when the resource is in production and something interrupts that production
and the resource is down requiring immediate attention. This is different from indirect codes
which are used to track non-production time for a variety of reasons.
For example, you start production activity on job '1111' but the machine runs out
of material and you are waiting for material to continue. Instead of clocking out of
the job, you report downtime by selecting an appropriate indirect code. When the
downtime button is selected in MES the program suspends time to any job(s) the
employee is currently clocked into and starts accruing time to the selected
downtime code. When whatever condition that caused the downtime is resolved
the employee ends downtime and time again will start to accrue to the job(s).
l Project Phase - The project phase belonging to the project you are reporting the time
l Expense Code - The expense code associated with the labor transaction.
l User Rate - The labor rate that overrides the system defined labor rate.
32 October, 2023
l Payroll - The payroll hours of the employee that is reporting the time.
l Rework Reason - The reason code used to describe the rework reason. This code links
the transaction to the reason master record.
l Scrap Reason - The reason code used to describe the scrap quantity reason. This code
indicates why the scrap occurred for analysis purposes.
l Discrepant Reason - The reason code used to describe the discrepant quantity reason.
This code indicates the reason for the non-conformance.
l Attribute Set - Attribute sets allow you to you to use different dimensions (attribute sets)
for the same part and then reuse those attribute sets depending on the dimension you
want to quote, order, purchase, manufacture, ship, receive, transfer, quantity adjust,
and so on.
To learn about attribute sets, review the Understanding Attribute Sets article.
Select Save.
The transaction is saved with a status of until you submit it for approval. You can change
the time entry until you submit it.
Use the Co-Parts card to enter labor against a job producing multiple parts. Available if the
Advanced Production module is installed, use the grid on this card to enter the quantities produced
for the various parts manufactured on the current job.
You can enter Co-Parts (multiple parts) manufactured through the current job. For example, a
manufacturer makes upholstered office chairs. They manufacture several different sized chair backs
which use the same fabric. In this scenario, you can enter a single job that creates two different parts
on one job operation (stamping the material into two different sizes).
For more information about co-parts, review the Entering Co-Parts in Job Entry article.
Use the Labor Equipment card to enter meter readings for equipment when entering time for a job
associated with the equipment.
This card is available when a resource is associated with the equipment used for the job, and the
equipment requires the tracking of meter readings for maintenance.
After you enter time against a job in the Daily Time > Details card, you can use the Labor Equipment
card and enter meter readings for the equipment. Default values may populate the fields depending
on the setup of the equipment in Equipment Maintenance.
33 October, 2023
Submitting Time
After you enter and save a time transaction, you submit it for approval. If a previously submitted
transaction was rejected by approvers, you can change it and re-submit it for approval.
1. If you want to submit an individual time right after you enter it, select Submit.
2. If you need to see all the time transaction you want to submit, select the Time Details node in
the Nav tree.
3. In the Time Details card, switch to the Multi Select Submit/Recall mode.
4. Select the time transaction you want to submit by selecting the check box on each expense
5. Select Submit.
34 October, 2023
Transaction(s) are now submitted. The transaction is submitted for approval and the status is
set to . You can review the approval details in the Approvals card.
Recalling Time
You can recall a time transaction if you unintentionally submitted it for approval.
You can also recall a previously approved or rejected time transaction if the Capture
WIP has not been executed.
1. In the Time Details card, switch to the Multi Select Submit/Recall mode.
Calendar View
The Calendar page displays your time entries for review by 'day', 'week', or 'month'. You can also
use the Calendar to enter time.
35 October, 2023
The date and day of the week is shown at the top of the page and the time of day displays down the
left margin, just like a desk calendar or a day timer book. Any time that has been entered, submitted,
rejected, or approved for this day will show in color-coded blocks.
2. Inside the Calendar page, review the time transaction based on a particular day, week, or
3. To enter time for a particular day, double click inside the calendar on the day you want to enter
the time for.
For example, in this example we double click on date 1/13 and time 8:00 AM.
The Detail card displays. The card displays the selected clock in and clock out values. in this
case, 8:00 AM through to 8:30 AM.
36 October, 2023
To complete the transaction, you must define all the values on this card and save and submit
37 October, 2023
Time Approval
You can configure Time Management so that Kinetic requires approvals for submitted time
transactions, or so that no approvals are required at all. If you choose to use approvals, you can
specify who should do them and even choose multiple people to approve transactions in a particular
If your organization uses approvals, you must configure certain options in Site Configuration and set
up some workflows so that the system can route the transaction to the proper person(s) for approval.
Kinetic lets you use approvals on indirect and production time, and also on time that is entered
toward a specific project.
The following is the approval flow from submitting time to supervisor approval.
38 October, 2023
As the flowchart shows, once a time transaction is entered, the application checks the setting of the
Approval Required check box on the Time card in Site Configuration. If this box is clear, then time
approvals are not required, the time is automatically approved and no other action is required.
If the Approval Required box is selected, the system looks at the settings in the Logic pane in Site
Configuration: Production Approval Logic and Indirect Approval Logic. Each of these fields can be
set to Automatic or Employee. When set to Automatic, the time (for either production or indirect) is
automatically approved and no other action is required.
39 October, 2023
When the logic field is set to Employee, the system looks at the Employee record to determine
whether approvals are necessary. The Auto Approve Time check box, in Employee Maintenance
determines this. When this box is checked, then the time is automatically approved and no other
action is required.
When Auto Approve Time is clear, the system checks the Workflow Group field in the Employee
record, also on Time Entry. If there is a workflow group selected here, that group will be used to
perform the approval. If there is no workflow group specified for the employee, the application returns
to the Site Configuration settings and uses the group listed in the Time Default section at the bottom,
in the Time Workflow Group field. If no group is listed as a default, Kinetic uses the employee's
supervisor (as specified in Employee Maintenance) as the approver.
40 October, 2023
Once a time transaction is entered against a project, the system checks the Approval Required
check box on the Time card in Site Configuration. If this box is clear, then time approvals are not
required, the time is automatically approved and no other action is required.
If the Approval Required box is checked, the system checks the Approvals Method field in Project
Maintenance. When set to Automatic, the time is automatically approved and no other action is
When the Approvals Method is set to Project, the system uses the approvals process defined in the
WBS phase or, if there is not a workflow defined at the phase level, the workflow entered for the
project as a whole.
If the Approvals Method is set to Employee, the system checks the Employee record to determine
whether approvals are necessary, in the same way it does with indirect and production time. The
41 October, 2023
Auto Approve Time check box, on Time and Expense, determines this. When this box is checked,
the time is automatically approved and no other action is required.
When Auto Approve Time is clear, the system checks the Workflow Group field in the Employee
record, also on Time and Expense. If there is a workflow group selected here, that group will be used
to perform the approval. If there is no workflow group specified for the employee, the system returns
to the Site Configuration settings and uses the group listed in the Time Default section at the bottom,
in the Time Workflow Group field. If no group is listed as a default, the system uses the employee's
supervisor (as specified in Employee Maintenance) as the approver.
42 October, 2023
Approving Time and Expense
In Time and Expense Approval, review, approve, reject, or recall time and expense transactions
submitted by employees.
Depending on the configuration of your company, authorized approvers can modify submitted
transactions or delete existing transactions during the approval process. Approvers can enter
optional comments for review by the submitters of the transactions. If needed, approvers can recall
previously approved or rejected transactions if the Capture WIP has not been executed for time
transactions or if the expense transaction has not been invoiced in AP.
Approving/Rejecting Transactions
Authorized approvers can approve or reject an expense transaction submitted by employees. When
approving or rejecting a transaction, you can choose one of the following options:
If needed, you can recall a previously approved or rejected expense transaction if the
transaction has not been invoiced in AP. To do so, you will need to search for and
select the specific transaction you want to recall.
1. From the main menu, navigate to Time and Expense > Time Management/Expense
Management> General Operations > Time and Expense Approval.
2. In the Approver card, enter your Approver identifier or use the search icon find and select your
approver ID. An expense transaction submitted by an employee for your approval displays in
the Detail sheet.
3. Navigate to the Time and Expense tabs as needed to review and approve or reject time and
expenses submitted by employees for your approval.
43 October, 2023
4. Select the appropriate button to approve or reject the transaction as needed. You can
Approve, Reject, Approve With Comment, or Reject With Comment.
5. If you chose Approve With Comment or Reject With Comment, enter a comment for the
transaction submitter in the Approve/Reject Comment panel and select OK.
Once a comment has been entered, an indicator displays showing that the record
has comments.
6. Select Save.
Modifying Transactions
If approvers are granted rights in Site Configuration to modify transactions in your company,
approvers can modify a transaction in Time and Expense Approval.
When you are reviewing time transactions for your approval, you can open the transaction from Time
and Expense Approval and modify it in Time and Expense Entry.
1. In the Approver card, enter your Approver identifier. A transaction submitted by an employee
for your approval displays in the Time and Expense tab.
2. In the Employee field, right-click and select Open With, and then Update Labor Entry or
Update Expense Entry. The Time or Expense Entry displays with the selected time
3. Select the Recall button. You must recall the transaction before you can modify it.
Deleting Transactions
If approvers are granted rights to delete time transactions in Site Configuration, you can delete a
transaction in Time and Expense Approval.
1. In the Approver card, enter your Approver identifier. A transaction submitted by an employee
for your approval displays in the Time and Expense tab.
2. Select a transaction, and then use Delete button.
44 October, 2023
Workflow Groups
When a time transaction is submitted and approvals are enabled, the Epicor application looks for a
workflow group to determine who needs to approve it and in what sequence
Time Management comes with several pre-defined workflow groups that cover typical approval
scenarios. Most organizations will find that the pre-defined workflow groups are sufficient for their
approval needs, but if your process is more complex or different from the available options you can
create a custom workflow.
Upon initial setup, you must create the default workflow groups in Site Configuration.
This is a simple process.
l Supervisor Approval
l Project Manager Approval
l Project Manager & Supervisor Approval
l Multiple Level Approval
Supervisor Approval Workflow Group
This is a good choice when supervisors should approve the time of anyone working for them. When
an employee enters time and approvals are required, the application checks the employee record for
the supervisor. The review time and approve or reject it. You can use the supervisor approval
workflow for indirect, production, and project time.
This workflow is a good choice when the project manager (assigned in Project Entry) should be
doing approvals, in lieu of the supervisor. Assign this workflow on a project or on a WBS phase of a
It makes sense to use this workflow on project time only, as indirect and production time, by
definition, are not projects and therefore do not have a project manager.
45 October, 2023
This workflow group, also for use with project time submissions, uses both the project manager
assigned on the project and the supervisor assigned to the employee as the approvers for time
Again, this workflow group is not typically used with indirect or production time, as those do not have
project managers.
The Multiple Level Approval Workflow group uses group members assigned to approval roles in
Workflow Group Maintenance. You specify a first approver (for example, supervisor or manager) and
a second approver (for example, an accounts payable manager). The time transaction must be
approved by the first approver before it is presented to the second approver. To use Multiple Level
Approval as your template, you must assign group members to the approval roles in Workflow Group
Maintenance. You can use the Multiple Level Approval workflow group with indirect, production, or
project time.
First, the site will be configured to require approvals for all time entered. For indirect time specifically,
the application will be set up to check the employee record for instructions on how to handle
approvals for each specific employee. This way, some employees can be exempt from the approval
process, while others use the pre-defined workflow to route the transaction to their supervisor.
The example will then show an employee's time entry into Time Entry and the subsequent approval
request generated for the employee's supervisor.
Site Configuration
To use approvals, you must enable it in Site Configuration. You can also set a default workflow group
to be used when there is not a specific workflow set up for an employee.
From the main menu, navigate to System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Site
46 October, 2023
are, in turn, selected on workflow groups. For more information, review the Time
Management chapter in the Application User Guide.
3. Select the Indirect Approval Logic drop-down list to specify the indirect method for approving
production time transactions submitted by employees. Available options:
l Automatic – Time entries are approved automatically when users submit them.
l Employee – Time entries are approved by employees as defined on their records in
Employee Maintenance.
4. Select the Time Workflow Group drop-down list to select the workflow group used for time
transactions entered for the current Site. You create workflow groups in Workflow Group
Maintenance; review the application help for more information.
Employee Maintenance
Because the site is configured to check the employee record for the approval workflow, each
employee must be set up. The example here shows an employee using the approval workflow for
supervisor approval. Employees that do not require approvals at all can be set up so that the time is
automatically approved.
1. From the main menu, go to Production Management > Job Management > Setup >
2. On the landing page, select the employee you want to set up approvals for.
47 October, 2023
If the Approval Required check box is selected in Site Configuration Control,
each employee must have a designated supervisor. The supervisor is the
approver when the approval process is not automatic and you have not
designated a workflow group in Employee Maintenance or Site Configuration
5. Select the Auto Approve Time check box to automatically approve time transactions.
6. If you do not want to automatically approve time transactions, select a workflow group from the
Workflow Group drop-down list to designate a workflow group to approve time transactions.
The tasks in the selected workflow display in the Approval Tasks pane.
48 October, 2023
7. Select Save.
Time Entry
When the employee enters indirect time, the application looks to the workflow set in their employee
record to determine who should approve the time.
1. From the main menu, navigate to Time and Expense > Time Management > General
Operations > Time Entry.
2. Find and select the employee for whom you want to enter time.
3. Indirect time entered for the employee in Time Entry is submitted for approval, as shown in the
Status field on the Time > Daily Time > Detail > Detail sheet, for approval.
4. For more information on the status of the approval, expand the Approvals card. The Approvals
card shows the name of the approver(s) who have already approved the transaction, those
that are pending, as well as the date the transaction was approved.
49 October, 2023
Time Approval
Once you submit the time, the supervisor has time transactions to review in Time and Expense
1. From the main menu, navigate to Time and Expense > Time Management/Expense
Management> General Operations > Time and Expense Approval.
2. In the Approver card, enter your Approver identifier or use the search icon find and select your
approver ID. An expense transaction submitted by an employee for your approval displays in
the Detail sheet.
3. Navigate to the Time and Expense tabs as needed to review and approve or reject time and
expenses submitted by employees for your approval.
4. Select the appropriate button to approve or reject the transaction as needed. You can
Approve, Reject, Approve With Comment, or Reject With Comment.
5. If you chose Approve With Comment or Reject With Comment, enter a comment for the
transaction submitter in the Approve/Reject Comment panel and select OK.
Once a comment has been entered, an indicator displays showing that the record
has comments.
6. Select Save.
Time Status
The status of time transaction approval displays in Time Entry.
50 October, 2023
1. Select a transaction in the daily, weekly, or calendar to go to the Time Detail page for that
2. Expand the Approvals card.
The Approvals sheet shows the name of the approver(s) who have already approved the transaction,
those that are pending, as well as the date the transaction was approved.
When you want to designate a custom group of employees as approvers, you must also set up a time
workflow group for approving time transactions. A workflow group is made up of tasks, task sets, and
group members assigned to an approver role. Once you create a time workflow group, you can use it
in Employee Maintenance to associate it with a specific employee, or you can set it as the default
time workflow group in Site Configuration Control to apply it to all employees.
An approval task is the approval of a time transaction performed by a user belonging to a defined
role. You use Task Maintenance to define one or more approval tasks. A task is a combination of
approving time plus an approver role. For example, you define a task named Time Approval Task,
which consists of an approve time task assigned to an approver role named Time Approver. You can
assign one or more users to an approver role.
51 October, 2023
Tasks are used throughout the application. In the following sections, the tasks
described are for use within Time Management.
You can also define a hierarchical approval process which requires two or more levels of approvers
to approve a time transaction. To define a hierarchy of approvers, define an approval task for each
level of approval, such as a task named First Approval with an assigned First Approver role, and a
task named Second Approval with an assigned Second Approver role.
Task Sets
A task set is a group of organized tasks and milestones. A time approval task set must include all the
approval tasks required to approve a time transaction. For example, a simple task set might include
a single approval task. If you use an approval hierarchy, you must include all other tasks.
1. From the main menu, go to Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management >
Setup > Task Set.
4. Select a workflow type you need from the drop-down. The options are:
52 October, 2023
and expense approval-based tasks.
5. Select Save .
1. Select the Milestone Details page in the navigation tree and select New on the
Milestones card to add a milestone.
2. If necessary, change the Sequence number the applications assigns by default. Sequence
numbers define the order in which you need to do the tasks.
3. From the Task drop-down, select the description of the task to you need to do in this task set.
You set up tasks in Task MaintenanceTask Maintenance.
4. Mark this task as the first one you need to do in the set using the First Milestone check box.
5. Specify/review the stage where the opportunity/quote process is as of this particular task.
6. Review the role this task requires. You set this up in Task Maintenance for the task, here it is
Depending on the settings, you might need to go to the full page version of this
card to enter this value. To do it, select the Milestones Details node in the
navigation tree.
8. Depending on the workflow type of the task set, you might have different check box options.
Select the check boxes as applicable to your task set.
9. Select Save .
Workflow Group
53 October, 2023
A time approval workflow group consists of a time approval task set and the group members
assigned to the approver roles. You set up a time approval workflow group and assign group
members in Workflow Group Maintenance. You can set up one or more workflow groups as needed,
and apply them to specific employees or use one as the default for all employees.
1. From the main menu, navigate to Service Management > Expense Management > Setup >
Workflow Group.
4. Select the Workflow Group search button to find and select the workflow group.
54 October, 2023
5. On the Group Members card, select New .
6. In the Member field, select the employee you want to add to the workflow group.
7. In the Role Code field, select the approval role you want to assign to the group member from
the approval task set.
8. Select Save.
55 October, 2023
This section describes some key reports you use to review time entries. You can run these reports
whenever you need. You can also set up each report to generate and print through a recurring,
automatic schedule.
The Time Management module includes two reports to help you manage your time and the time of
your employees. These reports are the Time Report and the Time Booking Exception Report.
56 October, 2023
Generating the Time Report
Generate the Time Report to print a simple employee time sheet. The report displays time entered
by specific employees for a period of time. The report can span multiple weeks and time periods.
l Payroll Date Start - The first payroll date against which you run the report.
l Payroll Date End - The last payroll date against which you run the report.
l Filter - Informs you whether you used filters or not. After you select a specific filter option, the
fields located in this pane display values depending on whether you filtered (Some Selected)
or you did not (All Selected).
l Report Style - Select the report style option you want to use to run this report.
l Schedule - Indicates when you want to print the report. If you select something other than
Now, the Recurring check box is available.
l Archive Period - Time period you want to keep the report in the System Monitor. The default is
0 Days, meaning that the report will be deleted from the monitor shortly after being printed.
After the Archive Period passes, the report is purged from the system. When a report is exactly
purged is determined by a combination of the date/time the report generates, the number of
days set in the report's Archive Period, and the Report Purge Frequency setting. The Report
Purge Frequency is defined in the System Agent within its Task Agent Purge Settings.
l Recurring - Select this check box if you want the report to run on a repeating basis. The check
box is only available if you select a schedule other than Now.
l User Description - Describes a specific report run. The entered description displays in the
System Monitor.
To generate the report:
1. From the main menu, go to Service Management > Time Management > Reports > Time
2. Select the report parameters.
57 October, 2023
Generating the Time Booking Exception Report
Generate the Time Booking Exception Report to determine the employees with missing hours and
to analyze employee utilization.
Missing hours are determined by calculating the difference between employee available work hours
and total booked hours. The report displays the number of booked hours that are chargeable, non-
chargeable, and indirect. You can also select the indirect codes to include or exclude from the
calculation of employee percentage utilization.
l Report Options - Use the From Date and To Date fields to define the week to include in the
l Missing Hours - Select = (equal to), < (less than) , or > (greater than), and enter a numeric
value in the adjacent field. For example, you can define criteria to include employees missing
more than 10 hours.
l Utilization Percentage - To include a utilization percentage, select = (equal to), < (less than),
or > (greater than), and enter a numeric value in the adjacent field. The Indirect Codes for %
Utilization list contains the indirect codes included in the percentage utilization calculation.
l To exclude an indirect code from the calculation, select the code in the Indirect Codes for %
Utilization box and click the Right Arrow to move the code to the Excluded Indirect Codes
l Filter - Informs you whether you used filters or not. After you select a specific filter option, the
fields located in this pane display values depending on whether you filtered (Some Selected)
or you did not (All Selected).
l Report Style - Select the report style option you want to use to run this report.
l Schedule - Indicates when you want to print the report. If you select something other than
Now, the Recurring check box is available.
l Archive Period - Time period you want to keep the report in the System Monitor. The default is
0 Days, meaning that the report will be deleted from the monitor shortly after being printed.
After the Archive Period passes, the report is purged from the system. When a report is exactly
purged is determined by a combination of the date/time the report generates, the number of
days set in the report's Archive Period, and the Report Purge Frequency setting. The Report
Purge Frequency is defined in the System Agent within its Task Agent Purge Settings.
l User Description - Describes a specific report run. The entered description displays in the
System Monitor.
l Recurring - Select this check box if you want the report to run on a repeating basis. The check
box is only available if you select a schedule other than Now.
To generate the report:
58 October, 2023
1. From the main menu, go to Service Management > Time Management > Reports > Time
Booking Exception.
2. Select the parameters depending on what you want the report to display.
59 October, 2023