z Point of load DC/DC converters
z Set top boxes
z DVD/Blu-ray players/recorders
z Cable modems
z PCIe graphics cards
z Telecom/Networking/Datacom equipment
Typical Application
L1 4.7µH
AOZ1033 LX
C2, C3
RC FB 22µF
Ordering Information
Part Number Ambient Temperature Range Package Environmental
AOZ1033AI -40°C to +85°C SO-8 RoHS Compliant
Green Product
AOS Green Products use reduced levels of Halogens, and are also RoHS compliant.
Please visit for additional information.
Pin Configuration
VIN 2 7 LX
(Top View)
Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function
1 PGND Power ground. PGND needs to be electrically connected to AGND.
2 VIN Supply voltage input. When VIN rises above the UVLO threshold and EN is logic high, the
device starts up.
3 AGND Analog ground. AGND is the reference point for controller section. AGND needs to be
electrically connected to PGND.
4 FB Feedback input. The FB pin is used to set the output voltage via a resistive voltage divider
between the output and AGND.
5 COMP External loop compensation pin. Connect a RC network between COMP and AGND to
compensate the control loop.
6 EN Enable pin. Pull EN to logic high to enable the device. Pull EN to logic low to disable the
device. Do not leave it open.
7, 8 LX Switching node. PWM output connection to inductor.
Block Diagram
Reference Softstart
& Bias Q1
+ PWM Level
0.8V PWM Shifter
EAmp – Control
FB – Comp +
Foldback 600kHz
0.2V –
0.96V –
Electrical Characteristics
TA = 25°C, VIN = VEN = 12V, VOUT = 3.3V unless otherwise specified.
1us/div 1us/div
1ms/div 4ms/div
100us/div 10ms/div
AOZ1033AI Efficiency
Efficiency (VIN = 12V) vs. Load Current Efficiency (VIN = 5V) vs. Load Current
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
Efficiency (%)
Efficiency (%)
60 VO = 1.2V 60 VO = 1.2V
VO = 1.8V VO = 1.8V
50 VO = 3.3V 50 VO = 3.3V
VO = 5V
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Thermal Derating
Thermal de-rating curves for SO-8 package part under typical input and output condition based on the evaluation board.
25°C ambient temperature and natural convection (air speed < 50LFM) unless otherwise specified.
Derating Curves at 5V/6V Input Derating Curves at 12V Input
5 5
4 4
Output Current (IO)
2 2
1 1
0 0
25 35 45 55 65 75 85 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Over Current Protection (OCP) Since the input current is discontinuous in a buck con-
The sensed inductor current signal is also used for over verter, the current stress on the input capacitor is another
current protection. Since the AOZ1033A employs peak concern when selecting the capacitor. For a buck circuit,
current mode control, the COMP pin voltage is propor- the RMS value of input capacitor current can be calcu-
tional to the peak inductor current. The COMP pin volt- lated by:
age is limited to be between 0.4V and 2.5V internally.
The peak inductor current is automatically limited cycle VO ⎛ VO ⎞
I CIN_RMS = I O × --------
- ⎜ 1 – --------
by cycle. V IN ⎝ V IN⎠
When the output is shorted to ground under fault condi-
tions, the inductor current decays very slow during a if we let m equal the conversion ratio:
switching cycle because of Vo=0V. To prevent cata- VO
strophic failure, AOZ1033A detects the duration the over- --------
- = m
current condition occurs. If the over-current condition V IN
occurs for certain period, AOZ1033A totally turns off for a
period of time, then restarts. If the fault is still there, then The relation between the input capacitor RMS current
the chip will be off again. The converter will initiate a soft and voltage conversion ratio is calculated and shown in
start once the over-current condition disappears. Figure 2 on the next page. It can be seen that when VO is
half of VIN, CIN is under the worst current stress. The
Power-On Reset (POR)
worst current stress on CIN is 0.5 x IO.
A power-on reset circuit monitors the input voltage. When
the input voltage exceeds 4.1V, the converter starts oper-
ation. When input voltage falls below 3.7V, the converter
will be shut down.
The inductor takes the highest current in a buck circuit.
The conduction loss on inductor need to be checked for
thermal and efficiency requirements.
Surface mount inductors in different shape and styles are
ICIN_RMS(m) 0.3 available from Coilcraft, Elytone and Murata. Shielded
IO inductors are small and radiate less EMI noise. But they
0.2 cost more than unshielded inductors. The choice
depends on EMI requirement, price and size.
Output Capacitor
0 The output capacitor is selected based on the DC output
0 0.5 1
m voltage rating, output ripple voltage specification and rip-
ple current rating.
Figure 2. ICIN vs. Voltage Conversion Ratio The selected output capacitor must have a higher rated
voltage specification than the maximum desired output
For reliable operation and best performance, the input voltage including ripple. De-rating needs to be consid-
capacitors must have current rating higher than ICIN_RMS ered for long term reliability.
at worst operating conditions. Ceramic capacitors are
preferred for input capacitors because of their low ESR Output ripple voltage specification is another important
and high current rating. Depending on the application cir- factor for selecting the output capacitor. In a buck con-
cuits, other low ESR tantalum capacitor may also be verter circuit, output ripple voltage is determined by
used. When selecting ceramic capacitors, X5R or X7R inductor value, switching frequency, output capacitor
type dielectric ceramic capacitors should be used for value and ESR. It can be calculated by the equation
their better temperature and voltage characteristics. Note below:
that the ripple current rating from capacitor manufactures
ΔV O = ΔI L × ⎛ ESR CO + -------------------------⎞
are based on certain amount of life time. Further ⎝ 8×f×C ⎠
de-rating may be necessary in practical design. O
Inductor where;
The inductor is used to supply constant current to output CO is output capacitor value, and
when it is driven by a switching voltage. For given input ESRCO is the Equivalent Series Resistor of output capacitor.
and output voltage, inductance and switching frequency
together decide the inductor ripple current, which is: When low ESR ceramic capacitor is used as output
capacitor, the impedance of the capacitor at the switching
VO ⎛ VO ⎞ frequency dominates. Output ripple is mainly caused by
ΔI L = ----------- × ⎜ 1 – --------
f×L ⎝ V IN⎠ capacitor value and inductor ripple current. The output
ripple voltage calculation can be simplified to:
The peak inductor current is: ΔV O = ΔI L × -------------------------
I Lpeak = I O + --------
2 If the impedance of ESR at switching frequency domi-
nates, the output ripple voltage is mainly decided by
High inductance gives low inductor ripple current but capacitor ESR and inductor ripple current. The output rip-
requires larger size inductor to avoid saturation. Low rip- ple voltage calculation can be further simplified to:
ple current reduces inductor core losses. It also reduces
RMS current through inductor and switches, which
results in less conduction loss. Usually, peak to peak rip-
ple current on inductor is designed to be 20% For lower output ripple voltage across the entire operat-
to 30% of output current. ing temperature range, X5R or X7R dielectric type of
ceramic, or other low ESR tantalum are recommended to
When selecting the inductor, make sure it is able to han- be used as output capacitors.
dle the peak current without saturation even at the high-
est operating temperature.
f C = 40kHz
The zero is a ESR zero due to output capacitor and its
ESR. It is can be calculated by:
The strategy for choosing RC and CC is to set the cross
1 over frequency with RC and set the compensator zero
f Z1 = ------------------------------------------------
2π × C O × ESR CO with CC. Using selected crossover frequency, fC, to calcu-
late RC:
where; VO 2π × C 2
CO is the output filter capacitor, R C = f C × ---------- × -----------------------------
V G ×G
RL is load resistor value, and
ESRCO is the equivalent series resistance of output capacitor. where;
The compensation design is actually to shape the con- fC is desired crossover frequency. For best performance, fC is
verter control loop transfer function to get desired gain set to be about 1/10 of switching frequency,
and phase. Several different types of compensation net- VFB is 0.8V,
work can be used for the AOZ1033A. For most cases, a GEA is the error amplifier transconductance, which is
series capacitor and resistor network connected to the 200 x 10-6 A/V, and
COMP pin sets the pole-zero and is adequate for a stable GCS is the current sense circuit transconductance, which is 6.68
high-bandwidth control loop. A/V.
In the AOZ1033A, FB pin and COMP pin are the inverting The compensation capacitor CC and resistor RC together
input and the output of internal error amplifier. A series R make a zero. This zero is put somewhere close to the
and C compensation network connected to COMP pro- dominate pole fP1 but lower than 1/5 of selected cross-
vides one pole and one zero. The pole is: over frequency. CC can is selected by:
G EA 1.5
f P2 = ------------------------------------------- C C = -----------------------------------
2π × C C × G VEA 2π × R C × f P1
Equation above can also be simplified to: Please see the thermal de-rating curves for maximum
load current of the AOZ1033A under different ambient
C C = --------------------- temperature.
The thermal performance of the AOZ1033A is strongly
affected by the PCB layout. Extra care should be taken
An easy-to-use application software which helps to by users during design process to ensure that the IC will
design and simulate the compensation loop can be found operate under the recommended environmental condi-
at tions.
Thermal Management and Layout The AOZ1033A is standard SO-8 package. Several lay-
Consideration out tips are listed below for the best electric and thermal
performance. Figure 3 on the next page illustrates a PCB
In the AOZ1033A buck regulator circuit, high pulsing cur-
layout example of AOZ1033A.
rent flows through two circuit loops. The first loop starts
from the input capacitors, to the VIN pin, to the LX pins, 1. The LX pins are connected to internal PFET and
to the filter inductor, to the output capacitor and load, and NFET drains. They are low resistance thermal con-
then return to the input capacitor through ground. Current duction path and most noisy switching node. Con-
flows in the first loop when the high side switch is on. The nected a large copper plane to LX pin to help thermal
second loop starts from inductor, to the output capacitors dissipation.
and load, to the low side NMOSFET. Current flows in the
second loop when the low side NMOSFET is on. 2. Do not use thermal relief connection to the VIN and
the PGND pin. Pour a maximized copper area to the
In PCB layout, minimizing the two loops area reduces the PGND pin and the VIN pin to help thermal dissipa-
noise of this circuit and improves efficiency. A ground tion.
plane is strongly recommended to connect input capaci- 3. Input capacitor should be connected to the VIN pin
tor, output capacitor, and PGND pin of the AOZ1033A. and the PGND pin as close as possible.
In the AOZ1033A buck regulator circuit, the major power 4. A ground plane is preferred. If a ground plane is not
dissipating components are the AOZ1033A and the out- used, separate PGND from AGND and connect them
put inductor. The total power dissipation of converter cir- only at one point to avoid the PGND pin noise cou-
cuit can be measured by input power minus output pling to the AGND pin.
power. 5. Make the current trace from LX pins to L to Co to the
P total_loss = V IN × I IN – V O × I O PGND as short as possible.
6. Pour copper plane on all unused board area and
The power dissipation of inductor can be approximately connect it to stable DC nodes, like VIN, GND or
calculated by output current and DCR of inductor. VOUT.
7. Keep sensitive signal trace far away form the LX
P inductor_loss = IO2 × R inductor × 1.1
E E1
h x 45°
1 C
7° (4x)
A2 A
b A1
1. All dimensions are in millimeters.
2. Dimensions are inclusive of plating
3. Package body sizes exclude mold flash and gate burrs. Mold flash at the non-lead sides should be less than 6 mils.
4. Dimension L is measured in gauge plane.
5. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact.
E2 E
See Note 3
K0 D0
A0 P0 Feeding Direction
Unit: mm
Package A0 B0 K0 D0 D1 E E1 E2 P0 P1 P2 T
SO-8 6.40 5.20 2.10 1.60 1.50 12.00 1.75 5.50 8.00 4.00 2.00 0.25
(12mm) ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.10
SO-8 Reel
SO-8 Tape
& Orientation
Part Marking
Part Number Code
This datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published at a later date.
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
As used herein:
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or 2. A critical component in any component of a life
systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into support, device, or system whose failure to perform can
the body or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life
failure to perform when properly used in accordance support device or system, or to affect its safety or
with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be effectiveness.
reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of
the user.