Human Value - Ethics - 5
Human Value - Ethics - 5
Human Value - Ethics - 5
Wheel: The wheel is often considered the most important invention in human history.
It has been used for efficient and faster transportation of goods, and its impact can be
seen in the development of various technologies that rely on it.
Printing Press: The printing press, invented by Johann Gutenberg in the 15th century,
revolutionized the spread of knowledge and ideas. It enabled mass production of
books, making information more accessible and contributing to the Renaissance and
the Enlightenment.
Steam Engine: The steam engine, developed by James Watt in the 18th century,
transformed transportation and machinery. It drove the Industrial Revolution, leading
to significant advancements in manufacturing and the emergence of new industries.
Telephone: The telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the late 19th
century, revolutionized communication. It enabled people to connect with each other
instantly, regardless of geographical distance.
Antibiotics: The discovery of antibiotics, such as penicillin, has saved countless lives
by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. This medical breakthrough has had a
profound impact on public health.
Automobile: The automobile, invented by Karl Benz in the late 19th century, has
changed the way people live and travel. It has also had significant effects on urban
planning and infrastructure.
Electricity: Electricity has become an essential part of modern life, powering homes,
industries, and transportation systems. Its impact on society has been immense, from
lighting homes to enabling the widespread use of appliances and devices.
Integrated Circuit: The integrated circuit, also known as the microchip, has enabled
the development of modern electronics. It powers devices such as smartphones,
computers, and other electronic appliances that are now ubiquitous in daily life.
Personal Computer: The personal computer, popularized by the Apple II in the late
20th century, has enabled widespread access to information and has transformed the
way people work, communicate, and live.
The role and responsibility of scientists in modern society are multifaceted and
involve several key aspects:
Public Policy and Education:
Scientists are increasingly called upon to contribute to public policy and educate the
public about the content and processes of science. They must relate scientific
knowledge to society in a way that members of the public can make informed
decisions about the relevance of research.
Professionalism and Integrity:
Scientists have a responsibility to uphold the core values of their profession, including
honesty, skepticism, fairness, collegiality, and openness. These values are essential
for the advancement of scientific knowledge and its social benefits.
Integration with Society:
Scientists must recognize that their work can have significant societal consequences
and be prepared to address the questions that arise from their discoveries. They should
participate in public forums and help develop a consensus of informed judgment that
can be disseminated to the public.
Global Unity and Cooperation:
Scientists from around the world must work together to establish common goals and
priorities. This unity is crucial for the advancement of science and its applications in
Objectivity and Information Provision:
Scientists have an obligation to provide objective information and assessments of
evidence, even when it may not align with the norms of the policy process. This
approach helps build credibility and trust in scientific findings.
Societal Decision Making:
Scientists must recognize that societal choices involve both objective information and
subjective value judgments. They should engage in civic discussions and provide
information to support informed decision making, while maintaining their objectivity.
Popularization of Science:
Public understanding and engagement with science are essential for citizens to make
informed decisions. Governments and citizens must understand the science behind
major global challenges and become scientifically literate to address sustainable
development issues.
Basic and Applied Science:
Both basic and applied science are important for the advancement of knowledge and
its applications. Basic science provides the foundation for applied science, and both
are necessary for solving practical problems.
Indigenous Ways of Knowing:
Scientists must recognize and respect Indigenous ways of knowing about the natural
world, which can complement the scientific process and contribute to a more
comprehensive understanding of the world.
Responsibility to Society:
Scientists have a responsibility to society to ensure that their work is used for the
betterment of society and not for personal gain or to perpetuate biases. They must be
transparent and accountable in their research and its applications