A Handbook For Successful VOIP
A Handbook For Successful VOIP
A Handbook For Successful VOIP
Measuring Call Quality Objectively................................... 2 Testing VoIP Call Quality .......... 5 Getting your Data Network Ready for VoIP............................ 6 Summary ................................... 12 Copyright Information ............. 13
Deploying Voice over IP (VoIP) successfully in a data network has some unexpected pitfalls. In previous papers, weve explored how to do a Voice Readiness Assessment [1] and looked at focused planning and design tips [2,3]. This paper describes changes you can make to improve how a data network handles VoIP traffic that is, how you can reduce one-way delay, jitter, and data loss for VoIP traffic, while retaining the performance of your other business-critical network applications.
Data networks havent traditionally been reported on using a single metric, since there are many factors to consider. Yet, in the telephony world, a single number is typically given to rate voice call quality. Voice over IP (VoIP) is a data network application; the quality of VoIP conversations needs a single metric upon which to benchmark, trend, and tune. Call quality measurement has traditionally been subjective: picking up a telephone and listening to the quality of the voice. The leading subjective measurement of voice quality is the MOS (mean opinion score) as described in the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) recommendation P.800 [4]. MOS comes from the telephony world and is the widely accepted criterion for call quality In using MOS with human listeners, a group of people listen to audio and give their opinion of the call quality. This certainly works well, but asking people to listen to calls over and over can be difficult and expensive to set up and execute. You can also guess that its inconvenient to have a bunch of people standing around each time you make a tuning adjustment. The good news is that the human behavioral patterns have been heavily researched and recorded. The ITU P.800 standard describes how humans react what score they would give as they hear audio with different aspects of delay or datagram loss.
MNB (ITU P.861): Measuring Normalized PESQ (ITU P.862): Perceptual Evaluation
of Speech Quality
Figure 1. R factor values from the E-model are shown on the left, with their corresponding MOS values on the right. The likely satisfaction level of human listeners is shown in the middle.
Software, like NetIQs Chariot, test call quality by generating real-time transport protocol (RTP) streams that mimic VoIP traffic. The RTP traffic flows between two endpoints in a data network. Each time a test is run, measurements are collected for the one-way delay time, the number of datagrams lost, the number of consecutive datagrams lost, and the amount of variability in the arrival time of the datagrams (known as jitter). These measurements capture in a MOS whats important for voice quality: how the two people at the two telephones perceive the quality of their conversation. We recommend using the E-model for doing voice-readiness testing of a data network. The E-model provides a powerful and repeatable way to assess whether a data network is ready to carry VoIP calls well. The E-model shows us that there are two ways that a digitized voice signal is impaired as it passes through a data network. It is impaired by delay and it is impaired by the equipment that sits between the talker and the listener. For VoIP, this equipment is the codecs at the two ends and everything in the data network that sits between them. To improve voice quality, we need to reduce the impairments that occur. Lets look at each kind of impairment separately: delay impairment and equipment impairment.
Propagation Delay The physical distance between the two ends of the data network determines how long it takes to propagate a signal between them. This delay is proportional to the speed of light, that is, the time needed by the physical signal as it passes through copper, optical, or wireless media. Theres much more propagation delay between New York City and Sydney than there is between New York City and Boston. Transport Delay Every networking device between the talker and listener introduces some delay. It takes time to get through every router, firewall, traffic shaper, and other device on the route. For some devices, like hubs, this delay is relatively constant. For other devices, particularly routers, the delay can increase as the amount of other traffic and congestion increase in a network. Packetization Delay Codecs take time to convert analog signals to digital packets and vice versa. A highspeed codec like G.711 does this packetization quickly, in about one millisecond. Low-speed codecs take much longer, since they do compression to reduce the packet size. Codecs in the G.723 family introduce 67.5 milliseconds of delay as they convert from analog signals to digital packets.
Delay Impairments
Four components comprise the total one-way delay between a talker and a listener: Copyright NetIQ Corporation 2001. 3
Equipment Impairments
Many test tools are available in the telephony marketplace to determine how the quality of analog audio signals are impaired. These are useful when working with the analog portion of the signal path, for example, how good the handset sounds. Our focus here, though, is on the data network. Impairment of the digitized signal in a data network occurs in just two ways. It can occur in the codecs, when the A-to-D and Dto-A conversions occur, and it can occur because of lost datagrams in the data network. Everything between one codec and the other is treated as one big, analog black box that degrades the audio signal to some degree. Codec Impairment Low speed codecs impair the quality of the audio signal much more than highspeed codecs, because they compress the signal. Fewer bits are sent, so the receiving side does its best to approximate what the original signal sounded like. The following table shows how much the codec impairment subtracts directly from the R factor, which starts at 100 and can go down to 0.
Codec Nominal Data Rate (kbps) 64.0 8.0 6.3 5.3 Amount subtracted from the R factor 0 11 15 19
Figure 2. Common voice codecs and the one-way delay they introduce.
Jitter Buffer Delay When theres a lot of variation in the arrival time of VoIP datagrams, a jitter buffer is introduced to smooth the playback. Rather than converting VoIP packets directly back to analog as they arrive, one or two packets are held in memory at the listeners side. The codec there retrieves its next packet to convert from the jitter buffer, so it is always one or two packets behind. When some delay occurs, the codec can be playing from the current packet in memory, not waiting for a packet to arrive. When excessive delay occurs, however, packets may need to be simply discarded, to make way for the next arriving packet. Packetization and jitter buffer delay; they are decided at the time you deploy your VoIP equipment. You decide on which codec to use and you decide the size of the jitter buffer. The other two delay components can be tuned, to some degree, to reduce the one-way delay. Although you cant decrease the absolute propagation time between New York City and Sydney, there may be detours in the route between them. You might see that the VoIP datagrams are not taking a direct route between the two locations and tune the network for a more direct route. Transport delay is the most variable delay component, and one most amenable to tuning. You can readily determine the latency at each hop under low-load conditions and see where the most time is being spent. You can also look at the latency under heavy-load, high-stress conditions, and tune the amount of delay introduced by congestion and other traffic.
Figure 3. Common voice codecs and their how they directly impair audio quality.
Data Loss Impairment VoIP packets are sent using RTP, the realtime transport protocol. Although every RTP datagram contains a sequence number, there isnt enough time to retransmit lost datagrams. Any lost datagram impairs the quality of the audio signal. There are two primary reasons why RTP datagrams are lost in a data network:
1) theres too much traffic, so datagrams are discarded during congestion 2) theres too much delay variation, so datagrams are discarded because they arrive at the listeners jitter buffer too late or too early There are a couple of patterns to datagram loss. The simplest is when theres a moreor-less random loss. Theres general, consistent congestion in the network, so one or two datagrams are lost occasionally. The other pattern is when packets are lost in bursts, say five or more at a time. Humans perceive that bursts of loss impair signal quality much more than the random loss of a packet or two. So, the issues in improving voice quality come down to three: reducing total one-way delay in each direction, reducing delay variation (which leads to excess jitter, and hence packet loss), and reducing overall packet loss (especially bursts of loss).
change before you can deploy VoIP successfully. Do you want to do the network equipment upgrades and tuning necessary to carry the VoIP traffic well? If the VoIP assessment indicates the networks ready now, youll want to understand its capacity to see how many calls can be supported. Ask your local PBX management team for details on the peak number telephone calls, when these occur, and what the call duration is. Use these details to create a more complex assessment. Replicate the test setup created for doing a single call. Run the test for a one-minute period, a few times during the day where your research shows heavy activity. Test five conversations at a time for a minute; what happens to the MOS estimates? Next try ten, then twenty concurrent conversations. Plot the results on a graph; you should start to see the point where, as the number of calls increases, the quality decreases. Dont kill your data network during prime time by stress testing its capacity. However, start to form the graphs showing how many conversations can be supported with good quality. Understand the results at each of the three stages of VoIP Readiness Assessment before moving on to the next. Whats the quality of each concurrent VoIP conversation? If the quality is low, what underlying network attribute contributes most to the reduced quality: one-way delay, jitter, random packet loss, and/or bursts of packet loss? If, after completing the third stage examining the peak number of calls during heavy network usage the assessment indicates the voice quality will be acceptable, youre ready to proceed with your VoIP deployment. However, in our experience, its likely your data network wont deliver the call quality you would like. In fact, a recent estimate predicted that 85% of todays router-based data networks are not ready for toll-quality VoIP calls. The rest of this paper describes the steps needs to consider for upgrading and tuning the network.
Bandwidth consumption by VoIP calls is higher that it appears at first. The G.729 codec, for example, has a data payload rate of 8 kbps. Its actual bandwidth usage is higher than this, though. When sent at 30ms intervals, its payload size is 30 bytes per datagram. To this add the 40 bytes of RTP header (yes, the header is bigger than the payload) and any additional layer 2 headers. For example, Ethernet adds 18 more bytes. Also, there are two concurrent G.729 RTP flows (one in each direction), so double the bandwidth consumption youve calculated so far. Heres a table showing a truer picture of actual bandwidth usage for four common codecs.
Total Data-gram Size (bytes) 298 88 82 78 Combined bandwidth for 2 flows (kbps) 158.93 46.93 43.73 41.60
Figure 4. Common voice codecs and the LAN bandwidth requirements for a two-way VoIP conversation. Total datagram size includes a 40-byte IP/UDP/RTP header and an 18-byte Ethernet header.
You can see quickly a good rule of thumb: estimate 160 kbps bandwidth usage for each VoIP conversation using the G.711; estimate about 50 kbps when using one of the lowspeed codecs. Use the peak number of calls to determine raw bandwidth requirements for concurrent VoIP calls. If you want to support 10 concurrent VoIP calls using the G.711 codec with no silence suppression, youll need about 1.6 Mbps of bandwidth to support these calls on a given network segment (10 x 158.93kbps the total bandwidth consumption of the two RTP flows). Add this additional bandwidth requirement to the existing bandwidth usage of the network to set the new base requirement. There are four tuning techniques worth exploring to conserve and ration bandwidth: compressed RTP, silence suppression, frame packing, and call admission control. Copyright NetIQ Corporation 2001.
Compressed RTP headers save bandwidth by reducing the number of bytes in RTP datagrams. VoIP traffic uses RTP to encapsulate the speech frames. RTP header compression (called cRTP) is used among routers in the network backbone. It can reduce the 40-byte RTP headers to a tenth of their original size, halving the bandwidth consumed when using low-speed codec. In streaming video, in contrast, the payload is often ten times the size of the header, so compression may not be noticeable. Enable it when theres a link on the route bandwidth lower than 500 kbps. So, why not always use cRTP? It adds latency, increasing the transport delay component of the one-way delay. Silence suppression saves bandwidth by making the payload smaller. In most telephone conversations, there are times when one speaker or the other (or both) are silent. 6
During silence, its not necessary to send full packets; a much smaller packet can be sent, indicating that is silence during the period. By enabling silence suppression at each end of the conversation, 50% of the payloads can typically small. Frame packetization can save bandwidth by putting multiple packets of audio information into one datagram. This means that only one IP/UDP/RTP header is necessary, instead of one for each audio packet. Delay is increased, though, since the datagram cant be sent until multiple packets have been generated. Also, the loss of a single datagram can mean the loss of multiple audio packets, further eroding the call quality. Using call admission control lets you avoid having too many concurrent VoIP conversations. If your WAN bandwidth only supports two VoIP calls well, you want to avoid a third call. Call manager software can limit the number of concurrent conversations to a predefined number, to avoid overloading slow links. These four techniques may help, but it may ultimately come down to the fact that you need to have bigger pipes. Look for the slowest links or the links where there is the most contention for bandwidth. Many delay and data loss problems can be solved by having lots of available bandwidth, to accommodate the VoIP conversations and the other concurrent network transactions effortlessly.
Routers operate using queues for the arriving and departing traffic. Routers always seem to function better with lots of RAM. Doubling or tripling a routers RAM may be a cost-effective upgrade. Modern hardware-based firewalls have much higher capacities than some older, softwarebased models. Firewalls are often bottlenecks, greatly increasing transport delay as they reach their limits. Network backbones can become the bottlenecks over time. Is the backbone now the place where traffic slows down during peak usage periods? Is it time to consider the new optical switches and routers?
Network Architecture
Will laying out the network and the users differently help improve the key VoIP measurements? This is obviously a big step. Consider changing the layout of your data network for situations like these: Could shorter, more direct routes be taken by VoIP conversations, reducing their propagation and transport delays? For example, do you have traffic going from New York City through San Diego back to Florida? Fewer hops can reduce the accumulated transport delay. VoIP traffic is much more sensitive to the number hops than traditional TCP transactions. Do you have VoIP flows taking 30 or 40 hops from end to end? Could the number of hops be reduced by some reengineering of the network? Clustering of traffic patterns means finding out what users are using what network applications, and where theyre located. Is there unnecessary data traffic flowing on the same links as critical VoIP traffic? Could servers be positioned closer to clients, reducing backbone traffic? Could firewalls be placed differently?
Equipment Upgrades
Upgrading or replacing your local network equipment may give you the boost you need, without buying additional bandwidth from your service provider. The latest, fastest equipment often can increase bandwidth, decrease latency, and increase capacity. Here are some upgrades to consider: Hubs can often be bottlenecks in a heavilyused LAN. Consider replacing hubs with modern high-speed switches. Recent switches are also much better at handling IP multicast traffic than those of a few years ago; be sure to see if the combination of old switches and IP multicast could be massively throttling your available LAN capacity. Copyright NetIQ Corporation 2001.
Classify - What kind of traffic is this? Handle - How should this traffic be treated? Networks with no QoS handle all traffic as best-effort the network devices do their best to deliver frames from senders to their receivers. But, all traffic is not created equal. When congestion occurs in a network, should some traffic be given premium treatment for example, should the payroll data be treated better than VoIP audio traffic? Also, what is the handling treatment the premium traffic should receive guaranteed bandwidth, a guaranteed route, or higher priority during congestion? For each class of traffic, what should occur as it traverses a network? Should it be given high priority or low priority? Should it get a guaranteed amount of bandwidth or guaranteed latency? During congestion, should it be treated as less likely to be discarded? Does it require a guaranteed route across the network? Configuration changes to enable the handling are made to network devices at the edges and in the middle of a network. However, the results of the configuration changes are seen by the end users of the applications. This wide separation of cause (configuration changes) and effect (end-to-end behavior) is one of the challenges of setting up QoS successfully. Classifying is usually done at the edge of a network; handling is usually done in the middle. Decisions about classifying and handling traffic are the important business decisions involved with deploying QoS. Lets look at these a bit more.
RSVP signaling Reserve resources for a long-running connection? Port numbers and addresses Give applications identified by the port numbers or network addresses better handling? RTP header information Treat audio better than video? Data content Treat binary data like GIF files better than text strings? Data rate Treat low volume traffic better than high volume? Buffer size Give small frames higher priority than larger frames? Well examine each of these in detail in this section. Traffic classification can be done at the edge of a network, in the middle of a network, or at the networked applications themselves. Devices that classify at the network edge are common today. Edge devices, such as traffic shapers, bandwidth managers, or firewalls, provide central points of administration. You can secure the edge devices and apply a consistent set of traffic rules at the places where most traffic passes. Traffic classification in the middle of the network is also common, but the devices usually have less knowledge about the traffic. Routers, for example, may classify traffic based on flow rates per connection, queuing conditions, and packet sizes. End users and applications themselves rarely are trusted to classify traffic. If theyre given a choice, most users want their traffic to receive premium handling. Sophisticated billing methods, that is, ways to charge a premium for traffic given premium handling, are needed for all network users. Thus, applications generally classify their own traffic only when the applications know how to make the right settings, their users are trusted in the applications they use, and all network devices on the route honor the application settings.
Both terms, TOS byte and DS field, refer to the same eight bits. In both definitions, the last two bits of this byte are reserved, so its only the first six bits that are interesting. In the TOS definition, these six bits are separated into two three-bit fields. In the DiffServ (DS) definition of this byte, the first six bits are treated as a codepoint. Three of the sixty-four possible bit settings have been defined to date. Although only three codepoints are defined today in the RFC, you can set any of the 64 possible values.
Description The default setting for most IP traffic today. Intended to classify streaming traffic. Intended to classify high priority traffic. Used by VoIP gateways to mark VoIP traffic.
DS Codepoint name Best Effort Assured Flow (AF), or Controlled Load Expedited Flow (EF), or Guaranteed
Figure 5. Codepoint definitions of the DiffServ field. Microsofts term Controlled Load is the same as the IETF term Assured Flow; Microsofts term Guaranteed is the same as the term Expedited Flow.
The TOS/DiffServ bits are used in various ways to classify network traffic; here are some examples: To signal to edge devices For example, traffic shapers can identify a particular type of incoming traffic by its port number, then set the DiffServ bits in each datagram as it passes the traffic along. To explicitly affect the DiffServ priority handling in routers DiffServs Assured Flow and Expedited Flow codepoints can be used to mark streaming and high priority traffic, respectively. To signal precedence to routers In the router technique known as Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ), the value of the precedence bits is multiplied by the effective bit rate, to increase the priority of the marked frames. Ciscos Voice over IP (VoIP) devices set the DS field to EF. This is probably the one consensus recommendation of QoS and VoIP the VoIP traffic should have Copyright NetIQ Corporation 2001.
the DS field set to 101000 in every datagram and the network devices should be configured to handle this setting with higher priority.
RSVP Signaling
The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) reserves resources to meet requirements for bandwidth, jitter, and delay on a particular connection through a series of routers. RSVP adds new IP control flows from end-toend. These IP frames instruct intermediate routers to reserve a portion of their resources (bandwidth, queues, and so on). Applications use RSVP by making additional calls to their underlying TCP/IP stacks. The TCP/IP stacks communicate with the first router on their route, which, in turn, communicate with the other routers on the route. It takes a while to set up the separate control flow, which itself creates extra network traffic. RSVP is best used within buildings, on a campus, or with a privately-owned WAN. It works well when network connections are long in duration (like streaming video) and when only a few connections at a time require reserved resources. 9
RSVP setup is complex at the API and at the devices in the network. Microsoft offers applications a way to make RSVP reservations, via its generalized quality of service (GQOS) API. GQOS [7] is available on Windows 98, Me, and 2000; it exposes about 10 parameters to be used in building a resource reservation.
but you dont want large gaps (losing data, however, is unacceptable for your payroll data application). Multimedia applications set the values in the header of each RTP datagram. One of those values is the RTP Payload Type. Network devices use the RTP Payload Type to classify RTP traffic and hence to handle it differently. For example, you might configure a router to give audio traffic (value MPA, which stands for MPEG audio) smoother handling than video traffic (value MPV, which stands for MPEG video). There are RTP payload type values defined for each of the codecs weve discussed: PCMU for G.711 in the USA, PCMA for G.711 in Europe, G729 for the G.729 codec, and G723 for the G.723 family of codecs.
Data Content
Some modern network devices can look deep into the data content of frames to decide how it should be classified. They often examine URLs, to decide how to classify Web traffic.
Data Rate
A simple way to classify traffic is by its data rate. For example, a common handling technique known as Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) avoids starvation of low-volume traffic by boosting its priority compared to highvolume traffic. Applications themselves can control how fast data is sent at two levels of granularity: on each individual API Send call, or on each connection.
Buffer Size
Traffic can be classified by the size of the buffers used in the data transfer. For example, devices in the middle of a network can be configured to give small frames improved handling over large frames. This technique is based on the assumption that small frames are part of short transactions where response time is important whereas large frames are used in file transfers where response time is less important. Applications can control the buffer size on each API Send and Receive call. However, the buffer size on an API Receive call command does not influence the network traffic; it only 10
influences how many Receive calls are made to the protocol stack. The default buffer size corresponds to the default size most frequently used with the protocol stack on each operating system. For TCP, its generally around 32K bytes; for UDP, its around 8K bytes.
Configuring network devices one-at-a-time, by hand, is so error-prone it is essentially out of the question for most large networks. Fortunately, a new set of tools policy-based network management software offers the usability needed to make QoS tenable.
The process of getting VoIP deployed successfully on your data network can become a straightforward decision tree. Run a VoIP Readiness Assessment. Look carefully at call quality, from one call to the maximum number of expected calls at peak network usage across a range of locations. If the call quality is okay and the other traffic is relatively unaffected, great it avoids lots of complexity. Start your VoIP deployment. If the call quality is not okay, determine what the problems are and where theyre located. What is most influencing the poor quality: one-way delay, jitter, packet loss, or a combination of all three? Can a simple change in the VoIP configuration options, such as the choice of codec, improve the call quality sufficiently? Where are the most likely bottlenecks? Now, look at the costs of making the required network improvements. Choices include adding more bandwidth, upgrading or replacing your existing equipment, laying out your network architecture in an improved manner, reconfiguring or tuning the network for QoS, or a combination of these. This is a just the start of a decision tree for a network administrator, because the costs of these different choices are not equal. Adding more bandwidth may be a recurring expense, upgrading the hardware may be a capital expense, and QoS may appear to be free, but it usually has a high cost in personnel time.
Look at the costs in as much depth as you can and decide whether you want to proceed with making the network changes. Its an iterative process of making the most cost effective improvements a step at a time, then repeating the VoIP Readiness Assessment to see if youre reaching your goal in terms of call quality. If your estimate of the costs to make the data network ready for VoIP appear too high, this is a good time to look at your VoIP deployment plan again. You should have a good understanding of what it will take, so you have some choices: you can decide how to budget its cost intelligently at the right time in the future, you can increase your current budget and proceed considering this a suitable longterm investment, or you might approach the VoIP deployment in a stepwise manner, doing some parts now and some parts later.
Gracious thanks to the readers who helped improve this paper: Aimee Doyle, Conley Smith, and Carl Sommer.
Microsofts Generic Quality of Service (GQOS) spec, http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?ShowPane=false&URL=/library/psdk/gqos/q osstart_2cdh.htm Cisco IP Telephony QoS Design Guide, Cisco Systems, http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/voice/ip_tele/avvidqos/avvid.pdf
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