Document 3
Document 3
Document 3
nowadays. And it can be useful as it can be a learning journey for your child
and giving them early on experience and many fields to choose from. But
this could also be harmful as games that contain gore and violence which
could reflect a false image to the children playing those type of games. To
add on, some kids even rage while losing in such games. Because of such a
great danger should all video games with violence be banished by the
Video games are inspired from real life, even if they are fictional; They use
either human characters or human-like characters to aid the storyline. Which
would make some kids would set unrealistic expectations for the children.
Children also tend to follow online trends which could be setting these
fictional characters as idols or worse as divine creatures that they should
worship. Which could lead to violence or gore to be influenced on the child as
he grows up and becomes a teenager and has a better understanding of the
world. A child can even be isolated so much in the immersive experience of
video games to the point they become introverts and get bullied at school
due to it written in the public and approved Journal of Youth and
Adolescence. To conclude the fact that video games are inspired from real
life could set unrealistic expectations to the children.
Secondly not only are video games being inspired from real life cause a lot of
problems to the children; But also, the media pushes the children to extreme
limits. As the article Financial Inclusion, Household Decision-making and
Child Health Outcome in Nigeria, says that 2 in 3 children have a device that
they use freely which makes children explore. Go on YouTube that leads
them to twitter that leads them to adult like conversation, normalizing blood
and violence in their minds. As many cultures also forbid the use of blood in
games or non-humans like Chinese culture. To summarize social media can
cause violence to be normalized in children’s minds as well as many cultures
like Chinese forbid the use of blood in games.
Thirdly nowadays there are ratings on game. E being for everyone, E10+
being for everyone over the age of 10, T being for Teens, M being for mature
and A being for adults. This is to warn parents before purchasing a game that
their child can’t play the game without supervision; 84% of games actually
give correct ratings. But, only 73% of parents look at the ratings when
purchasing video games that’s away from the other from parents who look at
it and find it mature or adult and give it to their children normally. It isn’t
illegal but it still exposes the child to gore and violence which could lead to a
gang like life or even jail time. To conclude, there are correct ratings on
games but parents who don’t focus on that or are ignorant could lead for
their children having trauma or cause a troubled life for the child.
Finally, Because of such great danger should all video games with violence
be banished by the government? As stated in the first body all games have
human or human like characters which could lead to them being idols or kids
even worshipping them which would both be culturally, morally unethical and
could cause kids to get caught up in violence or gore. In the second body it
shows that 2 in 3 kids have a device to play games on which is dangerous as
a lot of social medias contain adults talking which could normalize the idea of
violence and gore in their underdeveloped minds. In the 3 rd paragraph a lot
of parents let their children play such high age rated games without
supervision which could cause idolism to the characters or even having