Technical Assistance Consultant's Report

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Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

Project Number: 44067

September 2013

KAZ: International Conference

on the
Prevention of Violence against Adolescent Girls, Early and Forced
Marriages in the Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus
19-20 September, 2013 Astana, Kazakhstan

Conference Report

Prepared by:
(Public Association) Women’s League with Creative Initiative

For :
ADB RETA 7563: Promoting Gender Inclusive Growth in CWRD DMCs

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and
ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents.

1. REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT on Mitigation of Gender Inequality and
Protection of Girls from Violence and Early Marriages in Countries of Central Asia and

Goal of Project: to establish conditions for design and introduction of regional strategy plan
of action on protection of juvenile girls from violence and early marriages in countries of
Central Asia and Caucasus.

Objectives of Project:
1. to establish regional working group of experts
2. to conduct expertise in countries of Central Asia on problems of early marriages and
violence against juvenile girls
3. to create information resource database
4. to design draft regional strategy plan of action on protection of girls of Central Asia
from violence and early marriages in the framework of regional conference.

Main Project Activities

1. Collection and establishment of regional database with regard to organizations
engaged in the field in accordance with country reports of experts from Central Asia
and Caucasus.
2. Compilation of information and preparation of analytic report with recommendations
for countries from Central Asia and Caucasus on prevention of the problem of early
marriages and violence against girls
3. Design of draft regional strategy directed to mitigate early marriages and gender
inequality concerning juvenile girls and action plan for promotion and adoption by the
countries of the Region.

Project outcomes
During implementation of the Project WLCI conducted an expertise on situation with early
and forced marriages in the countries of Central Asia and Caucasus. Among countries of
Central Asia and Caucasus the following states demonstrated positive feedback to
cooperate: Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan Republic and

International Experts
Международные эксперты
Kyrgyz Republic / Кыргызская Республика
1. Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva Parliamentarian of ZhogorkuKenesh of Kyrgyz
Алтыбаева Айнуру Тойчиевна Republic /
Депутат Парламента Жогорку Кенеш
Кыргызской Республики
2. Ms. Toktokan Borombayeva Deputy Ombudsman of Kyrgyz Republic /
Боромбаева Токтокан Заместитель Акыйкатчы (Омбудсмена)
Жолуевна Кыргызской Республики
3. Ms. Rimma Sultanova Specialist of Public Association Support Center
Султанова Римма for Women, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic /
Специалист по мониторингу ОО «Центр
помощи женщинам», Бишкек, Кыргызская

Azerbaijan Republic / Азербайджанская Республика
4. Professor Ijran Gusseynova Chairperson of State Committee on Problems of
Гусейнова Иджран Кямранкызы Family, Women and Children of Azerbaijan
Republic / Председатель Государственного
Комитета по Проблемам Семьи, Женщины и
Детей Азербайджанской Республики
5. Ms. Sabina Manafova Head of Division on External Relations and
Манафова Сабина Protocol Service of State Committee on
Problems of Family, Women and Children of
Azerbaijan Republic / начальник отдела по
внешним связям и протокольной службе
Государственного Комитета по Проблемам
Семьи, Женщины и Детей Азербайджанской
6. Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova Member of Garachukhur Municipality, Surakhan
Халилова Людмила District of Baku city, Head of Permanent Legal
Commission, Chair of Municipal Women Union –
Public Association Women for Development of
Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic /
Член Гарачухурского Муниципалитета
Сураханского района города Баку,
Председатель Союза Муниципальных
Женщин - ОО "Женщины за Развитие
Муниципалитетов", Азербайджанская
Республики .
Republic of Tajikistan / Республика Таджикистан
7. Ms. Kurbongul Kossimova Director of Public Association Nachoti
Косимова Курбонгуль Kudakhon, Republic of Tajikistan /
директор ОО «Начоти Кудакон», Республика
Georgia / Грузия
8. Ms. Leyla Suleymanova Director of Public Association Union of
Сулейманова Лейла Azerbaijan Women in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia /
директор ОО «Союз азербайджанских
женщин в Грузии», г.Тбилиси, Грузия
Turkmenistan / Туркменистан
9. Ms. Zalina Rossoshanskaya General Director of Youth Center Bosphor of
Россошанская Залина Youth Organization named after Makhtumkuli /
генеральный директор молодежного центра
"Босфор" Молодежной организации
Туркменистанаим. Махтумкули
10. Ms. Gulya Chorekliyeva Chair of NGO ENME, Turkmenistan /
Чореклиева Гуля председатель НПО «ЕНМЕ», Туркменистан

Established group of experts from each country prepared country reports on the base of
statistics and factual information. The data were compiled and used for preparation of country
reports, design and promotion of recommendations to introduce amendments and changes into
legislation of countries of Central Asia and Caucasus within a single regional strategy plan of
action concerning overcoming from gender inequality with regards to juvenile girls and

prohibition of early and forced marriages (bride kidnapping). Expert reports and draft document
of recommendations along with draft Strategy for Regional Centre on Social Policy
Development Gender and Children were presented to public discussions during the Regional
Conference on Prevention of Violence against Adolescent Girls, Early and Forced Marriages in
Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus within Millennium Development Goals held on
September 19-20, 2013 in Astana.

Main issues of the Conference:

1. Situation on the issue of early and forced marriages in countries of Central Asia and
Caucasus (country reports of experts)
2. Models of interaction of state with civil society to solve early and forced marriages
3. Negotiations on the draft Regional Strategy of Action
4. Negotiations over the plan of action on adoption and implementation of the Strategy

The results of country assessments produced fundamental material for discussions with the
Conference concerning design of efficient strategies to overcome the problem of early
marriages in countries of Central Asia.

The following stakeholders participated in the Conference: parliamentarians of Kazakhstan and

Kyrgyzstan, members of National Commission on Women’s Affairs and Family Demographic
Policy under President of RK, National Human Rights Centre under President of RK,
administrators and heads of state agencies and governmental ministries of RK, representatives
of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Kazakhstan, NGOs and
Mass Media.

List of Participants of International Conference Prevention of Violence against Adolescent Girls,

Early and Forced Marriages in Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus within Millennium
Development Goals

Список участников международной конференции «Предотвращение насилия в отношении

девочек-подростков, ранних и принудительных браков в странах Центральной Азии и
Кавказа в рамках Целей развития тысячелетия»

№ Name / ФИО Organization, title / Организация, должность

Administration of President of Republic of Kazakhstan, National Commission on Family and

Women’s Affairs
under President of Republic of Kazakhstan, Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan
Администрация Президента Республики Казахстан, Национальная комиссия по делам
женщин и
семейно-демографической политике при Президенте Республики Казахстан, Парламент
Республики Казахстан

1. Ms. Gulshara Counselor of President of RK, Chairperson of National

Abdykalikova Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President of
Абдыкаликова RK / Советник Президента РК, Председатель Национальной
Гульшара Наушаевна комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической
политике при Президенте РК
2. Ms. Maira Aisina Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of
Айсина Майра Kazakhstan /
Араповна депутатМажилисаПарламентаРК
3. Ms. Sholpan Syzdykova Member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Сыздыкова Шолпан under President of RK, Chief editor of magazines “Otbasym”,
Викторовна “Delovoi Mir” / член Национальной комиссии по делам
женщин и семейно-демографической политике при
Президенте РК, главный редактор журналов «Отбасым»,
«Деловой мир»
4. Ms. Assiya Khairulina Member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Хайрулина Асия under President of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association
Укеевна Women’s League of Creative Initiative / член Национальной
комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической
политике при Президенте РК, председатель правления ОО
«Лига женщин творческой инициативы»
5. Ms. Rashida Naubetova Secretary of National Commission on Family and Women’s
Наубетова Рашида Affairs under President of RK /
Ароновна секретарьНациональнойкомиссииподеламженщинисемейно-
6. Ms. Gaukhar Expert of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Nurachmetova under President of RK / эксперт Национальной комиссии по
Нурахметова Гаухар делам женщин и семейно-демографической политике при
Сердалиевна Президенте РК

National Human Rights Center in Republic of Kazakhstan

Национальный центр по правам человека в Республике Казахстан

7. Ms. Assiya Urazbayeva Specialist on Issues of Children’s Rights Protection under

Уразбаева Асия National Human Rights Center in RK /
Каиргельдиновна специалист по вопросам защиты прав детей Национального
центра по правам человека в РК

Central State Bodies of Republic of Kazakhstan

Центральные государственные органы Республики Казахстан

8. Ms. Bakhyt Alibaeva Committee on Protection of Children’s Rights under Ministry of

Алибаева Бахыт Education and Science of RK / заместитель председателя
Оразалиевна Комитета по охране прав детей Министерства образования
и науки РК
9. Ms. Zhanna Volkova Judge of Supreme Court of RK /
Волкова Жанна судья Верховного суда РК
10. Ms. Gulshara Head of Supervisory Court Panel Secretariat on Criminal Affairs
Baibosynova of Department on Provision of Courts Activities under Supreme
Байбосынова Гульшара Court of RK / заведующая секретариатом надзорной
Абишевна судебной коллегии по уголовным делам Департамента по
обеспечению деятельности судов при Верховном Суде РК
11. Ms. Venera Kalimova Deputy Chairperson of Committee on Registration Service and
Калимова Венера Legal Aid Delivery under Ministry of Justice of RK / заместитель
Камысбайкызы председателя Комитета регистрационной службы и
оказания правовой помощи Министерства юстиции РК
12. Mr. Omar Dulat Prosecutor of Division of Department on Supervision for Legality
Омар Дулат in Social Economic Sphere under General Prosecutor’s Office of
Оразалыулы RK / прокурор отдела Департамента по надзору за
законностью в социально-экономической сфере при
Генеральной прокуратуре РК
13. Ms. Dinara Ualkenova Deputy Director of Department on Public Political Work under
Уалкенова Динара Ministry of Culture and Information of RK / заместитель
Хамиткызы директора Департамента по общественно-политической
работе Министерства культуры и информации РК
14. Mr. Serik Suinbayev Deputy Chairperson of Administrative Police Committee under
Суйинбаев Серик Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK / заместитель председателя
Койсарыулы Комитета административной полиции Министерства
внутренних дел РК
15. Ms. Azhar Tulegaliyeva Director of Medical Aid Organization Department of Ministry of
Тулегалиева Ажар Healthcare of RK /
Гинаятовна директор Департамента организации медицинской помощи
Министерства здравоохранения РК
16. PhD. Ulziya Kalzhanova Head of Department of Strategic Planning and Monitoring of
Калжанова Улзия State Services under Agency on Religious Affairs /
Кенжемуратовна руководитель Управления стратегического планирования и
мониторинга государственных услуг Агентства по делам
17. Ms. Gulmira Secretary of National Commission on Family and Women’s
Boranbayeva Affairs under Akim of South Kazakhstan Oblast / секретарь
Боранбаева Гульмира Национальной комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-
Жарылкасыновна демографической политике при акиме Южно-Казахстанской

International Experts
Международные эксперты

Kyrgyz Republic / Кыргызская Республика

18. Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva Parliamentarian of ZhogorkuKenesh of Kyrgyz Republic /

Алтыбаева Айнуру Депутат Парламента ЖогоркуКенеш Кыргызской Республики
19. Ms. Toktokan Deputy Ombudsman of Kyrgyz Republic /
Borombayeva Заместитель Акыйкатчы (Омбудсмена) Кыргызской
Боромбаева Токтокан Республики
20. Ms. Rimma Sultanova Specialist of Public Association Support Center for Women,
Султанова Римма Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic /
Специалист по мониторингу ОО «Центр помощи
женщинам», Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Azerbaijan Republic / Азербайджанская Республика

21. Professor Ijran Chairperson of State Committee on Problems of Family, Women
Gusseynova and Children of Azerbaijan Republic / Председатель
Гусейнова Иджран Государственного Комитета по Проблемам Семьи,
Кямранкызы Женщины и Детей Азербайджанской Республики
22. Ms. Sabina Manafova Head of Division on External Relations and Protocol Service of
Манафова Сабина State Committee on Problems of Family, Women and Children
of Azerbaijan Republic / начальник отдела по внешним связям
и протокольной службе Государственного Комитета по
Проблемам Семьи, Женщины и Детей Азербайджанской
23. Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova Member of Garachukhur Municipality, Surakhan District of Baku
Халилова Людмила city, Head of Permanent Legal Commission, Chair of Municipal
Women Union – Public Association Women for Development of
Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic /
Член Гарачухурского Муниципалитета Сураханского района
города Баку, Председатель Союза Муниципальных Женщин
- ОО "Женщины за Развитие Муниципалитетов",
Азербайджанская Республики .

Republic of Tajikistan / Республика Таджикистан

24. Ms. Kurbongul Director of Public Association Nachoti Kudakhon, Republic of
Kossimova Tajikistan /
Косимова Курбонгуль директор ОО «Начоти Кудакон», Республика Таджикистан
Georgia / Грузия
25. Ms. Leyla Suleymanova Director of Public Association Union of Azerbaijan Women in
Сулейманова Лейла Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia /
директор ОО «Союз азербайджанских женщин в Грузии»,
г.Тбилиси, Грузия

Turkmenistan / Туркменистан

26. Ms. Zalina General Director of Youth Center Bosphor of Youth Organization
Rossoshanskaya named after Makhtumkuli /
Россошанская Залина генеральныйдиректормолодежногоцентра "Босфор"
Молодежной организации Туркменистана им. Махтумкули
27. Ms. Gulya Chorekliyeva Chair of NGO ENME, Turkmenistan /
Чореклиева Гуля председатель НПО «ЕНМЕ», Туркменистан

Ethno cultural Centers, Public and Religious Associations of Republic of Kazakhstan

Этнокультурные центры, общественные и религиозные объединения Республики Казахстан

28. Mr. Vidadi Agayev Director of Azerbaijan Public Association Khazar

Агаев Видади Умутоглы директор Азербайджанского общественного объединения
29. Mr. Murat Tokhtibakayev Director of Branch of Republican Cultural Center of Uyghurs of
Тохтибакаев Мурат Kazakhstan in Astana /
Камилович директор филиала Республиканского культурного центра
уйгуров Казахстана в Астане
30. Mr. Asker Piriyev Director of Public Association Turkish Cultural Center Akhyska
Пириев Аскер директор общественного объединения “Турецкий
Алавердиевич культурный центр “Ахыска”
31. Mr. Kairat Zholdabayuly Spiritual Department of Muslims of Kazakhstan, Chief Imam of
Кайрат Жолдабайулы Astana /
Духовное Управление Мусульман Казахстана, главный имам
32. По согласованию Astana Eparchy / Астанинская епархия
33. Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova Director of Public Foundation AmanSaulyk
Туменова Бахтыла директор ОФ «Аман Саулык»
34. Ms. Zayresh Battalova Director of Public Foundation of Development of
Батталова Зауреш Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan /
Кабылбековна директор ОФ "Фонд развития парламентаризма в
35. Mr. Amanzhol Kalysh Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University /
Калыш Аманжол профессор Казахского национального университета им. аль
36. Ms. Zulfiya Baisakova Chair of Board, Association of Legal Entities Crisis Centers
Байсакова Зульфия Union of Kazakhstan /
председатель правления ОЮЛ «Союз кризисных центров
37. Ms. Nina Balabayeva Director of Public Foundation “Center for Socio-Psychological
Балабаева Нина Rehabilitation and Adaptation for Women and Children “Rodnik”)
/ директорОФ «Центрсоциально-
38. Mr. Gaidar Uteshev Executive Director of Public Foundation Eurasian Center of Law
Утешев Гайдар /
исполнительный директор ОФ «Евразийский центр права»
39. Ms. Aliya Kantarbayeva Program Coordinator of Public Association Women’s League of
Кантарбаева Алия Creative Initiative /
координатор программ ОО «Лига женщин творческой
40. Mr. Esen Kenesarinov Program Coordinator of Public Association Women’s League of
Кененсаринов Эсен Creative Initiative /
координатор программ ОО «Лига женщин творческой
41. Ms. Rakhima Duisenova Project Manager of Public Foundation Aman Saulyk /
Дуйсенова Рахима проектный менеджер ОФ «Аман Саулык»
42. Ms. Jessica Howard Manager of Department on Research and Program Design,
Ховард Джессика Public Foundation Eurasia of Central Asia /
менеджер Отдела исследований и разработки программ ОФ
«Фонд Евразия Центральной Азии»
43. Ms. Zamza Kodar Expert on Issues of Gender Equality and Problems of Education
Кодар Замза for Girls /
Муташовна эксперт по вопросам гендерного равенства и проблем
образования для девочек
44. Ms. Natalya Baitugelova Sange Research Center /
Байтугелова Наталья Центр исследований «Сандж»
45. Ms. Akbota Zhapparova Sange Research Center /
Жаппарова Акбота Центр исследований «Сандж»

Diplomatic Missions in Republic of Kazakhstan

Посольства в Республике Казахстан

46. Mr. Stephen Millar Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Canada in

Стефен Миллар Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of
Tajikistan / Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Канады в
Республике Казахстан, Кыргызской Республике и
Республике Таджикистан
47. Mr. Mauro Reina Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Switzerland in
Рейна Мауро Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Tajikistan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Швейцарии в
Республике Казахстан и Республике Таджикистан
48. Mr. Tobias Zumbuehl Intern, Embassy of Switzerland in Republic of Kazakhstan and
Цумбюль Тобиас Republic of Tajikistan /
Стажер, Посольство Швейцарии в Республике Казахстан и
Республике Таджикистан
49. Mr Victor Waldemar Deputy Head of Mission, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Astana /
Jensen Заместитель Главы Миссии, Посольство Королевства
Виктор Валдемар Норвегия в г.Астана
50. Ms. Ainura Assistant to Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Astana
Aimukhanbetova Помощник Посла, Посольство Королевства Норвегия в
Аймуханбетова Айнура г.Астана
51. Ms. Maja Floberg Trainee, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Astana
Safarova Стажер, Посольство Королевства Норвегия в г.Астана
Флуберг Сафарова
52. Mr. Juzo Harada Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Харада Юдзо Japan in Republic of Kazakhstan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство Японии в
Республике Казахстан
53. Mr. Hendrikus Putker Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of Royal Kingdom of
Путкер Хендрикус Netherlands in Astana /
заместитель Посла, Посольство Королевства Нидерландов
в г.Астана
54. Ms. Christel Sieling Intern of Embassy of Royal Kingdom of Netherlands in Astana /
Зилинг Кристель Стажер Посольства Королевства Нидерландов в
55. Mr. Jouko Eskelinen Counselors, Development Aid Specialist of Embassy of Finland
Эскелинен Юко in Astana /
Советник, специалист по развитию Посольства Финляндии в
56. Mr. Zakir Gashimov Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Гашимов Закир Azerbaijan Republic /
Арифоглы Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Азербайджанской Республики
57. Mr. Bessengul Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Omuraliyev Kyrgyz Republic /
Омуралиев Бесенгул Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Кыргызской Республики
58. Mr. Zurab Pataradze Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Патарадзе Зураб Georgia /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство Грузии
59. Mr. Magtymgul Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Akmyradov Turkmenistan /
Акмырадов Магтымгул Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
60. Mr. Bakhrom Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Kholnazarov Republic of Tajikistan /
Холназаров Бахром Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Республики Таджикистан

International Organizations and Representative Offices in Republic of Kazakhstan

Международные организации и представительства в Республике Казахстан

61. Mr. Anton Artemyev Chair of Executive Council, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan /

АртемьевАнтон председатель правления Фонда Сорос Казахстан
62. Ms. Bota Ayazbayeva Director for Civil Society Development, Soros Foundation-
Аязбаева Бота Kazakhstan /
директор по развитию гражданского общества Фонда Сорос
63. Ms. Zauresh Shutova Head of Friedrich Ebert Foundation Office in Astana /
Шутова Зауреш глава офиса Фонда Фридриха Эберта г. Астана
64. Ms. Manshuk Nurseitova Economics Officer, Kazakhstan Resident Mission of Asian
Нурсеитова Маншук Development Bank /
Сотрудник экономического отдела, Миссия Азиатского Банка
Развития в Казахстане
65. Mr. Raimbek Sissemaliev United Nations Population Fund’s Sub-Regional Office for
Раимбек Сиссемалиев Central Asia (UNFPA) /
Субрегиональный офис Фонда ООН в области
народонаселения для стран ЦА (ЮНФПА)
66. Mr. Jun Kukita / Head of Representative Office of UNICEF for Central Asia /
Кукита Джун глава Представительства Детского Фонда ООН в ЦА
67. Ms. Tatiana Aderikhina Programme Coordinator of UNICEF in RK /
Адерихина Татьяна координатор программы ЮНИСЕФ в РК
68. Ms. Aizhan Azbenova Delegation of European Union in Republic of Kazakhstan,
Азбенова Айжан Assistant
Делегация Евросоюза в Республике Казахстан , ассистент

Conference Programme
September 19, 2013, conference hall Besik, Palace of Peace and Accord, Astana, Tauelsizdik st. 57

10.00 – 10.30 am Coffee Break, Registration of Participants.

10.30 – 10.40 am Conference Opening: Ms. Gulshara Abdykalikova, Counselor of President of RK, Chairperson of National
Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President of RK.
10.40 – 11.10 am Welcome words from representatives of (speech time limit 5 min):
• Ms. Aisina Maira – Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan
• Ms. Raissa Sher – Chairperson of Committee on Protection of Children’s Rights under Ministry of
Education and Science of RK
• Mr. Anton Artemyev – Board Chairperson of Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan
• Mr. Peer Teschendorf – Director of Friedrich Ebert Foundation
• Mr. Nikolai Botev - Director, UNFPA Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia
• Mr. Jun Kukita - Head of Representative Office of UNICEF for Central Asia.
11.10 – 12.30 pm Session: International and National Remedies Against Early and Forced Marriages (speech time limit 15
Moderator: Ms. Assiya Khairulina – member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under
President of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association Women’s League of Creative Initiative, Almaty, Republic of
• Mr. Stephen Millar – Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Canada in Republic of
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan.
• Ms. Shahid Humaira Awais - journalist and women’s rights activist in Pakistan, parliamentarian of Penjab
Province Assembly.
• Ms. Ijran Guseynova - Chairperson of State Committee on Problems of Family, Women and Children of
Azerbaijan Republic.
• Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva – Parliamentarian of Zhogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, Fraction of Ar-
• Ms. Toktokan Borombayeva - Deputy Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic.
12.30 – 1.00 pm Discussions and Comments
1.00 – 2.00 pm Lunch
2.00 – 3.30 pm Reviews of the Situation in Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus. Speeches of Experts (time limit 15
min) – Moderator Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova (President of Public Foundation Aman Saulyk)..
• Ms. Assiya Khairulina – member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President
of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association Women’s League of Creative Initiative, Almaty, Republic of

• Ms. Rimma Sultanova – Specialist of Public Association Support Center for Women, Bishkek, Kyrgyz
• Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova - member of Garachukhur Municipality, Surakhan District of Baku city, Head of
Permanent Legal Commission, Chair of Municipal Women Union – Public Association Women for
Development of Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic.
• Ms. Leyla Suleymanova – Director of Public Association Union of Azerbaijan Women in Georgia, Tbilisi,
• Ms. Kurbongul Kossimova – Director of Public Association Nachoti Kudakhon, Kulyab, Republic of
3.30 – 4.00 pm Discussions and Comments
4.00 – 4.30 pm Coffee Break

4.30 – 4.45 pm Session: Reproductive and Sexual Rights of Girls. Guarantee of Access to Legal, Medical and Social Aid
for Victims of Gender Violence in Kazakhstan – Moderator Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova (President of Public
Foundation Aman Saulyk).
4.45 – 5.00 pm Session: Problems and Legal Aspects of Access to Education and Social Guarantees with Regards to
Victims of Early and Marriages – Moderator Ms. Zauresh Battalova (President of Public Foundation for
Development of Parliamentarism).
5.00 – 5.15 pm Session: Influence of Religion, Cultural and Social Stereotypes on Level of Gender Inequality in Respect
to Girls of Kazakhstan and Central Asian Countries – Moderator Professor Kalysh Amanzhol (Al-Farabi
Kazakh National University).
5.15 – 5.30 pm Session: Efficient Approaches in the Field of Violence Prevention with Regard to Women and Girls –
Moderator Ms. Zulfiya Baisakova (Chair of Board, Association of Legal Entities Crisis Centers Union of
5.30 – 5.45 pm Session: Issues of Aid Delivery to and Security of Traffic Victim Girls – Moderator Ms. Nina Balabayeva
(Director of Public Foundation “Center for Socio-Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation for Women and
Children “Rodnik”).
6.00 – 6.20 pm Discussions over Recommendations and Closing Remarks on Program Day 1

September 20, 2013, conference hall of King Hotel Astana, Astana, Valikhanov st. 7

9.30 – 10.00 am Presentation of Strategy for Regional Center of Social Development Gender and Children - Ms. Assiya
Khairulina – member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President of RK, Chair of
Board, Public Association Women’s League of Creative Initiative, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
10.00 – 11.20 am Proposed Mechanisms to Promote the Strategy at National and Regional Levels with Account of Best
World Practices: Master Classes of experts (time limit 15 min):

Speakers Facilitators

/ Achievements and Obstacles in Terms of Ms. Assiya Khairulina – member of National

Promotion of Gender Equality in Pakistan and Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under
South Asia / Ms. Shahid Humaira Awais - journalist President of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association
and women’s rights activist in Pakistan, Women’s League of Creative Initiative, Almaty,
parliamentarian of Penjab Province Assembly. Republic of Kazakhstan.

/ Role of Parliamentarism in Promotion of Legal Ms. Zaurish Battalova - President of Public

Incentives / Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva – Foundation for Development of Parliamentarism.
Parlamentarian of Zhogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyz
Republic, Fraction of Ar-Namys

/ Dialogue and Interaction of State Bodies with Ms. Gulmira Boranbayeva – Secretary of National
Civil Society / Ms. Ijran Guseynova - Chairperson of Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under
State Committee on Problems of Family, Women Akim of South Kazakhstan Oblast
and Children of the Azerbaijan Republic.

/Role of Human Rights Organizations in Overcom Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova - President of Public
Gender Inequality / Ms. Toktokan Borombayeva - DFoundation Aman Saulyk.
Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic.
11.20 – 11.40 am Coffee Break

11.40 – 1.00 pm Proposed Mechanisms to Promote the Strategy at National and Regional Levels with Account of Best
World Practices: Master Classes of experts (time limit 15 min):

Speakers Facilitators

/ Forms of Efficient Interaction with Ethnic Mr. Kalysh Amanzhol – Professor of Al-Farabi
Communities / Ms. Leyla Suleymanova – Director of Kazakh National University).
Public Association Union of Azerbaijan Women in
Georgia. Tbilisi, Georgia.

/Advocacy Campaigns and Dialogue with State Ms. Zulfiya Baisakova - Chair of Board, Association
Authorities / Ms. Rimma Sultanova – Coordinator of of Legal Entities Crisis Centers Union of
Public Association Support Center for Women, Kazakhstan.
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

/Work with Population in Overcoming Cultural Ms. Rakhima Duissenova – Project Manager of
Stereotypes and Prejudices with Regard to Girls / Public Foundation Aman Saulyk, Republic of
Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova - member of Garachukhur Kazakhstan.
Municipality, Surakhan District of Baku city, Head of
Permanent Legal Commission, Chair of Municipal
Women Union – Public Association Women for
Development of Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic.

/Work Experience on Rehabilitation of Early and Ms. Nina Balabayeva - Director of Public Foundation
forced Marriages Victims / Ms. Kurbongul Rodnik.
Kossimova – Director of Public Association Nachoti
Kudakhon, Kulyab, Republic of Tajikistan.
1.00 – 2.00 pm Lunch
2.00 – 2.20 pm Presentation of Compiled List of Recommendations - Ms. Assiya Khairulina – member of National
Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association
Women’s League of Creative Initiative, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.20 – 3.00 pm Discussion and negotiating final recommendations of the Conference.
3.00 – 3.30 pm Closure Remarks on Conference

Main outcomes of the Project:

1. Draft list of recommendations is designed and approved by participants to work out regional strategy on prevention of early
and forced marriages. On the base of analysis of the existing situation in Central Asia, exchange of experiences/best practices
and as a result of discussions over national peculiarities for prevention of early marriages and their efficiency, the stakeholders
defined a long-termed programme on formation of national and regional remedies/mechanisms to decrease gender inequality,
legal and social facets of prevention of forced and early marriages in countries of Central Asia and Georgia.

General recommendations Situation in Kazakhstan Comments and world practices

1) Advancement of national legislation

• To conduct detailed analysis of After Kazakhstan gained its sovereignty until26.1.2013 – President of Kyrgyz
national legislations in the Region 1998 in the Criminal Code there was Article Republic Almazbek Atambayev signed
and figure out gaps in legislation 106 prescribing punishment in the form of Law on Introduction of Changes into
allowing appearance of early and imprisonment for a period of 1 year for Criminal Code of Kyrgyz Republic. The
forced marriages, design and compulsion to marry. Law was adopted by Kyrgyz Parliament
promote introduction of amendments – Zhogorku Kenesh – on December 20,
necessary to solve the problem Article for women kidnapping against their 2012.
• To introduce into national will with duration for incarceration up to 3
legislations direct indication of early years was not included into the Criminal It is directed to increase rights protection
and forced marriage and legal Code of RK that entered into force on of persons below 17 year (marriage) age
mechanisms to regulate the problem January 1, 1998. as well as of women for marriage
(definition, criteria, girls’ rights, consent by toughening criminal
responsibilities of parties including The crime dealing with girl/women punishment for kidnapping with purpose
parents or guardians, role and kidnapping with marriage purpose must to conclude official marriage relations
responsibility of state bodies and be noted in the Criminal Code as a along with kidnapping of a woman
etc.) separate article or amended to the article against her will.
• To work out mechanisms to advance on human kidnapping as a separate
law enforcement practice with paragraph. For fulfillment of the stressed purpose,
regards to persons having sexual the Law provides:
relations with those aged under 16, Necessary changes to CCoRK. - revision of sanction paragraph 2 of
committing rape, corrupting minors, Article 154 of CC of KR through increase
kidnapping people. Article 125. Human kidnapping of minimal incarceration period – from
• To introduce into legislation 1. Human kidnapping shall be punished with three to five years of imprisonment,
imprisonment for a period 4-7 years. maximal one – from seven to ten years;

amendments directed to decrease 2. The same act committed: - dividing Article 155 of CC of KR into
the age for legal capacity to enjoy а) a group of persons in prior collusion; two parts, where the second part
full medical aid by an adolescent б) repeatedly; comprises of separate categorized crime
without parents’ or legal guardians’ в) with application of violence dangerous to feature “kidnapping of a woman to
consent. life or health; conclude marriage against her will” and
г) with application of arms or objects used as strengthening of responsibility for
arms; commitment of the crime by fixation of
д) with regards to a person known to be punishment with deprivation of liberty for
juvenile; a period from five to seven years. The
е) with regards to a woman known to be Law enters into force since the date of
pregnant by perpetrator; official publication.
ж) «woman kidnapping to conclude
marriage against her will» - to define as a Division of Information Policy under
separate categorized feature of crime President Administration of Kyrgyz
з) with regards to two or more persons; Republic.
и) for mercenary ends, - s/ 51038356f4d552443d000001
is punished with imprisonment for a period
from seven to 12 years along with
confiscation of property or without as such.

2) Raising public awareness to overcome stereotypes establishing environment for violation of girls’ and women’s rights

• To deliver support to the national • To design and implement long- • To increase awareness of
communities in overcoming of termed advocacy educational specialists working with children,
customs damaging to the campaigns for different groups of via violence identification
development and health of girls, in specialists at the level of local • To design advocacy programmes
counteraction to violation of girls’ authorities, leaders of local and for families
rights through advocacy campaigns ethnic communities, clergy, adults • To strengthen cooperation with
taking into account cultural and adolescents – on the base of clergy, mufti authorities
peculiarities and ethnical traditions, state social support and under • To establish working groups with
especially in rural areas along with support of international agencies. ethnic communities
attraction of clergy organizations to • To organize summer schools to
protect the rights of girls and women. • On the base of existing national and overcome language barriers
• To promote awareness among international practices, to apply best • Publications, TV programmes on
adolescent girls concerning how to educational programmes for languages of ethnic minorities
ensure their rights and freedoms adolescents on prevention of gender • To educate students of legal
where special focus will be paid to inequality and violence, on background concerning problems
preventive measures and protection reproductive and sexual rights, family of violence, early marriages and
from violence with clarification that creation. Together with MoES of RK,
bride kidnapping.
there are no legal norms binding a universities and under support of
girl and her family with regards to international agencies.
husband and his family in terms of • To conduct special events (sport and
dowry, as well as touching issues on art activities) in the name of girls’
status of marriage and family, rights and for prevention of early and
existing remedies. forced marriages with compulsory
• To conduct advocacy campaigns participation of boys and young
among boys and young men persons. – on the base of state social
concerning girls’ and women’s rights support and under support of
and legal liability for sexual violence, international agencies.
forced marriage, sexual relations • To fulfill programme on advocacy
with juveniles. and trainings for mass media
• To hold advocacy work within representatives concerning issues on
general population on issues of girls gender equality and girls, problem of
and women’s rights, actively shape early marriages, violence and bride
public opinion that condemns early kidnapping. – on the base of state
and forced marriages as a negative social support and under support of
phenomenon violating girls’ and international agencies.
women’s rights and impeding
development of human potential of
the countries in the Region.

3) Formation of database on detection of scales of the problem of early and forced marriages, its roots and outcomes
along with practices in tackling the problem and overcoming of its consequences

• To introduce periodic research • To conduct analysis, monitoring and • To advance statistics in countries
activities on prevalence of child and preparation of periodic reports with of the Region
forced marriage phenomenon (public involvement of National Commission • To form annual regional report on
surveys, questionnaires for experts, on Women’s Affairs, National Human early marriages and bride
analysis of existing statistics and Rights Centre, Committee on kidnapping with clear indicators
other research methods) to get Protection of Children’s Rights under • To conduct comparative analysis
reliable data on countries of the MoES of RK. - under support of of laws to combat violence in CIS
Region international agencies. countries
• To attract international best practices • To create web-site “Regional Centre • To create and maintain regional
and adapt/develop them taking into for Social Policy Development expert group of Central Asia and
account peculiarities of the Region “Gender and Children” - under Caucasus on the problems
• To establish communication support of international agencies. studies
channels to exchange and • To conduct regional and national
disseminate information through discussion platforms on problem of
application of modern information gender inequality in countries of
technologies. Central Asia with involvement of
international experts - under support
of international agencies.

4) Detection of victims and provision of access to all kinds of services: medical, social, psychological, educational, legal
and economic

• To ensure interaction of all sectors – • To design standards on delivery of • To develop rehabilitation services
state, non-commercial organizations special social services to juvenile for juvenile victims
and private sector – for development girls who are victims of violence. • To solve problems of girls’ access
of service system for girls and • To design indicators and algorithm of to education facilities
women and preventive programmes interaction • To develop support programmes
• To detect groups of risk and • To design educational and learning for girls aged 10-16
establish trustful relations with programmes for specialists, • To remove obstacles for access
communities adolescents, families and leaders of including those based on age or
• To ensure confidentiality when local communities. family status or prohibits on
delivering medical services certain contraceptives (for
• To work out algorithms of actions of example, extraordinary
medical workers regarding referral to contraceptives)
psychologists and social services • To provide much wider access for
given to patients with physical and/or juvenile girls to modern, humane
mental health disorders that derive and goodwill medical aid.
or may derive from domestic
• In the system of education to
introduce educational programmes
on issues of protection of sexual and
reproductive health of adolescents
and youth
• Education sector specialists in
collaboration with non-governmental
organizations under support from
healthcare organizations and with
attraction of psychologists for
adolescents shall conduct special
professional lectures and seminars
on sexual and reproductive behavior
and family planning, fix access
system to free contraceptives for
• To assist with access to a pregnant
girl, adolescent mother to medical,
legal, educational and social

5) Creation of regional institutional mechanisms to prevent and solve problems of early and forced marriages
• To provide regional cooperation of • To strengthen work with legislators. • application of gender budgeting
national partners on a regular base • To strengthen collaboration of civil practices of Azerbaijan Republic
(meetings and conferences, society with parliament and executive • Unification of experts over
working groups at regional level, authorities
discussions on alternative reports
exchange with information and • NGOs should participate as experts
in legislation of countries of Central Asia and
experience, assistance to partners,
teaching specialists, online- activities/incentives/discussions Caucasus within Regional
conferences and etc.) • To increase quality of justice in Centre.
• To design regional strategy and countries of Central Asia, collect and • preparation of experts for region
promote its institutionalization at analyze statistics of judgments of Central Asia and Caucasus
national level of all participant • To conclude memoranda with state • to use EurAzEC as an instrument
countries bodies, NGOs and international
for regional interaction (general
• To work out and introduce regional agencies
research papers)
mechanisms to solve practices of
early and forced marriages going • to design single mechanism for

beyond the boundaries of a single complaints in favour of children
country (migration of brides from and adolescents (call number 150
one country to another, bride in RK)
kidnapping with citizens of another
• to promote and create an
country and etc.)
independent institute of
Ombudsman on children’s rights
in countries of the region.
• To contribute to alteration of
existing laws or adoption of new
ones and policies directed to
respect and protect sexual and
reproductive rights of girls.

2. Regional group of experts is created as follows:

International Experts
Международные эксперты

Kyrgyz Republic / Кыргызская Республика

1. Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva Parliamentarian of Zhogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyz Republic /
Алтыбаева Айнуру Тойчиевна Депутат Парламента Жогорку Кенеш Кыргызской
2. Ms. Toktokan Borombayeva Deputy Ombudsman of Kyrgyz Republic /
Боромбаева Токтокан Заместитель Акыйкатчы (Омбудсмена) Кыргызской
Жолуевна Республики
3. Ms. Rimma Sultanova Specialist of Public Association Support Center for
Султанова Римма Women, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic /
Специалист по мониторингу ОО «Центр помощи
женщинам», Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Azerbaijan Republic / Азербайджанская Республика

4. Professor Ijran Gusseynova Chairperson of State Committee on Problems of Family,
Гусейнова Иджран Women and Children of Azerbaijan Republic /
Кямранкызы Председатель Государственного Комитета по
Проблемам Семьи, Женщины и Детей
Азербайджанской Республики
5. Ms. Sabina Manafova Head of Division on External Relations and Protocol
Манафова Сабина Service of State Committee on Problems of Family,
Women and Children of Azerbaijan Republic / начальник
отдела по внешним связям и протокольной службе
Государственного Комитета по Проблемам Семьи,
Женщины и Детей Азербайджанской Республики
6. Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova Member of Garachukhur Municipality, Surakhan District of
Халилова Людмила Baku city, Head of Permanent Legal Commission, Chair
of Municipal Women Union – Public Association Women
for Development of Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic /
Член Гарачухурского Муниципалитета Сураханского
района города Баку, Председатель Союза
Муниципальных Женщин - ОО "Женщины за Развитие
Муниципалитетов", Азербайджанская Республики .

Republic of Tajikistan / Республика Таджикистан

7. Ms. Kurbongul Kossimova Director of Public Association Nachoti Kudakhon,
Косимова Курбонгуль Republic of Tajikistan /
директор ОО «Начоти Кудакон», Республика
Georgia / Грузия
8. Ms. Leyla Suleymanova Director of Public Association Union of Azerbaijan Women
Сулейманова Лейла in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia /
директор ОО «Союз азербайджанских женщин в
Грузии», г.Тбилиси, Грузия
Turkmenistan / Туркменистан
9. Ms. Zalina Rossoshanskaya General Director of Youth Center Bosphor of Youth
Россошанская Залина Organization named after Makhtumkuli /
генеральный директор молодежного центра "Босфор"
Молодежной организации Туркменистана им.
10. Ms. Gulya Chorekliyeva Chair of NGO ENME, Turkmenistan /
Чореклиева Гуля председатель НПО «ЕНМЕ», Туркменистан

Experts of Republic of Kazakhstan / Эксперты Республики Казахстан

11. Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova Director of Public Foundation Aman Saulyk

Туменова Бахтыла директор ОФ «Аман Саулык»
12. Ms. Zayresh Battalova Director of Public Foundation of Development of
Батталова Зауреш Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan /
Кабылбековна директор ОФ "Фонд развития парламентаризма в
13. Mr. Amanzhol Kalysh Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University /
Калыш Аманжол профессор Казахского национального университета
им. аль Фараби
14. Ms. Zulfiya Baisakova Chair of Board, Association of Legal Entities Crisis
Байсакова Зульфия Centers Union of Kazakhstan /
председатель правления ОЮЛ «Союз кризисных
центров Казахстана»
15. Ms. Nina Balabayeva Director of Public Foundation “Center for Socio-
Балабаева Нина Psychological Rehabilitation and Adaptation for Women
and Children “Rodnik”) /
директор ОФ «Центр социально-психологической
реабилитации и адаптации для женщин и детей

3. Agreement on Strategy for Regional Centre for Social Policy Development “Gender and

Ground reasons for creation of the Centre was found out during discussions as necessity for
development and advancement of social policies in countries of Central Asia and Caucasus in the
field of ensuring gender equality for children due to the constant multifaceted transformations taking
place in society. As many processes of social transformation value go beyond the frontiers of a
single country, consolidation of joint efforts at the regional level will allow increase of efficiency in
terms of carried out activities by country organizations. Design of general parameters and single
goals accordingly will permit coordination of national action plans at the Central Asian level. At the
same time, taking into account complexity and sensibility of the touched problems, regional
interaction will help with search and generation of efficient decisions at the level of social policy.

Mission of the Centre:

• To contribute to the development of social policy in the countries of the region of post-Soviet
Central Asia and Transcaucasia directed to ensure the rights of children and young women on
the base of gender equality.

The priority of Regional Action Plan for the next three years is the problem of early and forced
marriages and corresponding violation of the rights of girls and young women (aged up to 25).

Objectives of Regional Action Plan for the next three years:
• to form Regional (CA) Forum on overcoming of gender inequality with regards to girls and
young women;
• to establish data bank on the problem of early and forced marriages in the region, including
information on existing legislation and protection institutions for rights and interests of girls and
young women in CA;
• to collect and exchange information on best practices and for joint work of various institutions
with purpose to improve the position girls and young women in CA;
• to ensure access to quality information for girls and young women as well as for professionals
on gender issues and the issues helping to increase the level of awareness and security of the
target audience;
• to ensure access for girls and young women to education, social aid services and healthcare
• to overcome socio-cultural stereotypes, customs and traditions, which are in conflict with the
rights of girls and young women;
• to create mechanisms of interdisciplinary approach on execution of monitoring on respect of the
rights of girls and young women.

Institutional Structure
• Regional Centre for Social Policy Development “Gender and Children” is an independent non-
governmental and non-commercial organization comprising professionals in the field of socio-
political development in Central Asia.

Organizational Structure
Headquarters of the Regional Centre locate in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In every country there will be
an organization that coordinates relevant activities at the national level. The board of directors will
include representatives from every country. The Centre base is made of analytic group of experts
on issues of social policies.

Regional Centre will execute the roles of resource and analytic centre as well as of regional forum
and advocate of the rights of girls and young women at the regional and national levels of social
The activities of the Centre include two main directions: A. Analysis and B. Advocacy (promotion of
recommendations and the level of social policy). Within those two directions the Centre will conduct
analytic expertise research, design analytic documents, strategic plans of development, forecast
research and fulfillment of projects in the field of monitoring, analysis and socio-political planning.
At the same time, the Centre performs the duties on organization of discussion platforms bringing
together representatives of state bodies, civil society and academic community, political figures,
experts and analysts examining processes and institutions in the countries of Central Asia with
regards to issues of gender equality and children’s rights.

Main Focus of Study

• socio-political models, institutions and communications
• social identities (influence of national constructions and interethnic interactions concerning
the issue of gender inequality)
• socio-political communications in the countries of CA (networks, norms and institutions) and
• sociological research on abundance of the problem in countries and communities
• analysis of legislation and institutional mechanisms

Main Products of the Centre
• strategic documents (strategies, programmes, action plans and etc.)
• research papers (academic and applied study)
• problem maps, analytic reports, forecasts and etc.
• recommendations on development of legislation and social policy
• publications in mass media and academic journals and online.

4. Upon the outcomes of the Project WLCI collected materials for publication of analytical report on
the problem of early and forced marriages in countries of Central Asia and Caucasus including
information on experts of the Project and key final documents of the Conference. The report will be
forwarded to all participants of the Conference and used to continue activities within the Regional

5. Within the project for its implementation additional donors were attracted: representative office of
Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan (airfares and accommodation for 2 participants from
Kyrgyzstan, 3 persons from Azerbaijan and 1 participant from Tajikistan), Asian Development Bank
(rental of conference hall and partial financial support to cover meals for participants in King Hotel
Astana), United Nations Population Fund (rental of conference hall “Besik” in Palace of Peace and
Accord) and Canadian Embassy in Astana (partial support to cover publication of the conference

6. Information on the Conference was presented in more than media sources


a. Television companies:
20) (1 Channel Eurasia)
21) (news agency 24. kz)
22) (TRC of Kazakhstan)

a. Radio:
23) September 23. Live broadcast. Information
radio portal of Radiotochka, anchorperson S.Britanova “It is crucial to increase parental
responsibility, up to criminal one”

7. In 4th quarter of 2013 under auspices of National Commission on Women’s Affairs and
Family Demographic Policy under President of RK there was a working meeting conducted
together with central executive bodies of Kazakh government concerning proposals for
introduction of changes into legislation and social policy with focus on protection of girls
from early forced marriages and violence.

Proposals for introduction of changes into Criminal Code of RK were forwarded to Ministry
of Justice, Supreme Court of RK, Parliamentarian of Mazhilis Chamber of Parliament Ms.

Justification: After Kazakhstan gained its sovereignty until 1998 in the Criminal Code there was
Article 106 prescribing punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 1 year for
compulsion to marry. Article for women kidnapping against their will with duration for incarceration
up to 3 years was not included into the Criminal Code of RK that entered into force on January 1,

Necessary changes to CCoRK: The crime dealing with girl/women kidnapping with marriage
purpose must be noted in the Criminal Code as a separate article or amended to the article on
human kidnapping as a separate paragraph.
Article 125. Human kidnapping
1. Human kidnapping shall be punished with imprisonment for a period 4-7 years.
2. The same act committed:
а) a group of persons in prior collusion;
б) repeatedly;
в) with application of violence dangerous to life or health;
г) with application of arms or objects used as arms;
д) with regards to a person known to be juvenile;
е) with regards to a woman known to be pregnant by perpetrator;
ж) «woman kidnapping to conclude marriage against her will» - to define as a
separate categorized feature of crime
з) with regards to two or more persons;
и) for mercenary ends, - is punished with imprisonment for a period from seven to 12 years
along with confiscation of property or without as such.




For more information, please contact:

Wilma Rojas
Judy Vermudo


Concept Paper

Prevention of early and forced marriages in Central Asian and

Caucasus countries
as part of reaching Millennium Development Goals

Developing regional mechanisms of legal and social prevention of forced and early
marriages in Central Asian and Caucasus countries

Project Goals
• To support the development of national approaches to the prevention of early and forced
• To reduce gender inequality concerning adolescent girls in Central Asia and Caucasus.

Project Objectives
• To study countries’ situations with fulfilling girls’ rights and preventing forced and early marriages in
Central Asian and Caucasus states;
• To identify countries’ priorities and key legal and social approaches to the prevention of early
marriages and gender inequality;
• To develop guidelines for action, national mechanisms, and a regional strategy for the prevention of
early and forced marriages in the Central Asian and Caucasus region.

Project Geography
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan

Experts beyond Central Asia and Caucasus:

The project will reach out to experts from Pakistan and other countries.

Project Justification
According to the World Health Organization Secretariat’s Report “Early marriages, adolescent and young
pregnancies” (16 March 2012), mothers aged 15-19 years gave birth to 16 million children in 2008, making
up 11% of all births in the world. 95% of adolescent mothers live in low and middle-income countries.
Therefore, WHO calls nation-states to strengthen actions aimed at reducing marriages of mothers under
the age of 18 years. Such marriages are predominantly linked to poverty and the violation of women’s and
girls’ rights, including their right to education. Moreover, the risk of maternal and infant mortality is five
times higher among adolescent girls as compared to adult women.

There is growing evidence that the scope of early and forced marriages of adolescent girls is on a rise in
Central Asian countries (League of Women of Creative Initiative, Analytical Report on the Project
“Prevention of girls from customs that are harmful for their health and social development”, 2011).
Historically, in some Central Asian and Caucasus communities ethnic and cultural traditions and customs
supersede state laws and regulations; that is why, the issue of early and forced marriage continues to exist.
The law in these countries prohibits bride kidnapping and clearly defines the marriage age. However, these
legal mechanisms are not effective due to specific cultural, ethnic, and social characteristics of Central
Asian and Caucasus populations.

Several factors contribute to the weakness of mechanisms that are supposed to prevent early and forced
marriages: gaps in the national law; flaws in the system of statistical data collection; and gaps in social
policy. As a result, the prevalence of this issue is underestimated and the timely response to cases of bride
kidnapping and early and forced marriages is lacking. Above all, we believe that the major root of this
problem lies in a lack of awareness among Central Asian and Caucasus societies, which are
predominantly rural, of the rights of women and girls. Moreover, there is a lack of understanding that not
only certain customs and traditions are outdated, specifically, those concerning women’s and girls’ status,
education, roles in the family and in the community, but also there is blurring between tradition and criminal
violence and oppression. That is why, the number of early marriages and teenage bride kidnapping
continues to grow, jeopardizing teenage girls’ life, health, psychological and social development.
Meanwhile, the society condones these cases of violence, hence undermining the interests of adolescent
girls. The cases of physical and sexual violence and of rape of teenage girls as well as cases of abuse by
a spouse, a partner, or a family member rarely become known to the public; consequently, help and
intervention are not provided. Even if a case becomes public, this does not lead to the protection of the
victim and to the legal prosecution of the perpetrator.

In addition to violence, adolescent girls are exposed to the social pressures from their own family and
community, based on the particularities of oriental/traditional education, which prohibits girls from reporting
acts of violence against them. Teenage victims usually lack access to legal information, counseling, and
protection. Also lacking are mechanisms of operational cooperation among state agencies required for
raising awareness about existing laws on the prevention of violence and for the enforcement of these laws.

Project Outcomes
The project will create conditions for the development of a comprehensive system of legal and social
mechanisms for the prevention of forced and early marriages in the countries of Central Asia and
Caucasus. Such system will involve the identification and denunciation of cultural and religious customs
and traditions that are incompatible with international norms, such as the UN Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the UN Declaration on the Elimination of
Violence against Women.
Project Targets: Issues and Needs
According to the 2011 UN Report on Women, the proportion of early marriages in Kazakhstan reached 7%
in 2000-2010. Over 60% of respondents who participated in our study “Prevention of girls from customs
that are harmful for their health and social development” said they encountered a case of early marriage.
74% of teenagers know someone who had been kidnapped to become married or participated in bride
kidnapping. These data are concerning because forced and early marriage are harmful for all aspects of
girls’ lives, including a risk of mother and child mortality, a lack of access to education and decent
employment, a risk of domestic violence. As one of victims said, forced marriage is “merely raping till the
end of life”. Societies that continue to follow patriarchal, outdated customs and traditions, also condone
violence and abuse of adolescent girls. It is now time to change this pattern by challenging and
denouncing forced and early marriage, which has to be considered not as a custom but as an illegal

As shown by our analysis of the problem of early and forced marriage, there is an urgent need to develop
special strategies aimed at placing the problem of early and forced marriage at the centre of public debate
in Central Asia. We argue that the issue has to be raised now, considering the growth of extremist Islamic
movements in this region. Imposed ideology of complete submission and dependency on a religious leader
is particularly dangerous for women and girls who in some communities are viewed as second-class
citizens. It is known from the psychology of violence, the victim of violence who has little social and
emotional support, soon loses her will to life and follows other people’s instructions. Such person can
become an easy target, as shown in the “shakhida” phenomenon, occurring both in our society and in
other countries with active extremist Islamic movements.
Thus, to counteract these dangerous developments, our primary objective is to raise the awareness of the
population in the Central Asian and Caucasus region and to shape the public opinion in order to counteract
religious misconceptions that are harmful for adolescent girls and push them into early and forced

The urgency of this issue has been so far underestimated by the state bodies. Courts often view bride a
kidnapping case as a ‘non-significant’ issue, referring to cultural and religious factors, a tendency that
leads to the limited implementation of certain legal acts/provisions. Even in those rare cases when girls
access the legal system and reach a just sentence by the court, effective mechanisms for the
implementation of the court decision are lacking. Gaps in existing laws have to be addressed to protect
girls from forced marriage and to increase the severity ranking of this offence both for perpetrators and for
those who did not provide necessary and timely support to the victim.

Our key national partner in this project is the National Commission on women’s and family issues and
demographic policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This partnership will contribute to
the legitimacy of this project and facilitate the introduction of proposed changes into the national policy in
this area. Similarly, Committees and Commissions on women and family issues of Kyrgyzstan and
Tajikistan will be partners for this project, in order to develop a coherent regional strategy for actions.

Partner NGOs from the Central Asia and Caucasus region will assist the project with (a) forming expert
teams, which will involve representatives of national and local state bodies, deputies, and specialists of
respective agencies; and (b) collecting statistical information and other types of evidence, necessary for
the development and promotion of recommendations for country-level legal reform and for a regional
strategy aimed at addressing gender inequality concerning adolescent girls and the prevention of early and
forced marriages, including bride kidnapping.

Project Activities

1. Collection and compilation of national country reports and articles into a single publication
and drafting regional strategy paper for Central Asian and Caucasus countries
• Collect and compile country reports and articles for publication
• Discuss and draft regional strategy for Central Asian and Caucasus countries
• Discuss and agree on the format of the international conference

2. International teleconference/conference with participation of international experts, national

commissions on women’s issues in Central Asian and Caucasus states, and representatives
of the government and NGOs.

A two-day teleconference or conference will be held.

Key issues for the agenda:

• Review of the situation in Central Asian and Caucasus states;
• Discussion of national approaches to the prevention of early marriages and their
• Sharing experiences and developing recommendations for national approaches to the prevention of
early and forced marriages
• Adopting the draft of the Regional Strategy for the prevention of early and forced marriages and
reduction of gender inequality concerning adolescent girls.



«Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights and

robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects.
A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled».
Babatunde Osotimehin, M.D, Executive Director, UNFPA.

On September 19-20, 2013 in Astana there will be International Conference on

Prevention of Violence against Adolescent Girls, Early and Forced Marriages in the
Countries of Central Asia and Caucasus within the Framework of Millennium Development
Goals held by Public Association Women’s League with Creative Initiative with support of
National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Asian
Development Bank and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

According to the conducted research, Central Asia and Caucasus are among the
group of countries where the problem of early and forced marriages is still relevant. There
are almost no official data on forced marriages that means all the problems do not go
beyond the family boundaries.
«It is a historically established fact that in many cases national traditions prevail over
legal norms; as a result, the number of early marriages, kidnapping of juvenile brides
continue increasing,» - says Ms. Assiya Khairulina, Board Chair of Women’s League with
Creative Initiative, member to National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. «The acts of physical violence, cases of rape
of girls, inhumane treatment by spouses or persons not having conjugal bonds are rarely
made public that, in turn, cause a special threat to the life, health and social development of
girls, future mothers».
Mr. Anton Artemyev, Chair Board of Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan, states: - «The
problem of early and forced marriages concerns both traditional socio-cultural stereotypes
in certain communities and the level of education. Having constant monitoring,
advancement of the mechanism for execution of national legislation and development of the
system for public control prevents violence against adolescent girls and impedes early and
forced marriages».
To participate in the discussion platform on the issue a number of parliamentarians,
state officials, representatives of government and civil society along with international and
national experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan
and Turkmenistan are invited to speak on the current situation in the sphere of protection of
girls from vulnerable groups of society and consider experiences of those organizations
working in the field of counteraction against early and forced marriages in the countries of
Central Asia and Caucasus. Within the Conference there will be adoption of draft
recommendations to the regional action plan directed to build efficient mechanisms for
protection of girls from violence, early marriages and gender inequality.

To attention of mass media: Accreditation of mass media representatives is held by tel.

+7 727 2502 156, +7 701 801 7422, and e-mail

Venue and time schedule: 19 September - Conference Hall «Besik» of Palace of Peace
and Accord by the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Tauelsizdik st. 57. 20
September - Conference Hall of King Hotel Astana by the address: Astana, Valikhanov st. 7.


Пресс релиз

«Детские браки являются ужасающим нарушением прав человека и

лишают девочек образования, здоровья и долгосрочных перспектив.
Замужняя девочка это ребенок, чей потенциал не будет реализован».
Д-р Бабатунде Осотимехин, исполнительный директор ЮНФПА

Астана, 19-20 сентября 2013 г. - ОО «Лига женщин творческой инициативы»

при поддержке Национальной комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-
демографической политике при Президенте Республики Казахстан, Фонда Сорос-
Казахстан, Фонда Фридриха Эберта, Азиатского Банка Развития и Фонда ООН в
области народонаселения (ЮНФПА) проводит Международную конференцию
«Предотвращение насилия в отношении девочек-подростков, ранних и
принудительных браков в странах Центральной Азии и Кавказа в рамках Целей
развития тысячелетия».
Согласно проведенным исследованиям, Центральная Азия и Кавказ входят в
группу стран, где проблема ранних и принудительных браков все еще остается
актуальной. Официальных данных о принудительных браках почти нет, а это значит,
что все проблемы остаются в семье.

«Исторически сложилось, что национальные традиции здесь зачастую

превалируют над законодательством, поэтому число ранних браков, краж
несовершеннолетних невест, продолжает расти», – говорит Асия Хайрулина,
председатель правления Лиги женщин творческой инициативы, член Национальной
комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической политике при Президенте
Республики Казахстан. «Акты физического насилия, случаи изнасилования девочек,
жестокого обращения со стороны их супругов или лиц, не связанных брачными
узами, редко становятся достоянием гласности, что представляет особую
опасность для жизни, здоровья и социального развития девочек, будущих женщин».
Председатель Правления Фонда Сорос-Казахстан Антон Артемьев отмечает:
«Проблема ранних и принудительных браков связана как с традиционными
социально-культурными стереотипами в некоторых общинах, так и с уровнем
образования. Наличие постоянного мониторинга, совершенствование механизма
реализации национального законодательства и развитие системы
общественного контроля способны предотвращать насилие в отношении девочек-
подростков и препятствовать ранним и принудительным бракам».

В конференции примут участие депутаты Парламента, представители

государственной власти, неправительственных и международных организаций,
известные международные и национальные эксперты Казахстана, Кыргызстана,
Таджикистана, Азербайджана, Грузии, Пакистана и Туркменистана, которые обсудят
ситуацию в сфере защиты девочек из уязвимых групп населения и рассмотрят
имеющийся опыт организаций, работающих в области противодействия ранним и
принудительным бракам в странах Центральной Азии и Кавказа. В рамках
конференции будет принят проект рекомендаций к региональной стратегии действий,
направленной на формирование эффективных механизмов защиты девочек от
насилия, ранних браков и гендерного неравенства.

Вниманию СМИ: Аккредитация представителей СМИ осуществляется по т/ф +7 727

2502 156, +7 701 801 7422, и по эл. почте

Место и время проведения: 19 сентября - конференц-зал «Бесiк», Дворец Мира и

Согласия по адресу: Тәуелсіздік 57, с 10 до 18 час., 20 сентября - конференц-зал
отеля «Кинг Отель Астана» по адресу Валиханова 7, с 9.30 до 16.00 час.


20 сентября 2013 года, конференц-зал отеля Кинг Астана, г. Астана, Валиханова 7.

№ Name / ФИО Organization, title / Организация, должность

Administration of President of Republic of Kazakhstan, National Commission on Family and

Women’s Affairs
under President of Republic of Kazakhstan, Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan
Администрация Президента Республики Казахстан, Национальная комиссия по делам женщин
семейно-демографической политике при Президенте Республики Казахстан, Парламент
Республики Казахстан

11. Ms. Gulshara Abdykalikova Counselor of President of RK, Chairperson of National

Абдыкаликова Гульшара Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs under President of
Наушаевна RK / Советник Президента РК, Председатель Национальной
комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической
политике при Президенте РК
12. Ms. Yelena Tarasenko Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of
Тарасенко Елена Ивановна Kazakhstan, member of National Commission on Family and
Women’s Affairs under President of RK / депутат Мажилиса
Парламента РК, член Национальной комиссии по делам
женщин и семейно-демографической политике при
Президенте РК
13. Ms. Maira Aisina Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of
Айсина Майра Араповна Kazakhstan /
депутат Мажилиса Парламента РК
14. Ms. Aigul Nurkina Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of
Нуркина Айгуль Кабдушевна Kazakhstan, member of Committee on Social Cultural
Development / депутат Мажилиса Парламента РК, член
Комитета по социально-культурному развитию
15. Ms. Gulmira Issimbayeva Parliamentarian of Mazhilis, Parliament of Republic of
Исимбаева Гульмира Kazakhstan, member of Committee on Social Cultural
Истайбековна Development / депутат Мажилиса Парламента РК, член
Комитета по социально-культурному развитию
16. Ms. Sholpan Syzdykova Member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Сыздыкова Шолпан under President of RK, Chief editor of magazines “Otbasym”,
Викторовна “Delovoi Mir” / член Национальной комиссии по делам
женщин и семейно-демографической политике при
Президенте РК, главный редактор журналов «Отбасым»,
«Деловой мир»
17. Ms. Assiya Khairulina Member of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Хайрулина Асия Укеевна under President of RK, Chair of Board, Public Association
Women’s League of Creative Initiative / член Национальной
комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической
политике при Президенте РК, председатель правления ОО
«Лига женщин творческой инициативы»
18. Ms. Rashida Naubetova Secretary of National Commission on Family and Women’s
Наубетова Рашида Ароновна Affairs under President of RK / секретарь Национальной
комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-демографической
политике при Президенте РК
19. Ms. Gaukhar Nurachmetova Expert of National Commission on Family and Women’s Affairs
Нурахметова Гаухар under President of RK / эксперт Национальной комиссии по
Сердалиевна делам женщин и семейно-демографической политике при
Президенте РК

National Human Rights Center in Republic of Kazakhstan

Национальный центр по правам человека в Республике Казахстан

20. Mr. Vyacheslav Kalyuzhnyi Head of National Human Rights Center in RK /

Калюжный Вячеслав руководитель Национального центра по правам человека в
Афанасьевич РК
21. Ms. Assiya Urazbayeva Specialist on Issues of Children’s Rights Protection under
Уразбаева Асия National Human Rights Center in RK /
Каиргельдиновна специалист по вопросам защиты прав детей Национального
центра по правам человека в РК

Central State Bodies of Republic of Kazakhstan

Центральные государственные органы Республики Казахстан

22. Ms. Raissa Sher Chairperson of Committee on Protection of Children’s Rights

Шер Раиса Петровна under Ministry of Education and Science of RK / председатель
Комитета по охране прав детей Министерства образования и
науки РК
23. Ms. Zhanna Volkova Judge of Supreme Court of RK /
Волкова Жанна Анатольевна судья Верховного суда РК
24. Ms.Gulshara Baibosynova Head of Supervisory Court Panel Secretariat on Criminal Affairs
Байбосынова Гульшара of Department on Provision of Courts Activities under Supreme
Абишевна Court of RK / заведующая секретариатом надзорной
судебной коллегии по уголовным делам Департамента по
обеспечению деятельности судов при Верховном Суде РК
25. Ms. Venera Kalimova Deputy Chairperson of Committee on Registration Service and
Калимова Венера Legal Aid Delivery under Ministry of Justice of RK / заместитель
Камысбайкызы председателя Комитета регистрационной службы и оказания
правовой помощи Министерства юстиции РК
26. Mr. Omar Dulat Prosecutor of Division of Department on Supervision for Legality
Омар Дулат Оразалыулы in Social Economic Sphere under General Prosecutor’s Office of
RK / прокурор отдела Департамента по надзору за
законностью в социально-экономической сфере при
Генеральной прокуратуре РК
27. Ms. Dinara Ualkenova Deputy Director of Department on Public Political Work under
Уалкенова Динара Хамиткызы Ministry of Culture and Information of RK / заместитель
директора Департамента по общественно-политической
работе Министерства культуры и информации РК
28. Mr. Serik Suinbayev Deputy Chairperson of Administrative Police Committee under
Суйинбаев Серик Койсарыулы Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK / заместитель председателя
Комитета административной полиции Министерства
внутренних дел РК
29. Ms. Azhar Tulegaliyeva Director of Medical Aid Organization Department of Ministry of
Тулегалиева Ажар Гинаятовна Healthcare of RK /
директор Департамента организации медицинской помощи
Министерства здравоохранения РК
30. PhD. Ulziya Kalzhanova Head of Department of Strategic Planning and Monitoring of
Калжанова Улзия State Services under Agency on Religious Affairs /
Кенжемуратовна руководитель Управления стратегического планирования и
мониторинга государственных услуг Агентства по делам
31. Ms. Gulmira Boranbayeva Secretary of National Commission on Family and Women’s
Боранбаева Гульмира Affairs under Akim of South Kazakhstan Oblast / секретарь
Жарылкасыновна Национальной комиссии по делам женщин и семейно-
демографической политике при акиме Южно-Казахстанской

International Experts
Международные эксперты
Kyrgyz Republic / Кыргызская Республика
32. Ms. Ainuru Altybayeva Parliamentarian of Zhogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyz Republic /
Алтыбаева Айнуру Тойчиевна Депутат Парламента Жогорку Кенеш Кыргызской Республики
33. Ms. Toktokan Borombayeva Deputy Ombudsman of Kyrgyz Republic /
Боромбаева Токтокан Заместитель Акыйкатчы (Омбудсмена) Кыргызской
Жолуевна Республики
34. Ms. Rimma Sultanova Specialist of Public Association Support Center for Women,
Султанова Римма Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic /
Специалист по мониторингу ОО «Центр помощи женщинам»,
Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Azerbaijan Republic / Азербайджанская Республика
35. Professor Ijran Gusseynova Chairperson of State Committee on Problems of Family, Women
Гусейнова Иджран Кямранкызы and Children of Azerbaijan Republic / Председатель
Государственного Комитета по Проблемам Семьи, Женщины
и Детей Азербайджанской Республики
36. Ms. Sabina Manafova Head of Division on External Relations and Protocol Service of
Манафова Сабина State Committee on Problems of Family, Women and Children of
Azerbaijan Republic / начальник отдела по внешним связям и
протокольной службе Государственного Комитета по
Проблемам Семьи, Женщины и Детей Азербайджанской
37. Ms. Lyudmila Khalilova Member of Garachukhur Municipality, Surakhan District of Baku
Халилова Людмила city, Head of Permanent Legal Commission, Chair of Municipal
Women Union – Public Association Women for Development of
Municipalities, Azerbaijan Republic /
Член Гарачухурского Муниципалитета Сураханского района
города Баку, Председатель Союза Муниципальных Женщин
- ОО "Женщины за Развитие Муниципалитетов",
Азербайджанская Республики .
Republic of Tajikistan / Республика Таджикистан
38. Ms. Kurbongul Kossimova Director of Public Association Nachoti Kudakhon, Republic of
Косимова Курбонгуль Tajikistan /
директор ОО «Начоти Кудакон», Республика Таджикистан
Georgia / Грузия

39. Ms. Leyla Suleymanova Director of Public Association Union of Azerbaijan Women in
Сулейманова Лейла Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia /
директор ОО «Союз азербайджанских женщин в Грузии»,
г.Тбилиси, Грузия
Turkmenistan / Туркменистан
40. Ms. Zalina Rossoshanskaya General Director of Youth Center Bosphor of Youth Organization
Россошанская Залина named after Makhtumkuli / генеральный директор
молодежного центра "Босфор" Молодежной организации
Туркменистана им. Махтумкули
41. Ms. Gulya Chorekliyeva Chair of NGO ENME, Turkmenistan /
Чореклиева Гуля председатель НПО «ЕНМЕ», Туркменистан
Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Исламская Республика Пакистан
42. Ms. Shahid Humaira Awais Journalist and women’s rights activist in Pakistan, ex-
ХумайраАваис Шахид parliamentarian of Penjab Province Assembly правозащитник и
журналист в Пакистане, экс-парламентер Провинциальной
Ассамблеи Пенджаб

Ethno cultural Centers, Public and Religious Associations of Republic of Kazakhstan

Этнокультурные центры, общественные и религиозные объединения Республики

43. Mr. Vidadi Agayev Director of Azerbaijan Public Association Khazar

Агаев Видади Умутоглы директор Азербайджанского общественного объединения
44. Mr. Murat Tokhtibakayev Director of Branch of Republican Cultural Center of Uyghurs of
Тохтибакаев Мурат Камилович Kazakhstan in Astana /
директор филиала Республиканского культурного центра
уйгуров Казахстана в Астане
45. Mr. Asker Piriyev Director of Public Association Turkish Cultural Center Akhyska
Пириев Аскер Алавердиевич директор общественного объединения “Турецкий культурный
центр “Ахыска”
46. Mr. Kairat Zholdabayuly Spiritual Department of Muslims of Kazakhstan, Chief Imam of
Кайрат Жолдабайулы Astana /
Духовное Управление Мусульман Казахстана, главный имам
47. По согласованию Astana Eparchy / Астанинская епархия
48. Ms. Bakhtyla Tumenova Director of Public Foundation Aman Saulyk
Туменова Бахтыла директор ОФ «Аман Саулык»
49. Ms. Zayresh Battalova Director of Public Foundation of Development of Parliamentarism
Батталова Зауреш in Kazakhstan /
Кабылбековна директор ОФ "Фонд развития парламентаризма в
50. Mr. Amanzhol Kalysh Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University /
Калыш Аманжол профессор Казахского национального университета им. аль
51. Ms. Zulfiya Baisakova Chair of Board, Association of Legal Entities Crisis Centers Union
Байсакова Зульфия of Kazakhstan / председатель правления ОЮЛ «Союз
кризисных центров Казахстана»
52. Ms. Nina Balabayeva Director of Public Foundation “Center for Socio-Psychological
Балабаева Нина Rehabilitation and Adaptation for Women and Children “Rodnik”)
/ директор ОФ «Центр социально-психологической
реабилитации и адаптации для женщин и детей «Родник»
53. Mr. Gaidar Uteshev Executive Director of Public Foundation Eurasian Center of Law /
Утешев Гайдар исполнительный директор ОФ «Евразийский центр права»
54. Ms. Aliya Kantarbayeva Program Coordinator of Public Association Women’s League of
Кантарбаева Алия Creative Initiative /
координатор программ ОО «Лига женщин творческой
55. Mr. Esen Kenesarinov Program Coordinator of Public Association Women’s League of
Кененсаринов Эсен Creative Initiative /
координатор программ ОО «Лига женщин творческой
56. Ms. Rakhima Duisenova Project Manager of Public Foundation Aman Saulyk /
Дуйсенова Рахима проектный менеджер ОФ «Аман Саулык»
57. Ms. Jessica Howard Manager of Department on Research and Program Design,
Ховард Джессика Public Foundation Eurasia of Central Asia / менеджер Отдела
исследований и разработки программ ОФ «Фонд Евразия
Центральной Азии»
58. Ms. Zamza Kodar Expert on Issues of Gender Equality and Problems of Education
Кодар Замза Муташовна for Girls /
эксперт по вопросам гендерного равенства и проблем
образования для девочек

Посольства в Республике Казахстан

59. Mr. Stephen Millar Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Canada in

Стефен Миллар Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of
Tajikistan / Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Канады в
Республике Казахстан, Кыргызской Республике и Республике
60. Mr. Mauro Reina Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Switzerland in
Рейна Мауро Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Tajikistan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Швейцарии в
Республике Казахстан и Республике Таджикистан
61. Mr. Tobias Zumbuehl Intern, Embassy of Switzerland in Republic of Kazakhstan and
Цумбюль Тобиас Republic of Tajikistan /
Стажер, Посольство Швейцарии в Республике Казахстан и
Республике Таджикистан
62. Mr. Ole Johan Bjørnøy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Royal Norwegian
Бьорной Оле Йохан Embassy in Astana /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Королевства Норвегия в г.Астана
63. Ms. Ainura Aimukhanbetova Assistant to Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Astana
Аймуханбетова Айнура Помощник Посла, Посольство Королевства Норвегия в
64. Ms. Maja Floberg Safarova Trainee, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Astana
Флуберг Сафарова Майя Стажер, Посольство Королевства Норвегия в г.Астана
65. Mr. Juzo Harada Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Харада Юдзо Japan in Republic of Kazakhstan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство Японии в
Республике Казахстан
66. Mr. Hendrikus Putker Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of Royal Kingdom of Netherlands
Путкер Хендрикус in Astana /
заместитель Посла, Посольство Королевства Нидерландов в
67. Ms. Christel Sieling Intern of Embassy of Royal Kingdom of Netherlands in Astana /
Зилинг Кристель Стажер Посольства Королевства Нидерландов в г.Астана
68. Mr. Jouko Eskelinen Counselor, Development Aid Specialist of Embassy of Finland in
Эскелинен Юко Astana /
Советник, специалист по развитию Посольства Финляндии в
69. Mr. Zakir Gashimov Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Гашимов Закир Арифоглы Azerbaijan Republic /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Азербайджанской Республики
70. Mr. Bessengul Omuraliyev Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Омуралиев Бесенгул Kyrgyz Republic /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Кыргызской Республики
71. Mr. Zurab Pataradze Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Патарадзе Зураб Georgia /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство Грузии
72. Mr. Magtymgul Akmyradov Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Акмырадов Магтымгул Turkmenistan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
73. Mr. Bakhrom Kholnazarov Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Embassy of
Холназаров Бахром Republic of Tajikistan /
Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол, Посольство
Республики Таджикистан

International Organizations and Representative Offices in Republic of Kazakhstan

Международные организации и представительства в Республике Казахстан

74. Mr. Anton Artemyev Chair of Board, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan /

Артемьев Антон председатель правления Фонда Сорос Казахстан
75. Ms. Bota Ayazbayeva Director for Civil Society Development, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan /
Аязбаева Бота директор по развитию гражданского общества Фонда Сорос
76. Mr. Peer Teschendorf Director of Friedrich Ebert Foundation /
Тешендорф Пэр Директор Фонда Фридриха Эберта
77. Ms. Zauresh Shutova Head of Friedrich Ebert Foundation Office in Astana /
Шутова Зауреш глава офиса Фонда Фридриха Эберта г. Астана
78. Mr. Alexey Yussupov Head of Friedrich Ebert Foundation Office in Almaty /
Юсупов Алексей глава офиса Фонда Фридриха Эберта г. Алматы
79. Ms. Manshuk Nurseitova Economics Officer, Kazakhstan Resident Mission of Asian Development
Нурсеитова Маншук Bank /
Сотрудник экономического отдела, Миссия Азиатского Банка
Развития в Казахстане
80. Mr. Nikolai Botev Director, United Nations Population Fund’s Sub-Regional Office for
Central Asia (UNFPA) /
Ботев Николай директор Субрегионального офиса Фонда ООН в области
народонаселения для стран ЦА (ЮНФПА)
81. Mr. Jun Kukita / Head of Representative Office of UNICEF for Central Asia /
Кукита Джун глава Представительства Детского Фонда ООН в ЦА (ЮНИСЕФ)
82. Ms. Tatiana Aderikhina Programme Coordinator of UNICEF in RK /
Адерихина Татьяна координатор программы ЮНИСЕФ в РК
83. Ms. Bermet Moldobayeva Programme Coordinator, International Organization for Migration /
/ координатор программ Международной организации по миграции
Молдобаева Бермет
84. Mr. Talgat Umirzhanov National Coordinator of International Labour Organization in Republic of
Умиржанов Талгат Kazakhstan /
Национальный координатор Международной организации по труду
в Республике Казахстан
85. Ms. Aizhan Azbenova Delegation of European Union in Republic of Kazakhstan, Assistant
Азбенова Айжан Делегация Евросоюза в Республике Казахстан , ассистент



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