CSE106 Course Outline Summerg2023

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East West University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Course Outline
Summer 2023 Semester

Course: CSE106 Discrete Mathematics (Sections 1, 2, 3)

Credits and Teaching Scheme

Theory Laboratory Total
Credits 3 0 3
Contact 3 Hours/Week for 13 Weeks + 3 Hours/Week for 13 Weeks +
Hours Final Exam in the 14th Week Final Exam in the 14th Week

CSE103 Structured Programming

Instructor Information
Instructor: Md. Mozammel Huq Azad Khan, PhD
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Office: Room: 641
Tel. No.: 09666775577 (hunting) ext. 216
E-mail: mhakhan@ewubd.edu
URL: http://www.ewubd.edu/~mhakhan/
GTA: Khairum Islam

Class Routine and Office Hour

Day 08:30-10:00 10:10-11:40 11:50-01:20 01:30-03:00 03:10-04:40 04:50-06:20
Sunday CSE106(1) Office Hour CSE106(2)
Room: 435 Room: 435
Monday CSE106(3) Office Hour
Room: 435
Tuesday CSE106(1) Office Hour CSE106(2)
Room: 435 Room: 435
Wednesday CSE106(3) Office Hour
Room: 435
Thursday Office Hour Office Hour

Course Objective
This course builds up the students’ ability to think and express logically and mathematically.
The course will address mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, algorithmic thinking,
and discrete structures. Knowledge of this course will be needed as prerequisite knowledge for
future courses such as CSE110 Objected Oriented Programming, CSE207 Data Structures,

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CSE246 Algorithms, CSE302 Database Systems, CSE366 Artificial Intelligence, CSE405
Computer Networks, and CSE471 Compiler Design.

Knowledge Profile
K2: Conceptually-based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and formal aspects of
computer and information science
K3: Theory-based engineering fundamentals

Learning Domains
Cognitive - C2: Understanding, C3: Applying
Psychomotor - P3: Precision
Affective - A2: Responding

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Engineering Knowledge

Complex Engineering Problem Solution

EP1: Depth of knowledge required
EP2: Range of conflicting requirements

Complex Engineering Activities


Course Outcomes (COs) with Mappings

After completion of this course students will be able to:
CO CO Description PO Learning Knowledge Complex
Domains Profile Engineering
Problem Solving/
CO1 Interpret and apply PO1 C2, C3 K2 -
propositional logic, predicate
logic, and theorem proving for
mathematical reasoning.
CO2 Interpret and apply counting PO1 C2, C3 K2 -
principles for combinatorial
CO3 Interpret and apply the growth PO1 C2, C3 K2, K3 EP1, EP2
of functions, complexity analysis P3
of algorithms, and integer A2
algorithms for algorithmic
thinking; demonstrate this
knowledge and write report for
realistic problem solving.

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CO4 Interpret and apply discrete PO1 C2, C3 K2, K3 EP1, EP2
structures such as sets, functions, P3
relations, graphs, and trees for A2
modeling discrete objects;
demonstrate this knowledge and
write report for realistic problem

Course Topics, Teaching-Learning Method, and Assessment Scheme

Course Topic Teaching- CO EP/ Mark of CO Exam
Learning EA Cognitive Mark (Mark)
Method Learning Levels
C2 C3
Propositional Logic, Lectures and CO1 8 8 16 Midterm
Propositional discussions (4+4) (4+4) Exam I
Equivalences, Predicates inside and (25)
and Quantifiers, Nested outside the
Quantifiers class
Introduction to Proofs, Do CO1 9 9
Mathematical Induction (3+3+3)

Sets, Set Operations, Do CO4 8 8 16 Midterm

Functions, Recursive (4+4) (4+4) Exam II
Functions, Relations and (25)
Their Properties
The Basics of Counting, Do CO2 3 6 9
The Pigeonhole Principle (3) (3+3)
Algorithms, The Growth Do CO3 EP1 4 8 12 Final
of Functions, Complexity (4) (4+4) (25)
of Algorithms, The
Integers and Division,
Primes, Greatest
Common Divisor, Least
Common Multiplier
Graphs, Graph Do CO4 6 7 13
Terminologies and (3+3) (3+4)
Special Types of Graphs,
Representing Graphs,
Introduction to Trees

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Mini Projects
Mini Teaching- CO EP/ Mark of Mark of Mark of CO Exam
Project Learning EA Cognitive Psycho- Affective Mark (Mark)
Method Learning motor Learning
Level Learning Level
C3 P3 A2
Mini Group-based CO3 EP1, EP2 4 0.5 0.5 5 Mini
Project with moderately CO4 EP1, EP2 4 0.5 0.5 5 Project
reports and complex (10)
presentation programming
projects with
writing and
Total 8 1 1 10

Overall Assessment Scheme

Assessment Area CO Other PO Marks
Class Participation 5
Class Test/Quiz (best two out of three) 10
Midterm Exam - I 25 0 0 0 25
Midterm Exam -II 0 9 0 16 25
Final Exam 0 0 12 13 25
Mini Projects with report and presentation 0 0 5 5 10
Total Mark 25 9 17 34 15 85

Teaching Materials/Equipment
Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications with Combinatorics and Graph
Theory, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2015.

Slide Links:
Mid I:
Mid II:

Mini Projects:
Mini Project description will be provided in time.
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Grading System
Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point
97-100 A+ 4.00 73-76 C+ 2.30
90-96 A 4.00 70-72 C 2.00
87-89 A- 3.70 67-69 C- 1.70
83-86 B+ 3.30 63-66 D+ 1.30
80-82 B 3.00 60-62 D 1.00
77-79 B- 2.70 Below 60 F 0.00

Exam Dates

Section Class Slot Term I Term II Final

1 ST 16.07.2023 13.08.2023 10.09.2023
2 ST 16.07.2023 13.08.2023 10.09.2023
3 MW 12.07.2023 09.08.2023 13.09.2023

Academic Code of Conduct

Academic Integrity:
Any form of cheating, plagiarism, personification, falsification of a document as well as any
other form of dishonest behavior related to obtaining academic gain or the avoidance of
evaluative exercises committed by a student is an academic offence under the Academic Code of
Conduct and may lead to severe penalties as decided by the Disciplinary Committee of the

Special Instructions:
• Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations. A student MUST have at least
80% class attendance to sit for the final exam.
• Students will not be allowed to enter into the classroom after 20 minutes of the starting time.
• For plagiarism, the grade will automatically become zero for that exam/assignment.
• Normally there will be NO make-up exam. However, in case of severe illness, death of any
family member, any family emergency, or any humanitarian ground, if a student miss
any exam, the student MUST get approval of makeup exam by written application to the
Chairperson through the Course Instructor within 48hoursof the exam time. Proper
supporting documents in favor of the reason of missing the exam have to be presented with
the application.
• For final exam, there will be NO makeup exam. However, in case of severe illness, death of
any family member, any family emergency, or any humanitarian ground, if a student
miss the final exam, the student MUST get approval of Incomplete Grade by written
application to the Chairperson through the Course Instructor within 48 hours of the final
exam time. Proper supporting documents in favor of the reason of missing the final exam
have to be presented with the application. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange
an Incomplete Exam within the deadline mentioned in the Academic Calendar in
consultation with the Course Instructor.
• All mobile phones MUST be turned to silent mode during class and exam period.

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• There is zero tolerance for cheating in exam. Students caught with cheat sheets in their
possession, whether used or not; writing on the palm of hand, back of calculators, chairs or
nearby walls; copying from cheat sheets or other cheat sources; copying from other
examinee, etc. would be treated as cheating in the exam hall. The only penalty for cheating is
expulsion for several semesters as decided by the Disciplinary Committee of the

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