DM Unit 3
DM Unit 3
DM Unit 3
Let's get visual with our processes!
UNIT - 3
Semi-group, Monoid, Groups, Group identity and
uniqueness, inverse and its uniqueness,
isomorphism and homomorphism, subgroups,
Cosets and Lagrange’s theorem, Permutation
group and Cayley’s theorem (without proof),
Normal subgroup and quotient groups. Groups
and Coding
That moment when you
understand everything in
Group theory is a branch of abstract algebra
that studies the algebraic structures known as
groups. A group is a set equipped with a
single binary operation that satisfies certain
axioms. Group theory has profound
applications in various fields, including
physics, chemistry, computer science, and
(Set of integers, +), and (Matrix ,*) are examples of semigroup.
(N, +) is a semi group
(N, .) is a semi group
(N, – ) is not a semi group.
An algebraic system (A, *) is said to be a monoid if the following conditions are satisfied.
* is a closed operation in A.
* is an associative operation in A.
There is an identity in A.
1) * is a closed operation.
2) * is an associative operation. WEBSITE
3) There is an identity in G.
4) Every element in G has inverse in G.
Finite group: If the order of a group G is finite, then G is called a finite group.
Show that, the set of Let Z = set of all integers. Let a, b, c are any
three elements of Z.
. Closure property: We know that ,Sum of two
all integers is an integers is again an integer. i.e., a + b ∈ Z for
all a,b ∈ Z
abelian group with Associativity: We know that addition of
integers is associative. i.e., (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
respect to addition. for all a,b,c ∈ Z.
Identity : We have 0 ∈ Z and a + 0 = a for all a
∈ Z . ∴ Identity element exists, and ‗0‘ is the
Solution: identity element
Inverse: To each a ∈ Z , we have – a ∈ Z
such that a + ( – a ) = 0 Each element in Z has
an inverse.
Commutativity: We know that addition of
integers is commutative. i.e., a + b = b +a for all
a,b ∈ Z.
Lagrange's Theorem
Statement In group theory, Lagrange's theorem states that for any finite group G, the
order (number of elements) of every subgroup H of G divides the order of
G. Mathematically, if ∣G∣ is the order of G and ∣H∣ is the order of H,
then ∣H∣ divides ∣G∣.
This mapping preserves the group operation, showing that Z2 is isomorphic to a subgroup of S2
Normal Subgroups Consider the group G=Z6 (integers
A subgroup N of a group G is called a modulo 6) under addition
normal subgroup if it is invariant under The subgroup N={0,3} is a normal
conjugation by elements of G. This subgroup because Z6 is abelian (all
means that for every element n∈N and subgroups of abelian groups are
every element g∈G, the element normal).
gng^−1 is also in N. In symbols, N is
normal in G if gNg^−1=N for all g∈G.
Quotien EXAMPLE :
Subgroups Consider the group G=Z6 (integers
modulo 6) under addition
Given a group G and a normal subgroup
N, the quotient group G/N is the set of Using the same group G=Z6 and
cosets of N in G with the operation of normal subgroup N={0,3}, the
coset multiplication. The elements of quotient group Z6/{0,3} consists of
G/N are the cosets gN for g∈G, and the the cosets {0,3} and {1,4}. The
group operation is defined by (gN)(hN)= operation in the quotient group is
(gh)N. addition modulo 2, making it
isomorphic to Z2.
Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups, a mapping “f ” from a group (G,o) to a group (G’,o’) is
said to be an isomorphism if
If ‘f’ is an isomorphic mapping, (G,o) will be isomorphic to the group (G’,o’) & we
Let (G,o) & (G’,o’) be 2 groups, a mapping “f ” from a group (G,o) to a group (G’,o’) is
said to be a homomorphism if