Second Sun

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“Each level of the Abyss is the territory of the Abyssal Idols, whose power is
a divine virtue among the Hordes. Dawsell Storyteller entrusts you with the “Generations ago, our villages divided, and we pledged
defeat of the enemies of the Primordial Sun.”
never to abandon our territories. We thrived under the
◆ The Mines of Maroviske where The Rock Beast
stalks hidden. radiant grace of the Primordial Sun and the Goldtree.
◆ The Dark Crypt plagued by The Mushroom They built their Citadel deep underground, degenerating
over time. But in a recent twilight, they returned and
◆ The Hidden Lake where That which lurks under
water is hidden. attacked Dawsell Storyteller... It is the duty of The
◆ The Frost Cave, the dormant lair of The Mind- Watchers to stop this threat by descending into the pitch-
Piercer Worm.
◆ The Citadel’s ruins ruled by Belken, The Immortal
black Abyss...”
◆ The Goldtree’s roots observed by Shaw, The
Exiled Watcher.
◆ The Plane of The Great Void where the Claimed
Shadows reside.

“Las entrañas del Abismo, El Fin se acerca...”

At each Depth Level, The Abyss places two dangers.

Bright garden Tar seepage

Volcanic vapors Ancestral tomb effigy
Mired aquifer Geometric perforations
Collapse due to excavation Carcasses wrapped in cobwebs
Monolith with reliefs Monstrous burrow
Labyrinth of narrow tunnels Remnants of previous expedition

“Lurking in the shadows, climbed to the walls... Feeble servants exploited as ROLES
expendable soldiers. Generations ago, they shared our same blood. Now, only Gather a group of mature friends.
wild tribes of irrational sub-humans remain, harboring a deep hatred for The ◆ The Abyss narrates the world around them and role-plays the
Kindred of The Sun.” characters that surround them. Place dangers in the darkness and
describe the consequences of the Protagonists’ actions.”.
The sub-human servants who worship the Abyssal Idols are represented ◆ Watchers: the rest, create your protagonist characters. Get ready,
by a Horde counter. At the beginning of the Expedition, the Horde narrate their actions. Be cautious, and hold onto hope.
counter starts with a value equal to the number of Watchers in play. As ◆ Group: together, try to solve the mysteries and build the history of the
long there is a Horde, it will try to avoid the descent of the Watchers world by gathering the pieces in this game.
to another Level. Each time The Watchers descend a Depth Level, the
Horde value increases by an amount equal to the number of Watchers
in play. The Abyss can reduce the Horde in [1] to instantly activate one
) o the following effects (even negating effects of dice rolls before they
SEGUNDO SOL / SECOND SUN (v.5.3) is a tabletop role-playing
◆ They gather at exits to ◆ Set a cruel trap camouflaged with
game made by Benjamín Aníbal Reyna - July 2019 / January 2024
prevent escape. poisoned blades.
- References: The Time Machine (H.G. Wells, 1895), The Lord of
◆ Begin to throw stones and ◆ Release the rope of the largest, fiercest, the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954), Call of Cthulhu Role-playing Game
spears from a distance. and most odorous kindred among them. (Chaosium, 1981), They (Robert Harmon, 2002), Dark Souls franchise
◆ Chaotically throw themselves ◆ Gather themselves with stone tools to (Fromsoftware, 2009-2016), Pathfinder (Paizo Publishing, 2009),
with clubs and knives. cause a collapse. Boktai: The Sun is in your hands and Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (Konami
◆ Stand in the way with shields ◆ They reveal a captured prisoner from Computer Entertainment Japan, 2013/2014), Darkest Dungeon
and spears to block the passage. The Radiant Fields. 1-7 Participants Six-sided dice 3+ Hours (Redhook Studios, 2016), Lamentos Futiles (Mundos Infinitos, 2016),
◆ Stealthily approach to ◆ Emerge from the ground (or water) Damnatus: Cardiorexis (Mundos Infinitos, 2016) - Fonts: Vollkorn
discreetly steal something. with stones and knives. (Fiedrich Althausen), Cormorant (Christian Thalmann). - Thanks
◆ Offer themselves as food, to ◆ Leave macabre fetishes behind to to: Pedro Yepes, Salvador Barbosa, Diego, Martín Bravo, Romina
heal their Idol. terrify the Watchers. Soledad Paniquelli, José Alarcón, Juan Killian, Neikos, Sile Sileno.
◆ Each time a Watcher suffers (whether through bleeding, WATCHER RADIANCE
“The Second Sun is an iron torch, a unique ancestral relic, whose
poison, madness, etc.), raise their Affliction by [1]. “A Watcher lives in the disparity between light and dark..”
sacred flame reflects the hearts of those who carry it: It can be a
◆ Reduce the final result of each Watcher’s dice rolls by an amount equal flickering flame or a hopeful fire...”
to their Affliction. “Courage allows us to face danger with
◆ If the Affliction reaches [3], the Watcher meets their end. COURAGE tenacity.”
At the beginning of the Expedition, the Second Sun’s Radiance
is [2]. Depending on the Radiance, the Watchers gain an
◆ When the Watchers take a long rest, with the proper treatment for additional modifier to the dice rolls against threats.
“Resilience is the discipline that enables
their ailments, they must narrate a warmth memory and remove all their RESILIENCE us to withstand any adversity.” [3] ◆ All Watchers receive [Hope+1].
Affliction. However, increase The Dusk counter by one step.
[2] ◆ All Watchers receive [Hope+0].
“Prudence helps us avoid unnecessary
PRUDENCE risks.”
[1] ◆ All Watchers receive [Hope-1].
[0] ◆ All Watchers receive [Hope-2].
“Hope nourishes the Second Sun and Staying out of the light of the Second Sun for a prolonged time
HOPE drives away horror.” causes Affliction. If The Second Sun was to be reduced to less
THE DUSK than [0], destroyed or forever lost, the Watchers are consumed
◆ Each time the Watchers take a long rest or lose time, increase The Dusk ◆ Who are you? Why did you take the oath? All your Virtues by darkness, and it is the End of The Radiant Fields.
counter by one step. start at [+0] and are influenced by your Age and Disposition. Choose or
◆ When The Dusk reaches [6] the night will fall, and the Hordes will randomly assign an Age, a Disposition, and a Blessed Name. Moreover, whoever carries the Second Sun can use its Miracles.
emerge to attack The Radiant Fields.
◆ Revealing light. ◆ Painless cauterization.

[Use a clip to keep track]

AGE ◆ Blinding shine. ◆ Flaming sword.
◆ Young. [Courage+1] / [Resilience-1] / [Prudence-1] / [Hope+1]
◆ Mature. [Courage+1] / [Prudence-1] The Radiance maybe altered by different factors. [▲] raises Radiance by
one level, while [▼] reduces Radiance by one level.
PROVISIONS ◆ Veteran. [Resilience+1] / [Prudence+1] / [Hope-2]
Each Watcher starts with the following items. In some cases, you will ◆ Obtain victory [▲]. ◆ Lose a battle or retreat [▼].
need to choose an option before starting your Expedition. If you lose or DISPOSITION ◆ Help an innocent [▲]. ◆ Abandon an innocent [▼].
consume something, cross it off. ◆ Compassionate. [Resilience-1] / [Hope+1] ◆ Consecrate what the defiled [▲]. ◆ A Watcher dies [▼].
◆ Attire with a worn black cloak. ◆ Belligerent. [Courage+1] / [Resilience+1] / [Prudence-2]
◆ Armor with reliefs of The True Tale.
◆ Stoic. [Resilience+1] / [Hope-1]
◆ Sunflower amulet.
◆ A reliable weapon: [Sword] / [Mace] / [Spear] ◆ Serene. [Courage-1] / [Prudence+1] DANGERS
◆ A side weapon: [Crossbow] / [Dagger] / [Shield] ◆ Optimistic. [Prudence-1] / [Hope+1] On a challenge, each Watcher describes how they will act. The Abyss
◆ A mining tool: [Pickaxe] / [Shovel] / [Crowbar] / [Sledgehammer] ◆ Pragmatical. [Courage-2] / [Resilience+1] / [Prudence+1] sets a Challenge Value (CV): Easy (3), Normal (4), Hard (5) or Legendary
◆ A Vial of anti-toxin medicine. (6). Then, the Watcher rolls a die and modifies the result with the value
◆ Immaculate bandages. of the most relevant Virtue (if uncertain, use [+0]). Compare the final
◆ A reliable knife.
result with the CV to reveal if it is Greater, Equal, or Lesser.
◆ A canteen filled with clear water. • Greater: succeed without complications.
◆ A loaf of bread. Ashtor / Asha Deceus / Decid Lorn / Lorna • Equal: succeed under a condition.
◆ A coil of rope. Binheim / Binhild Derrow / Derrid Lyraeth / Lyr • Lesser: fail and accept the consequences.
◆ Are you the one who carries The Second Sun? Belthor / Belthra Eir / Eirith Malgrim / Malgrith
Clowk / Cloa Faelon / Fael Morlk / Morla ◆A always means an overwhelming victory. A always means a
◆ Sunflower amulet: if a Watcher would be harmed in any way, Cylar / Cylarin Grimar / Grima Ropp / Roggi terrible tragedy.
they may sacrifice a Sunflower amulet that they carry with them to be Dartall / Dartallia Kaelus / Kaelis Rivenor / Riven ◆ If a Watcher has a substantial advantage in an action, roll two dice, and
protected and come out completely unscathed. keep the higher result. In the case of a substantial disadvantage, roll two
dice, and keep the lower result.
◆ When the results would be obvious or uninteresting, do not make
dice rolls.

DAWSELL STORYTELLER’S VISIONS ◆ Experience: “Every Watcher used to work in the Mines of Maroviske before
“With her eyes blindfolded, reclined on an old rocking chair in the field of taking the oath.” - You know how to survive underground, handle the
sunflowers in front of the Great Golden Tree, the young priestess dreams visions necessary tools, have good orientation, and have heard rumors about
of darkness... She provides everything necessary...” When descending to a new Level of Depth, if [the Abyssal Idol was
what dwells in The Abyss.
If you want to play solo or without The Abyss (or define something stopped] and [a truth about the world was revealed], roll a die to raise
◆ Adaptation: “Watching over The Abyss has changed your body; your hair
at random), use Dawsell Storyteller’s Visions to ask “YES” or “NO” one of your Virtues at random:
has turned white, and your eyes shine brightly.” - Your sense of sight, smell
questions to determine situations. and hearing has sharpened like an animal. [Courage+1] [Resilience+1] [Hope+1]
“Yes, it’s fated as this...” “Not for long...” ◆ Training: “You have trained for much of your life but have never experienced [Courage+1] [Prudence+1] [Hope+1]
“Only if you truly wish it...” “Seek in your heart...” a real combat.” - Your body is strong, and you know how to fight. You are ◆ Additionally, if you consider that what happened at this Depth Level
“It will be revealed in due time...” “No, it will never be like this...” familiar with the prayers necessary to use the Miracles of the Second Sun. changed you, roll a new Disposition and apply its modifiers.

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