➢ The load coming from the structure is very high & the distribution of the load on soil is uneven.
➢ The pumping of subsoil water is too costly for keeping thefoundation trench in dry
➢ The piles are considered to be long when their length exceeds 30meters.
➢ The structure is situated on sea shore or river bed and the foundation is likely to adopt
by the scouring action of water.
Low Large Distributed Very Large Concentrated
W e ig ht W e ig ht W e ight
Soft to
Firm Clay
Strong Rock
➢ All the loads from the super structure like,
- Live loads
- Dead loads
- Wind loads
- Seismic load
➢ The loads from the surrounding soil in case of seismic event.
➢ Water loads in case of off-shore structure.
▪ The materials which are used in the construction of piles areas follows :-
➢ Timberpiles
➢ Steel piles
➢ Concrete piles
Timber Steel Pipe Concrete Pre-cast
Steel H Concrete Composite
➢ The soft ground through which the piles pass also gives somelateral support and this increases the
load carrying capacity of the bearing piles.
➢ Transmit most of theirloads to the load
bearing layer (dense sand or rock). Most of
the pile capacity inferred from the end
bearing point.
Pile Load, P
Side Friction
➢ Great care should be taken to determine the frictional resistance offered by the soil and
suitable factor of safetyshould be provided in the design.
➢ Transmit most of their load through the
layersthrough which the pilespass, i.e.,
mostly through the surface friction with the
surrounding soils.
Pile Load, P
Side Friction
➢ Advantages:
Easy handling
Non-corrosive material
➢ Disadvantages:
May require treatment to prevent decay, insects, and borers fromdamaging pile. Easily damaged during
hard driving and inconvenient to splice.
➢ Advantages:
High axial working capacity
Wide variety of sizes
Easy on-site modifications
Fairly easy to drive, minimal soil displacement and good penetration through hard materials.
➢ Disadvantages:
High cost, difficulty in delivery, relatively higher corrosion,noisy driving.
➢ Advantages:
High capacity, relatively inexpensive, usually durable andcorrosion resistant in many environments.
➢ Disadvantages:
Handling, splicing, and transportation difficulties (for precastpiles).
➢ The center to center distance of successive piles is known as pile spacing.
1) Types of piles
2) Material of piles
3) Length of piles
4) Grouping of piles
5) Load coming on piles
6) Obstruction during pile driving
7) Nature of soil through which piles are passing.
➢ The spacing between piles in a group can be assumed based on the following:
2 Piles 3 Piles S
7 Piles
6 Piles
8 Piles
9 Piles
➢ Surrounding soil
➢ Installation technique (like driven or bored).
➢ Method of construction (like pre cast or cast in situ).
➢ Location of pile in a group.
➢ Spacing of piles in a group.
➢ Symmetry of the group.
➢ Shape of pile cap
➢ Location of pile cap (like above soil or below soil).
➢ Drainage condition in soil.
• Pile Installation is as important as design.
There are two methods for the installation
of piles.
o Installation by Driving
o Installation by Boring
❖ Instal ation by Driving : -
• Usually Driven piles are driven into the
ground by impact forcewhich causes
considerable stresses in the piles.
• The forces and accelerations induced in
the pile during drivingare recorded
using a data loggercallled Pile Driving Setup to produce
Analyzer ( PDA). impact on the
• The data obtained by PDA will beused to pile
study the pile integrity and potentially
dangerous defects like honey combing,
cracks, presence of foreign matter, etc.
• The PDA works on the principlesof wave
Data col ector and
Analyzer cal ed pile
driving analyzer
( PDA)
• If the driving has to be carried out by hammer, then followingfactors should be taken into
➢ The size and weight of the pile.
➢ The driving resistance which has to be overcome to achievethe desired penetration.
➢ The available space and head room in the site because thehammer has to be dropped from
certain height.
➢ The availability of cranes.
➢ The noise restrictions which may be in force in the locality.
➢ Dropping weight
➢ Explosion
➢ Vibration
➢ Jetting
Drop Hammer
Hammer Guide
Pile (pre cast/cast in situ)