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LESSON 3: NATURE, FORMS AND allows them to influence local development,
CONSEQUENCES OF POWER job creation, and even real estate prices.
One of the central concepts and issues Expressed
of political science is power. a) Institution (simplest): example in the Who wields it? family, when parents tell their children what How it is shared, checked or they should do monopolized? b) Individuals (grandest): example in the How can power and its consequences government, when they imposes policies for be controlled to gain benefits? the welfare of its constituents -This lesson present the different definitions and aspect of power in political science. Not TAXONOMY OF POWER WITH FOUR only will the student be able to recognized MAJOR TYPES: power but they will also be responsible in a) Compulsory Power: the direst control of using it to avoid abuse in its usage as well as one actor of the conditions and actions of to give due respect to others who have another power over them. b) Institutional Power: the indirect ways in which an actor affects another. An example Power is defined as the ability of person A or is the use of rule or the law to impose order institution A to make person B or institution B c) Structural Power: looks at the position and do something that person B or institution B the roles of various actors in relation to each on his/her own, would not do. From the said other wherein the positions of each player definition, power in society spans a broad toward another provides them roles and spectrum of meaning that includes force, responsibilities that they play even without authority, influence, and most of the time one coercing the other. Examples are the coercion. coach to player, boos to worker, or captain to crew relationships Different forms of power: d) Productive Power: social production of a) Authoritative Power: powers that refers to their roles, how the roles affect the actors’ ability of a person or institution to influence perceptions and actions. or control others based on recognized authority or legitimacy. This type of power is Power is central concept in political science often accepted by those who were governed and sociology, and it can be understood or influenced because the authority is seen through its nature, forms and consequences. as legitimate, whether due to laws, rules or social norms. Example of authoritative power 1. Nature of Power include a government enforcing laws, Definition: Power is the ability to influence or teacher managing a classroom, or a manager control the behavior of people, events, or directing employees resources. It is often associated with b) Economic Power: the ability to control or authority and the capacity to make decisions influence economic resources and decisions, that impact others. which can in turn, affect individuals, groups, Characteristics: or entire nations. Those with economic power a) Relational: Power exists within can shape markets, determine the allocation relationships; it is not just something of resources and influence employment and someone possesses but is exercised over productions. Example economic powers can others. be held by the government, corporations, b) Contextual: The context in which power is and wealthy individuals or institution like exercised (social, political, economic) banks. Example: a family owned influences its nature and effectiveness. supermarket in a small town might hold c) Dynamic: Power is not static; it can economic power because it is the primary change depending on circumstances, actors source of groceries and employment in the and the environment. area. The store’s decision on pricing, product availability impact the local economy. 2) Forms of Power Contractors, who secures most of the town’s a) Coercive Power building projects. Their economic power b) Power of Reward c) Legitimate Power Activity: Can you give one prominent d) Expert Power person who abused its power that was e) Referent Power given to him/her? Defend your answer f) Purchasing Power Presentation: Form 6 groups and research on 3) Consequences of Power the definition of forms of power and give a) Positive Consequence examples. Present in class using pictures -Social Order: Power can maintain order and portraying each type of power. prevent chaos, ensuring that rules and norms are followed. Personality check 3: Cite three things that -Efficient Decision-Making: Power allows for made Mahatma Gandhi notable in person in quick and effective decisions, particularly in history and politics. crisis situations. -Empowerment: Power can be used to empower others, giving them the ability to POWER: MEANING, DIMENSIONS, TYPES act and make decisions. AND CONSEQUENCES b) Negative Consequences: -Oppression: Power can lead to the Power: Heywood (2007) is the ability to exploitation or oppression of weaker groups achieve a desired outcome and is sometimes or individuals. seen as the ‘power to’ do something. He -Corruption: Those in power may misuse it further explained that in the context of for personal gain, leading to corruption. politics and governance, power is usually -Conflict: The struggle for power can result, thought of as a relationship; the ability to both within and between societies. influence the behavior of others or having -Inequality: Unequal distribution of power “power over” people and the ability to punish can lead to social and economic disparities. or reward.
-According to Aristotle in his Politics, there According to Heywood (2007), the are situations where power in government is following are various ways how power is corrupted by the personal and selfish goals exercised by members of society. These are of individuals. Because of these egoistic called dimensions or faces of power: Power goals, individuals pursue laws and intervene as decision making, Power as agenda setting with social services to achieve personal and Power as Though Control. rather than communal gains. -This is true throughout History of men POWER AS DECISION-MAKING: wherein various individuals identified by POWER AS AGENDA SETTING: Thomas Carlyle (1841) as “Great Men” of POWER AS THOUGHT CONTROL: history, such as dictators and despots like Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler who used the power TYPES OR FORMS OF POWER: vested on them by their respective Reward Power: the target person complies governments to pursue personal ambitions in order to obtain rewards he or she believes over the welfare of their people. are controlled by the agent. Coercive power: the target person -In studying politics, we must be aware and complies in order to avoid punishment accept the fact that power, as a central he/she believes are controlled by the agent concept, is dynamic and has different forms, Legitimate Power: The target person depending on who is imposing power, and complies because he/she believe the agent how that power is expressed. has the right to make the request and the -Understanding power in these dimensions target person has the obligation to comply helps us analyze how societies are Expert Power: The target person complies structured, how decisions are made, and how because he or she believes that the agent social relations are maintained or challenged. has special knowledge about the best way to do something. Referent Power: The target person complies because he or she admires or identifies with the agent and wants to gain the agent’s approval. Charismatic Power: The power possess by only few individuals in our midst; it is a characterized by super confidence, typical physical attractiveness, social adroitness, amiability, sharpened leadership skills and heighted charm.