Week 1 Lecture

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Our Lady of Fatima University

We l c o me!
LEC: Course Orientation
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
1st Semester: Week 1
Prepared by: Sir Yaj
Our Lady of Fatima University
Our Lady of Fatima University

Objective: Discussion Outline

Overview of the Course
Grading Policies & Requirements
Academic Grading System
Prelim, Midterm & Final Term Requirements
Other Requirements
Course Policies
Scope of The Course
Aligning the Course to OLFU’s Core Values
Consultation Period
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Overview of the Course

Organic and
Inorganic Chemistry
Qualitative Contextualized
Utilized in Real World Set-up

and Capitalized in students’


Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Overview of the Course

Organic and Inorganic
In this Course
Chemistry CORE
Course Description:
This course is a comprehensive course covering the fundamental
concepts of Chemistry, composition, structure, and properties of
matter, kinetics and energetics of transformation of matter; and
fundamental concepts of organic chemistry.
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Overview of the Course

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry CORE
In this Course
This focus of this course is on the processes, theory and application thru
different experimentation and classroom-based activities.
Students are expected to demonstrate deeper understanding of how
Chemistry concepts is being applied and utilized in the daily day basis and
by developing today’s technology
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Grading Policies & Requirements

60% of Written Tasks 5%
Final Grade Performance Tasks 35%
TERM Exam 60%
Assessment Long Exam Prelim Exam
Quizzes Recitation Midterm Exam
Seatworks Participation Final Exam
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Grading Policies & Requirements

40% of Written Tasks 5%
Final Grade Performance Tasks 35%
Performance Attendance PPE
Journals Presentation MPE
Performance FPE
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Academic Grading System

Average Final Average Final Grade

Academic Grading System Grade
OLFU follows a letter grading Above 98.00 1.00 83.00 – 85.00 2.25
system for its academic and 95.00 – 97.00 1.25 80.00 – 82.00 2.50
co-curricular subjects. These 92.00 – 94.00 1.50 76.00 – 79.00 2.75
grades are given per semester, 89.00 – 91.00 1.75 75.00 3.00
per subject. 86.0 – 88.00 2.00 74 and below 5.00
Our Lady of Fatima University


Have a SCORE of at least 75 % In Case of having a low performance
rate despite of having a passing mark
Those who will FAIL the test will on the exam. Students will also
automatically qualified to take the encourage to take the remedials
remedial program on the date given
by the subject teacher Those who will still get a low
performance rate after the given
resolution will be advised according
to the decision of the heads of
Our Lady of Fatima University


Completion of the following research and
performance task
1. Assignment/Case Studies
2. Attendance (80 %)
3. Seat works
4. Group /Individual tasks/Presentation
5. Practical Examination
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: FINAL REQUIREMENT and Resolution

Have a SCORE of at least 75 % In Case of having a low performance

rate despite of having a passing mark
Those who will FAIL the test will on the exam. Students will also
automatically qualified to take the encourage to take the removals
remedial program on the date given
by the subject teacher Those who will still get a low
performance rate after the given
resolution will be advised according
to the decision of the heads of
Our Lady of Fatima University


Completion of the following research and
performance task
1. Assignment/Case Studies
2. Attendance (80 %)
3. Seat works
4. Group /Individual tasks/Presentation
5. Practical Examination
6. Passing Remarks for PRELIM and
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Course Policies

Regular attendance is expected. In case of failure to attend the class due to
unavoidable circumstances, you are responsible for making up for any work
In this course missed. Consult the teacher in case of missed examination or quiz.
Active participation is expected in every session and should partake in
group activities.
Observe strictly the schedule for submission of all requirements.
Feel free to consult with the teacher regarding academic challenges in
assigned task. Come during the specified consultation time.
Observe proper classroom decorum.
Intellectual and academic honesty is expected to everyone. Acknowledge
all source of information used in your works.
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Scope of General Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

1. Orientation
1.1. Mission and Vision OLFU Activity Calendar will
1.2. Introduction to Org Chem Click Here be available on your
1.3. Class N(Etiquettes) canvas account
1.4. Orientation to Lec and Lab
2. Matter and Measurements
3. Atomic Structure and Periodic Table
4. Chemical Bonds and Nomenclature
5. Chemical Reactions
6. Prelim Term Examination
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Scope of General Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

7. Organic Compounds
8. Hydrocarbons and Derivatives Activity Calendar will
9. Alkenes and Alkynes Click Here be available on your
10. Aromatic Compounds canvas account
11. Alkyl halides
12. Midterm Examination
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Scope of General Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

13. Alcohols, Ether, Phenol, Thiols
14. Aldehydes and Ketones Activity Calendar will
15. Carboxylic Acids Click Here be available on your
16. Acid Anhydrides and Acid Halides canvas account
17. Amides, Amines, and Nitriles
18. Final Term Examination
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Reference Text Books

• Principle of General Chemistry 3rd edition Silberg
• Organic Chemistry by: McMurry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Textbook: OLFU Workbook in General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.
• Laboratory Manual: OLFU Workbook in General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.
• College Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic for the Health ProfessionsCalano, R. (2011)..
• Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, (9th ed.).Bettlelheim, F. A., et al. (2010).
• General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Nursing and Allied Health. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
• General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry. U.S.AShaum’s Outlines. (2009). Stoker, H. S. (2010).
• General Chemistry: Essential Concepts, (5th ed.). U.S.AChang, R. (2009)..
• Principles of General Chemistry Institutional Edition. U.S.A.: Silberberg, M. S. (2007).
McGraw-Hills Companies.
• Introductory Chemistry, (7th ed.). U.S.AZumdahi, S. and Decoste, D. J. (2010)..: Brooks/Cole
Cengage Learning.
• Chemistry for Today, General, Organic, and Biochemistry, (6th ed.). U.S.A.: Seager, S. L. and
Slabaugh M. R. (2008). Thomson Brooks/Cole
Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Aligning the Course to OLFU’s Core Values

Our Lady of Fatima University

Agenda: Consultation Period

Name of Teacher

Consultation Period:


Our Lady of Fatima University
Agenda: Activity No. 1
Our Lady of Fatima University

Our Lady of Fatima University

Thank you!
Our Lady of Fatima University

Up N e x t !
Lab Orientation
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
1st Semester
Prepared by: Sir Yaj

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