ACN Microrproject 1
ACN Microrproject 1
ACN Microrproject 1
Micro-project Report of
Operating System
Generation Of Operating System
Submitted by:
This is to certify that Project report entitled “Generation Of Operating
System” is submitted in the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the
Diploma in Computer Engineering by Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
as record of students' own work carried out by them under the guidance and
supervision at Ajeenkya DY Patil School Of Engineering (Charholi), during the
academic year 2024-25.
(Prof) (Mrs)
Guide Head of Computer Department
It is with profoundly sense of gratitude that we acknowledge from our guide
She has been guide in the true sense of word, a guide who satisfaction from our word &
1. Aim Of The Micro Project: The main to Study Generations of operating system
3. Proposed Methodology:
1. Literature survey.
2. Collect information through different sources
3. Analysis of data.
4. Compilation of collected data.
4. Action Plan:
1. Computer Processor: 13 1
RAM: 4.00 GB
(Micro-project Guide)
The OS helps you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to
speak the computer's language. It is not possible for the user to use any
computer or mobile device without having un operating system
History Of OS
Operating systems were first developed in the late 1950s to manage tape storage
The General Motors Research Lab implemented the first OS in the early 1950s for their
IBM 701
In the m mid-1960s, operating systems started to use disks.
In the late 1960s, the first version of the Unix OS was developed
The first OS built by Microsoft was DOS, It was built in 1981 by purchasing the 86-
DOS software from a Seattle company
The present-day popular OS Windows first came to existence in 1985 when a GLT was
created and quired with MS-DOS
2.0 Types of Operating System (OS)
Following are the popular types of OS (Operating System)
Hatch Operating System. Multitasking Time Sharing OS
Multiprocessing OS
Real Time OS
Distributed OS
Network OS Mobile OS
2.1 Advantage of Operating System
Allows you to hide details of hardware by creating an abstraction.
Easy to use with a GUL.
Offers an environment in which a user may execute programs/applications.
The operating system must make sure that the computer system convenient to use.
Operating System acts as an intermediary among applications and the hardware
It provides the computer system resources with easy to use format.
Acts as an intermediator between all hardware's and software's of the system.
3.1 Features
of Kernel
Low-level scheduling of processes
Inter-process communication
Process synchronization Context switching
1. Monolithic
A monolithic kernel is a single code or block of the program. It provides all the required
services offered by the operating system. It is a simplistic design which creates a distinct
communication layer between the hardware and software.
2. Microkernels
Microkernel manages all system resources. In this type of kernel, services me
implemented in different address space. The user services are stored in user address
space, and kernel services are stored under kernel address space. No, it helps to reduce
the size of both the kernel and operating system.
Generations of Operating System
When we say Operating System, we think shout MacOS, Windows, Linux etc. Early
generations of Operating System didn't look like that. There are four generations of
Operating System.
2. The Second Generation (1955-1965)
The first operating system (OS) was created in the early 1950s and was known as GMOS.
General Motors has developed OS for the IBM computer. The second-generation operating
system was based on a single stream hutch processing system because it collects all similar
jobs in grouse of batches and then submits the jobs to the operating system using a punch card
to complete all jobs in a machine. At such completion of jobs (either normally or abnormally),
control transfer to the operating system that is cleaned after completing one job and then
continues to read and initiates the next job in a punch card. After that, new machines were
called mainframes, which were very big und used by professional operators
Second Generation
3. The Third Generation (1965-1980)
During the late 1960s, operating system designers were very capable of developing a new
operating system that could simultaneously perform multiple tasks in a single computer
program called multiprogramming The introduction of multiprogramming plays a very
import role in developing operating systems that allow a CPU to be busy every time by
performing different tasks on a computer at the same time. During the third generation,
there was a new development of minicomputer's phenomenal growth starting in 1961. with
the DEC POP-1. These PDP's leads to the creation of personal computers in the fourth
Third Generation
4. The Fourth Generation (1980-Present Day)
The fourth generation of operating systems is related to the development of the personal
computer, However, the personal computer is very similar to the minicomputers that were
developed in the third generation. The cost of a personal computer was very high at that
time, there were small fractions of minicomputers costs. A major factor related to creating
personal computers was the birth of Microsoft and the Windows operating system.
Microsoft created the first window operating system in 1975. After introducing the
Microsoft Windows OS, Bill Gates and Paul Allen had the vision to take personal
computers to the next level. Therefore, they introduced the MS-DOS in 1981: however, it
was very difficult for the person to understand its cryptic commands. Today, Windows has
become the most popular and most commonly used operating system technology. And
then, Windows released various operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows XP and the latest operating system, Windows 7. Currently, most Windows users
use e the Windows 10 operating system, Besides the Windows operating system, Apple is
another popular operating system built in the 1980s, and this operating system was
developed by Steve Jobs, a co-founder of Apple. They named the operating system
Macintosh OS or Mac OS
Fourth Generation
(Guide of Project)