16-MHR Intl-Module 16 Loss Prevention
16-MHR Intl-Module 16 Loss Prevention
16-MHR Intl-Module 16 Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention
Design Standards
January 2009
16 - Loss Prevention Marriott Hotels & Resorts - International
16.1 Overview 1
Module Organization
• This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules.
• Coordination with information from other Modules is required.
• The reference symbol <XX> is used to indicate a Module reference that
includes additional information.
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary Information
The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to
Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed
or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of
Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights reserved.
16.1 Overview
A. Objective: Develop a Loss Prevention (LP) and Safety
Program that meets the needs of individual and diverse
properties. The reduction of losses by mitigation or
elimination of associated risk factors both enhances guest
and employee safety and enjoyment of the facility and
maximizes owner revenue retention.
B. Goal: From the Marriott Loss Prevention (LP) Review,
develop design elements, equipment and systems that
reasonably mitigate or eliminate the risk factors.
C. Organization: This Module is organized to address the
following Loss Prevention criteria:
• Loss Prevention Review
• Access Control
• Safety - Features & Design Elements
• LP Systems, Equipment & Design Elements
D. Standards Application: This Module outlines processes and
elements for a Loss Prevention and safety program:
1. Managed Hotels: This Module defines the program for
Marriott International Hotels.
2. Franchise Hotels: This Module may be used as a guide
for a Loss Prevention and safety program developed
by franchise management based on their unique
combination of personnel, technology, insurance
coverage and experience.
16.2 Loss Prevention Review
A. Risk Assessment & Safety Assessment: The LP Risk Assessment
and Safety Assessment form the basis for identifying
the potential risk through analyzing the potential threats
& hazards and the vulnerabilities associated with the
property’s assets (e.g. buildings, guests, employees, assets)
and selecting the appropriate measures to mitigate /
eliminate the risk.
1. LP Review: The LP Risk Assessment and Safety
Assessment includes issues such as the following:
a. Access control to areas such as the grounds, park-
ing facility, recreation facilities, buildings, public
space, guestrooms, back of house space, etc.
b. Access control of utilities, data center, roof and
exit stairs
c. Location of air intakes
d. Site parking and facilities lighting
e. Potential clientele e.g., political figures, contro-
versial groups
f. Proximity and association to high risk enterprises
e.g., embassy
Design Standards © Marriott International, Inc. January 2009 | Loss Prevention 1
16 - Loss Prevention Marriott Hotels & Resorts - International
• Access Devices:
++ Access Reader: Mounted on adjacent wall.
++ Power Supply (Overhead): Design for specified
door latch.
++ Electric Strike: Design for specified door.
++ Electronic Locks: Design for specified door.
++ Magnetic Lock: Design for specified door.
++ Motion Detector: Design for specified doors with
magnetic locks.
++ Panic Exit Device, Electrified Mechanical:
Design for specified door.
++ Fire Alarm Signal: Route to specified door.
++ Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
• Locations: For RAR doors and as dictated by indi-
vidual property requirements:
++ Fitness Center
++ Swimming Pool
++ Remote guest entrances
++ Executive Lounge
++ Passenger and service elevators
++ Business Center
++ Employee entrance
++ Meeting Rooms (where utility locks are not
f. Electronic Lock System - Locations: Provide at the
following locations:
Parking Structure Vestibule - type per LP review <1>
Luggage Room <2>
Fitness Center Reception Area <4>
Banquet Beverage Storage <6>
Ballroom - per LP review <6>
A / V Storage <6>
Banquet Storage <6>
Guestrooms & Suites <7A>
Suite Pantry <7A>
Guestroom corridor door entering service elevator area <7B>
Guest floor linen storage room <7B>
Guest floor linen chute room <7B>
Roof Access Enclosure <7B>
Guest Safe Deposit Room <8A>
Counting Room <8A>
Executive Offices Staff Entry <8A>
Front Office Support - electronic access or push-but-
ton combination door lock
u Monitoring Station
Employee Entrance
LP Supervisor
Receiving Entrance
2. Steps & Stairs: Make steps and stairs apparent and easy to use
with the appropriate application of the following elements:
a. Steps: Avoid one and two riser stairs - use ramps or
flight of stairs with three risers minimum.
b. Tread Depth: 28 cm (11 inch) minimum.
c. Riser Height: 10 cm (4 inch) minimum and 178 mm
(7 inch) maximum.
d. Handrails: Provide graspable shaped handrails at both
sides of stairs.
e. Nosings: Identify tread edge for full width of stair
f. Slip Resistance: 0.6 (wet or dry).
g. Headroom: 2.03 m (6'-8") minimum.
h. Contrast: Change floor color or materials to identify
stair location.
i. Lighting: Provide general illumination to identify
j. Stair Lights: Provide step lights or tread edge lights
(if appropriate).
k. Exterior Stairs: <1>If stairs are required at walkways,
provide a minimum of three risers.
l. Interior Stairs: <2> Provide stairs at seating area or
areas incorporating changes in floor levels within or
connecting to other spaces.
m. Exit Stairs: Comply with Module <14> Fire Protection
& Life Safety Design Standards,
3. Ramps: Provide where required by governing code and
accessibility regulations.
a. Handrails: <2> If slopes are steeper than 1:20, provide
handrails of graspable shape.
b. Rise: Do not exceed 77 cm (30 inch).
c. Exterior Ramps: <1> When changes in elevation are
required at walkways, accommodate whenever pos-
sible by ramps with slopes sufficiently shallow so that
handrails are not necessary.
d. Interior Ramps: <2> Use 1:12 or 8% maximum
e. Slip Resistance: 0.6 or greater and as required by gov-
erning codes.
C. Slip Resistant Surfaces: Provide slip resistant walkway surfaces
with 0.6 wet / dry minimum static coefficient of friction, except
at the following surfaces:
1. Kitchen Ramps: <10> 0.8 wet / dry minimum slip resistant
2. Parking Structure Ramps: <1> Provide slip resistant surface
appropriate to the slope, climate and function.
Flame Circumference
24” Min.
Stones, Loose
Children Laid Fill Between
Do Not Leave
Notice Ledge & Flame
Do Not Leave
Do Not Leave
Do Not Leave
Do Not Leave
Max. Max. SHUT OFF
Gas Line
50,000 BTU
Maximum Flame
Shut Off Switch
3” Min.
24” Min.
Figure 16-2
• Employee Entrance
• Receiving Dock
• Parking Structure Elevator Foyer
2. Master Intercom: Control base station (multiple unit
a. Master Station: LP Dispatcher.
b. Sub-Master Station: Call Center; Front Desk if
required by the Loss Prevention Review.
3. Acceptable Manufacturer: Aiphone Corporation
E. Wireless Emergency Notification System: Wireless handheld
system. <13B>
1. Carried by designated employees assigned to emergency
response duties.
2. Design system without dead spots.
3. Manufacturers: Provide from one of the following:
• Motorola
• Nextel
• Spectra Link
F. Inspection Tour Recording System
1. Documentation: Electronic date and time stamped LP
employee patrol documentation system to enhance the
integrity of the property LP program.
2. Tour Recording System Devices & Locations:
a. Patrol Management System Software: LP Office
b. Wand Home Base: LP Office
c. Control Unit: LP Office
d. Portable Wands: Portable
e. Batteries / Nicad: Portable
f. Wand Holster: Portable
g. Location Identifiers: Approximately 100 at strategic
checkpoints throughout the property as established
by Regional Director of Loss Prevention.
h. Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
i. Manufacturer: Time Keeping Systems - Guard.
G. Property Safes: In order to safeguard cash and property,
provide the following:
1. Guestroom Safes: See Module <7A>
2. Safe Deposit Boxes: See Module <8A>
3. Cashier House Safe: See Module <8A>
4. Deposit Safe: See Module <8A>
5. Manufacturer: Corporate Security Products 301-251-