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16-MHR Intl-Module 16 Loss Prevention

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Loss Prevention


Design Standards
January 2009
16 - Loss Prevention Marriott Hotels & Resorts - International

16.1 Overview 1

16.2 Loss Prevention Review 1

16.3 Access Control 4

16.4 Safety - Features & Design Elements 10

16.5 Loss Prevention Systems & Equipment 16

16.6 System Coordination 21

Module Organization
• This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules.
• Coordination with information from other Modules is required.
• The reference symbol <XX> is used to indicate a Module reference that
includes additional information.
Marriott Confidential & Proprietary Information
The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to
Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed
or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of
Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights reserved.

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16.1 Overview
A. Objective: Develop a Loss Prevention (LP) and Safety
Program that meets the needs of individual and diverse
properties. The reduction of losses by mitigation or
elimination of associated risk factors both enhances guest
and employee safety and enjoyment of the facility and
maximizes owner revenue retention.
B. Goal: From the Marriott Loss Prevention (LP) Review,
develop design elements, equipment and systems that
reasonably mitigate or eliminate the risk factors.
C. Organization: This Module is organized to address the
following Loss Prevention criteria:
• Loss Prevention Review
• Access Control
• Safety - Features & Design Elements
• LP Systems, Equipment & Design Elements
D. Standards Application: This Module outlines processes and
elements for a Loss Prevention and safety program:
1. Managed Hotels: This Module defines the program for
Marriott International Hotels.
2. Franchise Hotels: This Module may be used as a guide
for a Loss Prevention and safety program developed
by franchise management based on their unique
combination of personnel, technology, insurance
coverage and experience.
16.2 Loss Prevention Review
A. Risk Assessment & Safety Assessment: The LP Risk Assessment
and Safety Assessment form the basis for identifying
the potential risk through analyzing the potential threats
& hazards and the vulnerabilities associated with the
property’s assets (e.g. buildings, guests, employees, assets)
and selecting the appropriate measures to mitigate /
eliminate the risk.
1. LP Review: The LP Risk Assessment and Safety
Assessment includes issues such as the following:
a. Access control to areas such as the grounds, park-
ing facility, recreation facilities, buildings, public
space, guestrooms, back of house space, etc.
b. Access control of utilities, data center, roof and
exit stairs
c. Location of air intakes
d. Site parking and facilities lighting
e. Potential clientele e.g., political figures, contro-
versial groups
f. Proximity and association to high risk enterprises
e.g., embassy
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g. Threat level associated with crime and terrorism

h. Changes in elevations resulting in fall hazards
2. Functional Requirements: Summarizes the findings
from the Safety and Security Risk Assessments. The
Functional Requirements state the safety and security
objectives required to reasonably mitigate / eliminate
the risk associated with the property.
3. Managed Facilities: Deviations from Marriott’s LP
Review process require Marriott LP approval.
B. Design Integration: The types of safety and security
measures implemented are determined by the objectives of
the Functional Requirements.
1. LP Design Review: This review identifies specific
design modifications, equipment and systems defined
for conformance with the LP Risk Assessment and
Safety Assessment. <GR>
2. Submittals: At a minimum, provide the following data
during the design and construction process:
a. Intrusion Detection Alarm System: Locate equip-
ment on drawings and show in a matrix format
and indicate if alarm device is integrated with the
b. Video Surveillance System (VSS): Locate equip-
ment on drawings, provide a riser diagram and
show in a matrix format to include a brief expla-
nation for each surveillance camera function (e.g.
identify persons exiting door # 103; identify suspi-
cious activity within porte cochere).
c. Communication Systems: Two-way radios, inter-
com, inspection tour recording.
d. Access Control Features: e.g. electronic locks, ve-
hicle barriers.
e. Access Control Systems: Indicate locations of elec-
tronic locks, vehicle barriers, personnel screening
locations with equipment.
f. Blast Mitigation: If required indicated locations of
blast mitigation features e.g. glass film, reinforced
columns, walls, blast wall.
g. Manufacturer’s Drawings: Submit cut sheets and
product technical data.
h. LP Office Design: Submit floor plan.
i. Shipping, Receiving & Storage Areas: Submit
floor plans.

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C. High Level Threat Condition: Threat assessments may indicate

a property is within an area that has a moderate to high
level of risk of terrorist activity.
1. Measures: Within these areas, measures may be
implemented to mitigate potential acts against the
property. Types of measures vary with the type of
potential threat.
2. Considerations: Mitigation measures may include the
a. Building Setback: Provide separation, 30 m
(100 ft.) or more preferred, between the building
and vehicle access.
b. Stationary Barriers: Natural or man made barriers
designed to prevent unauthorized vehicles from
entering the building setback area.
c. Vehicle Checkpoint: Provide devices to control
access and provide the opportunity to screen
vehicles for explosives when vehicles enter and
exit the building setback area at guest and service
Provide the following checkpoint devices:
• Operable barriers (designed to physically stop
large moving vehicles)
• Video Surveillance Systems (VSS)
• Telephone
• PMS / LAN connection
d. Pedestrian Checkpoints: Provide to screen per-
sonnel and parcels for weapons and explosives at
guest and employee entrances.
• Metal detectors
• Weapon and explosive detectors
• Video Surveillance System (VSS)
• Telephone
• PMS / LAN connection
e. Collapse Mitigation: Building design to mitigate
progressive structure collapse due to explosions.
f. Utility Safeguards: Design facilities to comply
with seismic standards that safeguard primary
utilities (natural gas, fire protection water, elec-
tric, etc.) in the event of large explosions.
g. Blast Fragment Mitigation: Design building com-
ponents (glass, walls, column, etc.) to mitigate the
possibility of an explosion creating projectiles of
building components.
h. Video Surveillance System (VSS): Provide exte-
rior pan-tilt-zoon (PTZ) cameras to identify sus-
picious activity and terrorist surveillance.

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16.3 Access Control

A. Application: Access Control provides selective limits and
constraints on the property, facilities and individual
1. Methods: Access is typically controlled or monitored
with the aid of a physical constraint or equipment such
as a storage cabinet lock, an electronic door lock, VSS
or a door vision panel.
a. Receiving docks and lobbies are examples of areas
with monitored access.
b. Guestrooms and equipment storage rooms are ex-
amples of access controlled by equipment.
2. Location: The LP Office is the primary location for
managing access control and LP systems. The telephone
operators or Call Center may serve as a secondary
monitoring location.
B. Site: The access control areas outside the building and
within the property; include the following facilities and
1. Gatehouse: <1> If required by the Project Facilities
Program or Risk Assessment (may include, residential
and community facilities), provide a property entrance
gatehouse to control ingress and egress.
2. Parking Structures: <1> Provide facilities, measures and
access controls based on the Loss Prevention Review.
3. Swimming Pools & Whirl Pools: <4> Secure the pe-
rimeter of swimming pool, whirl pool and recreation
areas when closed to guests. To avoid access conflicts,
avoid means of egress paths from the building to the
exterior through the pool area.
4. Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC):
<15A> Locate outside air intakes in areas that mitigate
the possibility of contamination.
5. Utilities: Secure and control access for site utilities
including but not limited to the following:
• Water
• Gas
• Electric
• Telephone
• Generators
6. Vehicles: Based on the Risk Assessment, evaluate the
need for vehicle standoff or checkpoints.
C. Building: Within the property buildings, provide the
following control systems, equipment and devices:

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1. Electronic Lock System: Provide an electronic, multi-

technology (magnetic stripe card and smart card) system
per the following:
a. Acceptable Manufacturers: Provide system from one
of the following:
• SAFLOK - Computerized Security Systems, Inc.
• ASSA ABLOY Hospitality (VING Card)
• ONITY - United Technologies Corporation, fire &
Safety (formerly TESA)
b. System Components, Devices & Locations:
• Entry Locks: At Guestroom entries, guest facili-
ties and back of house doors as scheduled below
for Electronic Lock System.
• Mini-terminal, Room Controller: One per the
++ Front Desk, Check-in Station
++ Concierge Desk
++ Executive Lounge
++ Front Office at Rooms Control
++ Loss Prevention Office
• Card Encoders: At each mini-terminal plus system
• System PC Control: Computer Room <13>
• Card Readers: At P.O.S. stations.
• Cabling: Install a cable from the system PC to the
wall mounted electronic card reader outside the
employee entrance door.
c. Guestroom Entry Locks: Review locking schemes
with Marriott and the interface with the PMS <13A>.
Locks consists of the following:
• Stand-alone battery operated ANSI standard
• Automatic Dead Bolt (ADB)
• 2.5 cm (1 inch) dead bolt length
• 1.9 cm (¾ inch) latch length
• Accessible type lever handles
• Faceplate and trim
• No exposed fasteners
• Electronic, multi-technology operated lock with
audit trail and minimum of 500 recalls.
• No master hard key cylinder
d. Utility Entry Locks: Provide for specified at BOH
doors having similar features as the guestroom entry
locks excluding the dead bolt.
e. Remote Access Readers (RAR): Provide RARs at lo-
cations where locks cannot mount on door or where
fail-safe passage (emergency ingress) is required:

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• Access Devices:
++ Access Reader: Mounted on adjacent wall.
++ Power Supply (Overhead): Design for specified
door latch.
++ Electric Strike: Design for specified door.
++ Electronic Locks: Design for specified door.
++ Magnetic Lock: Design for specified door.
++ Motion Detector: Design for specified doors with
magnetic locks.
++ Panic Exit Device, Electrified Mechanical:
Design for specified door.
++ Fire Alarm Signal: Route to specified door.
++ Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
• Locations: For RAR doors and as dictated by indi-
vidual property requirements:
++ Fitness Center
++ Swimming Pool
++ Remote guest entrances
++ Executive Lounge
++ Passenger and service elevators
++ Business Center
++ Employee entrance
++ Meeting Rooms (where utility locks are not
f. Electronic Lock System - Locations: Provide at the
following locations:
Parking Structure Vestibule - type per LP review <1>
Luggage Room <2>
Fitness Center Reception Area <4>
Banquet Beverage Storage <6>
Ballroom - per LP review <6>
A / V Storage <6>
Banquet Storage <6>
Guestrooms & Suites <7A>
Suite Pantry <7A>
Guestroom corridor door entering service elevator area <7B>
Guest floor linen storage room <7B>
Guest floor linen chute room <7B>
Roof Access Enclosure <7B>
Guest Safe Deposit Room <8A>
Counting Room <8A>
Executive Offices Staff Entry <8A>
Front Office Support - electronic access or push-but-
ton combination door lock

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Nurse – First Aid / Exam Room <8B>

Contract Service Storage (out sourced contractor) <9>
Ancillary Receiving Storage <9>
Guest Package Storage <9>
Maintenance Shop <9>
Liquor Storage <10>
Dry Storage <10>
Bulk Refrigerated Storage if applicable <10>
Silver Storage <10>
Housekeeping / Linen Bulk Storage <11B>
Concierge Lounge <12>
Passenger Elevators <12>

Service Elevators <12>

Computer Room <13A>

Telecom Equipment <13B>
MATV System Room <13C>
Sound System Equipment Room <13C>

2. Other Lockable & Secure Spaces: Provide controlled access

to the following spaces:
Ballroom - per LP review <6>
Guest Room Balcony / Patio & Terrace Doors - primary and
secondary lock
Guest Safe Deposit Viewing Room door with remote door
Loading Dock - provide doors / gates to secure from pedes-
trian and vehicular access
Food Production Facilities / Kitchens <10>
Service Bars <10>
Storage Cages <10>
Exterior Doors <14>

3. Door Vision Panels & Viewports: Provide enclosed areas

with visual access at doors for the following locations:
Restaurant Service Entrance <3>
Food Production Storage (Cold Room) Walk-In-Unit <3>
Ballroom <6>
Guestroom floor Ice Dispensing and Vending <7B>
Guest Laundry <7B>
Cashier’s Area <8A>
Counting Room <8A>
Guest Safe Deposit Room <8A>

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4. Elevators: <12> <7B> Size elevator cab and door openings

to accommodate stretcher movement from each floor. See
governing code for stretcher requirements.
a. Mixed-Use Projects: Design not to share guestroom
floor elevators with other building uses.
b. Parking: Passenger elevators serving parking are not
to access Guestroom floors.
D. Loss Prevention (LP) Office: Provide a LP Office for monitoring the
property, the Back-of-House (BOH) areas, entering employees,
deliveries, inspecting packages, controlling products and
materials entering BOH corridors, storing facility products
and materials, issuing employee identification badges, key
cards and hard keys.
1. Back Door Program: At smaller properties, consult
Marriott Loss Prevention to determine if the LP Office can
be minimized by augmenting LP technology.
2. Location: Adjacent to receiving dock and employee
entrance where LP monitors BOH entry of employees,
visitors, vendors, maintenance and service providers, etc.
and dock loading / receiving.
a. If possible, within view of employee time clock, al-
cove area, off service corridor.
b. Near Shipping / Receiving storage area with acces-
sibility to pallet jacks.
3. Deliveries: Provide LP Dispatcher with ability to monitor
delivery personnel making deliveries through dock area.
4. Facility Features: Securable and climate controlled spaces.
a. Entry: Via a dutch door. Provide a waterproof
perimeter door seal if in or near a wash-down area,
such as receiving / loading dock areas.
b. Window: Include fixed and one sliding glass window
from office to exterior dock area and sliding window
to employee entrance area.
c. VSS Monitoring: Design central monitoring console
to allow LP personnel to monitor cameras, employee
entrance and loading dock simultaneously.
d. Alarm Monitoring: Locate audible Fire Control Panel
<14>, elevator control panel, LP intrusion detection
alarm panel and an emergency generator, low fuel
warning alarm in LP Office.
e. Office / Holding Room: 4.6 m² (50 sq. ft.) minimum
area with direct access from LP Office that doubles
as an office and serves as a holding / storage area for
guest parcels.
f. Lost & Found: <11> Typically in Housekeeping, oth-
erwise locate in or near LP Office.

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Loss Prevention Office

 
 
 u

 u
 

u Monitoring Station

 Employee Entrance

 LP Supervisor

 Office & Holding Room

 Receiving Entrance

 Receiving / Loading Dock

Figure 16-1

5. LP System Components: In the LP Office, provide the

following components and associated devices:
a. Video Surveillance System (VSS)
b. Alarm Systems:
• Intrusion Detection
• Fire Control Panel <14>
• Elevator Monitoring Panel <12>
• Generator Low Fuel Warning <15C>
c. 2-Way Radio System
d. Intercom
e. Emergency Notification System
f. Inspection Tour Recording System
g. Electronic Lock System PC and Encoder
6. Call Center: <2> <8> Provides the LP Office with a
secondary monitoring station having the following:
• VSS Cameras
• Intrusion Detection Alarm
• 2-Way Radio Dispatch
• Intercom
• Fire Control Panel <14>
• Building Automation System (BAS) alarms
• Elevator Monitoring Panel <12>

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16.4 Safety - Features & Design Elements

A. Loss Prevention & Safety Information: See signage and graphics
in Module <GR>
1. Signage: Provide safety information signage at the
following locations and at areas identified by the LP
Review: <GR>
• Fitness Center
• Swimming Pools
• Sauna
• Steam Room
• Whirl Pools
• Guestrooms
• Guestroom Balconies
• Outdoor Recreation Facilities
2. Parking Structures: <GR> <1>
a. Pedestrian: Coordinate vehicle signage with
pedestrian and overall project signage planning
b. Low Clearance: Provide signs to warn drivers of
low clearance areas.
3. Evacuation Plan: Provide guestroom evacuation plan
with American Hotel Lodging Safety Tips signage on
room side of entry door. <GR> <7A> <14>
4. Innkeeper’s Statute: Provide governing authority’s
innkeeper’s statute on room side of entry door.
B. Change in Elevation: Comply with accessibility design
requirements, regulations, governing codes and the following
for guardrails, steps, stairs, ramps, handrails, etc.:
1. Guardrails: Provide protection at the following areas:
a. Guestroom Balconies: <7A> Protect the open sides
of guestroom balconies with a guardrail.
b. Open Floors / Walkways: Provide guardrail at open
area level changes to prevent guests from accidentally
stepping or walking off the upper floor.
c. Site / Parking / Retaining Walls: In areas accessi-
ble to the public, provide guardrails on open sides
where the level exceeds 76 cm (30 inch); integrate
with landscaping.
d. Design Criteria: Provide for the following:
• Height: 107 cm (42 inch)
• Openings: Required to restrict the passage of a
10 cm (4 inch) diameter ball.
• Bottom Rail: 5 cm (2 inch) maximum above
• Design to restrict climbing

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2. Steps & Stairs: Make steps and stairs apparent and easy to use
with the appropriate application of the following elements:
a. Steps: Avoid one and two riser stairs - use ramps or
flight of stairs with three risers minimum.
b. Tread Depth: 28 cm (11 inch) minimum.
c. Riser Height: 10 cm (4 inch) minimum and 178 mm
(7 inch) maximum.
d. Handrails: Provide graspable shaped handrails at both
sides of stairs.
e. Nosings: Identify tread edge for full width of stair
f. Slip Resistance: 0.6 (wet or dry).
g. Headroom: 2.03 m (6'-8") minimum.
h. Contrast: Change floor color or materials to identify
stair location.
i. Lighting: Provide general illumination to identify
j. Stair Lights: Provide step lights or tread edge lights
(if appropriate).
k. Exterior Stairs: <1>If stairs are required at walkways,
provide a minimum of three risers.
l. Interior Stairs: <2> Provide stairs at seating area or
areas incorporating changes in floor levels within or
connecting to other spaces.
m. Exit Stairs: Comply with Module <14> Fire Protection
& Life Safety Design Standards,
3. Ramps: Provide where required by governing code and
accessibility regulations.
a. Handrails: <2> If slopes are steeper than 1:20, provide
handrails of graspable shape.
b. Rise: Do not exceed 77 cm (30 inch).
c. Exterior Ramps: <1> When changes in elevation are
required at walkways, accommodate whenever pos-
sible by ramps with slopes sufficiently shallow so that
handrails are not necessary.
d. Interior Ramps: <2> Use 1:12 or 8% maximum
e. Slip Resistance: 0.6 or greater and as required by gov-
erning codes.
C. Slip Resistant Surfaces: Provide slip resistant walkway surfaces
with 0.6 wet / dry minimum static coefficient of friction, except
at the following surfaces:
1. Kitchen Ramps: <10> 0.8 wet / dry minimum slip resistant
2. Parking Structure Ramps: <1> Provide slip resistant surface
appropriate to the slope, climate and function.

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D. Grab Bar - Guestroom Bathtub: <7A> To mitigate slip and falls

in bathtubs, mount a 60 cm (24 inch) grab bar at guestroom
bathtub “wet wall”. Set vertically at 107 cm (42 inches) AFF
to center of grab bar and securely fasten to withstand 160 kg
(350 lbs) force in any direction.
E. Walkway, Doorway & Circulation Widths: Design the following
features to allow easy access for guests and services.
1. Corridors & Aisles: <7> Generally guest area aisles and
corridors require a minimum width of 1.5 m (5 ft.).
a. BOH Areas: <8> <9> <10> <11> Back-of-House
personnel service corridors are typically larger
requiring 2 m (6.5 ft.) minimum for circulation
with paths capable of accommodating pallet size
b. Banquet Service Corridors: <6> <8B> Provide mini-
mum of 3 m (10 ft.) clear width.
2. Door Widths: Provide door sizes with minimum widths as
a. Personnel Circulation: 0.91 m (3 ft.)
b. BOH Service Circulation: 1.07 m (3.5 ft.) for mov-
ing materials and equipment e.g. housekeeping carts,
laundry carts.
• Equipment Movement: 0.91 m (3 ft.) each door of door
pairs at locations requiring equipment movement
e.g. Queen Marys, hot boxes, boiler equipment.
c. F&B Refrigerated Frozen Unit Storage: <10> Door
pairs to accommodate pallet width.
3. Pool Decks & Terraces: <4>
a. Paths to Pool: 1.5 m (5 ft.) wide
b. Rescue Access: Deck width not less than 1.2 m (4 ft.)
at entire perimeter.
c. Whirl Pools: Separate from swimming pool minimum
width of 1.23 m (4 ft.).
4. Parking Sidewalks: <1> Provide 1.23 m (4 ft.) minimum
width sidewalks at parking, except at parking stalls and
primary circulation routes, provide 1.5 m (5 ft.).
5. Traffic Circulation Features: <1> Provide proposed proper-
ty traffic and parking analysis for Marriott’s LP approval.
a. Sizes / Widths: Provide 2-way circulation with
90 degree parking in the following minimum widths:
Single Lane Driveways 3.6 m (12 ft.)
Two-Way Drives 7.0 m (24 ft.)
Curb-to-Curb 19.5 m (64 ft.)
Wall-to-Wall 19.5 m (64 ft.)

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b. Service / Delivery Entrance: Provide controlled ser-

vice access designed to minimize vehicular conflict
with guests.
F. Operable Windows: <7A> Where operable windows are used in
guestrooms and suites, provide exterior wall windows with
window manufacturer’s safety stops integral with window
frame to restrict opening to 10 cm (4 inch) maximum width
per LP requirements.
1. See governing code for restrictions.
2. Provide with manufacturer’s “key” for maintenance.
G. Emergency Response: Provide the following system devices and
equipment to alert guests and employees to an emergency
condition and allows them to mitigate the situation.
1. Alert & Shut Off: <4> Provide alert and shut off devices in
the following locations:
a. Steam & Sauna Rooms: Provide high temperature
alert in steam rooms and saunas.
b. Whirl Pool: Provide emergency stop button to shut off
whirl pool jets. Locate control adjacent to 15 minute
timer outside of reach from persons in the pool.
2. Alarms: Provide guest accessible devices to activate the
LP intrusion detection alarm system.
a. Button: Locate red mushroom design, duress alarm
buttons at interior of room near entrance door.
• Steam Rooms
• Saunas
b. Annunciator: Locate alarm annunciators in LP Office
and Call Center.
3. Eye Wash Stations: <15B> Connect units to tepid water pipe
and drain systems. Reservoir types are not allowed. Install
permanent units where chemicals are mixed, dispensed and
used in concentrated form at the following locations:
• Swimming / Whirl Pool Equipment Room <4>
• Maintenance Shop <9>
• Laundry Facilities <11A>
• Housekeeping Chemical Station <11B>
• Kitchen Warewashing <15B>
4. House Telephones: <13B> Provide telephones for guests
and employees per Administrative Telephone Guidelines
to include the following locations:
• Lobby Area
• Fitness Center
• Swimming Pool
• Guest Laundry
• Remote outdoor recreation facilities

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5. Emergency Electrical Systems: <15C> Provide emergency

power for standby and backup electric power loads.
a. Standby Power: <14> Maintains standby power for
required Fire Protection and Life Safety systems.
b. Backup Power: Maintains backup power for prop-
erty Operations and Loss Prevention per project and
Marriott’s LP requirements.
H. Water Safeguards: Design water features and facilities to
ensure water quality, splashing and spillage issues. Employ
a consultant familiar with the proposed water features and
facility designs.
1. Decorative Fountains & Ponds: <2> Design with sufficient
horizontal dimension to prevent water splashing on adjacent
2. Swimming Pool / Whirl Pool: <4> Design and construct
pool details, drains, pumps and equipment to prohibit
hazards that cause tripping, slipping, or suction entrapment
of hair and people.
a. Pumps: Provide separate recirculation pumps for the
pool, whirl pool and water features.
b. Intakes: Provide two floor intakes minimum. Place
at least 1.2 m (4 ft.) apart or provide a trench drain
designed and sized to comply with governing code
and with securable grate cover to mitigate pump suc-
tion entrapment. <4>
3. Steam Room: <4> Position steam nozzle to avoid contact
burns to occupants.
I. Fire Pits (Outdoor): To mitigate potential risks associated with
open flame amenities (fire pits, bowls, features, etc.), incorporate
the following safeguards and configuration diagram:
• For outdoor use only - UL approved components
• 50,000 BTU maximum flame
• Gas valve and ignition switch behind lockable panel adjacent
to and within line of sight of fire pit
• Emergency shut off, readily visible, located on fire pit sidewall
• Automatic gas shut off, when flame is extinguished
• Design pit with drain
• No structure, coverings or decorative elements above the area
defined by a 3 m (10 ft.) radius from the center of the fire pit.
• Safety signage and graphics
• Approval of fire & building agency having jurisdiction
J. Electrical: Provide emergency electrical service duplex outlets
connected to the backup power source; see Module <15C>.
K. Lighting: <15C> Lighting is an important aspect of access control
and safety management. Provide lighting types in compliance
with the Design Standard lighting levels and criteria.

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Fire Pit (Outdoor) Configuration Diagram

Flame Circumference
24” Min.

Stones, Loose
Children Laid Fill Between
Do Not Leave
Notice Ledge & Flame

Do Not Leave
Do Not Leave

Do Not Leave





Do Not Leave

Max. Max. SHUT OFF

Gas Line

50,000 BTU
Maximum Flame
Shut Off Switch

3” Min.

24” Min.

Locate gas valve and ignition

switch behind a lockable Pull Station or
door panel
Mushroom Style
Push Button

Figure 16-2

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1. Light Levels: The following locations require “average

maintained” light levels. High risk areas may require
higher levels per LP review.
• Site Areas <1>
• Walkways <1>
• Parking Structures <1>
• Building Entry Areas <1>
• Back-of-House (BOH) <8> <9> <10> <11>
• Outdoor recreation facilities <4>
2. Public Restrooms: Provide lighting controls at remote
electric panel board. <15C>
3. Parking Lots / Driveways: Locate light poles to
minimize the need for impact protection. Do not block
or obstruct illumination source with trees.
16.5 Loss Prevention Systems & Equipment
A. Video Surveillance System (VSS): The general purpose of the
VSS is asset protection. The Loss Prevention Review may
also employ the VSS to mitigate risks associated with
crimes against persons.
1. Monitoring: The LP Office is the primary location
for monitoring the VSS. The property Call Center
operators serve as a secondary monitoring location
unless determined otherwise by the Loss Prevention
2. Marriott Managed Projects: Comply with the
a. Covert and secretly placed camera system is not
allowed without written authorization by Marriott
Risk Management and Marriott International
Internal Investigations.
b. VSS information is only allowed on the Marriott
LAN when authorized by Marriott Information
Resources per Information Resources Standard
c. Imitation (dummy) cameras are not permitted.
3. VSS Components & Devices: Provide the following:
a. Color Digital VSS
b. Color Cameras
c. Auto Dome Systems: Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ)/auto
focus / self-contained units
d. Fixed Cameras: Auto iris / manual zoom
e. Camera Dome Enclosures: Required for cameras
in pubic locations and some BOH locations.
f. Monitors: LCD; Color, 48 to 81 cm (19 to 32 inch)
or larger if specified.
g. Digital Video Recorder:

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• Range of Frames per Second: No less than 7 fps /

channel with a maximum of 30 fps / channel.
• Resolution: 2 CIF 704 x 240 NTSC minimum per
• Storage: 30 days minimum.
• Transfer Ability: Transfer streaming video to a
media device such as DVD, CD, etc.
h. Motion Sensor: Provide with internal detection and
alarm alert feature. Provide capability to integrate
with the intrusion detection system.
i. Custom Console: Organize LP equipment with finish
to match LP Office, Dispatcher area.
j. Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design and regional conditions; such as additional
4. VSS Devices & Locations: Maximize camera views as
indicated for location and evaluate possible view obstruction
such as soffits, chandeliers and lighting levels:
a. Lobby: <2> View lobby activity, full view of front
desk, reception, identify persons entering and exiting
the guestroom and public space elevators.
b. Front Desk: <2> Fixed camera at rear of front desk
wall (back wall of assisted and unassisted check-in
kiosk) to identify guests and observe activity at the
desk and kiosk.
c. Retail Shop: <2> <5> View P.O.S. activity.
d. Public Entry Foyer: <2> Identify persons exiting.
e. Public / Meeting Space Elevator Foyers: To identify
persons entering and exiting the elevators.
f. Luggage Storage: <2> Identify persons and luggage
exiting room.
g. Guest Safe Deposit Boxes: <2> <8> Identify employ-
ees accessing guest safe deposit boxes from the safe.
h. Drop Safe: <8> Identify employee safe deposit boxes
and cashier drop safe activity.
i. Loading Dock: <9> <10> View activity in load-
ing area. Provide second camera located to identify
persons exiting the BOH corridor onto the loading
j. Employee Entrance: <8> Identify persons entering
and exiting.
k. Guest Stairs: <7B> Cameras with ability to identify
persons exiting the perimeter exit doorways (interior
l. Computer Equipment Room: <13A> Identify persons
accessing PMS system.

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m. Back-of-House: <8> <9> Provide at perimeter egress

doors to identify persons exiting (interior cameras).
n. Critical Assets: Provide at other locations with valu-
able assets such as at ATMs, valuable artwork and
cash handling locations.
5. LP Office, Dispatcher: Provide the following:
a. Monitor: 48 to 81 cm (19 to 32 inches)
b. Digital DVR recorder located in a lock box at
Computer Room.
c. Keyboard controller
6. Call Center: Provide the following:
a. Monitor: 48 to 81 cm (19 to 32 inch)
b. Keyboard controller
7. Supplemental Equipment: Provide as required for property
design and regional conditions.
8. Acceptable Manufacturers: Provide equipment from one of
the following:
• ADT Video Systems, Inc.
• Pelco
• GE
• 3VR
B. Intrusion Detection Alarm System
1. System Alarms: Not audible locally, except in LP Office
and Call Center; monitored 24 hours by trained personnel.
2. Devices & Locations:
a. Contact Alarm (Module): Perimeter exterior doors;
Human Resources; critical Back-of-House doors,
Shipping / Receiving and Storage, Liquor Storage and
b. Duress / Panic Alarm: Provide at the following
• Front Desk
• Front Office Workroom
• Executive Office Reception
• GM Office
• Cashiers Office
• Human Resource Reception and Director Office
• Nurse Office
• Payroll
• Concierge Lounge
• Spa Reception Desk
• Public P.O.S. (cash handling) areas
• Saunas and Steam Room (mushroom style).
c. Motion Detector: Ceiling in Cashier's Office.
d. Alarm Zone Module: Each contact, duress / panic and
motion alarm point; required for each door alarm,
duress / panic alarm and motion detector location.

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e. System Printer: Near dispatcher and in Call

f. System Control Communication Panel: LP
g. Alpha Numeric Keypad: LP Office (dispatcher)
and remote Call Center. Computer based graphic
central integration system required if more than
50 door contacts.
h. Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
3. Acceptable Manufacturers:
• Radionics
• ADT Focus
C. Radio System (2-way): <13B> Multi-frequency, UHF, 2-way
radio system; used by property’s LP employees for routine
and emergency communication.
1. Design system without dead spots within the building,
the building exterior and site property.
2. LP Devices & Location: Provide the following devices
in the LP Office:
a. Omni Duplexer
b. Interface Cable
c. Power Supply
d. Mounting Rack and Harness
e. High Current Power Supply
f. Multiplex Equipment: Transmitter combiner; re-
ceiver multi-coupler surge protector; connectors;
jumper cables.
g. Repeater: Design for strategic area between two
system antennas.
h. Antenna: System designed specifically for project
by an equipment manufacturer.
i. Portable Radios: Issued to staff.
j. Desktop / Wall Controller:
• LP Office
• Engineering Office
• Call Center
• Fire Control Room.
k. Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
3. Acceptable Manufacturer: Motorola
D. Intercom: Provide remote, flush mounted units; hard wired
to base stations.
1. Remote Intercom Device Locations: Verify with
Marriott’s LP requirements for intercom locations;
typically include the following:

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• Employee Entrance
• Receiving Dock
• Parking Structure Elevator Foyer
2. Master Intercom: Control base station (multiple unit
a. Master Station: LP Dispatcher.
b. Sub-Master Station: Call Center; Front Desk if
required by the Loss Prevention Review.
3. Acceptable Manufacturer: Aiphone Corporation
E. Wireless Emergency Notification System: Wireless handheld
system. <13B>
1. Carried by designated employees assigned to emergency
response duties.
2. Design system without dead spots.
3. Manufacturers: Provide from one of the following:
• Motorola
• Nextel
• Spectra Link
F. Inspection Tour Recording System
1. Documentation: Electronic date and time stamped LP
employee patrol documentation system to enhance the
integrity of the property LP program.
2. Tour Recording System Devices & Locations:
a. Patrol Management System Software: LP Office
b. Wand Home Base: LP Office
c. Control Unit: LP Office
d. Portable Wands: Portable
e. Batteries / Nicad: Portable
f. Wand Holster: Portable
g. Location Identifiers: Approximately 100 at strategic
checkpoints throughout the property as established
by Regional Director of Loss Prevention.
h. Supplemental Equipment: As required by system
design or regional conditions.
i. Manufacturer: Time Keeping Systems - Guard.
G. Property Safes: In order to safeguard cash and property,
provide the following:
1. Guestroom Safes: See Module <7A>
2. Safe Deposit Boxes: See Module <8A>
3. Cashier House Safe: See Module <8A>
4. Deposit Safe: See Module <8A>
5. Manufacturer: Corporate Security Products 301-251-

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H. Key Security: Automates hard key security function with

electronic key safe.
1. Allows employees to access keys without LP
2. Allows preset keys only to be removed.
3. Sends auto alert via email to predetermined personnel.
4. Removes ability to remove individual keys due to
tamperproof key rings.
5. Generates predefined reports on key usage.
6. Vendor: Morse Watchman or equal
I. Visitor Management: Provides an automated visitor
management solution that handles the following:
• Registration
• Scanning of identification
• Photo taking as necessary
• Automatic email alerts of arrivals
• Preregistration of visitors via email
• Printed authorized visitor passes with pertinent
• Customized check-in process
• Vendor: Lobby Guard or equal
16.6 System Coordination
A. General: Coordinate with requirements of other Modules.
• GR General Requirements
• 1 Site / Building Exteriors
• 2 Public Spaces
• 3 Food & Beverage
• 4 Recreation Facilities
• 6 Function Spaces
• 7A Guestrooms & Suites
• 7B Guestroom Corridors / Support
• 8 Administration & Employee Facilities
• 9 Engineering & Maintenance Facilities
• 10 Food & Beverage Production Facilities
• 11A Laundry Facility
• 11B Housekeeping
• 12 Elevators & Escalators
• 13A Information Technology Infrastructure
• 13B Telecommunications
• 13C Audio / Visual
• 14 Fire Protection / Life Safety
• 15 Mechanical - Plumbing - Electrical

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