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Judgment 1 O.S. No.





PRESENT: K. Vidya B.Sc., M.A., LL.M.,

XXXIX Additional City Civil &
Sessions Judge, Bengaluru City.


Dated this the 28th day of October, 2024



Sri. A.D Narayana Reddy,

S/o late Subramani Reddy,
Judgment 2 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Aged about 57 years,

R/at Flat No.403,
No.18, Nandi Vishwas Apartment,
Subramanyapura Main Road,
Bengaluru – 560 061 .

(By Sri. T.N.Viswanatha., Advocate)

Defendant :
Sri. V. Sanjeeva Reddy,
S/o late Govinda Reddy,
Aged about 53 years,
R/at No.964, 2nd Cross Road,
Bengaluru – 560 022.


Date of Institution of 17/12/2021

Nature of Suit Seeking relief of Specific
Judgment 3 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Date of Commencement 01/07/2023

of Recording of evidence

Date of which Judgment 28/10/2024

was pronounced

Total Duration Year/s Month/s Day/s

02 10 11

XXXIX Additional City Civil &
Sessions Judge, Bengaluru City.


The instant suit is filed by Plaintiff

beseeching reliefs infra:-

Judgment 4 O.S. No. 6887/2021

 Firstly, by directing Defendant to

execute and register the Sale

Deed in favour of Plaintiff in

respect of the Suit Schedule

Property by receiving the balance

sale consideration of

₹.3,00,000/- .

 Secondly, if the Defendant fails

to execute the of Plaintiff with

respect to the suit schedule

property through direct him to

execute through due process of

Judgment 5 O.S. No. 6887/2021

 Thirdly, to grant permanent

injunction restraining the

Defendant, their agents, servants

or anybody claiming under him

from alienating / encumbering

the schedule property .

 Lastly, to mould such other

reliefs this court deems fit in

facts and circumstances of case.


All that Piece and parcel of the property

bearing BDA No. 674, Municipal

Judgment 6 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Corporation No.674 / 32, katha No.32

PID No.4-110-32 situated at 5th main

road, Gokul 1st Stage, 2nd Phase, BBMP

Ward No.4, Bengaluru in all measuring

2,426 Sq. ft. and bounded on :

East By:- Property No.674/A

West By:- Road
South by:- Property No.673
North by:- Property No.675

herein after referred to as suit schedule

property for sake of brevity.

Judgment 7 O.S. No. 6887/2021

3. The Factual Matrix circumventing Plaint

averments leading to cause of action is as

1.That, the Defendant is the absolute

owner and in possession and

enjoyment of the suit schedule

property which he had acquired

from his erstwhile owner Sri.

Muthappa, by virtue of Sale Deed

dated 18/08/2005.

2.That, the Defendant had

approached the Plaintiff and had

offered to sell same whilst exercising

his right of ownership had executed

Judgment 8 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Agreement of Sale in favour of

Plaintiff to meet out his family and

legal necessities on 19th November

2018 on stamp paper and the

Plaintiff has agreed to purchase the

same for total sale consideration of

₹.2,24,00,000/- and in furtherance

to this as agreed upon, the Plaintiff

has paid advance consideration of

₹.25,00,000/- by way of cheque

bearing No.186625 dated

19/11/2018 drawn on Axis Bank

Ltd., Bananshankari Branch,

Bengaluru and Defendant agreed to

Judgment 9 O.S. No. 6887/2021

receive the balance of sale

consideration amount of

₹.1,99,00,000/- within three

months from the date of agreement

and in furtherance to this Defendant

has also agreed to do away with all

necessary papers in proof of title

and possession of the same within

stipulated period and akin to the

terms, the said sale was to be

competed within three months.

That, in furtherance the Defendant

has received a sum of

₹.1,53,87,500/- from the Plaintiff

Judgment 10 O.S. No. 6887/2021

towards remaining part of sale

consideration amount on different

dates by executing shara on the Sale

Agreement dated 19/11/2018. That

Defendant in all received

₹.1,78,87,500/- from the Plaintiff

towards the Sale consideration

amount and further the Defendant

has agreed to receive the balance

sale consideration amount of

₹.45,12,500/- from the Plaintiff and

to execute Sale deed in favour of

Judgment 11 O.S. No. 6887/2021

3.That, on account of pandemic

outbreak Covid-19 all over

Country and State there was lock

down imposed by benign Central

Government as a result, the sale

transactions came to be mutually

agreed postponed till the date of

lifting of lock down. That, the

complete lock down was lifted on

22/07/2020 and thereafter akin

to the terms and conditions

assailed in said Agreement of Sale

the Defendant for the reasons

Judgment 12 O.S. No. 6887/2021

best known to had kept on

postponing to perform his part of

contract, wherein the Plaintiff

with all earnestness had urged

Defendant to perform his part of

contract by registering the Suit

Schedule Property before the

Sub-registrar and deliver vacant

possession of same, but to the

utter shock and dismay of

Plaintiff the Defendant gave cold

shoulders to the prayer of

Plaintiff, wherein which the

Judgment 13 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Plaintiff is ever ready and willing

to perform his part of contract

and with the great aspiration had

paid substantial consideration

towards as token of advance with

all zealousness, on contra the

Defendant had turned down the

request of Plaintiff by exhibiting

hostile attitude.

4.That, during the last week of August

2020 Panchayath was convened

between the Plaintiff and Defendant,

at the intervention of well-wishers

Judgment 14 O.S. No. 6887/2021

the Plaintiff expressed to pay the

balance sale consideration amount

and take necessary conveyance deed

in his favour. In the said

Panchayath, the Defendant went

against the advice of the well-

wishers and left the panchayath by

refusing to honour the agreed

contractual terms under the

Agreement of Sale dated


5.That the Plaintiff had beseeched

and beckoned Defendant to execute

Judgment 15 O.S. No. 6887/2021

and register the Sale Deed in tunes

of Agreement of Sale for which the

Defendant had given deaf ears,

wherein which the Plaintiff in order

to demonstrate his readiness and

willingness to perform his part of

contract had caused legal notice as

against Defendant on 14/09/2020

calling upon Defendant for

execution of Sale Deed in tunes of

Agreement of Sale, which was not

returned but misplaced while

posting in the office. That, to the

Judgment 16 O.S. No. 6887/2021

utter shock and dismay the

Defendant had neither replied nor

complied with the terms of the

Agreement of Sale and further failed

to register the Sale Deed in favour of

Plaintiff by furnishing all the

relevant and vital documents, when

prevailing circumstances stood so,

Defendant want to evade execution

of the sale deed in favour of the

Plaintiff, with an intention to make

wrongful gain.
Judgment 17 O.S. No. 6887/2021

6.That, Defendant overtly and openly

started proclaiming in the vicinity of

schedule property during the first

week of November 2021 to the effect

that he would sell the schedule

property to the third parties with

fraudulent intention to cause loss

and deprive the Plaintiff of his legal

rights of purchase under the said

executory contract of sale and

trying to usurp the earnest

consideration paid by Plaintiff.

Hence finding no other alternative

Judgment 18 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Plaintiff was constrained to file

instant suit seeking redress.

4. That, pursuant to issuance of suit

summons through coercive mode of

service, Defendant did not grace to

knock the doors of court, in light of

which having due regards he was

placed ex-parte by Learned Predecessor

in Office.

5. That, in order to bring home the bone of

contention, the Plaintiff had got

examined perse as PW.1 and in

addition to his oral evidence to

Judgment 19 O.S. No. 6887/2021

substantiate the stand had examined

two witnesses at PW.2 and PW.3

respectively who had deposed in

consonance with Plaint Averments, in

furtherance to oral evidence, during

ocular evidence got exhibited

documents at Ex.P1 to Ex.P13

respectively and closed his evidence.

6. That, after perusal of oral and

documentary evidence coupled with the

arguments addressed by Learned

Counsel on Plaintiff side Sri.T.N.V. the

Judgment 20 O.S. No. 6887/2021

points which arise for consideration is

as follows:-


1. Whether the Plaintiff proves

that the Defendant had

executed a Sale Agreement on

19/11/2018 by receiving

substantial earnest

consideration of

₹.1,78,87,500/- from Plaintiff

by way of cheque and cash on

different dates?
Judgment 21 O.S. No. 6887/2021

2.If so,Whether the Plaintiff

further proves that he was

ever ready and willing to

perform his part of contract?

3.Whether the Plaintiff is

entitled for the reliefs sought

in prayer column of Plaint?

4.If so,what Order or Decree?

7. That, on careful perusal of oral and

documentary evidence and after giving

anxious consideration to the arguments

Judgment 22 O.S. No. 6887/2021

addressed the Learned Counsel for Plaintiff,

this court answer the points as follows :-

Point No.1 :– In the Affirmative.

Point No.2 :– In the Affirmative.
Point No.3: – In the Affirmative.
(in light of discussions
made on Point No.1 & 2)

Point No.4 – As per final order for

following :-

:R E A S O N S:

8. Point No. 1 to 3:- As the aforementioned

points coined by this court are intricated,

wherein findings given on one point has

great bearing with another, they are taken

Judgment 23 O.S. No. 6887/2021

together for consideration in order to avoid

repetition of facts and appreciation of

evidence in present fora.

9. It is palpable from records that, the Plaintiff

has filed the instant suit seeking relief of

specific performance of contract by

directing the Defendant to execute the sale

deed in favour of the Plaintiff with respect

to the schedule property, failing which

directing the Defendant to execute the Sale

Deed due process.

Judgment 24 O.S. No. 6887/2021

10.It is the definite stand of Plaintiff that he

had entered into an Agreement of Sale with

the Defendant on 19/11/2018 with respect

to the suit schedule property, wherein total

sale consideration amount of

₹.2,24,00,000/- was fixed and in

furtherance to this akin to terms and

conditions the Defendant was in receipt of

₹.1,78,87,500/- towards earnest sale

consideration by way of cheque and cash,

which was duly acknowledged by the

Defendant on different dates and in

furtherance to this he had agreed to get of

Judgment 25 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Suit Schedule Property within three

months of execution of Agreement of Sale

by procuring all vital documents required

for execution of Sale Deed in favour of the

Plaintiff, and when the Defendant had

showed hostile approach in performing his

part of contract as the Plaintiff was ever

ready and willing to perform his part of

contract was constrained to cause Legal

notices on 14/09/2020 calling upon

Defendant for execution of Sale Deed in

tunes of Agreement but it was futile

Judgment 26 O.S. No. 6887/2021

11.That, the Plaintiff in order to prove the

executory contract which he claims to have

transpired with Defendant had got

examined himself as PW.1 and two other

witnesses as PW.2 & PW.3 deposed in

consonance with the Plaint averments and

candidly explicated and regurgitated the

factum of execution of Agreement of Sale

after receiving earnest sale consideration

amount of ₹.1,78,87,500/- by the

Defendant and thereafter they had given go

bye to the promise and in order to fortify

his stand got exhibited documents at Ex.P1

Judgment 27 O.S. No. 6887/2021

to P13 during ocular evidence, wherein

Ex.P1 constitutes original Agreement of

Sale dated 19/11/2015 executed by

Defendant V.Sanjeeva Reddy in favour of

Plaintiff on 19/11/2018, wherein the

signature of PW-2 found in Ex.P1 is

marked as Ex.P1(a) to P1(c), Ex.P1(d)

comprise signature of PW.3. Ex.P.2

comprise statement of bank account of

Narayana Reddy, Ex.P3 comprise certified

copy of sale deed dated 20/12/2021 which

is supplied by Learned Counsel for Plaintiff

for better and profitable understanding

Judgment 28 O.S. No. 6887/2021

which reveals the flow of title which came

to be executed by the original landlord

Sri.Muttappa in favour of the erstwhile

owner of Plaintiff so as the Defendant

herein, Ex.P4 certified copy of Sale Deed

dated 16/08/2005 executed by BDA in

favour of Sri.Sanjeeva Reddy, Ex.P5

comprise Khatha extract, Ex.P6 comprise

tax paid receipt issued by BBMP, Ex.P7

comprise Encumbrance certificate, Ex.P8 &

P9 comprises of two vakalaths filed by the

Senior of PW.2 and Ex.P10 comprise death

certificate of Rama Murthy Reddy A.M.,

Judgment 29 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Ex.P11 comprise Bank Statement

maintained by the Axis Bank in respect of

Plaintiff OD against property scheme,

Ex.P12 comprise Bank Statement

maintained by the Karnataka Bank in

respect of Plaintiff OD against property

scheme, Ex.P13 comprise letter dated

08/07/2024 issued by Karnataka Bank in

respect of the OD account maintained by


12.That, Before harping upon the very crux of

the case, it is incumbent upon the court to

highlight regarding the legal position in law

Judgment 30 O.S. No. 6887/2021

that, when the Plaintiff has sought of relief

of Specific performance of contract as

against Defendant, the burden of proof

rests on him and has to bring home his

case with cogent materials to the

satisfaction of court which should inspire


13.At the cost of repetition, it is vital to state

that, Plaintiff has filed the instant suit for

specific performance of the contract by way

of direction, directing the Defendant to

perform his part of contract by executing

which, through the Court by executing

Judgment 31 O.S. No. 6887/2021

regular Sale Deed and in order to bring

home the said fact during trial PW.1 has

candidly assailed the factum of execution of

purported Ex.P1 Agreement of sale dated

19/11/2018 and in furtherance to this a

Careful reading of Ex.P1 reveals that, the

Defendant had canvassed that he was

intending to sell the suit schedule property

for his family and legal necessities for

which this Plaintiff had agreed to purchase

the same and thereby had entered into

Ex.P1 Agreement of Sale wherein

Defendant had agreed to submit all

Judgment 32 O.S. No. 6887/2021

relevant vital records and further proceed

to execute sale deed by performing his part

of contract.

14.That, the Learned Counsel representing the

Plaintiff Sri. T.N.V., during tenure of

arguments impressed upon this court that

acting in tunes with the Defendant he had

paid substantial earnest consideration

towards said executory contract and

further as agreed upon by Defendant it

was incumbent upon them to procure all

vital documents and get property under lis

in the name of Plaintiff be that as it may

Judgment 33 O.S. No. 6887/2021

there was outbreak of Pandemic Covid -19

on account of which force majure came as

as stumble block, keeping in mind the

Lockout declared by benign State, the

Plaintiff had awaited for reasonable period

as he had paid substantial earnest

consideration with true aspiration of

owning land, but to the utter dismay and

misfortune of Plaintiff, the Defendant for

the reasons best known had

procrastinated, hence the Plaintiff waiting

for the stipulated period had caused legal

notice on 14/09/2020 (akin to the version

Judgment 34 O.S. No. 6887/2021

that said notice came to be misplaced as

depicted in Plaint averments) and had also

produced Ex.P8 to Ex.P10 Bank Statement

revealing the acknowledgment of amount

by Defendant, and even then when

Defendant had not resorted to file the

instant suit well within time and in second

limb of arguments urged that the despite

repeated oral requests and demand

Defendant failed to complete registration

formalities and had given go bye to their

promise which is palpable from the

attending circumstances.
Judgment 35 O.S. No. 6887/2021

15.At this juncture, on the backdrop of

deliberations made in superior paragraphs

it becomes germane that the execution of

Ex.P1 Agreement of Sale by Defendant has

remained unchallenged and undisputed,

for the reasons that the Defendant has not

opted to appear before the court to contest

the matter which is not out of place to

opine the ulterior motives of Defendant in

giving go bye to promise and thereby it can

be inferred that Defendant is guilty of

performing their part of contract.

Judgment 36 O.S. No. 6887/2021

16.It is also further case of Plaintiff that he

was ever ready and willing to perform his

part of contract and in furtherance to

execution of Ex.P1 Agreement of Sale by

Defendant he had paid substantial amount

of ₹.1,78,87,500/- wherein which the

factum of payment was very well

acknowledged by Defendant as earnest

consideration is considered the said bone

of contention gets reinforced as the

Defendant who had executed Ex.P1

Agreement of Sale was in receipt of earnest

consideration amount which is

Judgment 37 O.S. No. 6887/2021

reverberated in Page No.5 of Ex.P1

Agreement of Sale which gets attached with

legal sanctity wherein which on contra the

Defendant for the reasons known to him

had failed to perform their part of contract,

which fact has remained unequivocal and

undisputed as the Defendant has failed to

contest the suit by marking attendance,

and thus court can safely infer that the

Plaintiff has successfully discharged the

burden cast on him.

17.That, in light of foregoing observations it is

opined that the preponderance of

Judgment 38 O.S. No. 6887/2021

probabilities in respect to the execution of

the Ex.P1 Agreement of Sale by the

Defendant oscillates in favour of the

Plaintiff, hence having due regards to facts

and circumstances of case Point No.1 to 3

are answered in the affirmative. At this

juncture it becomes palpable that Ex.P1

Agreement of Sale in not duly registered

and mere executed plainly of e-stamp paper

with stamp duty of ₹.500/- and when

compared the the earnest consideration, it

was incumbent to pay the stamp duty akin

to the provisions contemplated under

Judgment 39 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Karnataka Stamps Act (latest Amendment

of 2024 effected to said Act) on the said

backdrop it becomes impeccable to state on

the backdrop of well settled proposition

based on fiscal statute that no man can be

pervaded to unjustly enriched by leaving

Scotfree without payment of duty and

penalty, which would lead and land benign

State to hoodlums accordingly whilst

answering Point No.1 to 3 in favour of

Plaintiff, he is hereby directed to pay duty

and penalty on Ex.P1 Agreement of Sale.

Judgment 40 O.S. No. 6887/2021

18.Point No.4:- For the reasons assigned on

point No.1 to 3 and on the backdrop of

discussions arraigned therein this court

proceeds to pass following:-


The suit filed by the

Plaintiff seeking relief of

Specific Performance as

against Defendant is decreed

with costs in following terms:-

Consequently, the Defendant

is hereby directed to execute

registered Sale Deed in favour

Judgment 41 O.S. No. 6887/2021

of Plaintiff akin to the terms

and conditions assailed in

Agreement of Sale dated

19/11/2018 within three

months from this date failing

which, the Plaintiff is at

liberty to get executed the

same through due process of


That, office is hereby

directed to impound Ex.P1

Agreement of Sale Dated

19/11/2018 towards payment

Judgment 42 O.S. No. 6887/2021

of Duty and Penalty akin to the

provisions contemplated under

Stamp Act.

Office to Draw decree

(Directly dictated to the stenographer grade III
over computer system, the computer script
generated by her is corrected, rectified and
revised by me, and then pronounced in open
court on this the 28th day of October 2024)

Judgment 43 O.S. No. 6887/2021




PW.1 Sri. A.D. Narayana Reddy

PW.2 Sri. B. Sapthagirisha

PW.3 Sri. B.Keshava Reddy



Ex.P1 Original Agreement of Sale

dated 19/11/2015
Judgment 44 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Ex.P1(a) Signature of PW-2 found in

to (c) Ex.P1
Ex.P1(d) Signature of PW-3 found in

Ex.P2 Statement of bank account

of Narayana Reddy
Ex.P3 Certified copy of sale deed
dated 20/12/2021

Ex.P4 Certified copy of Sale Deed

dated 16/08/2005
executed by BDA in favour
of Sri.Sanjeeva Reddy
Ex.P5 Khatha extract
Ex.P6 Tax paid receipt issued by
Ex.P7 Encumbrance certificate
Ex.P8 & Vakalaths
Ex.P10 Death certificate of Rama
Murthy Reddy A.M.,
Judgment 45 O.S. No. 6887/2021

Ex.P11 Bank Statement

maintained by the Axis
Bank in respect of Plaintiff
OD against property

Ex.P12 Bank Statement

maintained by the
Karnataka Bank in respect
of Plaintiff OD against
property scheme
Ex.P13 Letter dated 08/07/2024
issued by Karnataka Bank
in respect of the OD
account maintained by



Judgment 46 O.S. No. 6887/2021






signed by

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