Heifer Management
Heifer Management
Heifer Management
Heifer stock plays a key role in determining herd size.
Buffalo heifers are the valuable replacement animals for
Care and management significantly influence the production
performances of heifers.
Under village conditions, the age of heifers at first conception
varies widely depending upon the feeding and management
General information
Average age at first conception of buffalo heifers is 18-20
Calves at about 30-36 months of age and 300-350kg body
Mean daily gain in body weight from 12 weeks of age to
12 months of age is around 500 g/d.
Age of water buffaloes at first calving is higher in
tropics than in temperate climate.
Functional Design for the Heifer
Provide a healthy environment
Fresh Air
Clean, dry and comfortable
Adequate feed and water
Use labor efficiently
Effectively utilize a farm’s resources
Functional Design for the Caretaker
Easy observation
Easy feeding
Easy cleaning
Manage the effects of weather
Easy access and restraint
Housing of Heifers
At about 6 months of age heifers should be moved to more
spacious sheds meant for growing animals.
1.Loose housing
At organized dairy farms heifers are usually kept under loose housing
system with a shed for feeding and shelter during extreme climates.
Loose Housing Contd.
2.Conventional Housing of Heifers
They are standard stalls with facilities for feeding, watering and grooming
of individual animals.
The shed is partitioned about 1.5 meter distance with galvanized iron pipe
of 5 cm diameter several compartments in order to keep the animal confined
to his own area and to avoid any injury specially to udder and teats of
neighboring animals.
This also facilitates the management of individual and special feeding
without much investment on labor.
Feeding of Pregnant Heifers
1. Grooming
2. Regularity in Daily Operations
3. Kindness in Handling
4. Wallowing/Bath
5. Shelter
6. Culling
7. Control of Flies
8. Heat Detection in Females
9. Clipping
General Mgt. Practices
10. Control of Vices
- Kicking
- Sucking
- Licking
- Naval sucking
- Chewing of rope
11. Spraying
12. Transportation
13. Collection, Storage and Utilization of Manure
14. Range Management
Use of Feed Additives in Heifer Diet