Tahsan - CSE101 R
Tahsan - CSE101 R
Tahsan - CSE101 R
Id: 232007202
section: 2
1.Sorting data: Select the whole sales amount data then go to the data option and select z-a for
descending order.
Select the whole salesman data and go to the data option to select a-z for the ascending order.
2. Removing Duplicates: Select the salesman column and go to the “Remove duplicate” for the answer.
3. Creating Charts: For the bar chart 1st select the sales amount column then press ctrl and also select
the salesman column. Then select bar chart option.
For the line chart, 1st select the sales amount column then press ctrl and also select the salesdate
column. Then go to the line chart option for the answer.
Task 2: Mathematical Functions
1. Performance Evaluation: Make a column name performance then write 5000 in another column. Then
write =IF(salesamount>5000,”HIGH”,”LOW”)
2. Conditional Alerts: Make a column name alert and write 2000 in another coloumn and write
=AND(salesamount<2000,sales date<DATEVALUE(“O1/01/2024”)).
Make a column name “Sales Issue”. Then write 1000 in another column and write =OR(sales
4.Negation check: make a column name date check and write =NOT(YEAR(orderdate)=YEAR(TODAY)())).
Task 4: Statistical Functions
1. Descriptive Statistics: For median, write =MEDIAN(select the whole sales amount data)
1. Lookup Function: For Lookup function, copy paste any salesman name then write
=LOOKUP(LUIS,Select whole sales data and salesman column together).
Task 6: Date and Time Functions