Potamias Neural Mesh Simplification CVPR 2022 Paper
Potamias Neural Mesh Simplification CVPR 2022 Paper
Potamias Neural Mesh Simplification CVPR 2022 Paper
Figure 1. We present a fast and learnable method for mesh simplification that generates simplified meshes in real-time.
Abstract 1. Introduction
Triangle meshes remain the most popular 3D structure
Despite the advent in rendering, editing and prepro- to represent a surface. The advent of 3D scanning devices
cessing methods of 3D meshes, their real-time execution have made feasible to collect highly detailed 3D meshes
remains still infeasible for large-scale meshes. To ease that typically hold thousand of faces. However, extreme
and accelerate such processes, mesh simplification meth- details lead to enormous memory requirements that limit
ods have been introduced with the aim to reduce the mesh their usage. A wide range of applications including render-
resolution while preserving its appearance. In this work we ing and editing along with their mobile implementations,
attempt to tackle the novel task of learnable and differen- require lightweight meshes to enable real-time processing.
tiable mesh simplification. Compared to traditional simpli- Additionally, many monocular 3D reconstruction methods
fication approaches that collapse edges in a greedy itera- that utilize analysis-by-synthesis are required to be compu-
tive manner, we propose a fast and scalable method that tational efficient and differentiable in terms of their topolo-
simplifies a given mesh in one-pass. The proposed method gies. These types of iterative optimization methods can
unfolds in three steps. Initially, a subset of the input ver- drastically benefit from an differentiable on-the-fly simpli-
tices is sampled using a sophisticated extension of random fication technique that reduce their computational footprint.
sampling. Then, we train a sparse attention network to pro- Mesh simplification is a long studied problem, with an
pose candidate triangles based on the edge connectivity of immense amount of methods developed to sustainably re-
the sampled vertices. Finally, a classification network es- duce the size of the original mesh without extremely dis-
timates the probability that a candidate triangle will be in- torting its appearance. Traditional simplification techniques
cluded in the final mesh. The fast, lightweight and differen- decimate the input mesh in a greedy-fashion by prioritiz-
tiable properties of the proposed method makes it possible ing vertices and edges according to a cost function [10, 34].
to be plugged in every learnable pipeline without introduc- However, in large-scale objects scenario, simplifying over
ing a significant overhead. We evaluate both the sampled 90% of the original mesh size requires iterating through
vertices and the generated triangles under several appear- thousands of vertices resulting in an inevitable computa-
ance error measures and compare its performance against tional burden. In addition to their computational footprint,
several state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, we show- traditional simplification techniques are non-differentiable
case that the running performance can be up to 10× faster and thus can not be used directly in end-to-end training
than traditional methods. processes that optimize the mesh surface. To alleviate the
aforementioned limitations we propose a learnable strategy
for mesh simplification that reduces both time and compu- 2. Related Work
tational requirements and provides a plug-and-play method,
ready to be adapted in any differentiable framework. Mesh Simplification. Traditional simplification algo-
A major barrier that limits learnable simplification meth- rithms repeatedly decimate the input mesh according to
ods is the discrete nature of the mesh connectivity, i.e. a cost function to preserve its rendered appearance, until
edges and triangles. Although mesh simplification can be the desired simplification ratio is reached. Simplification
achieved in a two-step process using a learnable sampling methods can be distinguished in two major categories:
method followed by an off-the-shelf triangulation algorithm vertex clustering/decimation and edge collapse methods.
(e.g. Delaunay or Ball Pivoting) [28], such setting, apart Vertex decimation methods rank vertices according to a
from being time consuming, limits the direct optimization heuristic geometric cost function, such as their distance
of the mesh surface. Recently, several approaches have been from the average plane [34–36], to ensure that least impor-
proposed to solve the non-trival task of differential triangu- tant vertices will be decimated first. However, after every
lation using soft relaxations of the discrete setting. How- vertex deletion, a re-tessellation of the generated hole is
ever, most of them are considered impractical since they are required, thus, making such algorithms non-practical. On
applied to volumetric representations [5], demand iterative the other hand, edge collapse methods preserve the input
optimizations for the triangulation for each mesh [37] or re- topology by sequentially contracting pairs of vertices (i.e.
quire 2D parametrizations [30, 31]. Our aim is to utilize a edges). Hoppe et al. [14] pioneered an energy cost function
simple but intuitive differentiable process to directly trian- defined over the edges that is attempted to be minimized in
gulate the 3D points in one-pass. To do so, we model the every contraction step. Following this idea, in the seminal
triangulation process by generating a distribution over pos- works of [10, 33], each vertex was associated with the set
sible edges and triangles and select the ones that preserve of planes in its 1-ring neighborhood and was expressed by
the appearance of the original mesh. a fundamental quadric matrix. The authors showcased, that
In this study we propose the first learnable mesh simpli- using the quadric matrix, the distance of a point from a set
fication method that generates both points and triangulation of planes can be expressed using the sum of their quadrics,
of the simplified mesh. In contrast to previous studies [28], which is known as Quadric Error Metric (QEM). Using this
we propose soft relaxation of the discrete triangulation set- property, edges that introduce the minimum point-to-plane
ting by learning the mesh connectivity distribution in an distance were the first to be collapsed. Several approaches
unsupervised manner. The proposed method can simplify have been built upon QEM to incorporate texture [1, 11],
meshes of any scale in real-time by using an extremely effi- curvature [16, 17] and spectral properties [21, 23] or to
cient point sampling method and a lightweight triangle clas- speed-up the process using parallel processing [19, 26].
sifier. To follow the initial mesh appearance, we constrain Recently, Hanocka et al. [13] proposed the utilization of
the distribution of the edges to the priors defined by the an adaptive greedy edge collapse method as a learnable
original mesh connectivity. The proposed method is fully- pooling strategy, where edge weights are learned through
differentiable and can be adapted to any training procedure the network. However, apart from the inefficient greedy
without a significant computational footprint. Finally, the nature of the edge collapse methods, the resulting mesh
proposed method can generalize to out-of-distribution sam- faces can only be decimated approximately by a factor
ples exhibiting zero-shot capabilities. of two and thus limiting its applicability. Potamias et
The main contributions of this work are summarized as: al. [28] proposed a learnable point cloud simplification
technique that preserves the curvature features of the point
• We propose the first, to the best of our knowledge, cloud. They have also extended their method to mesh
learnable mesh simplification framework that is trained simplification task by utilizing off-the-self algorithms to
to both select vertices and generate the underlining tri- triangulate the resulting simplified point cloud. Neverthe-
angulation of the surface. less, such methodology requires careful selection of the
• The proposed model is fully differentiable and can be triangulation parameters for every sample. Importantly,
directly adapted to any learnable framework. the original topology of the mesh is neglected, i.e. the
mesh connectivity might be totally different, and cannot be
• We introduce an efficient point selection method that directly optimized in a learnable process.
extends the naive random sampling [15] to a train-
able module that samples vertices from the underlying Pooling. Inspired by the regular pooling layers in CNNs,
multinomial distribution. several graph pooling operators have been introduced to re-
• Finally, we showcase a simple but intuitive triangula- duce the size of graphs and enable hierarchical training in
tion strategy that can be adapted to point cloud mesh- graph neural network (GNN) architectures. Most of these
ing. methods utilize non-trainable point selection methods, such
as Graclus clustering algorithm [6–8] and Farthest Point
Figure 2. Overview of the proposed model (bottom block). Initially, Point Sampler module (top left) samples a subset of the input vertices
from the generated multinomial distribution. To avoid isolated nodes, a k-nn graph is constructed to extend the already existing edges of the
graph. Following that, a sparse attention layer weights the connectivity between nearby vertices and generates a set of candidate triangles
(top middle). Finally, Face Classifier module defines a graph over the proposed faces and assigns a probability to each triangle based on
their relative features (top right).
Sampling (FPS) method [29], to generate hierarchical rep- nature of the edges that compose the mesh connectivity.
resentations of the input graph. Ying et al. [40] proposed PointTriNet [37] utilizes two models to suggest and classify
the first trainable task-dependent pooling layer by learning a triangles in local patches, enforcing the selection of water-
clustering assignment matrix. However, the dense nature of tight and manifold triangles using ad-hoc losses. A simi-
the soft-clustering assignment matrix makes such approach lar principle is also used in [24] where the candidate trian-
infeasible for large scale graphs [3]. To tackle such limi- gles are iteratively filtered using the estimated ratio of the
tation, several sparse pooling methods have been proposed geodesic versus the euclidean distance. Recently, there has
that select Top-K nodes based on a learnable score [3,9,20]. been an exertion to employ traditional Delaunay surface tri-
However, Top-K approaches retain only a subset of the edge angulation into the learnable triangulation process. In [31],
set of the input graph, leading to isolated nodes. Recently, the authors propose to learn a parametrization that maps the
Ranjan et al. [32] utilized a sparse soft clustering matrix to input point patches to two-dimensional spaces and triangu-
address the node connectivity issues of the previous meth- late them using Delaunay technique. In a similar manner,
ods. For additional details on graph pooling layers we re- a soft relaxation of weighted Delaunay triangulation was
fer the reader to [12]. In an abstract sense, one may re- also proposed [30] that enables gradient flow, using an in-
gard mesh simplification as a pooling process, since the in- clusion score to discard proposed triangles from the final
put topology is known and we seek to find its simplified mesh. Similarly to [31], the input point cloud is triangu-
version. However, in contrast to common graph pooling lated to a spectral partitioned 2D subspace produced using
architectures, mesh simplification methods should also re- Least-Squares Conformal Map parametrization. In this pa-
spect the surface properties of the mesh, such as smoothness per we propose a modular architecture that directly learns to
and manifoldness. A natural approach to bypass the limita- generate a triangulated version of the input vertex set with-
tions is to attempt to bridge both words. In this work, we out adhering to any kind of 2D projection and mapping.
adapt graph pooling strategies along with geometric losses
to tackle the problem of mesh simplification. 3. Method
Learnable Triangulation. Albeit surface reconstruc- The architecture of the proposed model is composed by
tion method have been extensively studied over the years, mainly three components: the Point Sampler, the Edge Pre-
less attention has been devoted to learnable and differen- dictor and the Face Classifier. All modules are fully differ-
tiable triangulation methods. Most of the existing tech- entiable and are trained in an end-to-end fashion. Figure 2
niques in the literature generate mesh surfaces by estimating illustrates an overview of the proposed method.
implicit funtions [4, 27], calculating voxel grids and occu-
3.1. Point Sampler
pancy fields [22, 25] or deforming a template mesh [39].
Less progress has been established to the challenging task The first module of the proposed model is a network that
of direct point set triangulation, mainly due to the discrete samples the vertex set in a way that the structure of the mesh
will remain intact. Previous works, utilized Farthest Point where Wq , Wk are learnable parameters and fi , fj are the
Sampling (FPS) to sample input point sets since it has been features of points xi , xj .
shown that it accurately preserves the underlying shape of To avoid having edges of equal probability between
the object [29]. However, the iterative nature of FPS is not nearby points, we utilize DevConv to enable feature dis-
scalable and thus impractical for large scale point sets. In similarity between them. Finally, the estimated adjacency
contrast, as shown in [15], random sampling is extremely matrix is defined using the product of the estimated proba-
fast, size agnostic, holding an O(1) complexity opposed to bilities and the original adjacency matrix, following the for-
the FPS’s quadratic O(N 2 ) complexity. Based these obser- mulation of [40], as:
vations, we propose to extend random sampling to a sophis-
ticated learnable module that breaks the uniform hypothesis \mathbf {A}_{s}[i,j] = \mathbf {S}[i,:] \: \mathbf {A} \: \mathbf {S}[j, :]^T, \quad i,j \in \mathcal {G}_{ext} (3)
of random sampling and samples nodes under the assump- Our motivation behind the use of the product between the
tion of a multinomial distribution. To do so, we train the estimated and the original connectivity is to enforce the
Point Sample module to assign an inclusion score to each edges of the simplified mesh to respect the original topol-
point in the vertex set. ogy. Note that all of the aforementioned multiplication op-
Given that the simplified point set needs to approximate erations are between the sparse matrices and can be calcu-
the structure of the input point set, the Point Sampler mod- lated very efficiently.
ule needs to be trained to select points that provide the best The set of candidate faces can be easily constructed from
coverage of the input space. Taking into account that nearby the non-zero entities of the simplified adjacency matrix As .
points will also have similar latent descriptors, we propose An initial inclusion probability pinit is assigned to each tri-
to utilize a graph neural network (GNN) approach that will angle defined as pinit = 1
(A [i, j] + As [i, k] + As [j, k]),
t 3 s
intuitively provide shape insights for the vertices. We em- where i, j, k are the vertices of triangle t. This initial in-
ploy an update rule based on the relative vertex coordinates clusion probability can be thought as a prior that will be in-
that can approximate the deviation of a point from its neigh- voked by the Face Classifier to produce the final (posterior)
borhood as: probability of the edge.
\mathbf {f}_i = \sigma \left ( \mathbf {W}_{\phi } \max _{j \in \mathcal {N}{(\mathbf {x}_i)}} \mathbf {W}_{\theta } (\mathbf {x}_i- \mathbf {x}_j)\right ) (1) 3.3. Face Classifier
The face classifier is responsible to assign to each trian-
where N (xi ) denotes the neighbouring points of xi , gle an inclusion score pt that captures the probability that
Wϕ , Wθ are learnable parameters and σ(·) a non-linearity. this triangle will be present in the simplified mesh. To es-
We refer to this GNN layer as DevConv. timate this probability, we first construct a k-nn graph Gtri
With such formulation, the advantage is two-fold. Pri- that connects each candidate triangle with its k-neighbours
marily, the point descriptors may better describe the topo- based on their barycenter distances. Then a GNN module,
logical characteristics of a given point, where points in namely TriConv, that acts on Gtri embeds faces to the latent
sharp and rough regions will receive larger values compared space. To better capture the interactions of two triangles n
to smooth areas. Secondly, the sampling module gains ro- and m in space, we utilize a relative position encoding rn,m
bustness to noise, since the combination of the maximum defined as:
as aggregation function and the relative coordinates pro-
vides to the network the ability to easily identify outliers. \begin {split} \mathbf {r}_{n, m} = [(\mathbf {t}_n^{min} - &\mathbf {t}_m^{min}) || (\mathbf {t}_n^{max} - \mathbf {t}_m^{max}) || (\mathbf {b}_n - \mathbf {b}_m) ], \\ &\mathbf {t}_n^{max} = max( \mathbf {e}^{n}_{ij}, \mathbf {e}^{n}_{ik}, \mathbf {e}^{n}_{jk}) \end {split}
3.2. Edge Predictor
Following the Point Sampler, the Edge Predictor mod- where tmax
n , tmin
n ∈ R3 , enij the edge vectors xi − xj
ule is responsible to predict the connectivity between the for triangle n; bn , bm the barycenters of triangles n, m and
sampled points. To do so, we initially extend the original || the concatenation operation. Finally, the update rule of
mesh connectivity by inserting edges defined by k-nn graph TriConv can be defined as follows:
over the sampled points to avoid isolated nodes in the final
mesh. The extended graph Gext is then processed by a De- \mathbf {f}^{(l)}_{n} = \sum \limits _{k \in \mathcal {N}(t_n)} MLP([ \mathbf {r}_{n,k} || (\mathbf {f}^{(l-1)}_{n} - \mathbf {f}^{(l-1)}_{k})]) (5)
vConv layer followed by a sparse self-attention layer [38]
that predicts the probability that the point xi is connected
with the point xj . Such probability is formulated as: where N (tn ) the neighborhood and fn the previous
3.4. Losses where x denotes a point from the ground truth surface S
and y a point from the generated surface Ss with proba-
To train the proposed framework we utilize a set of loss
bility py . The second term of equation (8) estimates the
functions that oblige the simplified meshes to preserve
average distance between point y and its k-nearest triangles
the visual appearance of the originals. The basic idea
tk in the generated surface Ss apart from the one that point
underlying the utilized losses is to enforce the selection of
y belongs to. This last term can be intuitively described as
salient points that are representative of the mesh structure
the error introduced when the triangle in which y belongs
and to penalize badly formed triangles.
is not present in the generated triangulation. To make
the reverse term robust, we sample a sufficient amount of
Probabilistic Chamfer Distance: To improve uniform
points from each generated triangle.
sampling we force the Point Selector to assign high proba-
bilities to the points that cover the surface of the point cloud.
We mathematically formulate this by using a modified prob- Triangle Collision: To avoid having triangles that pen-
abilistic Chamfer distance: etrate each other we introduce a loss term that directly pe-
nalizes the probabilities of such triangles. We measure the
\begin {split} d_{\mathcal {P}, \mathcal {P}_s} = \sum _{\mathbf {y} \in \mathcal {P}_s} p(\mathbf {y}) \min _{\mathbf {x} \in \mathcal {P}} \|\mathbf {x}-\mathbf {y} \|^2 \\ + \sum _{\mathbf {x} \in \mathcal {P}} p(\mathbf {y})\min _{\mathbf {y} \in \mathcal {P}_s} \| \mathbf {x}-\mathbf {y} \|^2 \end {split} \label {eq:pcchamf} collision of a triangle in terms of line segments (i.e. edges
of nearby triangles) penetrating its surface. In particular,
we compute the planes defined by each face and we penal-
ize nearby triangles formed from edges that penetrate this
plane. The penalty applied to such irregular triangle is pro-
where P denotes the input vertex set, Ps the sampled points portional to the number of planes that it penetrates and it is
and p(y) their respective probabilities. Note that this loss defined as:
is applied only to the Point Sampler module and therefore
can be pre-trained and adapted to any learnable framework.
\mathcal {L}_c = \frac {1}{|\mathcal {F}_s|} \sum \limits _{t \in \mathcal {F}_s} p_t m_c(t) (9)
Probabilistic Surfaces Distance: To avoid having tri-
angles in regions that are not existing in the original mesh
and penalize the presence of surface holes, we formulate a where pt denotes the probability of triangle t, mc (t) the
Chamfer-inspired loss that measures the distance between a number of faces penetrated by triangle t and Fs the set of
ground truth and a probabilistic surface. In this setting, the generated triangles.
forward term of the distance, i.e. the distance between the
generated surface Ss and the original, enforces triangles to Edge Crossings and Overlaping triangles: Although
fit the ground truth surface S. We may calculate this term triangle collision loss may be sufficient to penalize triangles
by using the barycenters of the two surfaces as follows: that penetrate the surface of their neighboring triangles, it
can not capture and penalize overlaping triangles with par-
d_{\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {S}_s}^{f} = \sum _{\hat {\mathbf {b}} \in \mathcal {S}_s} p_{\hat {\mathbf {b}}} \min _{\textbf {b} \in \mathcal {P}} \| \hat {\mathbf {b}} -\mathbf {b}\|^2 (7) allel planes. To address this limitation we introduce two
additional losses that penalize such scenarios, namely the
where b stands for the barycenters of the ground truth sur- edge crossings loss Le and the overlap loss Lo . We calcu-
face, b̂ the barycenters of the generated triangles with re- late edge crossings of line segments (edges) of nearby tri-
spective probabilities pb̂ . In this manner, barycenters of angles and we directly penalize triangles that carry an edge
triangles in non existing regions, e.g. a triangle connect- that crosses another edge. Finally, to avoid overlaping trian-
ing the dogs legs, will have greater distance compared to gles in space, we sample a sufficient number of points from
barycenters of triangles in existing regions of the ground each generated face and compute an estimate that belongs to
truth surface. a given face. This can be efficiently implemented by mea-
In contrary to the forward term, the reverse term of the suring the sum of the areas produced by the sampled point
distance function aims to penalize areas with small proba- and the vertices of each of the k-nearest triangles. Simi-
bilities, i.e. areas that when discarded may result into the lar to collision loss, the penalty applied to each triangle is
introduction of surface holes. We can capture this mathe- proportional to the number of faces that it penetrates.
matically as follows: Overall Objective Finally, the overall loss to be mini-
mized is formed as:
\begin {split} d_{\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {S}_s}^{r} &= \sum _{y \in \mathcal {S}_s} p_\mathbf {y} \min _{\mathbf {x} \in \mathcal {P}} \|\mathbf {x}-\mathbf {y} \|^2 \\ &+ \left (1-p_\mathbf {y}\right )\frac {1}{k}\sum _k p_{t_k} \|\mathbf {x}_{t_k}-\mathbf {y} \|^2 \label {eq:revchamf} \end {split} \mathcal {L} = d_{\mathcal {P}_1, \mathcal {P}_2} + d_{\mathcal {S}_1, \mathcal {S}_2}^{f} + d_{\mathcal {S}_1, \mathcal {S}_2}^{r} + \lambda _c \mathcal {L}_c + \lambda _e \mathcal {L}_e + \lambda _o \mathcal {L}_o (10)
where λc , λe , λo are hyperparameters that scale the loss
Figure 3. Qualitative comparison of the proposed and the baseline methods. The top row contains a human shape simplified by 90% and
the bottom row shows a cat model simplified by 80%. Figure better viewed in zoom.
Table 1. Quantitative comparison of the proposed and the baseline methods under several simplification ratios. Best approaches are
highlighted in bold and second best in blue.
Figure 4. Qualitative assessment of the proposed point sampling module. The proposed Point Sampler selects points that preserve both the
structure and the details of the input cloud. The proposed method better maintains the structure of the object compared to uniform and [28]
counterparts and improves the smooth point clouds produced by FPS module. The top row shows a dragon point cloud simplified to 5%
of its input size where as the bottom row shows the bunny shape simplified to 20% of its input size. Please note that both shapes are not
present in the TOSCA dataset.
Table 2. Quantitative evaluation of the point sampling module at different simplification ratios. The right part of the table includes the
simplification performance of the various methods when tested to noisy point clouds.
fied mesh, the proposed method achieves smaller Laplacian by a large margin. In particular, the proposed method runs
error while at the same time attain competing performance up to 10× faster than the optimized QEM method and at
over all error metrics. On the contrary, the proposed method least 100× faster than its faster differentiable counterpart.
outperforms all differentiable methods and overcomes the Another important feature of the proposed method is that it
limitations of previous triangulation approaches. In partic- remains almost unaffected by the mesh scale, due to the effi-
ular, as can be easily observed in Figure 3, the proposed cient point sampler and the lightweight structure of the face
method has very few holes compared to PointTriNet [37] classifier. In summary, the results highlight the fact that the
as well as less triangles in non-existing regions, such as the proposed method could be directly plugged into any render-
triangles occurring between the thigh and the hand (top row ing process without introducing any significant overhead.
Figure 3), due to the probabilistic surface distance loss that
4.3. Evaluation of Point Sampler
penalizes such triangles. For further qualitative assessment
see also Figure 1. Point Sampler is responsible for the selection of the ver-
tices to be maintained in the simplified mesh. To assess
4.2. Time Performance
the performance of the sampling module we measure the
One of the most prominent applications of mesh simplifi- structural error in terms of i) the Chamfer distance (CD), ii)
cation is inevitably rendering. Real-time rendering requires the details preserved using the two-sided curvature error as
lightweight model structures, therefore simplification algo- suggested in [28] and iii) the time required to simplify the
rithms are commonly equipped in rendering pipelines. To input point cloud (in seconds) under several simplification
this end, the time performance is of crucial importance for ratios. We compare the proposed method with FPS [29],
the simplification process. To assess time performance, we uniform random sampling as utilized in [15], and a recently
measured the execution time for each method to simplify 20 introduced point cloud simplification module [28]. In Fig-
meshes under different simplification ratios. Experimental ure 4 we qualitative compare the simplified point clouds.
result presented in Table 1 showcase the efficiency of the Quantitative results are presented in Table 2 showcasing
proposed method, outperforming its baseline counterparts that the proposed point sampler outperforms the uniform
random sampler as proposed in [15] and also demonstrate
a balance between the smooth and the sharp results pro-
duced by FPS and Potamias et al. [28]. Importantly, the pro-
posed method remains unaffected from the size of the input,
achieving a sampling of 420%- to 2400%- times faster than
FPS and Potamias et al. [28]. This result clearly demon-
strates that the proposed method can be directly utilized to
sample large-scale point clouds with the minimal computa-
tional overhead, greatly advancing the naive random sam-
pling approach [15]. Finally, we assess the performance of
the proposed sampling module under noisy conditions by
training on clean datasets and testing on noisy point clouds Figure 5. Fine-tuning the proposed method for curvature driven
by adding zero mean and unit std Gaussian noise to the simplification.
data. (right block of Table 2). It can be easily observed
that the proposed method is less affected by the presence
of noise compared to its counterparts by virtue of the Dev-
Conv, which encodes points based on the maximum relative
features of the neighborhood.
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