Daily Lesson Plan 16.8
Daily Lesson Plan 16.8
Daily Lesson Plan 16.8
Day: Sunday
Date: 16th August 2022
Time: 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Class: 3 Bahagia
Theme: World of self, family and friends
Topic: My new house
Skills: Main Skill: Speaking Complementary Skill: Listening
Content 2.1 Communicate 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Standard simple information
Learning 2.1.5 Describe people 1.2.2 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
Standard and objects using
suitable words and
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1) Talk and differentiate the 4 demonstrative pronouns correctly.
2) Describe about 5 clothes using suitable words.
Criteria/can • Pupils can talk and differentiate on the 4 demonstrative pronouns.
do • Pupils manage to describe about clothes in sentences.
Teaching A paper and a pencil, flashcards, worksheet, masking tape, newspaper, Youtube
Multiple- Linguistics
Curricular Creativity and Innovation
Moral Value: Cooperation
Added Helping one another
Stage/Time Content Teaching and Rationale Remarks
Learning Activities
Set • List the things - Teacher gives - To identify Teaching
Induction pupils a the previous Aid:
(10 minutes) - List 5 items that paper. knowledge of A paper
can be found in - Teacher asks the pupils. and a
a house. pupils to list pencil
➢ Chair five items in a
➢ Door house.
➢ Window - Teacher then
calls any pupil
to read the