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Beam With Eccentric Point Load Example

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In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the UK national
Tedds calculation version 1.0.05

Partial factors - Section 6.1

Resistance of cross-sections M0 = 1
Resistance of members to instability M1 = 1

Section details
Section type UKC 254x254x73 (Tata Steel Advance)
Steel grade - EN 10025-2:2004 S275
Nominal thickness of element tnom = max(tf, tw) = 14.2 mm
Nominal yield strength fy = 275 N/mm2
Nominal ultimate tensile strength fu = 410 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 210000 N/mm2

Shear centre
Distance between flange shear centres hs = h - tf = 239.9 mm
Shear centre (above bottom flange centroid) es,bf = hs / 2 = 120.0 mm
Analysis results
Design bending moment - major axis My,Ed = 102.0 kNm
Design shear force - major axis Vy,Ed = 52.0 kN
Internal compression parts subject to bending - Table 5.2 (sheet 1 of 3)
Width of section c = d = 200.3 mm
c / tw = 23.3 = 25.2   <= 72   Class 1

Outstand flanges - Table 5.2 (sheet 2 of 3)

Width of section c = (b - tw - 2  r) / 2 = 110.3 mm
c / tf = 7.8 = 8.4   <= 9   Class 1
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Section is class 1
Torsional loads

Load No. Load type Load (kNm) Distance along beam (mm)
1 Point load 7.5 2000
Rotation  (SCI P385 Appendix C Case 3)
if(x <=   L then  = Td  a / (GSEC3  It)  ((1 - )  x /a + ((sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a) - cosh(  L / a))  sinh(x / a)))
if(x >   L then  = Td  a / (GSEC3  It)  ((L - x)   / a + sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a)  sinh(x / a) - sinh(  L / a)  cosh(x /
Additional minor moment due to rotation, Mz,add,Ed = My,Ed  

Additional minor design moment due to rotation Mz,add,Ed = 5.31 kNm

St Venant ' (SCI P385 Appendix C Case 3)

if(x <=   L then ' = Td / (GSEC3  It)  ((1 - ) + ((sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a) - cosh(  L / a))  cosh(x / a)))
if(x >   L then ' = Td / (GSEC3  It)  (- + sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a)  cosh(x / a) - sinh(  L / a)  sinh(x / a))
Design value of the internal St Venant torsion moment Tt,Ed = GSEC3  It  '

St Venant torsion design moment Tt,Ed = 1.77 kNm

Warping '' (SCI P385 Appendix C Case 3)

if(x <=   L then '' = Td / (GSEC3  It  a)  (sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a) - cosh(  L / a))  sinh(x / a)
if(x >   L then '' = Td / (GSEC3  It  a)  (sinh(  L / a)  sinh(x / a) / tanh(L / a) - sinh(  L / a)  cosh(x / a))
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Warping design moment, Mw,Ed = ESEC3  Iw  '' / hs

Warping design moment Mw,Ed = 21.16 kNm

Warping torsional ''' (SCI P385 Appendix C Case 3)

if(x <=   L then ''' = Td / (GSEC3  It  a2)  (sinh(  L / a) / tanh(L / a) - cosh(  L / a))  cosh(x / a)
if(x >   L then ''' = Td / (GSEC3  It  a2)  (sinh(  L / a)  cosh(x / a) / tanh(L / a) - sinh(  L / a)  sinh(x / a))
Warping torsional design moment, Tw,Ed = ESEC3  Iw  '''

Warping torsional design moment Tw,Ed = 3.75 kNm

Check shear - Section 6.2.6
Height of web hw = h - 2  tf = 225.7 mm
 = 1.000
hw / tw = 26.2 = 28.4   /  < 72   / 
Shear buckling resistance can be ignored
Design shear force Vy,Ed = 52.00 kN
Shear area - cl 6.2.6(3) Av = max(A - 2  b  tf + (tw + 2  r)  tf,   hw  tw) = 2562 mm2
Design shear resistance - cl 6.2.6(2) Vpl,y,Rd = Av  (fy / (3)) / M0 = 406.8 kN
Shear stress due to St Venant torsion t,Ed = Tt,Ed  tw / It = 26.48 N/mm2
Reduced shear resistance due to torsion - eq 6.26 Vc,y,Rd = Vpl,T,y,Rd = (1 - t,Ed / (1.25  (fy / (3)) / M0))  Vpl,y,Rd = 378.7
Vy,Ed / Vpl,T,y,Rd = 0.137
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force
Check bending moment - Section 6.2.5
Design bending moment My,Ed = 102 kNm
Design bending resistance moment - eq 6.13 Mc,y,Rd = Mpl,y,Rd = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 272.8 kNm
My,Ed / Mpl,y,Rd = 0.374
PASS - Design bending resistance moment exceeds design bending moment
Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling
Loading factor C1 C1 = 1.348
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Loading factor C2 C2 = 0.63

Loading factor C3 C3 = 1.73
Poissons ratio  = 0.3
Shear modulus G = E / [2  (1 + )] = 80769 N/mm2
Unrestrained effective length L = 4000 mm
Distance from shear centre to level of load zg = 0.0 mm
Elastic critical buckling moment Mcr = C1  2  E  Iz / (kz,cr  L2)  (((kz,cr / kw,cr)2  Iw / Iz + L2  G  It /
(2  E  Iz) + (C2  zg)2) - (C2  zg)) = 1047.9 kNm
Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling LT = (Wpl.y  fy / Mcr) = 0.51
Limiting slenderness ratio LT,0 = 0.4
Lateral torsional buckling cannot be ignored
Check buckling resistance - Section
Buckling curve - Table 6.5 b
Imperfection factor - Table 6.3 LT = 0.34
Correction factor for rolled sections  = 0.75
LTB reduction determination factor LT = 0.5  (1 + LT  (LT - LT,0) +   LT2) = 0.616
LTB reduction factor - eq 6.57 LT = min(1 / (LT + (LT2 -   LT2)), 1, 1 / LT2) = 0.956
Modification factor f = min(1 - 0.5  (1 - kc)  [1 - 2  (LT - 0.8)2], 1) = 0.942
Modified LTB reduction factor - eq 6.58 LT,mod = min(LT / f, 1, 1 / LT2) = 1.000
Design buckling resistance moment - eq 6.55 Mb,Rd = LT,mod  Wpl.y  fy / M1 = 272.8 kNm
My,Ed / Mb,y,Rd = 0.374
PASS - Design buckling resistance exceeds design buckling moment
Check bending moment - Section 6.2.5
Design bending moment Mz,Ed,total = Mz,Ed + Mz,add,Ed = 5.3 kNm
Design bending resistance moment - eq 6.13 Mc,z,Rd = Mpl,z,Rd = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 128 kNm
Mz,Ed,total / Mpl,z,Rd = 0.041
PASS - Design bending resistance moment exceeds design bending moment
Check warping moment
Warping moment in flange Mw,Ed = 21.16 kNm
Plastic modulus of flange Wpl.f = tf  b2 / 4 = 230.12 cm3
Design warping resistance of flange Mw,Rd = Wpl.f  fy / M0 = 63.28 kNm
Mw,Ed / Mw,Rd = 0.334
PASS - Bending resistance in one flange exceeds the design warping moment
Combined bending and torsion (EN1993-6 Annex A)
Equiv. uniform moment factor (parabolic curve) Cmz = 0.95
Characteristic moment resistance - y axis My,Rk = Wpl.y  fy = 272.8 kNm
Characteristic moment resistance - z axis Mz,Rk = Wpl.z  fy = 128 kNm
Characteristic warping resistance Mw,Rk = Wpl.f  fy = 63.3 kNm
Interaction factors kw = 0.7 - 0.2  Mw,Ed / (Mw,Rk / M1) = 0.63
kzw = 1 - Mz,Ed,total / (Mz,Rk / M1) = 0.96
k = 1 / (1 - My,Ed / Mcr) = 1.11
Interaction formula eqn A.1 My,Ed / (LT  My,Rk / M1) + Cmz  Mz,Ed,total / (Mz,Rk / M1) + kw  kzw  k 
Mw,Ed / (Mw,Rk / M1) = 0.655
PASS - Combined bending and torsion check satisfied
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Plastic verification - Exp.6.41

(My,Ed / Mpl,y,Rd)2 + Mz,Ed,total / Mpl,z,Rd + Mw,Ed / Mw,Rd = 0.516
PASS - Plastic interaction criterion is less than 1.0

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