PQRAudio Video RFP
PQRAudio Video RFP
PQRAudio Video RFP
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 02
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than Work orders/ Agreements/
Rs. 25 Lakhs of providing Audio – Visual Purchase Order + Certificate
Content Creation Services to any from the Chartered Accountant
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public with UDIN
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
(email communication/
testimonials etc. would not be
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 04 considered)
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 12.5 Lacs of providing Audio – Visual Note:
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public
a) Work orders/
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
Agreements/ Purchase
For Category C: Order/Client Certificate/CA
Certificate, should clearly define
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 01 the value of the order
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 25 lakhs of providing Audio – Visual
Content Creation Services to any b) The ongoing projects
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public can be considered if the bidder
Sector Banks in the past 05 years has received minimum payment
of Rs.25 Lacs for providing Audio
– Visual Content Creation
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 02 Services., which should be
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than clearly substantiated by Client
Rs. 12.5 Lakhs of providing Audio – Visual Certificate.
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public c) Project details to be
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
enclosed as per Format-4
The Audio/Video produced by the Agency must be in 4K HDR quality