PQRAudio Video RFP

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1 Pre-qualification (PQ) criteria

The bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capability necessary to meet the
requirements as described in the RFP documents. The invitation to proposal is open to all bidders who
qualify the eligibility criteria as given below:

Sr. No Basic Description Documents Required

1. Legal Entity The Agency must be registered entity in India Certificates of incorporation /
under India Company Act, as a proprietorship, Registration Certificates.
private limited, LLP or a public limited firm
since last 5 years as on bid submission date. Relevant Supporting Documents
Consortiums and Joint Ventures are not to be attached.
2. Turnover The bidder should have specific minimum a) CA Certificate along with
average turnover in the segment of AV UDIN clearly defining the
Production work during the last three turnover as per illustrative
financial years (2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24) format given in Format-7
as mentioned below: along with Audited Financial
“A” Category - INR 100.00 lakhs Statements (Balance sheet
“B” Category - INR 75.00 lakhs & Profit & Loss statement)
“C” Category (Startup) – INR 25.00 lakhs
b) In case the financial
statements for FY 2023-24
are not audited, then
provisionally certified
financial statements by
chartered accountant can
be provided.
3. Technical For Categories A: Copies of job order/ agreement/
Capability/ The Bidder must have undertaken at least 01 contract/ completion certificate
Experience assignment(s) of minimum value not less than etc. In the case of feature of AV
Rs. 01 Crores of providing Audio – Visual
films, certificate of Central Board
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public of Film Production jobs
Sector Banks in the past 05 years Certification (CBFC) or
production agreement should be
Or submitted. The job orders/
agreements/ contracts/ work
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 02 completion certificates should
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
clearly mention the name and
Rs. 50 Lacs of providing Audio – Visual
Content Creation Services to any address of the producer/
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public production house, name and
Sector Banks in the past 05 years address of the client
organization and the detail of
Or the job.
In case of TV, Web or Radio
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 04
Series/ Sponsored Radio
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 25 Lacs of providing Audio – Visual Content Programmes (SRP), the names of
Creation Services to any State/Central the respective TV, Online
Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public Sector Banks in the Streaming Platform and Radio
past 05 years channels in which the
programme/show was
For Category B:
telecast/broadcast should also
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 01
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than be mentioned
Rs. 50 lakhs of providing Audio – Visual
Content Creation Services to any Work orders/ Agreements/
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public Purchase Order + Certificates
Sector Banks in the past 05 years from the client

The Bidder must have undertaken at least 02
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than Work orders/ Agreements/
Rs. 25 Lakhs of providing Audio – Visual Purchase Order + Certificate
Content Creation Services to any from the Chartered Accountant
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public with UDIN
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
(email communication/
testimonials etc. would not be
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 04 considered)
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 12.5 Lacs of providing Audio – Visual Note:
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public
a) Work orders/
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
Agreements/ Purchase
For Category C: Order/Client Certificate/CA
Certificate, should clearly define
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 01 the value of the order
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 25 lakhs of providing Audio – Visual
Content Creation Services to any b) The ongoing projects
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public can be considered if the bidder
Sector Banks in the past 05 years has received minimum payment
of Rs.25 Lacs for providing Audio
– Visual Content Creation
The Bidder must have undertaken at least 02 Services., which should be
assignment(s) of minimum value not less than clearly substantiated by Client
Rs. 12.5 Lakhs of providing Audio – Visual Certificate.
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public c) Project details to be
Sector Banks in the past 05 years
enclosed as per Format-4

The Bidder must have undertaken at least 04

assignment(s) of minimum value not less than
Rs. 6.25 Lakhs of providing Audio – Visual
Content Creation Services to any
State/Central Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public
Sector Banks in the past 05 years

For “A” Category: Developed at least 10

advertisement /audio spots/ Jingles/
Documentary/ Short films/Video Spots etc
(duration not less than 02 min) with any
State/Central Government/
PSU’s/ULB’s/Development Agency
organization in India.

For “B” Category: Developed at least 05

advertisement /audio spots/ Jingles/
Documentary/ Short films/Video Spots etc
(duration not less than 60 Sec.) with any
State/Central Government/
PSU’s/ULB’s/Development Agency
organization in India.

4. Educational Three-year Degree/Diploma Course In Copy of Degree/Diploma

Qualification (For Direction/ Cinematography/ Editing/ Sound Certificate.
“C” Category) Recording & Sound Design from any
Central/State Government recognized
Institute or University. This academic
qualification will be valid for only those, who
graduated from aforesaid institute(s) in last
five (05) years immediately preceding the year
of application.
5. Statutory The bidder must have a valid GST Number and Copy of valid GST certificate and
Registrations PAN Card in India. PAN in the name of the bidding
agency to be submitted as
supporting document
6. Establishment The Agency should have been in existence in A copy of latest Landline phone
India for a minimum period of 5 years with bill / Electricity bill/ Registration
full-fledged office in Madhya Pradesh along with Shops and
with the State-of-the-Art Infrastructure for
Establishment Dept. /
providing timely service within the Scope of
Work Registered rent or lease
agreement in the name of
7. Blacklisting / The agency/individual should not have been A signed undertaking to this
Terminations blacklisted by any Central or State effect should be submitted on
Government department or Corporation or bidder’s letter head.
Board/ PSU/ Semi-Government organization
as on date of submission of RFP.

1.2 Technical Qualification Criteria

Bidders who meet the pre-qualifications/eligibility requirements as on date of bid submission would
be considered as qualified to move to the next stage of Technical evaluations. Based on technical
evaluation framework mentioned, the Committee shall evaluate each proposal and allot technical
score as per the Technical criteria mentioned below.

Sr. Parameter Marking Scheme Maximu Supporting

No m Score Document
1. The Bidder must have Work orders/
undertaken assignment(s) of Agreements/
value not less than Rs. 10 Purchase
Lacs, of providing Audio –
Order +
Visual Content Creation
Services to any State/Central Certificates
Govt./PSU’s/ULB’s/Public from the
Sector Banks in India. No. of Projects Marks client
For Category-A
10-15 10 OR
16-20 15
>20 25 Work orders/
No. of Projects Marks Order +
For Category B Certificate
05-10 10 25 from the
11-15 15 Chartered
>15 25 Accountant
with UDIN

No. of Projects Marks (email

For Category-C communicati
01 10 on/
02-05 15 testimonials
>05 25 etc. would not

2. Average Annual Turnover 25 CA Certificate

during the last three financial along with
years: UDIN clearly
• Rs. 01 Crore - 10 marks. defining the
• Above 01 Cr. to Rs.03 Cr.- 15 turnover as
marks. per
• Above Rs. 03 Cr.- 25 marks illustrative
format given
in Format-7
• Rs. 75 Lakhs - 10 marks.
Category-B: along with
• Above 75 Lakhs to Rs.100 Audited
Lakhs - 15 marks. Financial
• Above Rs. 100 lakhs - 25 Statements
marks. (Balance
sheet & Profit
& Loss
If clears the Pre-qualification statement)
(PQ) criteria-25 Marks
In case the
for FY 2023-
24 are not
audited, then
statements by
can be
3. State-of-the-Art a) Agency owning their own 10 A copy of
Infrastructure Audio-Video Studio and latest
production equipments: Landline
10 Marks
phone bill /
b) Agency operating through a
Rented Audio-Video Studio Electricity bill/
and production equipments: Registration
05 Marks with Shops
Dept. /
rent or lease
agreement in
the name of
4. A detailed PPT presentation i. Company/Individual past 40 Technical
to be submitted online with experiences: 05 Marks Presentation
the tender document ii. New Ideas for Jansampark *(To be
The presentation shall be through A/V Method: 15 submitted
evaluated on the parameters Marks online with
shown in the next column. iii. Quality assessment of the the tender
previous1Audio/Video document )
produced by the Agency,
and the capability to
perform the scope of work:
20 Marks
Total 100

The Audio/Video produced by the Agency must be in 4K HDR quality

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