Qualitative Research Method
Qualitative Research Method
Qualitative Research Method
1 AHM 9/20/2024
Learning Objectives
❑ At the end of this session, you should be able:
➢ Purpose of QR
➢ Types QR design
➢ QR sampling techniques
➢ Sample size in QR
➢ Trustworthiness/ Soundness in QR
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“I want to understand the world from your point of view.
I want to know what you know in the way you know it.
I want to understand the meaning of your experience,
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Public health problems are becoming more complex
Qualitative research
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What is research?
“Research is what I am doing when I don`t know
what I am doing!” Wernher von Braun
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What is Qualitative Research? Organized
➢ It is a planned procedure, not a
\(QR) is a systematic and an spontaneous one.
organized process of collecting and ➢ it is focused and limited to a specific
analyzing information (data) in order scope.
to finding answers to questions or Finding answers: is the end of all
increase our understanding of the
➢ Research is successful when we find
phenomenon about which we are answers.
concerned or interested. ➢ Sometimes the answer is no, but it is
Systematic still an answer.
Questions:- central to research.
a definite set of procedures and steps
➢ If there is no question, then the answer
which researcher will follow. is of no use.
8 AHM ➢ Without a question, research has no
focus, drive, or purpose.
Qualitative methods fill a gap that quantitative methods
think, and how they feel - or at any rate, what they say they
think and how they say they feel. This kind of information is
subjective. It involves feelings and impressions, rather than
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➢ Deals with the emotional & contextual aspects of
human response rather than with objective, measurable
behavior & attitude
➢ It is subjective b/c it emphasizes on processes and in-depth
understanding of perceived meanings, feelings and
interpretations, rather than numbers
➢ Explore silent beliefs/attitude/behaviours/ reason
behind behaviours
➢ Reasons behind number/magnitude
➢ Answer “Why and how questions ?”
E.g why young people engage in risky behaviours?
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➢ It is concerned with the social aspects of our world
and seeks to answer questions about:
quantitative study
➢ Factors or influences that underlie a particular
attitude , belief or perceptions
➢ In-depth understanding of people’s experiences,
behaviours, perspectives
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Mixed methods research??
▪ What research problems fit mixed
Is it possible, acceptable to combine the
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Philosophical basis of QR
❖ Two perspectives: Interpretivist and Positivists
Objective reality will never be captured 9/20/2024
❖ Positivist View/Objectivity: Only single reality exists and it is
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4. As a follow – up of the results of a quantitative study
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When to use qualitative study ?
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Characteristics of Qualitative Research
1. The Natural Setting: QR must physically go to the people, site, institution,
or field
aims at discovering the meaning ascribed to events, activities or
phenomena as they occur naturally.
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Grounded theory
▪ Grounded Theory is not a theory, but rather a methodology for
developing theories
▪ Ideas which emerge from the analysis are included in data collection
lived experiences
26 In some
AHM cases it uses audiotapes, photography, video 9/20/2024
➢ The core interest is to describe in tick the interpretation of the
27 ➢ It is an inductive process
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Typical topics for qualitative studies incorporating
✓ Disability
period of fieldwork
Etic perspective
Researcher view, professional view
Emic perspective
33 ✓ Single
AHM child or Class of children, community, organization, events
Case Studies…
Sources of information
✓ Combination of qualitative and quantitative methods:
Contexts of a case
Often the reason you do a case study is due to the impossibility of separating
34 a case
AHM from its context! 9/20/2024
Case Studies…
Cases can be:
A life history, An illness episode, A pregnancy
✓ The context
✓ The issues
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Content Analysis
A technique for making inferences by systematically and
the same or comparable results.
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Population in qualitative study
Parent population
parent population
There are three key questions that need to be addressed in defining the
population for study:
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Sample size
No hard and fast rule
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Sample size
▪ The scope of the research question
required, or not
◦ 30-60 participants
AHM 9/20/2024
Sampling in qualitative research
Sampling strategy used in qualitative research are based upon non
probability sampling.
In qualitative research, purposive sampling technique is commonly
used in selecting the study participants.
Purposive sampling in contrast to probabilistic sampling, is selecting
study subjects based on their ability to generate rich information.
Do not seek representativeness – seek the individuals with the most
information about the topic
Justification for the decisions on sample is linked to the specific aims and
research questions
Sample design is flexible, and will usually evolve as the study progresses
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Considerations in sampling
emerging theories/concepts.
AHM analysis, facilitates group interviewing (FGD)9/20/2024
Sampling techniques….
4.Maximum variation sampling (heterogeneous
sampling): documents diverse variations. Useful to
identify patterns that exist among different groups
5. Convenience sampling: selecting readily available
respondents; the weakest sampling scheme due to low
credibility. Saves time, money and effort, lacks
6. Opportunistic sampling: on- the- spot decision to take
of unforeseen opportunities in field. 9/20/2024
Data Collection methods in QR
Major data collection techniques
1. FGD
2. In-depth interview
3.Behavioral Observation
4. Document Analysis
5. Photographs and Videos
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1. Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
Is a qualitative research method used to collects data through
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6-12 people
Diversity inhibits free discussion
1 to 1½ hr
A minimum of 4 groups.
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When to use Focus groups?
Group interaction. If we want to produce richer
responses as a result of social dynamics or interaction
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What is not an FGD ?
• When not arranged for research purposes
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The Role of the FGD Moderator
Should be experienced
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The Role of the Recorder
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Advantages of FGD
Quick result
Probing possible
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Right way of FGD
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2. In-depth interview
An exchange between one interviewer and one
Minimum sample size 10-30
AHM 9/20/2024
Key Informant Interviews
Key informant – actor in a social group (community
leaders, etc)
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When to use?
When the issue is sensitive or confidential topics
Dispersed respondents
“ordinary people”.
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In-depth Interviews cont…
Advantages -
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In-depth Interviews cont…
❖Time consuming
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3.Behavioral Observation
Systematic watching and careful recording of what
people do and say … in naturally occurring settings.
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4. Document Review
AHM 9/20/2024
4.Document Analysis
❖ Negotiate access to important documents at the beginning of the
❖ Examination of records
➢ Records (student)
➢ Philosophy statements
69 ➢AHM
Diaries, letters 9/20/2024
5. Photographs and Videos
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Trustworthiness/ Soundness in QR
❖ Ensuring the quality of data is the main activity of the
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Ensuring trustworthiness…
✓ Photos, Videos
to 20 pages)
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Processes of analysis (after verbatim transcription)
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Qualitative data analysis…
❖ Read identifying patterns in themes
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Qualitative data analysis…
2. Coding:- is symbol or numbers assigned to part of text
➢ No standard rules of how to code
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Qualitative data analysis…
3. Displaying data
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Qualitative data analysis…
➢ What pieces of information are missing or
➢ What other opinions should be taken into account?
80 AHM 9/20/2024
Qualitative data analysis…
5. Data reduction: search for communalities
✓ i.e. distill the information to make visible the most essential
concepts and relationships
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Data reduction…
Physical reduction:(putting codes of similar names
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Qualitative data analysis…
6. Interpretation
✓ Identifying the core meaning of the data, remaining
faithful to the perspectives of the study participants
but with wider social and theoretical relevance
divergent views)
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Summery of presentation
✓ Qualitative research (QR) method involves the use of qualitative data, in order to understand
and explain a social phenomenon.
✓ Qualitative research designs:
1. Grounded theory 3. Ethnography
2. Phenomenology 4. Case study
✓ Sampling in qualitative research
Purposeful sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling
✓ Sample size: DATA SATURATION: sampling to the point at which no new information is
obtained and redundancy is achieved
✓ Major data collection techniques
1. FGD 3. In-depth interview
2. Behavioral Observation 4. key informant interview
✓ Trustworthiness
Credibility Dependability
Transferability Confirmability
84 AHM 9/20/2024
1. Qualitative Methods In Health Research Opportunities and
Considerations In Application and Review,2007
2. 6.http://sped.ed.utah.edu/courses/SPED%206610/Powerpoi
nts/261,6,Characteristics of Qualitative Research
3. Principles of Qualitative Research: Designing a Qualitative
Study John W. Creswell, Ph.D. Vicki L. Plano Clark, M.S.
4. Introduction to research methods(preparatory module for
Addis Ababa University graduate programs),sept.2009
5. WHO 1969. Research in Health education Report of a WHO
scientific group. TRS 432. WHO Geneva
6. . Leiyu shi, health service research methods; university of
Carolina, 1997
7. Research methods: Data analysis Qualitative analysis of data
Recording experiences and meanings,2004
8. Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the
Sampling Process More Public, 2007
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Thank you for your attention !!!
86 AHM 9/20/2024