Coral Reefs Multiple Choice

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Coral Reefs – Multiple Choice

©Sheri Amsel •

Name: ___________________________________ Class: ______________________

1 5
A coral reef, needs the water to be Coral reefs that forms small islands
between _____________ to thrive. that surround a lagoon of water in the
Indo-Pacific Ocean are called:
A 0° - 25° Fahrenheit
B 32° - 40° Fahrenheit A fringing reefs
C 68° - 82° Fahrenheit B barrier reefs
D 90° - 100° Fahrenheit C atolls
D ocean reefs

2 6
Coral reefs need to be near land Coral reef gets its many pretty colors
because the: from __________ called zooxanthellae
that lives in the coral tissue itself.
A beach sand is good for the reef.
B coastal waters have fish. A a fungus
C coastal breezes are nice. B an algae
D wave action brings food and oxygen. C a bacteria
D a plankton

3 Coral reefs need waves because they: 7 Coral captures food:

A keep sand from settling over the A with tentacles that sting.
anchored animals. B with sharp teeth.
B move the fish around. C by chasing it down.
C are good for surfing. D by swimming in circles around it
D wash food and oxygen away.

4 8
Fringing coral reefs: Coral reefs are very sensitive and can
be hurt by:
A run along a shoreline in shallow water.
B run along continents. A anchoring on coral.
C form small islands surrounding a B dumping dirty water or trash on it.
lagoon. C stepping on it.
D run along the coast of Australia. D all of the above.

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